Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 202 The Student Union is going too far!

At the suggestion of her classmates, Shen Qinghan stayed for the last day of class.

When the time came to 8 o'clock in the morning, the class teacher came to the classroom on time to start the class meeting.

Summarize the results of the previous semester.

Set goals for next semester.

In less than half the class, the head teacher said everything that needed to be said.

In the remaining time, he held a simple farewell party for Shen Qinghan.

It was said to be a farewell party, but it was actually just getting together to chat, take some photos, and then it was gone.

After all, it is impossible to be rich if you prepare in a hurry.

After the farewell party, the class moved to the training room of the gymnasium for classes.

As one of the two major universities, Shanhai University has extremely high intensity and pressure of study.

You have to get into a learning state as soon as school starts, and you don’t have much time to adjust.

On the way to the stadium.

Ma Xiwei and Shen Qinghan walked side by side and asked her curiously: "Qinghan, what does it feel like to practice the blood tempering technique? Is it difficult?"

Shen Qinghan said in a soft voice: "If you can sense the qi and blood in your own body and accurately control the qi and blood, you can practice the blood tempering technique."

"Exquisite control?"

Ma Xi murmured slightly.

She can sense energy and blood.

Controlling Qi and blood can also be done.

But she has never tried to accurately control Qi and blood.

But she thought it shouldn't be too difficult for her.

My current biological level has reached the ordinary sixth level, and I have extremely high control over Qi and blood. Precisely controlling Qi and blood should not be a problem.

With my physical talent, I should be able to follow the path of a pure-blood human...

Ma Xiwei thought silently in her heart.

Her heart is no longer about genetic fusion.

A few minutes later.

Everyone in the freshman class arrived at the gym and walked to the training room on the second floor.

There is no teacher to lead the group, students come by themselves.

In Shandong University's courses, except for the first few classes, which are led by teachers, the rest are basically self-study classes for students to practice independently.

Teachers at Shandong University, such as those in the School of Evolution and the School of Mechanical Engineering, are basically high-level experts, and teaching only accounts for a small part of their total work.

Most of the time, these powerful teachers will go out to assist the security team in their operations.

Eliminate alien animals and plants in the province to ensure that the living environment of Nanjiang Province is stable enough.

"Why, why are you old students occupying the training room and not letting them in?"

"Our strength is stronger than yours!"

"You old students are so overbearing, I'm going to the Academic Affairs Office to complain against you!"

"Go and complain, don't block the door and make noise!"


As soon as Shen Qinghan reached the second floor of the gymnasium, he heard a dispute coming from the door of the training room in front.

Following the sound, I saw many students blocking the door of the training room and arguing.

After listening for a while, it seemed that the cause of the quarrel was that the freshmen wanted to enter the training room, but the old students who had occupied a good position early were not allowed to enter.

"Made, these old men are going too far!"

Luo Yongjian, who was walking in front, listened to the quarrel for a while, and after understanding the cause of the quarrel, he immediately rushed over to seek justice for the freshmen.

He calls himself the Sword Immortal in White, and his favorite thing to do is to draw his sword to help when there is injustice on the road.

Those stupid old students in front are bullying the younger ones just because they have practiced a few more years. They must be taught how to behave!

Seeing this, other people in the freshman class followed suit.

They are the leaders of the freshman class and have the obligation to stand up for the freshmen in other classes.

"Let's go, let's go too."

Ma Xiwei said something and quickly followed the others.

Shen Qinghan said nothing and followed silently.

"The people from the genius class are here!"

"Brother Yu, Brother Jian, these old students have gone too far to bully us and won't let us freshmen enter the training room!"

"Aren't you old students overbearing? Don't let people from the gifted class enter even if you have the guts!"

Seeing the first-year talent class arriving, the freshmen who were blocked from entering the training room by the old students suddenly felt confident.

The few old students blocking the door felt a little timid when they saw Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian rushing at the front, and the arrogant expressions on their faces faded a lot.

"Why not let freshmen in?"

Luo Yongjian stared at a tall and thick old student and questioned him. He didn't have the slightest fear because of the tall man.

On the contrary, this sturdy old student gave up when facing Luo Yongjian.

He forced a smile on his face and said in a friendly tone: "Junior, there are too many people in the training room now. If people come in now, everyone will not be able to train."

Luo Yongjian took a look inside the training room and saw that there were quite a few people inside, but it was not crowded at all.

In response, he frowned and said: "How can it be full of people inside? Aren't there still many empty seats?"

The strong old man said with a smile: "It doesn't look full now, but when you all come in, it will be really crowded."

Although he is an old student, he has practiced for two more years than the freshmen in front of him, so his strength is not bad and he has an absolute advantage.

However, this advantage is limited to freshmen in the regular class.

In front of the top talents in the Tianren class, this advantage is almost non-existent.

Like Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian, the former's biological level is as high as the ordinary seventh level, and the latter's biological level is as high as the ordinary sixth level, which is better than many sophomores and juniors.

Jianshuo Laosheng is a junior this year and has practiced for two more years than Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian. However, his biological level is only at the peak of the ordinary fifth level.

Therefore, when facing Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian, he had no confidence and had to sneer on his face.

Although the old student Jianshuo has a good attitude, Luo Yongjian doesn't take it at all.

He shouted to the freshmen behind him: "Come on, follow me in. Don't worry about these bullies at the door."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pushed aside the old students blocking the front, opening a path for the freshmen behind him to enter.

at this time!

A slender figure suddenly appeared in front of Luo Yongjian!

Just grab him by the collar!

Lift him up!

He was thrown out of the training room violently!

Luo Yongjian couldn't react at all. He flew backwards and hit the corridor outside the training room with a "plop".

"Freshmen are not allowed to enter the training room before 12 noon."

The slender figure walked out of the training room and spoke condescendingly to the freshmen outside.

A new student recognized the identity of the slender figure and whispered: "It's Guo Haidong, the deputy director of the Student Union's External Relations Department. He has an average eighth-level biological level and is ranked 156 on the peak list."

When the freshmen around him heard this, they all immediately became frightened.

The people in the freshman class who had given them confidence before disappeared without a trace at this moment.

In their understanding, facing such an ordinary eighth-level peak person, let alone the top genius in the first-year talent class, even the newcomer Wang Lin Zichen would have to frown when he came.

However, Li Moyu is more stubborn.

Facing Guo Haidong, whose biological level reached the peak of the ordinary eighth level, he didn't have a trace of fear in his heart.

Some are just more unhappy and angry.

He looked Guo Haidong directly in the eyes and asked loudly: "The student union is an organization that maintains school discipline. As a student union cadre, you take the lead in bullying the freshmen. What is this?!"

Guo Haidong said calmly: "I am maintaining order."

"There are too many people in the training room now. If people enter again, it will easily cause chaos."

"As a student union leader, I have the obligation to control the number of people in the training room to avoid unnecessary chaos."


"There are many people inside? Where are there so many people inside? Why do I see there are so many empty seats inside?!" Li Moyu asked loudly in a loud voice.

Guo Xiangdong didn't bother to explain to him, so he just said: "If you say you can't come in, you can't come in. If you don't accept it, you can go to the Student Union or the Academic Affairs Office to complain to me."

After saying that, he turned around and went back to the training room, closing the door to prevent new students from outside from entering.

When Li Moyu saw this, he became angry immediately.

Just take a step forward!

Kick open the door that was about to close!

Then, he turned around and shouted to the freshmen behind him: "Everyone, come rush with me!"

The moment he finished speaking, he was the first to rush into the training room.

Luo Yongjian, who had just been thrown out, patted the dust on his body and rushed to the training room following Li Moyu's footsteps.

With these two people taking the lead in the charge, the freshmen outside the door also followed suit.

Let the old students inside know that rabbits will bite when they are anxious!


Suddenly, a crashing sound suddenly sounded.

Li Moyu, who was the first to rush into the training room, suddenly flew upside down from inside.

He jumped over the corridor wall and fell from the second floor.

It hit the green belt downstairs heavily.


The same sound sounded again.

Luo Yongjian, who was the second to enter, also flew out of the training room.

It also hit the green belt downstairs hard.

The pain made his whole body curl up into a ball.

Seeing these two people flying out, all the freshmen rushing behind them stopped.

He consciously took a few steps back.

He didn't dare to approach the door of the training room again.

Guo Haidong walked out of the training room and warned with a displeased look on his face: "If anyone dares to step into the door of the training room and disobey the student union's arrangements, those two people just now will be punished by you!"

As soon as these words came out, many newcomers were frightened.

They didn't dare to block the entrance to the training room.

They all turned around and went downstairs to leave.

I plan to come to the training room to train after 12 o'clock.

After seeing Guo Haidong's domineering attitude, they would rather sacrifice their lunch break than offend the deputy director of the Student Union's External Relations Department.

"Let's go to the Academic Affairs Office to complain. We can't let this Guo Haidong be tolerated!"

Ma Xiwei said, took Shen Qinghan's hand and rushed to the administration building to find her father, Ma Zhenhe, to deal with the matter.

Guo Haidong is here to bully the younger ones. He has a father who is the dean, so he will bully the younger ones too.

There is a dean who doesn’t need it, that’s something only a fool would do.

But just halfway through, she changed direction with Shen Qinghan and said while running: "Suddenly I remembered that my dad was on a business trip today to find your family Zichen!"

The door to the training room.

A girl walked up to Guo Haidong, her face full of worry: "Brother Dong, that Li Moyu is Li Yijin's younger brother, did you just attack him..."

Before the girl could finish speaking, Guo Haidong interrupted with a disapproving look on his face: "I'm afraid, the president's strength has been further improved during the winter vacation. Li Yijin is nothing to be afraid of."

"Really?" the girl said with anticipation: "I can't wait to see the president take revenge on Li Yijin on the martial arts stage of the college league!"

At this time, Li Moyu, who had just been kicked downstairs, jumped up and landed on the wall.

His body and head were covered with leaves, and he looked very embarrassed.

However, even though he looked embarrassed, his tone of voice was not embarrassed at all.

He sneered "ha", and then said with a mocking look on his face: "It's really funny. You, the useless student union president, are you worthy of competing with my brother?!"


There was another sound, and Li Moyu was kicked downstairs again.

This kick was much harder than the first kick.

Li Moyu shrank into a ball in pain, with a look of pain on his face.

"Brother Yu, this bitch bullies the small and has no martial ethics. Let's go, let's go find Brother Chen!"

After Luo Yongjian finished speaking, he jumped out of the green belt and ran quickly towards the research institute.

After hearing this, Li Moyu endured the pain and climbed up, holding her stomach all the way to keep up with Luo Yongjian's pace.

A good man never suffers any immediate loss!

If I can't beat you, I'll shake you!

Find the Newcomer King to rub against you, a bastard who likes to bully others!

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Guo Haidong shook his head and said: "The freshmen in this year's gifted class are so bad. If you can't beat them, you just look for help. It's really spineless."

The girl echoed: "Indeed, the freshmen in this year's gifted class are really the worst class."

"Remember when we were freshmen, weren't we also suppressed by the old students?"

"At that time, we were much more courageous than the freshmen in this year's talented class. We were all holding our breath and working hard to evolve, thinking that one day we would be able to regain our place on our own. How could we find helpers to stand up for ourselves?"

Pureblood Research Institute.

In a certain research room.

Lin Zichen, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan were studying the method of resuscitation.

While he was concentrating on his research, a mobile phone on the table suddenly twitched violently.

Song Yuyan picked up the phone and answered the call, then hung up after a few words.

After putting down her phone, she looked at Lin Zichen and Liu Chuanwu with a sad face and complained:

"Dean, brother Zichen, I am so poor!"

"Practice blood tempering technique consumes too many resources!"

"My little salary is simply not enough!"

"In the past, there were many strange beasts outside, and you could still earn credits by taking on off-campus tasks."

"But during the recent period, the number of strange beasts outside has only decreased, and the number has been greatly reduced. I can't receive a few tasks in a month, which directly reduces my income."

"Some time ago, I borrowed more than 20 million yuan to buy evolutionary resources in order to attack the three-time tempered meat. Now the bank is urging me to repay the debt every day. It's so annoying!"

As she said that, she looked at Lin Zichen and Liu Chuanwu with a look of help, and asked them, "Can you two tell me any good ways to make money? I feel like I can't be happy anymore."

Liu Chuanwu said: "The Creator has installed an ATM between everyone's legs, and you can activate it."

Song Yuyan rolled her eyes at him when she heard this, and said in a tone full of contempt: "Gungun, what a bad way, you think I am you, going out to sell my body every night, I am a good and chaste woman!"

Liu Chuanwu changed his suggestion: "Then you go and date your boyfriend. After a month of dating, ask him for a gift of several million, break up with him after you get the gift, and then go on to find the next big enemy."

Song Yuyan was speechless: "Isn't that a fraud?"

Liu Chuanwu smiled: "Young man, that's not a scam, that's a voluntary gift. I have an old friend who made a fortune using this method when he was young. It's okay, so just go ahead and do it with confidence!"

"Fraud is fraud. I am a good citizen and I would not do such a thing!"

After saying that, Song Yuyan looked at Lin Zichen on the other side and asked, "Brother Zichen, do you have any good ways to make money?"

Lin Zichen shook his head: "Me neither."

His previous way of making money was to earn credits by doing off-campus tasks.

But now, he didn't dare to go out at all, for fear of being attacked by the crazy Shenzhi Cult.

Even if you can get out, there are no strange beasts to hunt outside now.


Suddenly, Lin Zichen sensed four familiar scents from outside running towards the research institute.

It's Shen Qinghan, Ma Xiwei, Li Moyu, and Luo Yongjian.

He felt doubtful about this.

Why did these four people come to the institute in such a hurry?

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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