Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 203 Challenge the entire student council! Become famous among pure-blooded humans!

Just a moment.

Shen Qinghan and others who appeared outside ran to the entrance of the research institute.

Only Shen Qinghan came into the office.

The other three were waiting outside.

As soon as Shen Qinghan came in, he found Lin Zichen and explained the situation to him.

It was said that a group of old students, led by the deputy director of the Student Union's External Relations Department, occupied the training room on the second floor of the gymnasium and prevented freshmen from using it, and even beat people.

Ask him what to do about this?

Before Lin Zichen could speak, Song Yuyan on the side said: "What else can I do? I must call your Zichen to go over and beat them."

Liu Chuanwu Ze, who was next door, said, "Why do I seem to hear the voices of Ma Zhenhe and his daughter?"

Shen Qinghan explained: "Dean, Dean Ma's daughter Ma Xiwei, Peking University's genius brother Li Moyu, and a male classmate from my class are at the entrance of the institute. They did not come in because of their status."

"I see."

Liu Chuanwu nodded.

Lin Zichen wasted no time and said, "Since your three classmates are waiting at the door, let's go over now and don't let them wait too long."

After saying that, he went downstairs and walked out of the research institute with Shen Qinghan.

Then, I saw three people waiting at the door.

When he saw the thugs coming, Luo Yongjian immediately said angrily: "Brother Chen, the deputy director of the Student Union's External Relations Department is such a beast!"

"Obviously he is a student union cadre, but he takes the lead in bullying us freshmen!"

"The focus of our attack on him will be to beat him until even his mother can recognize him!"

Luo Yongjian had full confidence in Lin Zichen.

He felt that there was no way that a mere old student at the peak of the eighth level could be a match for the strongest rookie in school history.

If you can survive three rounds, you will be considered successful.

Li Moyu, who was next to him, was also angry. He looked at Lin Zichen and said, "Ma De, that bastard just kicked me twice. Later, if you beat him to vomit blood, I will give you a reward of 10 million for the novel!"

Lin Zichen's eyes lit up: "Seriously?"

"I'll reward you now!"

As she spoke, Li Moyu took out her mobile phone from her pocket, opened Qidian to read, and wanted to recharge 10 million to reward Lin Zichen's novel "Green Plum: The Pretty Girl Behind the Goddess".

When Lin Zichen saw this, he quickly stopped him: "Don't reward novels, just transfer money to me."

He doesn’t want to be 50-50 with the platform.

He wants to keep these ten million for himself.

Li Moyu didn't think much about it, and just said generously: "Tell me your bank account number, and I will transfer the money to you now."

Lin Zichen didn't say anything more and directly told Li Moyu his bank account number.

Soon after, he received a transfer of 10 million from Li Moyu.

Luo Yongjian's eyes widened when he saw it.

In all his life, he has never seen so much cash.

After the money arrives.

Lin Zichen wasted no time and immediately rushed to the training room with a few people.

On the second floor of the gymnasium, training room.

The old students inside were training and chatting and laughing.


A short-haired young man with a thick build shook his head and said:

"This year's freshmen are really not good, their brains are not very good, they have to fight against the old students."

"Isn't it normal for freshmen to be unable to defeat old students?"

"Since you know you can't beat Laosheng, you have to learn to behave with your tail between your legs."

"Wouldn't it be enough to wait until the old students graduate and become old students in their turn, and then take back the losses they suffered from the freshmen?"

"It's really stupid, so stupid that I can't even see it."


A long-haired young man next to him agreed: "Indeed, it's so stupid that it's a bit funny."

While the two were chatting.

Suddenly, the door to the training room was kicked open with a bang!

"You bastard Guo Haidong, come out here. Grandpa Li, I'm back to whip you!"

Li Moyu walked in and shouted in a majestic manner.

Luo Yongjian, who was behind him, walked quickly to his side and shouted arrogantly: "Guo Haidong, did you hear what my brother Yu said? Get out of here!"

After the two of them finished shouting.

Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan, and Ma Xiweicai walked in from the outside unhurriedly.

It wasn't that these three people made their final appearance on purpose, but that Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian rushed in too fast.

As soon as they entered the gym, these two guys ran all the way to the door of the training room.

Break in directly and violently.

I wish I could find a place for myself now, immediately, immediately.

He looks very much like a stupid young gangster working for a big boss.

Specially responsible for kicking down doors and making noises.

"I thought I was looking for someone, but it turned out that I was just looking for the new king of your session."

Guo Haidong walked out slowly from a compartment inside and said.

Next to him, followed a wavy blonde lady.

This imperial sister was the girl who laughed at the new students' spinelessness with him before.

The moment Guo Haidong came out.

Lin Zichen activated [Danger Sense] and immediately sensed his biological pressure.

Pretty strong.

The biological level reaches the peak of ordinary eighth level.

Moreover, he also sensed two powerful auras of strange beasts.

One is the magic-eyed giant ape of the energy-blood system.

One is the spiritual shadow bat.

The dual cultivation of qi, blood and spirit is very comprehensive.

After analyzing Guo Haidong’s attributes.

Lin Zichen felt that this person was very suitable to be Shen Qinghan's whetstone.

So, he looked at Shen Qinghan beside him and said to her in a calm voice:

"You will be the deputy director of the Student Union's External Relations Department. Remember to beat him until he vomits blood."

"Okay, I got it."

Shen Qinghan nodded, and then took a step forward and walked towards Guo Haidong.

Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian were all a little confused when they saw this.

Guo Haidong is a tough guy with a biological level as high as the peak of the ordinary eighth level!

You let Shen Qinghan, whose biological level is only ordinary sixth level, go up to fight with him. Are you sure you are not kidding?

The three of them didn't know that Shen Qinghan had evolved to ordinary eighth level.

After all, when the winter vacation just started, Shen Qinghan's biological level was only ordinary sixth level.

In the cognition of the three people, there is no one who can evolve two levels in a short winter vacation.

"Send her out to fight me?"

Guo Haidong couldn't help laughing when he saw Shen Qinghan coming.

He laughed a little annoyed.

He is a strong man with a biological level as high as the peak of ordinary eighth level, and he sent such a weak girl to fight with me. Do you look down on me?

Thinking of this, he followed suit and said to the big wavy blonde beside him: "You go and deal with her."

"Leave it to me."

The big wavy blonde said confidently.

With a biological level as high as ordinary level seven, she is confident that she can beat any freshman girl.

"Shen Xuemei, you were quite ruthless to the seniors when you were fighting."

"You don't know how to respect the seniors at all."

"Today, I will teach you how to respect the seniors!"

The moment the words fell!

The big wavy blonde sister flashed!

With a golden flash, she rushed towards Shen Qinghan at high speed!

The big wavy blonde sister's sprint speed is very fast.

However, Shen Qinghan felt that this speed was far slower than her own.

Based on this, she judged that the big wavy blonde sister's blood strength was far inferior to her own.

So, she didn't even use the abilities of the Blue Jellyfish King and the Water Butterfly.

Just took a step forward.

Raised a slender beautiful leg.

The target was directly aimed at the big wavy blonde sister's chest.

Sweep it away with a fierce kick!

The wavy blonde queen who was sprinting at high speed didn't react to anything.

She just saw a long beautiful leg suddenly appear in front of her.

The next second, there was a "bang".

Shen Qinghan's slender and straight calves swept accurately on the chest of the wavy blonde queen, and kicked her out directly.

About two seconds later.

The wavy blonde queen who flew backwards fell to the ground and huddled up, her whole face full of pain.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the training room was shocked.

No one expected that Shen Qinghan, who looked weak on the outside, could burst out such a terrifying power with one kick!

You really can't judge a person by appearance!

"Qinghan, your legs are so thin, how can you burst out such a terrifying power?"

Ma Xiwei stared at Shen Qinghan's slender and straight calves and asked in disbelief.

Shen Qinghan replied: "This is the benefit brought by practicing blood quenching technique."

Blood quenching technique?

Hearing this, Ma Xiwei's heart was shaken.

A pure-blooded human!

I must follow the path of pure-blooded humans!

I have to find a time to remove all the alien genes in my body!

Shen Qinghan can become so strong by practicing blood quenching, so I can definitely do it!

When Ma Xiwei was thinking about these things.

Luo Yongjian said to Shen Qinghan: "Sister Han, you should have swept her face just now, and kicked her into a pig's head directly. You have to be so cruel to these old students!"

Shen Qinghan smiled and said nothing.

She was going to win, not to hurt people.

There is no need to do that.


Shen Qinghan looked at Guo Haidong in front of her and said seriously: "It's your turn."

"School sister Shen, I underestimated you just now."

Guo Haidong took a step forward and said calmly: "But, with your kick just now, it's hard to hurt me at all."

As soon as the voice fell, he had an idea and activated the two alien genes in his body.

His originally strong body directly expanded by 70%.

The originally smooth face was instantly covered with fur that looked like rats.

At the same time.

Shen Qinghan also followed the thought and activated the blue jellyfish king gene and water butterfly gene in her body.

The originally black hair instantly became azure and bright, so beautiful that it was suffocating.

The originally watery peach blossom eyes became more watery, and there seemed to be water ripples in the eyes.


There was a sound of breaking through the air.

Shen Qinghan chose to take the initiative and rushed towards Guo Haidong in an instant.

On the way to sprint.

She thought about it and controlled the blood in Guo Haidong's body through the air, causing the opponent's blood to fall into chaos.

At the same time, a blue water ripple light appeared in her eyes, trying to launch an illusion attack on Guo Haidong.

She has not yet mastered the skills of using the water butterfly ability, and she is not sure whether she can succeed.


Guo Haidong suddenly frowned.

The moment Shen Qinghan rushed over, he found that the blood in his body became a little chaotic.

At the same time, he felt dizzy and his vision was spinning, as if he had eaten poisonous mushrooms.

As a man of great experience, he immediately realized that it was Shen Qinghan who was controlling his blood and qi and launching a mental attack on him.

In this regard, he did not hesitate at all, and immediately chose to further activate the alien gene in his body to increase his blood strength and mental strength.

Then, withstanding the double attack of Shen Qinghan's energy, blood and spirit, he kicked off the floor with his calves and rushed forward towards Shen Qinghan with a "buzz" sound.


The two collided and got into a confrontation.

Shen Qinghan liked to use his legs. He raised his calves and swept them towards Guo Haidong's throat.

Guo Haidong did not dodge, but directly punched the calf that was coming at him.


Only a loud crash was heard.

Shen Qinghan's calf hit Guo Haidong's fist hard. He failed to repel Guo Haidong, but instead shattered his own calf.

In an instant, a heartbreaking pain swept through his body.

Shen Qinghan frowned in pain and his calves trembled.

Although it hurt, she didn't step back.

Instead, he endured the severe pain, retracted his legs as quickly as possible, then turned around flexibly, and went around behind Guo Haidong extremely smoothly.


Target his heart and brain at close range and launch the most violent energy, blood and mental attacks!

at the moment the attack takes effect.

Guo Haidong didn't understand what happened at all.

I felt that my mind went blank for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sweet feeling in the throat, and a large mouthful of blood was spit out uncontrollably.

Then, bloodshot eyes oozed from the ears, eyes, nose and other parts.

The appearance is shocking.

Seeing that his double blow was taking effect, Shen Qinghan did not waste this potentially fleeting opportunity.

Before Guo Haidong could adjust, she immediately raised her right arm and slammed her elbow into the back of Guo Haidong's head.


A crisp sound sounded.

Shen Qinghan's elbow hit Guo Haidong hard on the back of the head.

The powerful impact instantly knocked Guo Haidong unconscious.

He fell to the ground helplessly, completely losing any movement.

not dead.

And breathing.

He just fainted from a concussion.

Guo Haidong's biological level is half a level higher than Shen Qinghan's, and he has also integrated the magic-eyed giant ape gene to strengthen his body.

in this case.

It was almost impossible for Shen Qinghan to kill him with just one elbow strike.

This is why Shen Qinghan dared to be so cruel to him.

Because I know I can't be beaten to death.

Then you don't have to worry so much when you start.

Just focus on the vital points and attack fiercely.

"what's the situation?"

"The deputy director of the student union's external relations department just lost to a female freshman?"

"What a hell this daylight scene is!"

The moment Guo Haidong fell to the ground, there was a loud exclamation in the training room.

Everyone couldn't believe that Guo Haidong, who had fully activated the magic-eyed giant ape gene and was nearly three meters tall, would lose to a weak and weak freshman girl.

This is too sci-fi!

While everyone was shocked, Shen Qinghan himself was also a little shocked.

She knew that she and Guo Haidong were capable of fighting.

She thought she had a chance to win.

But I never imagined that this victory would come so easily.

"I can also jump to a single level and kill alone, just like Xiaochen, I can jump to a single level..."

Shen Qinghan felt slightly excited.

At this time, Lin Zichen came up and asked with concern: "Does your leg hurt?"

Shen Qinghan moved his calf and said, "It feels fine, it just hurts a little. I should be back to good health in another minute and a half."

The enslaved living-dead slug genes in her body were rapidly repairing the injuries on her calves.

"That's good."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he looked down at Guo Haidong, who fell to the ground in front of him.

Somehow, he suddenly felt that all the students in Shanhai University were ants.

In fact, even the tutor and dean are ants.


I can't have this mentality of looking down on the weak!

This is not conducive to survival!

Be sure to pay attention to every opponent!

In the coastal forest before, the reason why I was able to leapfrog and kill the masked man without taking any damage was because he took advantage of his contempt for the weak...

Lin Zichen warned himself in his heart.

Think about it.

He collected his thoughts, looked around, and announced to everyone present:

"starting today!"

"I - Lin Zichen, and she - Shen Qinghan, on behalf of pure-blood humans, set up a ring on the first floor of the gymnasium to openly challenge the entire student union!"

“Everyone is welcome to come and witness!”

After speaking, Lin Zichen didn't wait for a moment longer.

Immediately took Shen Qinghan out of the training room and walked downstairs.

It left everyone in the training room behind him in disbelief.


This new king is crazy!

He had just defeated an ordinary eighth-level vice minister of the external relations department, and yet he dared to take his girlfriend to challenge the entire student union!

You know, there are three high-level experts in the student union!

Among them is the student union president—Zhou Xuehong!

The strength is unfathomable!

I guess there are already advanced third-level ones!

How dare he challenge an entire student union? !

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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