Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 208 Mental Power! Open the Acupoints!


The female secretary, who was a mechanical transformer, immediately ran to Zhou Xuehong.

A few student union cadres who reacted also came forward to check.

The situation is not optimistic.

Half of Zhou Xuehong's body was stuck in the wall, and the other half of his body exposed outside the wall was in dilapidated condition.

Flesh burst and bones shattered.

Very seriously injured.

Moreover, the injuries continued to worsen.

Because the qi and blood released by Lin Zichen were wreaking havoc inside Zhou Xuehong's body, constantly impacting the structures in his body.

Seeing Zhou Xuehong's injuries, the female secretary was extremely shocked.

The fist of the new king just now didn't even touch the president, but he just blasted away with his energy and blood. The president was beaten to death on the spot.

So what is the strength of the new king? !

Advanced level four?

No, at least starting from the fifth level of advanced level!

The more the female secretary thought about it, the more shocked she became. She couldn't help but look back at Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform, and secretly thought to herself that he was really a strange beast in human skin.

The school leaders.

Without exception, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe the scene that just happened in front of them.

Including Yuan Dongzhi, Liu Chuanwu, and Song Yuyan, three acquaintances who have some knowledge of Lin Zichen's strength.

The three of them knew that Lin Zichen was very strong, even stronger than the student union president Zhou Xuehong.

But I didn't expect Lin Zichen to be so ridiculously strong.

A freshman!

With just one punch from the air, the number one student of Shanhai University was severely injured to the point of dying!


"Dean Liu, what's going on with Lin Zichen in your Tianren Pavilion? Why can the blood and energy in his body be so thick and terrifying?"

The school's dean of academic affairs, a bald middle-aged man named Zhou Xiaohui, looked at Liu Chuanwu in disbelief and asked.

Liu Chuanwu didn't know why Lin Zichen could be so exaggerated. After thinking about it, he said: "This is the gold content of a pure-blooded human being, invincible at the same level!"

Song Yuyan glanced at Liu Chuanwu and silently gave him a thumbs up in her heart.

The dean is the dean!

Even now, I don’t forget to promote pure-blooded humans!

A role model for our generation!


Yuan Dongzhi fell into deep thought.

She always felt that Lin Zichen's strength might not have much to do with pure-blood humans.

It's simply that Lin Zichen himself is great, and it's his physical talent that has shocked the past and the present.

To describe it in four words, it is what is mentioned in countless ruins - sanctification of the physical body!

The combination of pure blood humans, or to be more precise, the blood tempering technique, is only the icing on the cake for Lin Zichen's strength, rather than a timely help.

On the other side.

Ma Zhenhe was completely stunned at this moment, his face full of doubts about life.

The strength that Lin Zichen had just shown on the martial arts stage felt as if he was no less than the dean of the Evolution Academy.

He felt his face burning with pain when he thought that he had originally believed that Lin Zichen would hit a wall with pure-blood humans within half a year, and then changed his major to the School of Evolution while licking his face.

"Are pure-blooded humans really the future of humanity?"

Ma Zhenhe murmured in his heart, wavering for the first time in his opinion.

The other side of the martial arts platform.

Shen Qinghan's face turned red with excitement, just like a child who saw a monster defeated by Superman on TV. He was so excited.

She had been looking forward to this moment when Lin Zichen became the first student of Shanhai University.

From the day I enrolled in Shanhai University during the summer vacation of my senior year of high school, I have been looking forward to it until now.

Finally, today I witnessed Lin Zichen becoming the first student from Shanhai University to reach the summit, stunning everyone present!


Ma Xi looked at Zhou Xuehong with half of his body stuck in the wall, and his decision to switch to pure-blood humans became even more determined.

Regardless of whether Ma Zhenhetong agrees, she will remove all the alien genes from her body in a few days.

Throw yourself into the arms of a pure-blooded human being!

next door.

Luo Yongjian recovered from his sluggishness, and his voice was a little confused: "Brother Yu, am I dazzled? Why did Brother Chen kill the student union president with one punch?"

Li Moyu was even more confused than him: "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

As the second youngest son of the Li family in Kyoto, Li Moyu thinks he is well-informed and has seen all kinds of geniuses.

But this was his first time meeting a genius like Lin Zichen.

too exaggerated!

It’s simply exaggerated to the point of perversion!

His own brother, Li Yijin, is known as the savior of the earth!

Compared with Lin Zichen on the martial arts stage at this moment!

Those are just ants compared to elephants, there is no comparison!

The gap is so huge that it’s disappointing!

On the martial arts stage.

Lin Zichen glanced at Zhou Xuehong in the wall in front of him from a distance, and was relieved to see that the other person was only dying and did not die suddenly on the spot.

He was really worried that Zhou Xuehong was killed by his punch just now.

The reason why he challenged the student council was just to show off his strength and talent, so as to enter the list of alien-level geniuses.

By the way, you can become the president of the student union, reach the top of the rankings, and receive credit subsidies and rewards.

I never thought about doing anything to the old students in the student union.

At most, I just want to teach them a lesson so that they will stop exploiting the freshmen.

"Hanhan, let's go."

Lin Zichen walked off the stage and waved to Shen Qinghan in front.

Shen Qinghan heard the sound and immediately ran over wrapped in clothes.

Neither of them stayed in the gym for long and quickly walked out of the gym door.

There was only a group of onlookers left who still felt a little unreal.

"Brother Zichen, wait a minute, why are you walking so fast!"

Song Yuyan chased after him and shouted.

She didn't understand. Lin Zichen had just killed Zhou Xuehong with one punch on the martial arts stage. Now was the golden moment to show off. How could he just leave?

Lin Zichen didn't even look back, he just said lightly: "Hanhan has too much blood on her body. I'll take her back to the dormitory to deal with it."

In the gym.

Yuan Dongzhi stepped forward to check Zhou Xuehong's injury. Seeing that he was fine, he quickly left the gymnasium.

She wanted to go back to the office, turn up the surveillance system in the gymnasium, and take a good look at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan's performance on the martial arts stage.

Then, the performance of the two was sent to the deputy state leader Ye Yongsheng for viewing, helping the two to enter the list of alien-level geniuses earlier.

Building 8, Zhongyuan.

Dormitory 603.

Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan to the bathroom, asked her to take off her clothes, and helped her check the injuries on her body.

Shen Qinghan took off all his clothes in a few seconds, taking off all his bra and panties, leaving him completely naked.

Lin Zichen carefully examined her body and found that all the injuries on her body had healed on their own.

Except for the original hole, all other holes penetrated by feathers have healed.

The entire body looked intact, not like it had been injured.

"The genes of this living dead slug are really good. In less than half an hour, all the wounds on your body have healed without leaving any traces."

Lin Zichen said in a gentle voice while touching Shen Qinghan's tender and smooth skin.

Shen Qinghan let him touch it, but felt a little itchy and unconsciously tightened her legs.

After checking the body.

Lin Zichen turned on the shower behind him, stood with Shen Qinghan in the shower, and helped her wipe away the blood on her body.

After washing, we went to sit in the bathtub filled with hot water and took a hot bath to relax our bodies.

"You were so impressive on the martial arts stage just now. You knocked away the student council president with one punch. Everyone in the audience was frightened by you and they were all shocked."

Shen Qinghan said with a sweet smile.

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "You are also very handsome. You even killed the Minister of External Affairs Department of the Student Union instantly."

"Xiao Chen, do you think we are now the pride of Shandong University?"

"Of course it is."

"It feels so unreal. In just six months, I have become so good. My progress is as fast as a rocket."

Shen Qinghan said in disbelief.

When school started half a year ago, her biology level was only ordinary second level, the lowest in the gifted class.

But now, the biological level has evolved to the ordinary eighth level, which is higher than other people in the genius class. It has directly changed from the last one at the beginning to the first one. It is really unimaginable in my wildest dreams.

Lin Zichen: "So I have always told you that you are a special being like me. As long as your superpowers are developed, your strength will grow by leaps and bounds."

"In other words, I still don't fully understand what my superpower is. I only know that I have a high affinity for water and that my own genes can enslave the genes of water-based alien beasts. Other than that, I don't know anything about it. "

After saying that, Shen Qinghan asked: "Xiao Chen, what do you think those sounds in the sea are about, and what kind of existence is making them?"

Lin Zichen: "I don't know about this either, but the existence that made those sounds shouldn't have any ill intentions towards us. After all, they saved the two of us in the coastal forest last time."

"Xiao Chen, do you think there is any inheritance in my body, such as the inheritance of the sea god, the inheritance of the water elemental user, the inheritance of the water elf, etc.?"


After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he added: "In short, your body is definitely not simple, and it must be hiding some secrets. We must study it carefully in the future."

"Don't worry about it later, you can study it carefully now." Shen Qinghan said, picking up Lin Zichen's hand and putting it on her body.

"The nickname "Little Dirty Girl" is really correct."

Lin Zichen joked, and then used his hands to study her body as Shen Qinghan wished, carefully exploring the secrets hidden in her body.

Shen Qinghan leaned back against the bathtub, enjoying it with his eyes slightly closed.

Half an hour later.

The two of them came out of the bathroom after taking a bath and went to the kitchen to make a simple lunch.

I fried two pieces of exotic animal meat and cut into a large plate of spiritual fruit.

It took less than ten minutes.

After lunch, the two went to the room to take a nap.

When the time reached 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we got up and headed to the institute together.

Shen Qinghan originally promised to attend classes in the gifted class all day today, but after thinking about it, he had already taken group photos and other things in the morning, so he was too lazy to follow the class anymore.

It's just a change from the genius class to the graduate school. We are still in the same school, and the dormitory is in the same building. I want to see each other every day.

Institute of Pure Humanity.

As soon as Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan arrived, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan immediately put down what they were doing and walked towards the childhood sweethearts.

In the morning, both of them were shocked by the performance of the childhood sweethearts on the martial arts stage, and they had many questions in their minds.

Most of the doubts were about Lin Zichen.

The scene where Lin Zichen punched away the student union president on the martial arts stage was truly amazing.

It’s hard not to be confused and curious.

Song Yuyan, in particular, was so curious that she wanted to take off Lin Zichen's clothes and study his body.

If Shen Qinghan hadn't been there, she would have really fallen in love.

Regarding what happened at the gymnasium in the morning, the four of them didn't chat for a long time.

It was just a brief chat for half an hour and it was over.

The topic of conversation quickly turned to the issue of opening acupuncture points.

Now, except for Shen Qinghan, the four people in Tianren Pavilion, the remaining three biological levels are stuck at the ordinary ninth level.

They all urgently need to open their acupoints, break through the limitations of ordinary creatures, and evolve into advanced creatures.

in the coming time.

The three of them analyzed the research results and conjectures in the past six months to see how to successfully open the acupoints.

Shen Qinghan had just joined Tianren Pavilion and knew nothing about the research institute, so he sat quietly and listened to the analysis of the three people, trying not to disturb them with any sound.

Unless you encounter a particularly curious question, you will only ask.

After more than two hours of analysis.

The three finally concluded the following three conjectures.

After one or five body temperings, you can control the Qi and blood to open the body's acupoints.

2. Opening the body's acupuncture points has nothing to do with the number of times of body quenching, but requires the use of mental power.

3. To open the body's acupuncture points, it requires not only five attempts to temper the body, but also mental power.

"Zi Chen, your sister Yan and I are not very strong mentally. We cannot control mental power like we can control qi and blood. It is up to you to explore and verify the mental power needed to open the acupoints."

After speaking, Liu Chuanwu looked at Shen Qinghan, who was quietly beside him, and said, "Qinghan, your mental strength is not low either. You can explore and verify it with Zichen."

"Well, I understand, Dean."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

At this time, Lin Zichen asked curiously: "By the way, Dean, I have been at Shandong University for half a year. How come I have never seen other school leaders at the same level except Yuan School? Where is the principal, and where are the other vice presidents?"

Liu Chuanwu: "These people are now defending the earth from being invaded in the origin. In other words, they are all seeking a higher level of evolution in the origin."

"I see."

Lin Zichen nodded.

As he thought, most of the strong human beings were in the Origin.

There are only a handful of strong humans left on Earth.

Liu Chuanwu said again: "Most of the strong human beings are in the Origin. Only rookies will stay on the earth to engage in administrative work. You will know when you enter the Origin in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, a graceful figure wearing a cheongsam walked in from outside.

It's Yuan Dongzhi here.

As soon as she came in, she heard what Liu Chuanwu had just said, and her face suddenly looked a little unhappy.

What does it mean that only rookies will stay on earth to engage in administrative work?

Who is the person named Liu scolding?

Seeing that Yuan Dongzhi looked wrong, Liu Chuanwu knew that he had said the wrong thing.

I accidentally fired the map cannon into my ex-wife.

In this regard, he could only pretend that nothing happened, so as not to embarrass everyone.

Lin Zichen sensed that something was wrong in the atmosphere, so he took the initiative to break the silence: "College Yuan, why are you here?"

Yuan Dongzhi said calmly: "I'm here to see how well the water butterfly gene in Qinghan's body has been enslaved, and to see if she can activate the water butterfly gene to use magic."

For most of the past afternoon, she had been staying in the office watching the surveillance video of Shen Qinghan fighting on the martial arts stage.

After observing it several times, I noticed that Shen Qinghan seemed to be using the illusion of water butterfly to attack, so I thought of coming to the research institute to ask Shen Qinghan.

Lin Zichen nodded, and then asked: "By the way, Principal Yuan, I made a bet with Zhou Xuehong this morning, saying that if I win, I will be the president of the student union. Does this count?"


Yuan Dongzhi affirmed.

Lin Zichen continued: "In this case, now that I am both the president of the student union and the number one on the school's top list, how many credit subsidies and rewards can I get every month?"

Yuan Dongzhi: "The president of the student union can get a 500-credit subsidy every month, and the top player on the top list can get a 500-credit reward every month. In total, he can get 1,000 credits every month."

1000 credits?

Hearing this number, Lin Zichen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

You can get 1,000 credits per month, which translates into more than 10 million per month in money.

Get rich!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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