Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 209: The method of awakening! Advanced creatures are within reach!

In the evening, after eating, take a shower.

Lin Zichen sat cross-legged on the bed and tried to use his mental power to attack his acupoints.

Shen Qinghan also tried.

The impact method is the same as when using Qi and blood.

Just replace the power of qi and blood with mental power, and use the mental power to condense into a needle shape to attack the acupoints.

"His! His! His..."

Every time he hit an acupoint, Lin Zichen gasped in pain.

However, the acupoint remained completely intact, showing no signs of being broken open by mental power.

I pushed it for more than half an hour without any breakthrough.

Lin Zichen gave up.

He felt that opening the acupoints probably did not require mental power.

After all, you are practicing the Blood Tempering Technique, so you should rely on the power of Qi and blood to open the acupoints.

If nothing else goes wrong, only after five times of body tempering can one use the power of Qi and blood to attack the Kaiqiao acupoint.

"Well, well, well..."

Shen Qinghan on the side was still trying to use mental power to impact the acupoints. Every time the acupoints were impacted, she would let out a muffled groan.

It sounded so good that Lin Zichen almost had a reaction.

Lin Zichen originally planned to lie down and play with his mobile phone.

Seeing that the little filthy girl was so motivated and sat cross-legged on the bed and kept pounding her acupoints, he continued to pound his own acupoints.


Suddenly, Shen Qinghan, who was quietly sitting cross-legged on the bed while pounding his acupoints, screamed in pain.

Lin Zichen asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Shen Qinghan calmed down a little, changed his painful expression, and turned into an excited expression: "Xiaochen, my acupuncture point moved, it just trembled!"


Lin Zichen was surprised.

Shen Qinghan was particularly excited and said: "It really moved!"

Seeing the little filthy girl being so excited, Lin Zichen couldn't help but get excited and asked quickly: "How did you do that?"

"Nine shallow and one deep!"


"For the first nine times, you use your mental power to gently impact the acupoints. After the tenth time, you can switch to using the power of qi and blood to hit the acupoints violently."

"real or fake?"

Lin Zichen was confused at first, then doubtful.

It's not that he doesn't believe Shen Qinghan, but that the method Shen Qinghan said is too outrageous.

It sounded like a prank.

Ever since Shen Qinghan became obsessed with Yinghai Kingdom's two-dimensional educational films, her thoughts have been polluted.

The overall image has changed from the girly fangirls back then to the filthy pornographic girls they are now.

Sometimes when the mood strikes, he will drive and talk a few dirty words to flirt.

Lin Zichen seriously suspected that the little filthy girl was talking dirty words now.

Facing his doubts, Shen Qinghan said seriously: "Really, I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe it, try it quickly. It can really loosen the acupoints!"

"Then I'll try."

Lin Zichen didn't waste time. After speaking, he immediately hit the acupoints according to Shen Qinghan's instructions.

First there are nine gentle mental power impacts, and then there is an increased force of qi and blood power impact.

When he withstood the last impact of energy and blood.

Lin Zichen felt like his whole heart was being pierced by a silver needle. The pain was so painful that he almost suffered cardiac arrest, and his eyes almost turned black.

But at this moment, he couldn't care less about the pain.

But the whole person was so excited that his heart beat faster.

The orifice is really loose!

The little dirty girl's nine shallow and one deep shocks are really effective!

"Xiao Linzi, am I powerful?"

Seeing the excitement on Lin Zichen's face, Shen Qinghan knew that his method was also useful to him, and immediately hummed with pride.

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her hand to cover her mouth and hurriedly corrected her: "I accidentally spoke too fast just now. I made a slip of the tongue. It's not Xiao Linzi, it's Linzi. What I wanted to call just now is Linzi."

She was afraid that if she called Xiao Linzi, Lin Zichen would use "torture" on her again, lifting up her skirt and reaching in to tickle her.

Seeing her panicking like this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but laugh and said: "I was just joking with you when I tickled you before. You can call me whatever you want."

"This is what you said. Next time, don't tickle me again if I call you."

"a man of his words."

"I don't want you to be a gentleman, I want you to be a womanizer."

"A gentleman can also be lustful."

With that said, Lin Zichen grabbed Shen Qinghan's waist, hugged her and kissed her, tasting her pink and translucent lips.

The two didn't kiss for too long, and they separated after just a moment of interest.

Put your mind back into attacking the acupoints.

It took about half an hour.

Lin Zichen couldn't bear it anymore and felt like his eyes were going black and he was about to faint.

The stimulation of hitting the orifice is too great.

The pain was intense.

Moreover, it is also extremely sad.

After rushing continuously for half an hour, this was Lin Zichen's limit.

If you rush again, you will lose consciousness.

Shen Qinghan on the side was in the same situation, feeling dizzy and lying on the bed to rest helplessly.

Lin Zichen picked up his mobile phone and told Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan about Shen Qinghan's discovery in the WeChat group of four in Tianren Pavilion.

After the two learned about it, they immediately went to test Shen Qinghan's method of resuscitation.

It probably took a few minutes.

The two responded in the group one after another.

[Dean: My mental power is too low and I cannot control my mental power to attack the acupoints. 】

[Sister Yan: Me too, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to cry. 】

[Sister Yan: No, I have to take out a loan, buy all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits to eat, and quickly increase my mental strength! 】

[Dean: @Zi Chen @Qing Han, you two should come to the institute early tomorrow and show me and your sister Yan how to do nine shallow and one deep. ]

[Zi Chen: OK, Han Han and I will try to get there early tomorrow. ]

After the chat.

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qing Han lying on the side, picked up one of her jade feet, and said while touching it: "You can figure out such an outrageous way of impact, you are really amazing."

"How can I be amazing? I am lucky. Many great discoveries in the world were discovered by lucky people like me by accident."

"You are different. Others are lucky, but you are a fool with good luck."

"You are the fool!"

Shen Qing Han rolled her eyes at Lin Zi Chen, and rubbed his face with her feet to express her dissatisfaction.

Lin Zichen let her rub it and said, "The dean and Sister Yan have studied it for so many years, but they haven't been able to find a way to open the acupoints."

"You, a little dirty girl, just did it casually and it came out."

"It's incredible."

As he said that, Lin Zichen put down the little dirty girl's white and tender jade feet, and said in a gentle voice: "Such a great contribution, I must give you some rewards. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Shen Qinghan thought about it, and said with watery peach blossom eyes: "How about you be my licking dog tonight?"

After that, she immediately added: "Just like I usually lick your dog."

"Satisfy you."

Lin Zichen agreed without hesitation, and soon took action to be the little dirty girl's licking dog.

Just when he was about to make a move, Shen Qinghan said: "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

"I want to be your licking dog too, share the happiness."

"Is this how to share the happiness?"

"Oh, don't worry about the details, okay."

Shen Qinghan pouted slightly and said with some dissatisfaction.

Seeing her pouting her lips higher than her buttocks, Lin Zichen stopped talking.

At the same time.

Kyoto University, Administration Building, Student Union President's Office.

Kyoto University genius Li Yijin, along with several senior cadres in the Student Union, were staring at the projector in front of them.

The content displayed on the projector was the video of Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan challenging the Student Union in the gymnasium during the day.

When they saw that Lin Zichen had just thrown an ordinary punch and beat Zhou Xuehong to death.

Everyone in the office suddenly widened their eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

Especially the secretary sitting next to Li Yijin, a cute cat-eared girl gene fusion, whose originally cherry-sized mouth suddenly opened so wide that she could stuff three cucumbers at the same time, and she was shocked.

After a moment of reaction.

There was a burst of exclamations in the office.

"What's going on? Zhou Xuehong was defeated by a freshman from his school in seconds?"

"What's the matter with this newcomer king from Shandong University? How can he be so strong?"

"I know this newcomer king from Shandong University. He was the runner-up in Nanjiang Province last year. Last year, he joined Tianren Pavilion and became a hot topic in major media."

"Isn't the pure-blooded human path a dead end? How did he become so strong?"

"That girl with blue hair is also very strong!"


When everyone else was exclaiming.

Li Yijin said nothing, just staring blankly at the screen on the projector.

At this moment, he, who had been praised as a "world-class genius" by various news media since he was a child, had a mental breakdown.

It was directly broken into pieces and shattered all over the floor.

He and Zhou Xuehong have always been competitors, competing to enter the list of extraordinary geniuses.

During this period, he had been suppressing Zhou Xuehong and using Zhou Xuehong as a stepping stone.

By crushing Zhou Xuehong on the martial arts stage, he proved his strength and talent, so as to gain the favor of the extraordinary genius list.

But what he called crushing was just to defeat Zhou Xuehong without being seriously injured.

A crushing like Lin Zichen's one-punch kill crushed his mentality through the screen.

Crushed to pieces.

"World-class genius? Ha, shit world-class genius! I'm just a marketing champion!"

Li Yijin laughed at himself with a burst of mentality.

When the other people in the office heard it, they all became silent and dared not make any sound.

The president of Jingda has a bad temper. If you say something wrong and anger him, you may be beaten.



In a huge city.

The members on the list of extraordinary geniuses are now gathered in the exchange hall to rest.

They just formed a team to wipe out a group of high-level beasts that wanted to attack the city in a forest 50 kilometers away from the city.

"Fuzhou, how was your harvest this time?"

"Not bad, I killed 3 thunder cloud beasts and exchanged for 150 contribution points."

"Alan, how about you?"

"I killed a high-level sixth-level ice snake and exchanged for 60 contribution points."

"Zhang Tao, I heard that you killed a half-step rare-level green vine centipede this time, not bad."



A man carrying a machete walked into this group of alien-level geniuses to chat.

The usually arrogant alien-level geniuses all put themselves in a very low posture when facing this man.

The man was the previous captain of this alien-level team.

Last year, when she turned 30, she automatically quit the team and took up a position elsewhere.

Although she had been retired for a year, the team members all respected the old captain.

"Where is Qianxue?"

The man looked around and didn't see the white-haired girl he wanted to see, so he asked the other team members.

A girl with a bun said, "She separated from us as soon as she entered the city gate. She probably went back to the dormitory."

"This girl is still so autistic." The man shook his head.

The girl with a bun said, "Captain Lu, why do you care so much about her? She is an alien, not an earthling. We don't want to pay attention to her."

A young man next to him said lightly, "Those who are not of our race must have different hearts. It's better for that white-haired girl to stay away from us."

After hearing what the two said, the man wanted to persuade them not to do this.

But after thinking about it, he didn't say anything in the end.

Both of their parents died at the hands of aliens, which made them hostile to aliens.

And Luo Qianxue is an alien.

It is somewhat unrealistic to expect the two to put aside their prejudices against an alien.

It's a bit easy to talk without any pain.

Not only these two people, more than one-third of the parents of the team died at the hands of aliens.

They all died in a war fifteen years ago.

"Why are there so many people today?"

A voice with a bit of majesty sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

When they saw the person coming, they all shouted respectfully:

"State Lord."

"State Lord."

"Hello, State Lord."


Accompanied by this shouting, Ye Yongsheng came over with his secretary.

The man asked: "State Lord, didn't you say you would stay on Earth for half a month to deal with things? Why are you back so soon?"

Ye Yongsheng said calmly: "The things on Earth have been dealt with in advance, so I came back here in advance."

After that, he continued: "By the way, I have a news to tell you. In a while, your team will have two new members."

"New members?"

Everyone felt it was very sudden.

The team hasn't had new people in almost three years, and now there are two, which is really sudden.

A young man asked, "Who are they, Lord?"

Ye Yongsheng: "They are two freshmen from Shandong University this year, one boy and one girl."

"Freshmen? They must be adults now? Aren't they that old?"

Everyone was quite surprised.

The geniuses who can join the team are usually very young, basically under ten years old.

These two college students suddenly came, are they late bloomers?


Twenty thousand meters underground in Shanhai City.

In the underground palace.

A bald masked man was reporting to a four-leaf clover masked man.

The report was about Lin Zichen's record in challenging the student union, and that Lin Zichen had a backer, and asked whether to attack Lin Zichen.

After listening, the four-leaf clover masked man said, "The first task at the moment is to transport high-level source creatures to the tunnel. Let's put Lin Zichen aside for now."

"After three months, when we have enough high-level source creatures in the tunnel, we will capture Shanhai City and establish a source base."

"At that time, it won't be too late to send someone to capture Lin Zichen."


PS: Setting up bowls, asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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