"Xiaochen, how do you feel when your mother said that you joined the school's martial arts team?"

As soon as Lin Zichen returned home, he was asked this question by Lin Yansheng in the living room.

When school was over in the afternoon, he called Zhang Wanxin and told him that he had joined the school's martial arts team and would be home late, so his parents knew about it.

"It's good. You can sweat out and exercise after school."

Lin Zichen replied while taking off his shoes.

Lin Yansheng asked again: "Xiaochen, you are very good in both academic and sports talent. Have you decided which path you want to take in the future?"

"I think my athletic talent is better than my academic talent, and I have a bright future in martial arts. After I enter high school, I will enter a martial arts class to practice martial arts." Lin Zichen said without hesitation.

There are no martial arts classes in the education stage of this world.

Because practicing martial arts too early will affect physical development.

Only when students reach high school and their bodies are almost fully developed, will the school offer martial arts classes.

Before that, students mainly studied cultural subjects.

However, courses related to genetic fusions, mechanically modified humans, alien beasts, etc. will also be offered to allow students to develop in an all-round way.

"What a coincidence, Qin's mother and I also want you to practice martial arts. Now we are a family of three." Lin Yansheng smiled happily.

In this world where humans have always been threatened by alien beasts, everything is inferior, but martial arts is the only one who is superior.

Because only by practicing martial arts and allowing the physical body to reach a certain level of strength can it withstand the backlash of genetic fusion and mechanical modification, and become a superior genetic fusion or mechanical modification person.

"By the way, where's mom?"

"Your mother and your Aunt Meng went out to buy groceries. They said today is Friday and we should all get together in the evening."

"No wonder I didn't see her in the house."

Lin Zichen nodded, didn't talk any more, and quickly went upstairs to take a shower.

I sweated all over while practicing martial arts, and now I feel sticky and uncomfortable.

In the bathroom.

Lin Zichen finished his shower, dried himself, and stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at himself carefully.

Although the daily exercise is very intense, the muscles on the body don't look big at all. They are not exaggerated like a bodybuilder at all, but they are lean and strong.

It means you look thin when you are wearing clothes, and you look fat when you take off your clothes.

"Okay, perfect figure."

Looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Zichen felt very satisfied.

Then, on a whim, I started practicing boxing and kicking skills in front of the mirror.

[You are practicing boxing, Qi and blood +1, hand muscle strength +1, hand flexibility +1, boxing proficiency +1]

[You are practicing leg skills, qi and blood +1, leg muscle strength +1, leg flexibility +1, leg skill proficiency +1]

Not long after practicing, there was a burst of talking and laughing from downstairs.

It was the voices of Zhang Wanxin and Xu Meng, who had returned from shopping for groceries.

At the same time, the voices of Shen Jianye and Shen Qinghan were also heard.

The two families are having a dinner tonight, and all three of them are here.

Seeing that everyone was here, Lin Zichen picked up the clothes on the side and put them on, pushed the door open and walked downstairs.

Come downstairs.

I saw two mothers cooking in the kitchen, two fathers sitting at the tea table chatting, and Shen Qinghan sitting on the sofa doing test papers, studying very hard.

Hearing Lin Zichen's footsteps going downstairs, Shen Qinghan looked up and complained to him:

"Xiaochen, it took you so long to take a shower. I've been here for half an hour."

"well enough."

Lin Zichen said and sat down next to her, looking at his phone with a leisurely expression.

What I read is current affairs news and pay attention to the situation in various places.

After not looking for long, Shen Qinghan came over and said with a mysterious face:

"Xiao Chen, guess what kind of food my mother and Aunt Xin bought back. You won't be able to guess it."

"Hairy crab?"



"That's not right either."

"Then I can't guess."

"I knew you couldn't guess it!" Shen Qinghan showed a victorious smile, and then revealed the answer: "It's ghost squid meat, I bought three kilograms!"

Ghost squid meat?

Lin Zichen thought he had heard wrongly, and his face was full of surprise.

Lin Yansheng in front said: "Your mother knew that you and Hanhan wanted to eat this, so she asked your Aunt Meng to go to the mall to buy it."

Listening to these words, Lin Zichen suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He looked at Zhang Wanxin who was busy in the kitchen, quickly got up and walked over and said, "Mom, let me help you."

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan also followed in to help.

The time came to 8:30 pm.

Dinner is finally ready.

Although today's meal was much later than usual, and people were starving, but looking at the sumptuous eight dishes and one soup on the table, everyone felt that the wait was worth it.

"Xiao Chen, this ghost squid meat is so fragrant, and it's so chewy, so delicious!"

Shen Qinghan's face was full of happiness after eating, and he took the initiative to put a piece of ghost squid meat into Lin Zichen's bowl.

Lin Zichen picked it up and took a bite. It was indeed delicious.

[You swallowed a trace of the life source of the "Ghost Squid\

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