Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 30 Natural Selection

Late at night, Lin Zichen lay awake in bed, thinking about the death of the security team captain.

Reports say he died from the mouth of a giant alien rat.

Then the big rat he saw while sitting in the car... was it the giant alien rat that killed the captain of the security team?

But the so-called big mouse only looked as big as a cat. How could it be a giant alien rat that was three meters long?

He was puzzled by this.

He looked up and looked out the window.

The night is very late.

All the street lights on the roadside were turned off, and not a single person could be seen.

"By the way, I haven't tested my physical data for a long time. I just can't sleep now, so I'll go outside and test it."

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen put on a hat and mask and quietly left the house.

He chose the road without surveillance cameras and spent some time on an abandoned road.

First he warmed up briefly, then quickly took out his phone and turned on the stopwatch to test the speed of the 100-meter sprint.

Then, in just a short moment, he sprinted over the 100-meter distance he had measured in advance.

Timing displayed on the phone: 4.61 seconds.

Last time it was 6 seconds, this time it was 4.61 seconds, an improvement of almost 1.4 seconds, which is not bad.

After testing the speed, start testing the bounce.

Find a few places with some height, measure the height respectively, and then see if you can jump up vertically, so as to roughly measure your own bounce.

I measured it almost ten times before and after, and finally got a relatively accurate value.

——5.51 meters.

Last time it was 4 meters, this time it was 5.51 meters, an increase of nearly 1.5 meters.

After measuring speed and jumping, it’s time to measure strength.

Lin Zichen avoided the cameras and looked at the cars on the roadside along the way.

He knows all the car models in the world and their corresponding weights by heart.

He wanted to pick out a suitable car and use it as a barbell to see if he could easily lift it with one hand.

"It's just you."

After looking at more than a dozen cars along the way, Lin Zichen finally selected a car weighing about 1,500kg.

He stepped forward and circled around the car, looking for a suitable point to lift the car, and then tried to lift it with one hand.

After three minutes passed.


The off-road vehicle was too heavy to lift, so I had to try a lighter one.

Soon, Lin Zichen chose a car with a weight of about 1,200kg.

I lifted it halfway, but it didn’t work, I couldn’t hold it.

Finally, I found a small women's car that weighed about 1,000kg, and I was finally able to barely lift it.

Last time it was 700kg, this time it was 1000kg, an increase of 300kg.

All three basic statistics have improved greatly.

It can only be said that during the growth period, the body grows quickly, and various basic values ​​​​also increase rapidly.

Time flies.

Next Monday came in a blink of an eye.

When school was over in the afternoon, Lin Zichen went to the gymnasium to practice martial arts.

It is said to be martial arts, but in fact it is just practicing some simple boxing and kicking skills. There are not all kinds of powerful skills to practice like in martial arts novels.

However, Lin Zichen didn't care about this.

The reason why he joined the martial arts team was just to compete in competitions and win prize money. He never thought about learning anything on the martial arts team.

"Zi Chen, your martial arts talent is too strong. No matter what skills I teach, you will always be the fastest to learn it. You have a bright future!"

Guo Xiangyuan praised with a smile.

He had just taught the eight members of the team a dodge technique to avoid the opponent's punches by constantly shaking their heads.

As a result, just after the demonstration, Lin Zichen mastered it instantly.

The other seven team members still looked very stiff, and they had to shake their heads for at least a few days before they became proficient.

"It's all done by the coach."

After saying that, Lin Zichen took the clean clothes from Shen Qinghan and walked to the changing room in front.

It's just a simple shower like in the south, not a full back rub like in the north.

So, in less than five minutes, Lin Zichen came out of the changing room.

"Xiaochen, I've packed all your dirty clothes for you."

At the door of the changing room, Shen Qinghan said with a sweet smile.

Lin Zichen found that her bangs were a bit messy, so he carefully straightened them out for her, and said in a gentle voice:

"Let's go home."


Shen Qinghan responded softly and walked silently beside Lin Zichen.

Come to the carport.

As soon as Lin Zichen pushed the bicycle out, Shen Qinghan next to him took out his mobile phone and showed him the photos he had just taken in the gym.

"Xiaochen, look, you look so handsome when you punch."

"The bangs flicked with inertia, and a little bit of sweat was thrown out. It was so handsome.

"If your little fangirls saw it, they would probably go crazy."

Shen Qinghan put his cell phone in front of Lin Zi and showed him one picture after another.

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "The main thing is that you are good at taking pictures."

The days passed like this.

Before he knew it, Lin Zichen had joined the martial arts team for more than a month.

At the beginning, Shen Qinghan was the only girl in the gym who would watch him practice martial arts and quietly wait for him to go home together after practice.

Slowly, someone spread the news about him joining the martial arts team, and many little fans knew that he would come to the gym to practice martial arts after school.

So today, not long after he came to the gym to practice, girls came in one after another to watch him sweat. By the time half an hour passed, there were more than thirty people in the audience.

"Wow, Junior Zichen, that kick you just did was so cool. If I were kicked by you, I would definitely be so painful that I would cry, right?"

There was a senior who was in the third grade of junior high school. After seeing Lin Zichen kicking the wooden stake in front of her, she suddenly said with a look of infatuation.

Lin Zichen was speechless after hearing this, and suddenly lost interest in practicing.

He reported this problem to Guo Xiangyuan.

He said don't let girls in, it will affect everyone's training.

In the end, it was embarrassingly opposed by the other seven team members.

In the past, when practicing martial arts, there were only a few boys practicing in a huge place, which was very boring.

But now, suddenly there were so many female spectators at the scene, which made them feel like they were in heaven. They were full of motivation when practicing and did not want this state to be broken.

The same is true for Guo Xiangyuan.

Seeing that since there were a lot of female spectators in the gym, the team members had practiced more seriously, and the martial arts team had also received more attention. He thought this was good, so he asked Lin Zichen to sacrifice a little.

Lin Zichen thought for a while, and since everyone thought this was good, it didn't matter to him.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, it was almost 6:30 in the evening.

Lin Zichen's time was almost up, so he took the clothes from Shen Qinghan and walked to the changing room.

At this time, a junior high school student blocked his way and said with a look of infatuation: "Senior Zichen, I brought you milk, fresh milk!"

"No, thank you for your kindness. I'm allergic to milk." Lin Zichen didn't want to accept a gift from the opposite sex to avoid misunderstanding, so he just found an excuse to decline, and then walked past the other party.

But before he took two steps, there was a cry of dissatisfaction behind him.

"Zi Chen, how can you refuse this girl's affection?"

"Even if you are allergic to milk, you can accept the milk first and then give it to others to drink. Why do you want to hurt other girls' hearts?"

"Can you be a little more gentlemanly?"

This is the voice of Zhang Kai, the boy who won a big Manya in the school sports meeting.

And the girl who just delivered fresh milk to Lin Zichen was his crush.

Lin Zichen felt that Zhang Kai was inexplicable, so he didn't give him a good tone and said: "I make the decision on my own affairs. You should take care of yourself."

Zhang Kai was just a dazed young man in junior high school. When he said this, he immediately became unhappy and felt that he was very embarrassed. He immediately shouted:

"Do you dare to have a spar! If I lose, I won't push you even more. If I win, you accept the milk!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became energetic.

The same is true for Guo Xiangyuan.

Lin Zichen has been joining the martial arts team for more than a month. He practices silently every time. After practice, he takes a shower and goes home. He has never had a single sparring session.

As time went by, the rest of the team became curious about his abilities.

Facing Zhang Kai's challenge, Lin Zichen was a little annoyed.

In order for this stupid young man to learn to behave with his tail between his legs in the future and stop jumping around all day long, he said without even thinking, "Okay, let's have a spar."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar text message appeared in the void.

[Achievement: In a formal competition situation, using the most primitive biological method, a total of 1,000 different competitors were eliminated]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - natural selection]

[Cumulative elimination of opponents: 0/1000]

Looking at the text message in the void, Lin Zichen was stunned for a moment, and then felt slightly excited.

After waiting for so long, the fourth achievement mission is finally here.

I don’t know what effect the biological attribute of natural selection will have. Will it be more powerful than the previous three?

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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