Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 4 The Root of Wisdom of Heaven and Man

The two mothers were shopping and soon entered a women's clothing store.

We tried on one piece of clothing after another, exchanging compliments in business the whole time.

Xu Meng exaggerated that Wanxin looked good in a short skirt, and her legs were long and white, making her very sexy.

Zhang Wanxin praised Xu Meng for looking good in a suspender skirt, her collarbones are delicate and sexy, and her shoulders are smooth and tender, which is particularly attractive.

Listening to the two mothers' business bragging, Lin Zichen couldn't help but look at them.

I have to say that the two young mothers are really charming.

The figure and appearance are both excellent, and I can score at least 8 out of 10 points.

Plus being in the wonderful years of her twenties.

She looks both young and mature, exuding the charm of a woman.

Lin Zichen just looked at them for a while, and then quickly moved his eyes away from the two mothers and turned to Shen Qinghan beside them.

Oval face, big eyes, small upturned nose, small cherry mouth, delicate and fair skin... It can be said that she has inherited the beauty of her mother Xu Meng well, and she will definitely be an exquisite beauty when she grows up.

After coming out of the women's clothing store.

Two mothers took their children into a toy store upstairs in the mall.

I need to buy some toys for my two children.

Shen Qinghan turned around and didn't take a fancy to any toys, but instead took a fancy to the snacks in the snack shop opposite.

Lin Zichen was not interested in toys either, and said he wanted to go to the bookstore next door to buy books, hoping to learn more about the world through reading.

Both mothers were puzzled. Other children at this age loved toys. Why were these two children so special?

However, they still couldn't understand each other. Both mothers still followed their children's wishes and bought them what they wanted.

When buying books, Lin Zichen picked books related to alien beasts, genetic fusions, and mechanically modified humans.

"Chenchen, these books are not suitable for children. How about we go to sister Hanhan's place to buy picture books?"

Zhang Wanxin pointed to the children's area in front and said.

Lin Zichen opened the book he selected and said to Zhang Wanxin: "These books also have pictures. I like to see these pictures."

Zhang Wanxin took a look at the pictures in the book. They were either ferocious beasts, mutated gene fusions, or various expensive parts for mechanically transforming people.

She felt that children should not read these books and should read some cartoon-like children's books, but since her son liked reading them, she bought them all.

arrive home.

Lin Zichen couldn't wait to look through the books he bought.

[You are reading a book, spirit +1, understanding +1, knowledge +1]

[Achievement: 100 million words read in total]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - the root of wisdom of heaven and man]

[Cumulative number of words read: 10086/100 million]

Lin Zichen, who was reading the book intently, suddenly noticed a few lines of text emerging from the void.

He glanced at the content and couldn't help but feel slightly excited.

After the initial kicking achievement, there is finally a second achievement task.

In the future, in addition to boring exercise, the daily schedule must include reading a book for entertainment.

As time goes by.

Gradually, it was time for Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan to go to kindergarten.

Together, the two parents decided to enroll their two children in the Rainbow Kindergarten closest to home, so that they could be picked up and dropped off at the same time.

The tuition fees for this kindergarten are relatively expensive.

But correspondingly, the curriculum is also richer than that of ordinary kindergartens.

There are extracurricular activities classes.

There are foreign language classes.

There are intellectual development classes and so on.

Just the day before school started, Lin Zichen's parents suddenly went out for something. Before leaving, they sent him to Shen Qinghan's house and asked Shen Qinghan's parents to send him to kindergarten to register tomorrow.

Neighbor's house.

Xu Meng said in a gentle voice: "Chenchen, your parents won't be back until tomorrow night. You will stay at Aunt Meng's house tonight. Aunt Meng will send you and Hanhan to kindergarten tomorrow morning."

"Well, trouble Aunt Meng." Lin Zichen nodded.

Shen Jianye on the side heard what he said and couldn't help but sigh: "Chenchen is so sensible, and he even knows how to trouble you Aunt Meng. He is such a little grown-up. It would be great if Hanhan could be as sensible as you."

In the evening, after Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan took a shower together, they went to the room to sleep together.

Shen Qinghan was very happy to be able to sleep with Lin Zichen.

I kept talking to him and chatting with him.

She said she was looking forward to going to kindergarten tomorrow and meeting many friends there.

Lin Zichen only responded to her occasionally, and spent most of the time sitting on the bed with his back against the wall reading.

[You are reading the "Illustrated Book of Alien Beasts", spirit +1, understanding ability +1, knowledge of alien beasts +1]

[Cumulative number of words read: 43.96 million/100 million]

In order to complete his reading achievement, Lin Zichen read an average of 300,000 words a day for nearly five months.

However, it's not even halfway through the progress bar.

This reading achievement is more than 10 times more difficult than the previous leg kicking achievement.

After reading for a while, Lin Zichen felt that it was almost time, so he put down the book and prepared to go to bed.

At this time, Shen Qinghan, who had been chattering non-stop just now, was already lying on the side, sleeping soundly, with drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Zichen took a tissue and wiped her saliva. While wiping it, his eyes involuntarily fell on the diaper she was wearing.

Even though she is four years old now, Shen Qinghan still wets her pants and has to wear diapers frequently.

Her parents took her to several hospitals for physical examinations, but they were unable to find out the specific cause.

the next morning.

Xu Meng got up early, cooked porridge, and called the two children up for breakfast.

Lin Zichen had woken up early. When Xu Meng came over to wake up, he had been exercising in the room for more than an hour.

In contrast, Shen Qinghan stayed in bed for a long time before being carried out of the living room by Xu Meng.

While having breakfast.

Lin Zichen finished the porridge in a few seconds and washed the dishes himself, showing off his sense of humor.

On the side, Shen Qinghan instinctively put the porridge in his mouth with a spoon while dozing off with his eyes open, falling into a bug state where he was too sleepy to eat and too hungry to sleep.

While waiting for Shen Qinghan to finish his porridge.

Lin Zichen sat quietly reading a book, constantly absorbing the knowledge in the book.

Learn that there are six levels of creature levels: ordinary, advanced, rare, epic, legend, and myth.

Among them, each level is divided into nine stages.

The above levels were learned by humans from ancient stone tablets in some mysterious ruins hundreds of years ago, and they are still used today.

After hundreds of years of exploration and research, mankind also learned a very desperate fact.

Due to their weak flesh and blood, the upper limit of human evolution is extremely low, and the highest level is only the ordinary ninth level.

If you want to evolve further, you must integrate powerful alien beast genes.

Alternatively, one can also use mechanical transformation to give the physical body a strength that rivals high-level creatures, rare-level creatures, or even epic-level creatures.

The epic-level creatures are so powerful that they can physically withstand nuclear bombs.

"The body can withstand a nuclear bomb...is this really possible?" Lin Zichen felt very unbelievable.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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