Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 5 The Bedwetting King

Rainbow Kindergarten.

The school gate.

Countless children looked at their parents outside the gate, with tears streaming down their faces.

When these children grow up, this is the first time they have to leave their parents and spend a day in a strange place.

"Mom, don't go, wuwuwu..."

Shen Qinghan was lying on the door rail, crying like a tearful person as if she didn't want money.

Xu Meng comforted her gently: "Hanhan, don't cry. When you get out of school in the afternoon, your mother will come to school to pick you up."

Shen Qinghan was still crying.

Xu Meng had no choice but to look at Lin Zichen aside and said, "Chenchen, help Aunt Meng take care of Hanhan. Aunt Meng will come to take you home in the afternoon."

"Well, I understand Aunt Meng." Lin Zichen nodded.

Not long after, the kindergarten door was completely closed.

Many children cannot see their parents and gradually stop crying.

After all, the audience is gone, and the actors naturally have no motivation to perform.

Instead, the kindergarten teachers in the school began to get busy.

In order to make the children enjoy going to kindergarten, the kindergarten teachers organize the children to play games with gentle words.

Lin Zichen's class played an arm wrestling game to see who was stronger.

The rules of this game are simple and easy for children to understand.

The most important thing is that the games are all face-to-face, which helps children get to know each other quickly.

Lin Zichen was not interested in arm wrestling and wanted to find a corner to exercise.

But seeing that Shen Qinghan on the side wanted to play, he finally went with her to play.

After playing for a while, seeing that Shen Qinghan had completely integrated into the game atmosphere and was chatting and laughing with a little girl with a bun haircut, Lin Zichen quietly left the crowd and found a place to do push-ups.

Not long after he left, Shen Qinghan suddenly wanted to pee, so he and the little girl with a round head went to the toilet hand in hand.

They were still talking and laughing when they went there, but when they came out of the toilet, their relationship collapsed.

"I'm so embarrassed to have to wear diapers at such a big age. I won't play with people wearing diapers!"

"I, I'm not, I didn't..."

Faced with the dislike of the little girl with a round head, Shen Qinghan was at a loss for a moment.

"Everyone, please don't play with her. She is so old and has to wear diapers. It's so embarrassing!"

When other little girls passed by, the little girl with the round head would tell them not to play with Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan almost cried when he saw this.

She originally wanted to make a lot of friends in school, why did she suddenly become like this?

She thought it was all the fault of the diaper, so she quickly ran into the toilet and took off the diaper.

But even so, the little girl with a round head still disliked her.

He even gave her the nickname "Diaper Princess" in an attempt to get everyone to isolate her.

Children's malice always comes suddenly and without reason.

Shen Qinghan felt the malice of the little girl with a round head, and immediately lost expectations for kindergarten life.

Wiping her tears in grievance, Shen Qinghan turned around and ran away to find Lin Zichen.

She finally knew now that Lin Zichen was the only one who would not dislike her for peeing her pants and would always be her friend.

[You are doing sit-ups, Qi and blood +1, abdominal muscle strength +1, sit-up proficiency +1]

[You are doing squats, Qi and blood +1, leg muscle strength +1, squat proficiency +1]

[You are doing pull-ups, Qi and blood +1, arm muscle strength +1, back muscle strength +1, pull-up proficiency +1]

[Your biological level is raised to ordinary second level]

Lin Zichen was concentrating on his exercise when he suddenly saw an unexpected reminder message in the void.

The biological level has been exceeded!

He couldn't believe it, so he quickly stopped and opened the character panel to check.

[Name: Lin Zichen]

[Age: 4 years old]

[Creature Level: Ordinary (Level 2)]

[Biological attributes: use it or lose it]

The biological level has really broken through, from ordinary first level to ordinary second level.

A few days ago, he tested various data on his body.

Can lift a rice box weighing 80kg with one hand.

The height jump can reach 1.2 meters.

The 100-meter sprint can break 11 seconds...

The above data are still far from the previous world record.

But taken together, he is also the best among ordinary people.

Without relevant professional training, it is impossible to reach this level.

"So... the average second-level level is the best among ordinary adults in the previous life?"

For the first time, Lin Zichen had a certain understanding of the levels of creatures in the ordinary stage.

Using the ordinary second-level strength as a reference, he estimated that the ordinary third-level strength should be enough to break various world records in previous lives.

Moreover, it is still far beyond the record.

Just as Lin Zichen was thinking about this, Shen Qinghan's voice came from the front.


"Chenchen, I miss my mother!"

"I want to go home..."

Shen Qinghan trotted up to Lin Zichen and complained to him with tears in his eyes.

Lin Zichen was a little confused.

Didn’t you just meet a good friend?

Why are you crying and wanting to go home all of a sudden?

"What happened?"

Lin Zichen wiped Shen Qinghan's tears and asked in a gentle voice.

While sobbing, Shen Qinghan told everything about what he had just experienced.

After hearing this, Lin Zichen touched her head and said, "It's okay, we will always be good friends."

"Well, we will always be good friends. Pull the hook...hang yourself...for a hundred years, you are not allowed to change!"

Shen Qinghan took Lin Zichen's little finger and turned his eyes from crying into laughter.

During lunch break.

As soon as the head teacher, Teacher Taozi, left, Shen Qinghan immediately left his bed and crawled into Lin Zichen's bed next to him like a kitten.

Because she was ostracized by the little girl with a round head in the morning, she has become more clingy to Lin Zichen now, more dependent than ever before.

Lin Zichen felt that it was hot and uncomfortable for two people to squeeze into a small bed, but she still liked it.

Not long after, Lin Zichen also fell asleep.

Halfway through his sleep, he suddenly felt warm all over his body.

I quickly got up and lifted the quilt and took a look and found that Shen Qinghan had wet the bed.

The mattress was completely wet.

Lin Zichen felt a little numb.

Doesn't this girl wear a diaper?

What about diapers?

Why didn't it work?

Just when Lin Zichen was wondering, there was a little boy next to him who had not fallen asleep. He noticed with sharp eyes that there was urine on his mattress, and immediately pointed and shouted:

"Wetting the bed!"

"Look, Chenchen wets the bed!"

"And Hanhan also wet the bed, so embarrassing!"


When the children around heard the shouting, they all looked towards Lin Zichen.

When they saw that Lin Zichen's mattress was wet, everyone started to boo.

"You two still wet the bed at such an old age, you two are disobedient children!"

"Let's not play with those two anymore!"

"The bedwetting king, you two will be called the bedwetting kings from now on!"


Shen Qinghan was woken up. Hearing the ridicule and rejection around him, his eyes turned red and he burst into tears: "Mom, I don't want to go to kindergarten anymore. I want to go home, wuwuwu..."

If he was just being squeezed out, Lin Zichen wouldn't be like this group of kids.

But listening to Shen Qinghan's cry from the side, he knew what he needed to do.

So, I got up and jumped hard, and landed on the table with a "dong" sound. I looked down at the group of brats in the class with a very domineering voice:

"Shut up, everyone!"

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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