Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 6 Civil and Military Perfection

Lin Zichen's "Shut up" was so loud and powerful that it made all the children's ears buzz.

For a moment, all the children were stunned.

They have never seen anyone their age jump more than 1 meter high, and their voice is so domineering, just like the angry father at home.

Lin Zichen looked around and warned in a more domineering voice:

"In the future, if you dare to call me the bedwetting king or bully Hanhan again, I will make you wet the bed every day!"

"Do you know?"

When he said the last sentence, he deliberately increased his volume.

Just this increased volume seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, scaring many children into tears.

"Oooh, daddy, I'm afraid!"

"Mom, wuwuwu..."

"Mom, Dad, school is not fun, I want to go home, wuwuwu..."

Among them, the little girl with a round head cried the most.

Because Lin Zichen's warning just now was almost always looking at her and was extremely targeted.

Soon, the movement in the classroom attracted all the teachers.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"Be good, everyone, stop crying."

"Chenchen, why are you standing on the table? It's very dangerous. Come down quickly."


Lin Zichen ignored the arriving teacher.

At this moment, all his attention fell on the words emerging from the void.

[You are so domineering that all the children in the class are afraid of you, and you successfully light up the title - Kindergarten Kid King]

[Achievement: Dominate the nine-year compulsory education]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes—the weak eat the strong]

[Title: Kindergarten Kid King (lit), Primary School Leader (not lit), Junior High School Bully (not lit)]

A third achievement mission actually appeared?

Lin Zichen felt a little surprised.

The previous reading achievements have not been completed yet, and I did not expect that the next achievement task would appear now.

It seems that multiple achievement tasks are allowed to exist at the same time.

This is good news.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, which was incompatible with the classroom filled with crying at the moment.

the next day.

The kindergarten received complaints from many parents in the class.

These parents learned about what happened yesterday from their children, and each one called the kindergarten to ask for an explanation.

The kindergarten has no choice but to invite relevant parents to the school to mediate in person.

Those parents who started to investigate felt that Lin Zichen was the culprit, and pointed their fingers at Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin.

Shen Qinghan's parents, Shen Jianye and Xu Meng, thought this was unreasonable.

Both the couple believed that their daughter was the one being bullied, and Lin Zichen was just standing up for his daughter. What was wrong?

As a result, the couple directly angrily attacked the parents who had raised eyebrows.

Both of them are teachers. They are very articulate and speak one theory after another. They can silence those parents who want to ask for an explanation.

Until the director came out and gave everyone a step down.

To be honest, it was all a misunderstanding, everyone was right, and then the matter came to an end for the time being.

Out of consideration for the children.

The next day, the principal transferred Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan to another class.

In another class, with Lin Zichen's protection, Shen Qinghan was never excluded by the children in the class and even made many friends.

However, they are all ordinary friends.

As a true friend, Shen Qinghan only recognizes Lin Zichen.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

This evening.

Lin Zichen was reading in the room after taking a shower.

Not long after, several reminder messages appeared in the void.

[A total of 100 million words have been read, achieved]

[Acquire biological attributes: Wisdom Root of Heaven and Man]

[Heavenly Wisdom Root: Photographic memory, learning ability reaches the peak of human beings]

After reading the introduction of attributes, Lin Zichen casually opened a page in the book that he had not seen before and quickly scanned the content above.

After reading, close the book and try to recite the entire page.

Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could recite everything verbatim.

It’s truly a photographic memory!

Wait until late at night.

Seeing that his parents had gone back to their rooms to sleep, Lin Zichen left his room, sneaked into his parents' coding room, turned on their work computer, and searched for a teaching video about derivative functions in high school mathematics to watch.

When he was in high school in his previous life, he was tortured by derivative functions.

Now, he wants to use the derivative function to test the effect of [Heavenly Human Wisdom Root].

[You are studying mathematics, spirit +1, logical thinking +1, calculation ability +1...]

In the dim room, the fluorescent light from the computer screen hit Lin Zichen's face directly, making his face look a little dark.

After about half an hour, I finished watching the video.

Also at this moment.

Lin Zichen felt enlightened and understood the derivative function instantly.

He immediately searched the mathematics college entrance examination papers from previous years and did several derivative function questions, and the answers came out as soon as they were derived.

In my previous life, when I was in the third year of high school, I couldn't figure it out no matter how much guidance I gave. In this life, I was in a small class in kindergarten and I could figure it out with just one guide.

Is this the gold content of reaching the pinnacle of human learning ability?

Too strong!

From now on, I am a genius with both civil and military skills!

Lin Zichen felt slightly excited.

the next morning.

Lin Zichen came to the kindergarten and took a weekly intellectual development class.

The teacher in class is a young-looking girl, as young as if she had just graduated from high school. Everyone calls her Ms. Strawberry.

In class, Teacher Strawberry asked a question to the children in the class.

——If the teacher gave everyone 100 yuan and asked everyone to buy the same thing to fill the entire classroom, what would everyone buy?

“Buy chocolate because chocolate is delicious!”

"Then I'll buy ice cream. I think ice cream tastes better than chocolate!"

"Dad likes the graphics card 4070ti. He even talks about 4070ti in his dreams. I want to buy a graphics card for dad!"

The children responded enthusiastically.

But unfortunately, I didn't answer the question to the point. It was obvious that I didn't understand the question at all.

"Are there any other answers? There will be rewards for answering correctly!" Teacher Strawberry asked, looking around.

However, no child could answer it.

In the end, Teacher Strawberry could only announce the answer: "We can buy candles. As long as we light the candles, the candlelight can light up the entire classroom."

Shen Qinghan below muttered: "I really want the reward from Teacher Strawberry, but unfortunately I am too stupid to answer..."

Hearing Xiao Nizi's muttering, Lin Zichen stood up and looked at Teacher Strawberry on the podium and said, "Teacher Strawberry, I don't think candles are good."

"Oh?" Teacher Strawberry was a little surprised. He didn't expect any children to directly deny the standard answer.

She was very curious about this, looked at Lin Zichen with a smile and asked: "Chenchen, why can't candles work?"

Lin Zichen replied: "Because there are tables, chairs, and various things in the classroom. Under the candlelight, these things will produce shadows."

When Teacher Strawberry heard this, his eyes lit up.

Although Lin Zichen's answer sounded a bit over-the-top, she liked children with such ideas.

"Then Chenchen, what do you think you can buy to fill a whole classroom?"

Teacher Strawberry just asked in a procedural way and didn't think Lin Zichen could give the answer.

Because even she couldn't think of a better answer than candles for a while.

However, Lin Zichen's next answer shocked her.

"I will use the 100 yuan to buy a skirt for Teacher Strawberry, and Teacher Strawberry will fill the entire classroom with joy after receiving the skirt."

"You, you want to give me a dress?"

Teacher Strawberry's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

This answer is perfect!

Is this something a four-year-old can think of?

Could I be dreaming?

Teacher Strawberry suddenly felt as if she had actually received a skirt, and was flirted with by four-year-old Lin Zichen.

after class.

Teacher Strawberry brought Lin Zichen to the office, took out a box of jigsaw puzzles and stuffed them into his hand, and said with a sweet smile on his face:

"Chenchen, Teacher Strawberry liked the answer you just gave in class. As a reward, I will give you this jigsaw puzzle. Teacher Strawberry hopes you will become smarter and smarter."

"Thank you, Teacher Strawberry."

Lin Zichen accepted the gift without any fluctuation in his heart.

With the attribute of [Heavenly Wisdom Root], he does not need jigsaw puzzles to help develop his intelligence.

This gift is useless to him.

So as soon as he returned to the classroom, he gave the jigsaw puzzle to Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan was very happy after receiving the gift. She couldn't put it down holding the jigsaw puzzle, and her eyes were full of her.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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