Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 51 Teacher: Lin Zichen, 100 points

Soon, the school bell rang, and next was the gene fusion class.

Gene fusion teacher Liu Deren, like mechanical modification teacher Cai Yuanfei, also walked in with a stack of test papers.

There are also monthly exams and rewards are set, and the amount of the reward is exactly the same as that set by Cai Yuanfei.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.

The exam for the gene fusion class has come to an end.

Liu Deren took away the test paper and took it back to the office, saying that he would mark the results before the lunch break was over.

As soon as the others left, the classroom instantly erupted into loud wailing just like at the end of the previous mechanical transformation exam.

"You must be sick, it's more difficult than the questions in the mechanical modification exam. Is this deliberately disgusting?!"

"I'm convinced. I put a picture of a bird's legs and asked us to guess what kind of exotic bird it is. We also need to guess the specific biological level. Can you tell me how to guess?"

"I have never scored less than 90 points in exams since I was a child. I'm afraid it won't be even 60 points this time."

"Oh, I finally understand. This exam is a threat from the teacher to dampen our spirit."

More than half of the students in the classroom were mentally disturbed.

Even Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, two top academics from Nanguan City, were stumped by the gene fusion test they just took. They felt that they could only score 80 points at most.

And on the other side of the classroom.

Shen Qinghan turned around and looked at Lin Zichen, and said excitedly: "Xiaochen, I feel like I can get at least 70 points on the gene fusion test paper just now!"

She has often read books about strange beasts with Lin Zichen since she was a child, and her knowledge of strange beasts is far superior to that of her peers.

She could do many of the questions on the test paper just now.

Lin Zichen laughed and teased her: "The situation is too small. 70 points is not worthy of your intelligence. I think at least 80 points will be enough."

Li Chuxin on the side listened to the conversation between the two and thought it was all a joke.

Even if you say you get 70 points on the test, how is it possible to get 80 points?

Based on the difficulty of the test paper just now, a passing score of 60 is already pretty good.

at this time.

Mechanical modification teacher Cai Yuanfei, holding a stack of newly corrected test papers in his hands, walked into the classroom with a smile on his face and said to everyone: "Students, the scores for the mechanical modification test paper are out!"

Judging from the smile on his face, it seemed that the students in the class did well and met his expectations.

"Teacher, send out the test papers quickly, I can't wait to know the scores!"

He Yu in the audience urged.

However, Cai Yuanfei did not do as he wished. Instead, he walked up to the podium and sat down and said:

"I won't let you distribute the test papers. Next, I will read out the names and scores. Whoever's name and score are read will come up to receive the test paper. I will publicly execute or praise each of you."

"Teacher, please don't. Just publicly praise those who did well in the exam. Can you please stop publicly punishing those who did poorly in the exam? That would be too cruel."

Some students in the audience protested.

Unfortunately, Cai Yuanfei did not accept the protest and continued to go his own way:

"Students, when you come to the top martial arts class, the first thing you have to do is to learn to face your own failures, and then learn to be shameful and then be brave."

"The reason why you are so good in junior high is often not because you are so good, but because the people around you are not so good."

"And now, you are in the top class, surrounded by top students from various schools. Can you continue to be as good as you were in junior high school?"

"At least, most people can't."

"And most of these people will fail in the next three years of high school."

"If you can't even face your own failures, my suggestion is to quit the top class and choose an ordinary class to continue being your dick."

After saying this sincerely, Cai Yuanfei picked up the first test paper and read:

"Chu Yuxi, 48 points."

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl quickly lowered her head to collect the test paper.

It's not even 50 points, it's so embarrassing, I don't even have the nerve to raise my head.

"Jian Zihao, 59 points."

"Li Guang, 62 points."

"Guo Yanling, 52 points."


"Shen Qinghan, 61 points."

After hearing that his score was passing, Shen Qinghan's face was instantly filled with a smile. He quickly stood up and left his seat, and quickly went up to the podium to receive his test paper.

On the way back, she said to Lin Zichen happily: "Xiaochen, I passed the exam!"

Lin Zichen smiled and affirmed her: "God rewards hard work, as it should be."


"Gao Fangfang, 57 points."

"He Yu, 88 points."


When they heard the score of 88, the whole class was in an uproar.

After reading the scores of so many people, I didn't even see one with a score of 70. Suddenly, out of the blue, a score of 88 appeared. The impact was really strong.

Under the gaze of many eyes, He Yu walked up to the stage with his head held high to receive his test paper.

"You did well on the exam. The teacher thinks highly of you."

Cai Yuanfei patted He Yu on the shoulder and affirmed his score.

Seeing this scene, all the students in the audience were extremely envious.

However, Lin Zichen was excluded, as were Lu Gang and Wang Shujie.

Especially Wang Shujie, who can sprint 100 meters in 7.98 seconds, even had a hint of contempt in his eyes, not looking down on He Yu, who is also from Nanguan City.

"He Yu, you are so awesome!"

When he saw He Yu coming back with the test papers, Li Chuxin immediately expressed admiration.

He Yu's heart felt numb after hearing this, but on the surface he still said modestly: "Luck, luck, I just happened to get the content I know."

A girl at the next table looked at Li Chuxin and smiled and said: "Chuxin, although He Yu is not as dazzling as Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, don't forget that he is also a top student from Nanguan City. He must be very powerful."

Hearing another girl brag about himself, He Yu remained calm on the surface but felt extremely happy.

He was in a good mood and soon said to the three people in the group with a generous look:

"Team members, when I get the 333 yuan reward for the third place, I will treat everyone to a nice meal."

He defaulted to the fact that he failed Lu Gang and Wang Shujie and had to settle for third place.

When Li Chuxin heard what he said, she couldn't help but complain:

"What do you mean, He Yu, how can you be so sure that you can get the 333 yuan?"

"Zi Chen's written test scores are also very good. When he was in junior high school, he won medals in various competitions. He might have scored higher than you!"

"As for the third place 333 yuan, I think Zichen also has a good chance of getting it!"

Li Chuxin was also Lin Zichen's little fan girl. She couldn't stand what He Yu said just now and felt that Lin Zichen was more likely to be third in the class.

The reason why it was third place was because she also believed that Lu Gang and Wang Shujie would take the top two spots in the class, and the others could only compete for third place.

After being complained like this by her, He Yu also realized that he had just gotten carried away and accidentally said the wrong thing, so he quickly laughed and said:

"That's it, that's it. I accidentally forgot about Zichen. The third place is either me or Zichen. There will definitely be no one else."

He said this, but he didn't think Lin Zichen would get a higher score than him. He just said this to give the team members face and to make a scene.

At this moment, Cai Yuanfei on the stage thought of the results of Lu Gang and Wang Shujie.

"Lu Gang, 95 points."

"Wang Shujie, 95 points."

As soon as these two scores appeared, the class instantly erupted into a large number of exclamations of disbelief and a sigh full of powerlessness.

"Holy shit! 95 points! How did you pass this test! Is this still a human being?!"

"The top academics in Nanguan City are awesome!"

"Well, sometimes, the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs."


Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie came on stage to receive their test papers.

Cai Yuanfei smiled and praised the two of them: "You two are awesome. You only missed the last question of the last question, and you did all the other questions."

Wang Shujie said calmly: "Teacher, the last question requires a lot of calculations. As long as you give me ten more minutes, I can definitely figure out the answer."

Lu Gang: "Me too."

Cai Yuanfei patted the two of them on the shoulders and said with certainty: "Teacher, I believe you have this ability."

After the two top students from Nanguan City returned to their seats with their test papers.

He picked up a test paper on the podium, adjusted his glasses, and said to everyone in the audience: "This exam is very difficult, but you may not believe it when I tell you. Someone in our class got full marks."

As soon as he finished speaking, before everyone in the audience could react, he read out a name and score in a calm tone:

"Lin Zichen, 100 points."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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