Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 52 Shen Qinghan is also a top student

"Lin Zichen, 100 points."

As soon as these words came out, the whole classroom fell into silence.

It was as if the earth had stopped spinning.

It was as if time had stopped flowing.

Everyone turned into stone sculptures, and they all stood still with frozen expressions.

It wasn't until Lin Zichen got up and left his seat and went up to the stage to collect the test papers that everyone in the audience came to their senses one after another and exclaimed in disbelief:

"100 points! I actually got 100 points on the test! How on earth did I get the test?!"

"Outrageous! Too outrageous!"

"Even two top academics in Nanguan City were beheaded. Lin Zichen is really awesome, and the mountains and seas are glorious!"

Being beheaded from his horse...

Hearing these extremely harsh words, both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie looked unhappy.

Especially Wang Shujie, his whole face turned green.

Ever since he was a child, even in Nanguan City, where there are many top students, he has been a proud man praised by all the stars and respected by his peers around him.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Shanhai City, where the education level was hard to describe, I would be ridden on my lap during the first exam of the school year.

This made him, who thought he was superior to others and full of superiority, find it difficult to accept.

the other side.

He Yu's face also looked a little unsightly.

He thought that with a score of 88, he would definitely get third place and win the 333 yuan reward.

As a result, Lin Zichen scored full marks, knocking him out of the top three.

This made him feel very embarrassed. He felt like a clown when he confidently said that he would treat the team members to food when he got the bonus.

on the podium.

Lin Zichen ignored the shock coming from all directions and calmly walked to Cai Yuanfei to receive the test paper.

Cai Yuanfei handed him the test paper and said with a smile on his face:

"Zichen, everyone knows that your written test scores are very good, but I really didn't expect that you could do so well. Even Lu Gang and Wang Shujie are no match for you."

"Teacher Cai is overrated."

"No, there's no praise at all." After Cai Yuanfei finished speaking, he smiled and said:

"Zi Chen, martial arts practitioners should not be too low-key or too humble. If you have strength, you should be a little more crazy. Only in this way can you have a bloody spirit and be more conducive to progress."

"That's what Teacher Cai said." Lin Zichen nodded in agreement, and then the next sentence was: "By the way, Teacher Cai, when will the 888 yuan bonus for the first place be distributed?"

Cai Yuanfei smiled and said: "We will distribute the bonuses after the scores of everyone in the class are announced. At that time, I will send the bonuses to the class group in a personal transfer."

"I understand, Teacher Cai." After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he stepped down from the stage and returned to his seat.

As soon as he returned to his seat and sat down, Shen Qinghan at the front table turned around and said:

"Xiaochen, you actually got full marks in the exam, that's amazing!"

"Quick, quick, quick, show me the test paper. I want to see how you do it."

Shen Qinghan looked at the perfect score paper in Lin Zichen's hand and said in a curious and eager voice.

Lin Zichen smiled and handed her the test paper.

Seeing this, He Yu and Li Chuxin hurriedly came over to see how the perfect score papers were obtained.

More than an hour later.

Gene fusion teacher Liu Deren walked into the classroom holding a stack of corrected test papers.

He strode to the podium, looked at everyone and smiled:

"Students, thanks to the teachers from other classes, your scores for the gene fusion exam just now have finally been corrected."

"Teacher, hand out the test papers quickly."

Wang Shujie urged Liu Deren.

He had just been beaten by Lin Zichen in terms of mechanical transformation scores, and he was eager to beat back in terms of genetic fusion scores.

Liu Deren said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, I will read out the names and scores one by one. When you hear your name, come up and get the test paper."

Soon, each name with a score was read out on the podium.

Most people fail.

Among the two top students from Nanguan City, Lu Gang scored 81 points and Wang Shujie scored 83 points, barely passing the excellent line.

Lin Zichen, who attracted the most attention, once again shocked the whole class and got a perfect score.

Got perfect scores twice in a row!

Especially since most people failed to pass the gene fusion exam, they actually got full marks!

Such an incredible performance directly refreshed everyone's understanding of academic masters.

This is not a top scholar, this is simply a god of study!

During this period, Wang Shujie did not want to believe this outrageous fact and expressed his suspicions to Liu Deren.

This paper is so difficult, how is it possible to get a perfect score?

I'm afraid you have to know the answer in advance in order to get full marks.

However, this suspicion without evidence was directly denied by Liu Deren.

Liu Deren said that all the questions in this test paper were designed by him, and the answers could not be found online, so there was no way to cheat.

Wang Shujie was silent.

Seeing this shameless person with a sense of superiority, He Yu felt numb and complained to Lin Zichen:

"This guy made me laugh. If you can't pass the exam, you can't afford it. You can't afford to lose. I suspect you of cheating. It's really embarrassing for us Nanguan City people."

"That's right, that Wang Shujie is really worthless. Ugly people tend to make mischief!" Li Chuxin, a face-conscious person, also complained.

Hearing these two people talking bad about people behind their backs, Shen Qinghan, who is timid by nature, quickly whispered: "You two, stop talking. It will be bad if someone hears you later."

He Yu said disapprovingly: "Afraid of Mao Shaan, he was the first to suspect Zichen of cheating because he couldn't afford to lose. What's wrong with me scolding him? How dare he hit me?"

Li Chuxin also looked unhappy and said: "That's right, then Wang Shujie needs to be scolded by the five elements. I don't think it's enough to relieve my anger just by scolding him behind his back. Wait until I get home tonight and stab him!"

"Ah, Zha, Zha the villain?"

Shen Qinghan was greatly shocked when he heard this.

Seeing that Li Chuxin was getting more and more outrageous, Lin Zichen couldn't hold himself any longer and quickly said:

"Chu Xin, it's enough to curse a few times in private. Stop stabbing the villain."

"Okay, then I won't prick you."

Li Chuxin did not listen to Shen Qinghan's advice, but listened to the advice of the dream lover of 900 million girls.

While several people were whispering, Liu Deren on the stage was still reading his name and results.

After reading until there was only the last test paper left, I finally read Shen Qinghan's score.

"Shen Qinghan, 78 points."

When Shen Qinghan heard the score, he was stunned for a moment, and then his hands trembled with excitement.

78 points!

Only lower than Lin Zichen, Wang Shujie, Lu Gang, and He Yu!

Top five in the class!

"Oh my god Hanhan, how come you got such high scores?!"

Li Chuxin was shocked. For a moment, she thought she had heard wrongly, and said with disbelief on her face.

He Yu didn't feel much surprised, and even said matter-of-factly:

"Is this so strange? Don't you know how good my childhood sweetheart is? You and Zichen grew up together, how can your academic performance be bad?"

At the same time.

Almost everyone in the class looked at Shen Qinghan, with expressions of extreme surprise on their faces. They didn't expect that she would get such a high score in the gene fusion exam.

After all, in the previous mechanical modification exam, her score was average and she just passed.

Feeling everyone's looks of surprise, shock, disbelief, disbelief, etc., Shen Qinghan stood up and left her seat happily, and went to the podium to receive her test paper.

On the way, I kept thinking, how great it is to have a childhood sweetheart like Xiaochen, who has led me to read various books about strange animals since I was a child, otherwise I would definitely not be able to score such high marks in the exam now.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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