Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 66 Remarks on the launch

Xiaopujie just received an editor’s notice saying that it will be put on the shelves at noon today.

On the day of release, two chapters will be updated at 12 noon.

It depends on the situation at night, as much as possible.

This book had a rough start and almost died.

Xiao Pujie doesn't have much confidence in writing a book. Every time before starting a book, he will talk to the big bosses and let them see if Xiao Pujie can write a book.

At that time, Xiao Pujie wrote two chapters and sent them to many big shots.

As a result, the big guys were unanimously not optimistic.

It is said that the plot is too bland, with no ups and downs, no emotions, and a high probability of being thrown off. Let's change the subject.

Xiao Pujie's heart felt cold at that time.

But after thinking about it, I was unwilling to give in and finally decided to give it a try.

If you think of jumping on the street, just jump on the street.

As long as the first order on the shelves is 300, Xiaopujie will be able to write about it with enthusiasm.

Because Xiao Pujie likes to write about urban martial arts and has always fantasized about having a childhood sweetheart.

Write a story you like, even if you have poor grades, you can persevere.

During the 150,000 words in the free period, Xiaopujie carefully read every comment from the readers, referred to the opinions of the readers, and reflected on whether his writing was not good enough and whether it could be corrected.

During this period, some readers pointed out that the male protagonist's 100-meter sprint speed increased too much. Then Xiao Poujie thought about it and thought it was unreasonable, so he changed it later.

There are many, many places where readers pointed out the problems and then rushed to correct them.

It feels like crowdfunding to write a book.

The above is mostly positive feedback from readers.

The following feedback makes Xiaopujie a little confused. Many readers will ask Xiaopujie how to write based on their own personal taste.

for example.

Reader A: There is a female protagonist and I won’t read it!

Reader B: I won’t read it if there is no heroine!

The little one was so confused.

for example.

Reader A: Writing about daily life again, Zhen Shui! I want to see the pretense slapped in the face! Otherwise, abandon the book!

Reader B: Haha, another post about pretending to slap someone in the face, rubbish! I want to read daily life, and I don’t want to abandon books every day!

The little one was so confused.

Xiaopujie gave the above example mainly to illustrate one point.

That is - Xiaopoujie has limited capabilities and cannot satisfy all readers.

Therefore, Xiaopoujie can only write slowly according to his own ideas.

Xiaopou Street apologizes deeply for this.

Finally, please make your first order!

The first order is very important to Xiaopoujie!

Xiao Pujie's life is very poor in reality. Four years after graduating from college, his monthly salary is only 3,000 yuan. He really can't live any longer.

Xiaopujie really needs royalties to improve his poor life.

Alas, let’s not talk about it anymore. It’s just tiring to say too much.

Poverty is a disease.

Xiao Pujie has been ill for 26 years and has not been cured, and his condition is even getting worse.

well! well! well!

Having said all that, Xiaopoujie just hopes that readers can support the first order, please, please.

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