Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 67 The Man Who Eats Rats

"You... uh, kill, kill my brother."

"Every day, every day in the vegetable market, use the rat gun to... er, kill, kill my brother."

"I, I want you to pay with blood!!!"

At the moment when these last words were spoken, the man's body had completely transformed into a rat-man with eight scarlet eyes on his face.

At this time, the security guards in the station were already fully armed, using various powerful firearms to shoot at the rat men wildly.

Unfortunately, the Rat Man is very agile and is constantly looking for cover to avoid attacks, making it difficult for bullets to hit him.

However, the security guards didn't want to hit him at all, they just wanted to suppress him and delay the time for the mechanical transformation people to come and clear the place.

This rat-man's brain is a bit awkward, and he didn't realize this. He was still screaming to avenge his brothers, constantly trying to break through the hail of bullets coming towards him, trying to kill all the security guards in front of him. .

"Director, the headquarters responded that all the mechanical transformation people have gone out to perform tasks. It will take about ten minutes to send people to support. We don't have enough ammunition. I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for support!"

A member of the security team said with a panic look on his face.

The police station where he was located was at the street level, and the ammunition inventory inside was so small that it could not sustain the continuous fire.

"You continue to suppress the fire, and I'll bring the car over. Then we all get in the car and lead the rat man to the suburbs, delaying time until support arrives."

After saying these words, the director of the public security station left in a hurry to bring the security car.

He had realized that this rat man was a little out of his mind, and he only wanted to kill the security guard to avenge the dead rat.

Based on this, as long as the car drives all the security guards to the suburbs later, this not-so-smart rat man will definitely chase the car.

Soon, the director of the public security station drove the security car over and asked everyone to get in the car.

Then, he stepped on the accelerator and flew to the countryside at top speed.

Sure enough, the rat man immediately chased the car and vowed not to stop until he killed all the people in the car.

The chase lasted about three minutes.

At this time, the mechanical transformer sent by the security headquarters finally arrived.

Upon seeing this, the director of the security station immediately stepped on the accelerator, throwing the already exhausted rat man behind the car away, leaving enough space for the cybernetic man to perform.

Seeing that the car had thrown away the rat man, the mechanical cyborg suspended in the sky immediately opened fire, pouring all the ammunition he was equipped on the rat man.

After all the ammunition was poured out, he turned off the anti-airflow power device and slowly landed on the ground. He walked into the billowing smoke with a special alloy long knife.

Then he frowned and discovered that the rat man was no longer on the ground.

What was left was just a bottomless, pitch-black hole, with bloodstains and scraps of flesh scattered around.

The Skaven braved the bombardment of ammunition and dug holes to escape.

But the good news is that judging from the blood stains and scraps of meat on the ground, the rat-man must have been seriously injured and should not be far away. There is a chance to find it and kill it.

After analyzing this, the mechanical engineer quickly turned on the anti-airflow power device and rose to high altitude, circling high in the sky like a falcon, searching for traces of the rat man.

In a village in the city, inside a single-family house.

After Lin Zichen finished his meal and rested for a while, he went upstairs to the room to exercise intensively.

There are many ways to exercise, no longer limited to basic movements such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc.

But it expanded to more subtle movements.

Finger exercises, wrist exercises, neck exercises, etc., exercise every muscle in the body in an all-round way.

This practice lasted four hours.

Lin Zichen felt a little tired and ended his exercise tonight.

At this time, he was not sweating much and his breathing was not severely disordered. He was just a little tired.

This is the change brought about by years of exercise with the blessing of use it or lose it.

Physical strength became stronger.

Becoming increasingly resistant to exertion.

While sitting on the ground to rest, Lin Zichen took his mobile phone and opened the writer's backend to look at the data.

I have been writing for more than half a month, and I have steadily updated more than 4,000 words every day. Now it is almost 100,000 words.

The data is very good, with more than 10,000 collections.

The most important thing is that the response from readers has been very good, and many readers said that they will definitely support subscription after it is put on the shelves.

"There are still several recommendations in the new book issue that have not been published. Once the recommendations are completed, the data will be even better. I don't know how much I can earn in one month after it is released..."

Looking at the backend data of the writer's assistant, Lin Zichen couldn't help but look forward to it.

Afterwards, I got up and got a set of clean clothes to take a shower.

After I finished taking a shower and dried my hair, when it was almost time, I turned off the lights and went to bed.

Before going to bed, I thought that I had not taken any physical data for a month, so I immediately picked up my phone and set an alarm for 3 a.m.

I plan to go out at midnight tonight to test the data and see how much progress I have made.

It's 3 o'clock in the morning.

The cell phone alarm rings on time.

Lin Zichen was very determined and did not stay in bed. He got out of bed and got dressed, putting on a hat and mask to cover his face as always.

Then, he quietly left home with the tools to measure the data.

Avoid surveillance along the way.

It didn't take long.

Lin Zichen came to a deserted suburb, confirmed that no one was nearby, and immediately started testing the data.

About ten minutes later.

The data is out.

It only takes 3.43 seconds to sprint 100 meters.

The vertical jump can reach 7.22 meters.

It can lift a car weighing about 1750kg with one hand.

The progress is quite obvious.

If we can maintain this rate of progress, it is estimated that by the next semester, the 100-meter sprint will successfully break the 3-second mark, the vertical high jump will break the 8-meter mark, and the one-handed weightlifting will break the 2,000kg mark.

The above are all data achieved purely by one's own body, without the help of external forces such as mechanical modification and genetic fusion.

This progress is too steady.

If he can keep making progress like this, Lin Zichen feels that sooner or later he will be able to physically become a saint, and then punch the mechanical transformation people and kick the gene fusion people.

After thinking about it for a while, he quickly came to his senses, packed up the measuring tools on the ground, and ran home all the way.

On the way, while passing a suburban garbage station, he saw a man squatting on the ground rummaging through the garbage, seemingly hungry and looking for food.

If you look closely, you will see a man who is in tatters and covered in blood.


Covered in blood, was he beaten?

It looks quite pitiful. Call the security team and ask them to come and rescue him.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen took out his mobile phone.

Just as he was about to make a call, he suddenly saw an extremely horrifying scene.

I saw the man in the garbage pile suddenly reaching out and grabbing a mouse from the front. He hesitated for a moment with a painful look on his face, then opened his mouth and stuffed the mouse into his mouth, and started to eat it like bread.

Under the strong bite force, the mouse was bitten until blood splattered and died on the spot.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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