Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 70 Navy Commander

"The angle of your punch is too high. Lower it a little so you can exert more force."

"The leg clamp is too tight, please spread it further."

"You also need to adjust your posture. Don't face your opponent directly, but at a slight angle."


Saturday, four o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Qinghan's home.

After Lin Zichen finished exercising at home, he came here to help Shen Qinghan with special training and patiently trained her martial arts skills.

Shen Qinghan studied very seriously, and she did whatever Lin Zichen taught her.

Feeling that the problem was almost corrected, Lin Zichen said to her:

"Come on, practice it and attack me with all your strength."

"Okay, then I'm here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Qinghan exerted force on his calves and quickly rushed towards Lin Zichen.

She knew very well how strong Lin Zichen was, so she didn't hold back at all and attacked with full firepower.


Lin Zichen grabbed her fist and said with approval: "Yes, the angle of the punch is very standard, and the power exerted is much greater than before."


Lin Zichen grabbed her swept calf and corrected patiently: "The posture of sweeping the legs is wrong. Don't clamp your legs so tightly before taking off, but spread them farther apart."

"Come on, follow what I just corrected for you and do it again with the same trick."


"Pah! Pah! Pah..."

There was a crashing sound of fists and feet.

Before I knew it, more than two hours had passed.

After training for so long, Shen Qinghan was exhausted and sat on the ground panting with sweat all over his body.

But she didn't feel hard at all, but felt particularly fulfilled.

Because, after more than two hours of special training by Lin Zichen, she could clearly feel that her martial arts strength had become stronger.

If the previous martial arts strength was 75 points, now it can be at least 80 points.

"Xiaochen, I think three times a week is not enough. Can you do special training every day?"

Shen Qinghan wants to defeat Wen Yuntong and Chu Yuxi on the martial arts stage as soon as possible, and tear off the label of being last in the class that is attached to him.

Lin Zichen shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. Three times a week is a lot. If you come here every day, you won't be able to bear it."

Shen Qinghan thought it made sense: "Yes, then three times a week is enough."

At this time, a WeChat voice ringtone rang.

Lin Zichen connected to the voice line, and Zhang Wanxin's voice soon came, saying that the meal was almost ready and asked him and Shen Qinghan to come over for dinner.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng are now the head teachers of the third year of high school. They are often too busy to go home and cook, so they can only do it in the school cafeteria.

In this case, the couple would ask Shen Qinghan to go to Lin Zichen's house for dinner.

Today, the couple was too busy to come back and cook.

After ending the voice chat.

Lin Zichen looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "You are sweating all over. Go and take a shower. After taking a shower, we will go over to eat."

"Okay, let's go."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he sat on the ground and took off his shoes and socks, preparing to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Xiao Chen, it's strange. Other people's socks smell stinky after they sweat after exercising, but mine don't smell at all." Shen Qinghan put one of the socks he took off under his nose, smelled it, and then handed it to Lin Zichen said: "Smell it and see if it is true."

Smell some wool... Lin Zichen's mouth twitched slightly, without even looking at Shen Qinghan's socks.

Seeing the corners of his mouth twitching, Shen Qinghan smiled playfully and said, "I'm just teasing you. I'm not that perverted to let you smell my socks."

"It would be great if you could be so quirky in school."

"That's impossible. I can only do this in front of you."

"Okay, go take a shower quickly, otherwise my mother will call again later to remind you."

"I'll go now."

After saying these words, Shen Qinghan got up and went to take a shower.

Watching her leaving back, Lin Zichen fell into deep thought.

Whether it’s that I haven’t been able to hold back my urine since I was a child, or that my water-based talent is unusually high, or that my sweat doesn’t stink or even smells good.

All these special features are related to water.

Why is her body like this?

What's the secret inside?

Just as he was thinking about it, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

I took it out and saw that the editor of the novel website had sent a notice that the storybook would be available for sale next Wednesday for a fee.

Lin Zichen replied "received" and then opened the writer's assistant to view the novel's data.

After one month of updating, I wrote 150,000 words, and it has been collected by more than 20,000 readers.

The data is quite good and looks like a masterpiece.

I hope that after it is put on the shelves, the results will soar quickly, I can earn more royalties, and I will try to open the Violent Da Diao album as soon as possible...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen sent a message to inform readers that the book will be on shelves next Wednesday.

After that, I exited the author's backend and browsed the news on my phone.

"After many days of hard work by the public security department, the number of rats in the urban area has been significantly reduced, which has been well received by the general public."

"The Machine God Group announced on its official website that it will provide free treatment to former mechanical genius girls who have become physically disabled due to premature mechanical modifications."

"The genius of Peking University successfully fused the genes of the Thousand Silk Spider and the alien beast, breaking the school record of being the youngest person to have a second gene fusion at Peking University."

When Lin Zichen saw the words "genius of Beijing University", the first thing he thought of was the prodigy of Kyoto back then.

When I clicked it and took a look, I found that it was really the other person.

He was a little surprised by this.

He had known the other party's information before, and he was only one and a half years older than him, which meant he was barely eighteen years old this year.

Normally, most people cannot undergo gene fusion until they reach adulthood.

Otherwise, the body will not be able to withstand the dominance of alien genes, and mutations will easily occur.

However, this Kyoto prodigy, now should be said to be a Kyoto genius, has already had a second genetic fusion before he was eighteen years old.

This physical talent is really strong.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen clicked on the video in the news.

It was very cool to see a Kyoto genius who could shoot out spider webs and fly over walls like Spider-Man.

At this time, Shen Qinghan came out after taking a shower.

At this time, her hair was slightly wet, her pretty face was white and rosy, and she was wearing a light pink skirt that just covered her knees, revealing a pair of slender white calves, looking slim and graceful.

"Xiaochen, is your book going to be on the shelves?"

While Shen Qinghan was wiping her hair with a towel, she looked down at her phone and saw Lin Zichen's acceptance speech not long ago.

Lin Zichen replied: "Yes, the editor said it will be available at 12 noon next Wednesday."

"Then I'll give you a good review!"

After saying that, Shen Qinghan started to take action, logging into more than a dozen small accounts one after another, and became a troll in Lin Zichen's book review area.

Lin Zichen opened the author's backend and took a look, and found that in less than 5 minutes, Shen Qinghan had already changed 17 accounts and received nearly 20 positive comments.

Good guy, what kind of navy commander is this?

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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