Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 71 Definitely next time

In a blink of an eye, it’s next Wednesday.

On the day when Lin Zichen's novel was released, he squandered all his manuscripts and updated 50,000 words on the same day.

The readers were so excited that they repeatedly praised him as a tentacle monster.

After that, we will keep updating 10,000 words every day to keep readers happy.

Readers voted and gave support.

With the dual blessings of using advance or retreat and the wisdom of heaven and man, after a month of coding training, he can now easily reach the speed of 10,000 words per hour.

Spending only one hour a day coding will not affect your daily exercise time, so it is acceptable.

"Xiao Chen, your book has done really well. If you can steadily update 10,000 words every day and the plot of the book is not too exciting, you will probably get around 50,000 in royalties in the first month. When the number of words increases in the future, your monthly income will increase." 100,000 is no problem.”

Lin Yansheng analyzed with a smile on his face.

Zhang Wanxin said with excitement: "My Xiaochen is indeed an all-around genius. He is still in high school, and his earning power is already almost as good as his parents."

Lin Yansheng felt ashamed and said: "I think back on the first book I wrote back then. Although I signed a contract, the number of readers who subscribed was only single digits, and I could only get a few hundred yuan every month for typing the words. royalties."

At this moment, the couple couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

An all-around genius is powerful. No matter what field he is in, he can achieve achievements far beyond those of ordinary people.

Moreover, the energy spent to achieve this achievement may be less than one-tenth of others.

"Xiao Chen, although you can make a lot of money by writing novels now, your focus should still be on your studies. It must not affect your studies, do you understand?"

"You must listen to your father. In this world, no matter how rich ordinary people are, they can't compare to gene fusion people who have broken through the shackles of human beings."

The couple spoke seriously.

Lin Zichen nodded: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I can distinguish priorities."

After saying that, I was thinking, is it 50,000 a month, or even 100,000?

With this income, I no longer have to worry about the funds to open the book of exotic beasts.

While it's just released, I'll write more braille and earn the first two months' royalties to open the Brutal Diao album.

With this idea in mind, in the next half month, in addition to daily exercise and special training for Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen was most concerned about the results of his novel.

The better the performance of the novel, the higher the royalties, and the sooner the Violent Eagle Picture Book can be opened.

In order to get more royalties, I sometimes use my mobile phone to code in class.

I thought about opening the Violent Eagle atlas first, and then returning to the original study arrangement.

The days go by like this day by day

This day, it was martial arts class.

Han Yuanfeng organized an in-class competition to check the learning status of the students in the class.

Lin Zichen crushed the entire audience as always, leaving everyone unable to fight back.

While making 888 yuan, I also gained dozens of experience points for completing the Natural Selection achievement.

Contrary to him, Shen Qinghan still couldn't beat anyone and ranked last in the class as always.

But what is different from before is that she has a certain ability to fight back when facing her opponents.

In the last competition, when facing Wen Yuntong, who was ranked second to last in the class, she was kicked off the martial arts platform, and the battle ended in less than three seconds.

But this time, she managed to hold on to Wen Yuntong's hand for almost three minutes.

It's not like being a turtle for three minutes.

Instead, he fought against Wen Yuntong.

He punched Wen Yuntong several times and kicked him several times.

After seeing it, Han Yuanfeng repeatedly praised her for her great progress and asked her to continue.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When get out of class was about to end, Han Yuanfeng said to the students in the class:

"In one month, we will challenge the strongest key class in the second year of high school. The goal is to kill everyone except the top three in the other class. Do you have confidence?"


The students responded loudly.

Hearing this answer, Han Yuanfeng showed a satisfied smile on his face.

After that, he called the four strongest people in the class over and patiently analyzed for them the high-end combat power of the strongest key class in the sophomore year.

Not long after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Lin Zichen did not leave the school, but returned to the classroom with Shen Qinghan, Li Chuxin, and He Yu.

Today it is their turn to be on duty as a group in the class and they have to go back and clean the classroom.

[You and your team members wipe the blackboard together, and the cumulative number of completed tasks +1]

[You and your team members sweep the floor together, and the cumulative number of completed tasks +1]

[You and your team members mop the floor together, and the cumulative number of completed tasks +1]


[You and your team members arrange the table neatly, and the cumulative number of completed tasks +1]

"I'll go and finally finish cleaning!"

When the last table in the classroom was set up, He Yu shouted with relief.

Then, he couldn't help but complain: "I say Zichen, you are too responsible. When other teams do cleaning, they just sweep the floor and it's done. You have to mop the floor and set the table, which makes us miserable." I’ll do it with you every time.”

Li Chuxin rolled her eyes at him: "Just don't do it if you're so unwilling. No one is forcing you to do it."

He Yu crossed his legs and said like an old man: "That won't work. The four of us are in a group. Either we all do it or none of us do it. I don't want to be a lone wolf."

Lin Zichen: "This is mine. Because of my personal reasons, I made everyone work more. As an apology, I will treat you to milk tea later."

After hearing this, He Yu immediately stopped complaining and suddenly smiled and said: "Zi Chen, no, foster father, how can this be so embarrassing."

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing.

Then, with a thought, he looked into the void to check the completion progress of the social animal achievement.

[Achievement: Under the premise of cooperation with multiple people, complete the task 1000 times in total]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - social animals]

[Cumulative number of completed tasks: 608/1000]

Still 392 times to go.

If you work harder, you can finish it in another month.

"I don't know what the biological attribute of social animals is like..."

Lin Zichen looked at the text message and thought silently.

at this time.

Li Chuxin, who had been looking good just now, suddenly fell down on the table and cried for some reason, sobbing quietly.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan asked with concern: "Chu Xin, why are you crying?"

Li Chuxin raised her head and said while wiping her tears: "My mother just told me on WeChat that the cat I raised that could do backflips accidentally fell off the balcony and died. Woohoo..."

"Isn't it just a cat?" He Yu looked confused.

Li Chuxin glared at him when he heard this: "A heartless person like you will never understand the bond between a cat and its owner!"

"Ah, yes, yes, I don't understand." He Yu said, taking out a tissue and handing it over: "Stop crying, wipe your tears."

Li Chuxin took the tissue and said in surprise with eyes red from crying: "I didn't expect that you, a boy who only knows how to make noises all day long, would also use a tissue to wipe a girl's tears. You are quite gentlemanly."

After saying that, he picked up a tissue to wipe his tears, and then wiped it. He felt something was wrong. He immediately looked at He Yu and asked with confusion: "Why does your tissue smell so bad?"

"This is what I used in the toilet this morning." He Yu answered straightforwardly.



Li Chuxin suddenly went from sad to disgusted.

When parting.

He Yu, who had a slap mark on his face, said to the three of them with a smile:

"By the way, my first martial arts gym in Shanhai City will be officially opened in a few days. You three should come over to support us. I will open a Supreme VIP membership card for you for free."

"Definitely next time." x3

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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