Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 7: Always be ready to face life and death

, the fastest update starts from polluting the world and evolves the latest chapter!

At half past five in the morning, Sayori Gomo woke up on time. She got out of bed immediately, ran to the window, opened the curtains and looked out.

The rain has stopped, but there is still relatively obvious stagnant water on the road. Road officials, firefighters and some sanitation workers are cleaning up the stagnant water and collecting the garbage washed out by the flood.

She immediately picked up her phone and called her brother Shunsuke Gomo.

Voice broadcast, the other party has turned off.

Sasori was a little worried. When it rained heavily last night, she called. But because the rain was too heavy, the signal was not very good, and it never got through.

The school has already notified that because of the heavy rain, there is water accumulation in some parts of the campus. In order to avoid danger, there is no need to go to school today, and the specific school time will wait for the follow-up notice.

Saori got dressed, washed quickly, put on rain boots, brought a raincoat and umbrella, and planned to go out.

As soon as I got to the first floor, my mother stopped me.

"Saori, where are you going?"

Sayuri said vaguely, "I'll go deliver something to my brother."

"What, let your dad drive to deliver it later."

"My brother is in a hurry. Dad is too tired. Let him sleep for a while."

Saying that, Saori rushed out in a hurry.


As soon as I went out, I was dripping with water immediately, but fortunately I was wearing a raincoat.

Saori rushed to the office of the Kishi Supervision Team in Tateyama City non-stop.

During this time, there were basically no people on the roads in the residential area. After all, it was still early, and the accumulation of water was so serious that it was hard to say where there were undercurrents.

Saxuri trotted all the way, no matter what the water was standing, half an hour later, she came to the outside of the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team.

As soon as I arrived, I immediately saw that the surrounding area was cordoned off. Many police officers were investigating and recording something in the cordon. Some members of the shore surveillance team also looked serious, looking for something everywhere, and an ambulance was parked in front of them. The doorman of the hospital.

What happened?

Saori was inexplicably nervous, why didn't she see Shunsuke brother?

She walked over. The police and shore surveillance team members here basically knew her and didn't stop her.

After Saori entered the cordon, she looked towards the security post's hut. The whole hut was badly damaged, almost cut in the middle, and some bloodstains were dazzlingly displayed on the walls, tables and glass.

"Saori!" Koji Kentaro, a member of the shore monitoring team, shouted not far away.

Sasuri hurried over, "Senior of the ancient temple."

"Do you have any news about your brother?"

Sasori was stunned for a while, and then asked:

"Don't you know about the elders of the ancient temple?"

Koji Kentaro looked anxious, "There was an accident. The shore surveillance team was attacked by an unknown last night. Both Hato and Yelang who were standing guard were killed. I haven't found where Shunsuke is, and I don't know what happened to him."

Sasori felt that something was grabbing her heart, and when the cold wind blew, her lips began to tremble. Her neck tightened, and she said falteringly:

"Brother him, brother he...he won't..."

Koji Kentaro quickly appeased:

"Sasori, don't panic, you haven't found your brother yet. Maybe he avoided the danger."

"He! He can't get through on his phone."

"We found his cell phone, but it was soaked in blisters all night and can't be used anymore." Koji Kentaro pressed Saori's shoulder, "Saori, think about it, did Shunsuke tell you last night? what?"

Sasori pressed her forehead with both hands, desperately recalling her brother's explanation when she left the shore surveillance team's office last night.

Brother Shunsuke only let himself tell his parents that he would not go back at night, and... eat well, don't be picky eaters.

Her eyes were red and her voice trembled, "No, there's nothing left." As she spoke, she suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked, "What about Mr. Qiao? The shore surveillance team should have him last night."

"The gentleman is gone too."

"Where's the surveillance?" Sasori asked as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"There was a power outage last night, and the surveillance didn't leave anything behind. Sayuri, don't be too anxious, we have informed the Chiba prefectural branch control center of the situation. This attack should not be an ordinary thug. Attack. Also, the police have started to search the surrounding area, and they will definitely find your brother."

Having said that, Kentaro Koji devoted himself to other work.

Sasori folded her arms, shivering from nervousness, worry, and cold.

After she stayed for a while, she came to her senses, she couldn't wait, she had to do something.

She ran quickly towards the backyard, passed through the green garden, crossed the corridor, and rushed into Qiao Xun's isolation home. It was empty inside. When I entered the room, I saw Qiao Xun's clothes were still hanging on the hangers on the wall.

She remembered what her brother said to herself that the guests who got off the sea train were very powerful and dangerous.

Sasori covered her head, her mind was chaotic. She went through all kinds of bad and good conjectures, but she didn't have any clues.

At a loss, the phone suddenly rang.

unknown number.

She hurriedly connected. Qiao Xun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, is that Saori?"

"Mr. Joe!" Sasuri grabbed the life-saving straw and shouted sadly, "There was an accident!"

Qiao Xun immediately said: "Sa Xuli, don't worry, just listen to me. Your brother is now in Ward 412 on the fourth floor of the inpatient building of Guanshan Hospital, and he is out of danger. I have no other contact information, from your brother's I found your contact information with your parents in the pocket watch, so I will call you first."

Hearing that her brother was all right, Saori's heart that was so nervous finally calmed down.

"Great, great..."

"Sasuri, now, you immediately tell the other members of the shore surveillance team to come over and record the situation here."

"Okay, okay!"

Saori hung up the phone and immediately ran to the front yard to tell Kentaro Koji the news.

Then Koji Kentaro took her and a few other team members and drove to Tateyama Hospital.

In the ward, Qiao Xun was holding a family photo of Junsuke Wu Mao, with the contact information behind the photo. Perhaps, after Gomo Shunsuke became a member of the shore monitoring team, he thought about an unexpected situation and prepared emergency contact information.

He looked at the smiling four in the family portrait, stayed for a while, then stuffed it into his pocket watch and put it next to Gomo Shunsuke's pillow.

Ten minutes later, Kentaro Koji brought Saori and several others to the ward.

Sayuri entered the ward and immediately stood in front of the bed excitedly.

"Big brother Shunsuke, big brother Shunsuke."

Gomo Shunsuke was still unconscious, lying on the hospital bed unresponsive, but his breathing was steady, and he didn't seem to have a terrible trauma.

Qiao Xun said by the side:

"Sasuri, let him have a good rest, don't be too anxious, the doctor has already said that there is no danger."

Sasori frowned, her eyes were red, and she hummed softly. After a while, she reacted and immediately bowed to Qiao Xun.

"Mr Joe, thank you."

Qiao Xun shook his head, then turned to Koji Kentaro and said:

"Let me dictate what happened last night."

Koji Kentaro paused for a while. Some never recovered.

Qiao Xun was a little helpless, thinking to himself, the Guanshan City Coast Supervision Team is indeed very unprofessional.

After Kentaro Koji reacted, he immediately started recording.

Qiao Xun recounted the whole process from the heavy rain last night to sending Shunsuke Wumo to the hospital. Of course, he did not explain how he pulled Gomo Shunsuke back from the gate of death, but only said that he saw Gomo Shunsuke fell to the ground injured and rushed him to the hospital.

Then Qiao Xun reminded Koji Kentaro to search along the nearby coastal areas, especially the place where the marginal deep diver was found, to find out if there was anything unusual.

They all knew that Qiao Xun was a member of the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center.

After Koji Kentaro led people away, Qiao Xun turned to look at Saori and asked:

"Saori, do you want to inform your parents?"

Saori's eyes were still a little red, but there were no tears. She pursed her lips and thought about it and said:

"Let's wait until Brother Junsuke wakes up. Parents don't know Brother Junjie's job, they think he is a police officer with a special type of work. If they knew about Brother Junjie's job, they would definitely not let him do it."

"OK then."

"Thank you, Mr. Qiao, for saving Brother Shunsuke."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said nothing.

Saori looked at Shunsuke Gomo's weak face, sniffed, and summoned the courage to ask:

"Mr. Qiao, is it because of the monster you brought back yesterday?"

"At present, there is a high probability that it is."

"What the **** is that monster?" Sasori gritted her teeth.

"You want revenge?" Qiao Xun looked at Sasuri oddly.

Sayori shook her head and said:

"My brother can't deal with it, and I certainly can't. However, I want to know more. Unknown things are the most terrifying."

"Consciousness is very good." Qiao Xun thought about it and said: "That thing is a mysterious creature living in the deep sea, not an ordinary polluted creature that you often see. Sayuri, it is good for you to have such an idea, but the world itself hides There are too many secrets to hope to know all at once."

Sasori frowned, looking sad and resentful,

"Are there many such things?"

"Well, there are many, many dangers, more terrifying than this, happening every day around the world. This is not the peaceful world we used to know, a global war is going on. Tateyama is more dangerous than those There is too much peace and security in this place. But even so, great danger can come here anytime, anywhere.”

Saori's hands fell on her thighs and squeezed slightly.

"Sasori, if you're really determined to go this route. Maybe, always be prepared to part with your friends, team members, and your brother."

Sasori's shoulders shook, and she let out a breath, her whole body seemed to be exhausted.

After all, she was only a high school student, fifteen or sixteen years old. In the past, it was far from the time to talk about life and death, but now, she is a reserve team member, and her brother is a regular team member, so you should be prepared for this.

Qiao Xun will not use false comfort to lull her understanding, just put things in front of her truthfully and objectively.

He could understand that this must be a big challenge for Saori. Don't say anything more, let her digest it by herself.

At twelve noon, Shunsuke Gomo finally woke up with a cough.

He felt like his head was stuffed with sand and rustling.

He opened his eyes confused.

The white ceiling, the worried look on his younger sister Sauri's face, and Mr. Qiao's indifferent expression gradually built up a basic understanding in his mind.

what happened... think about it... think about it... by the way, last night, it was raining heavily, it was attacked, and then...

"Brother Shunsuke, are you okay?" Saori asked nervously.

Shunsuke Gomo wanted to sit up, but he was so weak that he gave up. His throat was dry, and Qiao Xun handed over the water. After taking a sip, he felt better.

"Saori, don't worry, I'm fine."

Qiao Xun stood beside him and asked:

"Mr. Wu Mao, do you remember what happened last night?"

Shunsuke Gomo shrank his pupils and asked eagerly:

"The shore surveillance team was attacked! What happened to that monster's corpse?"

Qiao Xun shook his head and said:


"What about the rest?"

"The two security guards on guard were attacked and died on the spot. You were also attacked at the time. The situation was very bad. I brought you to the hospital."

Gomo Shunsuke opened his mouth, looking a little unacceptable. After a while, he let out a breath and said with a wry smile:

"Thank you, Mr. Joe."

"You're welcome. What happened last night?"

"At that time, I was writing the report and watching the monitoring of the prevention and treatment room. Then, it suddenly started to rain, and it was very fast, and it immediately filled the drains outside. I opened the door and planned to check if there was anything. The doors and windows were not closed properly. But as soon as I opened the door of the monitoring room, a black shadow with a very distorted shape rushed in front of me. I didn't see anything, I only felt that my whole body was hit by a great force and slammed into the monitoring room. On the corner of the wall... Before I fell into a coma, I vaguely saw that my entire chest was opened."

When he said this, he quickly lifted the quilt and touched his chest... There were no obvious scars. He was a little confused,

"Why is there nothing at all, it feels... strange?"

Qiao Xun looked at him.

Shunsuke Gomo asked:

"Did Mr. Joe help me?"

Qiao Xun nodded and did not elaborate.

Shunsuke Gomo swallowed his saliva. Oh my god, what kind of ability can achieve that kind of thing... Obviously his chest was completely opened... He had heard of the healing talent, but he had never really seen it. Think, maybe Mr. Joe has that ability.

"Thank you so much, if it weren't for you, I must be dead."

"Don't be too polite, Mr. Wu Mao. It's just a pity that after saving you, I didn't have the energy to help the other two."

Shunsuke Gomo was a little sad.

The shore monitoring team is not big, and he has a good relationship with everyone. After knowing the sacrifice of the two security guards, it is inevitable to feel sad.

After that, Qiao Xun talked about the situation of the marginal deep diver in the control room.

As soon as Shunsuke Wumo heard this, he was about to be discharged from the hospital to have a look at the scene.

Qiao Xun pinned him down,

"Mr. Wumao, if you want to continue to work on the shore surveillance team and deal with various pollution incidents in the future, you'd better rest now and don't leave hidden dangers to your body."

"But, the team—"

"Don't worry, the other team members have notified the Chiba County branch, and a control team will come to take over soon. Mr. Wu Mao, you can't handle this matter in your current state." Qiao Xun did not speak too softly. , and bluntly stated that the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team could not handle this matter at all.

Gomo Shunsuke was finally persuaded and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao, for making you go through a bad quarantine period."

Qiao Xun shook his head, "Things like this happen every day on Hai Lie."

Sasori looked up at Qiao Xun.

His expression was calm, his eyes distant.

Saori realized that she had been staring at people for too long, and hurriedly turned her head away, then asked:

"Brother Shunsuke, what are your parents going to tell you?"

Shunsuke Gomo said immediately:

"Don't tell them! Just say that I have been busy with work during this time and can't go back."

"It's... well."

"Excuse me, Saori."

"It's ok."

Qiao Xun exhaled and said:

"I'll go back to the shore monitoring team first, and I'll contact you if there is anything."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the ward.

Sasori paused and chased out.

"Mr. Joe! Mr. Joe!"

Qiao Xun stopped and asked:

"What's the matter, Sayori?"

Sayuri bowed respectfully and said:

"Thank you for your hard work~www.readwn.com~ If you need anything, please tell me, and I will do my best."

Looking at Saxuri's expression, Qiao Xun knew that if she didn't say something to her, she might find it difficult to express her gratitude. He thought about it, smiled and said:

"Well, while you take care of Mr. Wu Mao, don't forget to practice your talents. I hope you can surprise me when I see you again."


"Come on, Saori."

After speaking, Qiao Xun turned around and strode away.

Sasori watched Qiao Xun's back disappear at the end of the corridor in confusion.

What's the need for this...

Mr. Joe, what a... special person.

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