Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 8: Statues of gods - see the gods

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

When such a big incident happened on the side of the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team, the Chiba Prefecture Branch Control Office no longer treated it as a simple pollution incident, and immediately dispatched a control team.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a four-person control team arrived at the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team.

They collected intelligence data at the first time, and recorded the confessions of everyone in the monitoring team on the other side, including Qiao Xun, a "colleague" who was in quarantine.

Since Qiao Xun still hung the sign of "Zhidong City Emergency Response Center Member", the people in the control team were more attentive to the information he provided.

After a detailed review and analysis, the control team believes that the root cause of this incident may be that the corpse of the borderline deep diver, the companion of the abnormal monster in their eyes, came to rescue, causing this unnatural attack.

Afterwards, the control team showed professionalism, and the guides and sentries in the team began to trace the traces of contamination from the shore surveillance team's office.

But what puzzled them was that there was no trace of contamination.

It stands to reason that pollution traces are the manifestation of the power of runes in the environment, which is different from ordinary smells, bloodstains, etc., which will be washed away by heavy rain, and can be retained in the environment for a long time without treatment.

The key is that the two security guards who were killed by the attack did not have the slightest trace of contamination on their bodies.

If the death situation is not too outrageous, it will never make people think it is an ordinary violent incident.

After there was no trace of pollution and the source could not be traced, the control team could only follow the clues and conduct an investigation on the beach where the monster's body was found.

But the result is the same, there is still no trace of contamination in this case.

After dealing with so many pollution incidents, the control team encountered this situation for the first time, and some did not know where to start. The whole day passed without a trace.

The responsibility of the control team is to "discover", "control", and "clean up".

Those who were stopped at the first step had to choose to stay in Tateyama City to observe the follow-up situation.

Qiao Xun knew that they had the wrong starting point, and it was difficult to get concrete results. They treat this incident as a pollution incident, focusing on the traces of pollution, they will naturally fall into the misunderstanding caused by the inertia of thinking.

Although he knew this, Qiao Xun didn't have a sense of participation, so he had to get involved.

He is not a "Tower" member of the Japanese branch, and this matter has nothing to do with him, and there is no reason to intervene in the matter. If he participates without authorization, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

It's good to be a guest in the isolation period. If you need to cooperate with the investigation, please cooperate. If not, just stay in the isolation institution and toss with "doll" substitutes.

Three full days have passed, and the control team still has not found any new clues. No monster's body was found by the sea.

There was no more heavy rain in Tateyama City, and the entire small city by the sea returned to a normal pace.

The safety observation period for a pollution incident was three days. After no other threats were found, the control team was transferred to other places by the Chiba branch.

There is a real shortage of manpower, and it is impossible for a professionally trained team to stay in the same place for a long time.

Shunsuke Gomo is a strong and responsible person. As one of the leaders of the shore monitoring team, he cannot comfortably recover from his injuries in the hospital. The originally scheduled one-week training period ended early, and I threw myself into work.

On the first day of discharge, he came to Qiao Xun's isolation home.

Wu Mao Shunsuke looks like a different person. The young man who used to be bright and energetic is now like a decadent boy who stayed up too late. He is about 1.8 meters tall, and now he looks about 80 pounds. It is no exaggeration to describe skinny.

When he saw it, he bowed and said sincerely:

"Mr. Joe, thank you very much for your help."

Qiao Xun said helplessly:

"You and your sister together have thanked me ten times. There's really no need to be so polite."

Courtesy and courtesy are the foundation of interpersonal communication. But being too polite, Qiao Xun didn't like it very much.

Gomo Shunsuke smiled, scratched his head and said:

"Mr. Joe is so generous."

Qiao Xun shrugged. He thought that the people of the republic should not be too polite.

But the differences under different cultures can at most be sighed, and there is nothing to criticize.

"Are you ok?"

"Well, it's a lot of coughing-cough-" Shunsuke Wumo tried his best to hold back his cough and said with a blushing face, "It's much better!"

Qiao Xun: "..." Take good care of yourself!

Gomo Shunsuke sighed and said:

"I heard everyone say that the control team didn't investigate anything."

"Well... this matter can't be regarded as a normal pollution incident."

Wu Mao Shunsuke looked at Qiao Xun hopefully, but he stopped talking. In the end, he still mustered up his courage, bowed his waist very low, and said sincerely:

"Mr. Qiao, please advise us! You are from the Zhidong Emergency Response Center, and you must know more than us!"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Mr. Wu Mao, you should follow the guidance of the Chiba branch. I am an outsider, and it is definitely not worthwhile for me to be involved in this matter."

Gomo Shunsuke was not discouraged, he gritted his teeth and said:

"The control team did not solve this matter. But for Tateyama City, if it is not completely solved, it is a very big hidden danger. Most of the people in Tateyama City are ordinary people without the army. Only me and two other people are advanced evolutionaries. It is difficult to deal with it only by us. There are not many control teams in the Chiba prefecture branch, and the Northeast region has always been the hardest hit area by pollution incidents. Most of the control teams have Concentrated there, it is difficult to assign manpower to investigate hidden dangers.”

Shunsuke Gomo euphemistically expressed the inconsistency between local upper management and local grassroots management.

Qiao Xun understands it very well, and also has the experience of empathy. But in the final analysis, this is a matter of other countries, and he can't devote himself to this troublesome matter with just a request from Shunsuke Gomo.

"Mr. Wu Mao, you may have misunderstood me. This incident is not a pollution incident, and the existence involved in it is not a pollution creature, but a more dangerous native mysterious creature. I can only rely on my experience to give you some advice, Can't do more. Hope you understand."

Shunsuke Gomo nodded bitterly, but couldn't force anything more. It stands to reason that Qiao Xun could not participate in anything at all, but he not only saved himself, but also provided a lot of key information. It can be said that the basic friendship has been achieved.

"Well, anyway, thank you very much for Mr. Qiao's help. Mr. Qiao has a good rest."

After finishing speaking, Gomo Shunsuke took the door and left.

Standing in the yard, Qiao Xun thought about it. He could understand Gomo Shunsuke's thoughts. Shunsuke Gomo is a very responsible and motivated person. He is the main person in charge of the Tateyama City Coastal Supervision Team. He has always been committed to eliminating the threat of pollution in Tateyama City. He can also feel it from his education of his sister Saori, he thinks Take good care of the residents of Tateyama City.

This extremely violent attack is a great potential danger to Tateyama City. Of course he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

But what to do if the ability is insufficient, Qiao Xun, a "member of the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center", has added the label of "sea train", and naturally he has become an existence that can be relied on.

Qiao Xundao was really curious about the first mysterious creature he encountered and wanted to explore more.

Whether the existence of the deep diver can reveal the other side of the deep sea is worth thinking and studying.

But even if he really wanted to take risks and explore, he would never let himself be bound by the Tateyama City Kishi Supervision Team. Therefore, it is impossible for him to promise Shunsuke Gomo. Agreeing to Shunsuke Gomo means taking certain responsibilities.

Taking responsibility to do something is completely different from doing it without a burden.

Back in the room, Qiao Xun continued to work on durable and normal "doll" doubles. He has lowered the bar from aesthetic to normal.

In the evening, Gomo Sayori, who had returned from school, knocked on the courtyard door.

"Is Mr. Joe there?"

Qiao Xun opened the courtyard door for her and asked:

"Is there a problem?"

Saori looked nervous and expectant. She faltered:

"Didn't Mr. Qiao tell me to practice my talent a few days ago. I'm now, um... how should I put it, or Mr. Qiao will check it out."

Qiao Xun was a little surprised. He didn't expect Sasori to be so attentive to what he said. She is a diligent and serious person.

"What have you been practicing these days?"

"Well... sight, hearing, touch. The sense of smell is not practiced, and the smell of the hospital is too heavy."

"It's working hard."

"No, just nothing else to do."

Qiao Xun looked at the loquat tree in the yard. Think about it and say:

"Saori, count the number of leaves."

Saying that, he walked under the loquat tree, reached out and patted it. Under the talent of "Zhiyang", he precisely controlled 109 leaves to break away from the branches, floated down from the canopy, and formed a slender bird flapping in the air.

Saori's eyes didn't move. For normal people, the concept of visual quantity is superimposed, so it is necessary to continuously lock different leaves to determine the quantity.

But Saori doesn't seem to need it.

In just five seconds, she blurted out:

"108 pieces!"

"So fast?"

Qiao Xun was surprised. With Jae-yin and powerful dynamic vision, it wasn't difficult for him to count leaves, but he asked himself that he might not be as fast as Saori.

Saori smiled, lowered her head and pointed.

"It's amazing. Then try hearing it again."

Afterwards, Qiao Xun controlled each leaf, and at the same time, it emitted twelve vibration frequencies irregularly. he asks:

"Saori, how many sounds are there in leaves?"

This time, Saori didn't have to close her eyes to listen. She fully combines vision and hearing, audition resonance. Immediately said:


Qiao Xun dropped the leaves and asked with his chin up:

"Saori, did you really lie to me before?"

"Huh?" Sayori said nervously, "I didn't lie to Mr. Joe."

"I haven't said what it is yet."

"Anyway, no matter what it was, I never lied."

Are you so stubborn...

"Excellent, Saori, you're making great progress."

Saori sighed in relief.

"It's good not to disappoint Mr. Qiao."

"Why do you care about my opinion?"

Saori lowered her head and whispered:

"Because Mr. Qiao is the first person to teach me how to connect like this." After speaking, she bowed again and said eagerly, "Thank you very much!"

When Qiao Xun heard the word "thank you" these days, his head was getting bigger.

"Let's go, Sayori, let's see if your most important level of precision control has improved."

He took Saori to the archery range.

He took out an arrow from the quiver on the side, and pulled out the arrow and tail feathers, leaving only the arrow body in the middle.

"Saori, use this stick as an arrow and hit the bull's-eye."

"Huh? Is it just a stick?"

Saori's expression was troubled. Having practiced arrows for so long, she knew how difficult it was to shoot without arrows and tail feathers. Difficulty controlling balance and alignment.

"Try it."


Saori picked up her bow and arrow and held her stick.

End body, bow.

Her breathing was steady, her pupils narrowed, brown sand-like particles rolling in them.

A wave of enthusiasm gathered at his fingertips.

Balanced and precise.

let go!

The arrow without arrows and tail feathers broke through the air, made a squeaking sound, and accurately hit a target twenty meters away. Even if there is no arrow, it is inserted into the bullseye.

Qiao Xun held his chin and commented,

"Strength, accuracy, and completion. To your credit, you use your precise intuition well. Sayori, you really impress me."

"Really!" Sasori looked at Qiao Xun excitedly.

Qiao Xun did not lie. He didn't expect that four days ago, Saxuri could only shoot arrows with a bow, and he had only guided her training direction, and she had made such rapid progress and achieved such obvious results.

Super savvy?

Accumulated thin hair?

"Saori, did you name your innate ability?"

"Ah, no." Sasori shrank her neck, "Can I have my own name with such an ability?"

"Sayori, be confident. You're already pretty good."

"But I just live in a less famous place like Tateyama. I'm just a high school student." Saori lowered her head.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly and said:

"Whether you are good or not has nothing to do with Tateyama, it has nothing to do with whether you are a high school student or not. Your strength is your objective strength."

He found that the Wumao brothers and sisters, one is particularly outgoing and active, and the other is particularly introverted and reserved.

It's really the opposite of siblings.

Saori thought hard for a while, then said weakly:

"It's called... Cats and see you."

"Meet the cat? Why?" This name is a bit strange.

"When I was a child, there was a statue of a **** on the hill to the south next to Tateyama. It was called Zhaojian God. Legend has it that it can bring light to the blind and sound to the deaf... I used to go there often to play, and then there When the bridge is repaired, the statue will disappear. Let me... commemorate it, okay?" Sasori said, asking Qiao Xun as a general request.

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Of course, don't worry about me, your thoughts are the most important. Also, you have to be more confident."

This reserved girl is still a little lack of self-confidence. This is not a good thing for the evolutionary.

"Thank you—" Sauli bowed again to thank her.

Qiao Xun immediately turned and left,

"do not!"

Waiting for Sasori to raise her head again~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun is already far away.

Looking at Qiao Xun's back, Sasori felt that this gentleman was really special.

She sat down, looked at the swaying reflection in the canal, puffed out her cheeks, and pinched.

"Confidence... what is self-confidence? Is it like Mr. Joe's? Always has a magical smile."

She smiled at the swaying reflection in the running water.

Not like it.

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