Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 9: The girl chosen by the gods

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

Although the unnatural violent attack did not follow up, Gomo Shunsuke did not give up his search for the coast.

He patrolled the beaches of Tateyama City every morning and evening to see if the body of a monster had washed up somewhere.

But nothing was found.

Not having any findings ostensibly should be a good thing. But for some reason, Gomo Shunsuke always felt that something was pressing in his heart, and he couldn't feel at ease. That night, the twisted and fuzzy shadow outside the door was like a scabies scar, lingering from the heart.

He is an evolutionary of the family class, and he has no power to resist when he encounters the shadow. It is conceivable that ordinary people have almost no possibility of survival.

It is this that makes him choose to patrol the coastline twice a day.

As for the body, because he is an evolutionary, his physique is indeed better, so he recovers faster, and he has gained more than ten kilograms in three days when he is feasting. From skinny to bamboo pole.

Today is the last day of Qiao Xun's quarantine period.

He thought about it, and after the quarantine period ended, he applied to the "Tower Network" for a work permit in other branches.

These days, he has not been idle either. In addition to tinkering with the "doll" stand-ins, he has been on the "Tower Network" internal forum to learn more about the evolutionary world.

The day before yesterday, when he was browsing the forum, he saw a post that recorded a pollution incident.

The incident occurred in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. It was a wolf-level pollution incident and was dealt with quickly. In a released video, Qiao Xun saw a faintly flickering pattern on a wall in the background, the pattern of a book. Because the video shakes a lot, and it is accompanied by the flashing lights of the fire truck, this pattern is almost impossible to detect, and even if it is detected, it will be used as a mapping of lights and shadows.

But when he saw this pattern, Qiao Xun had a special feeling.

The world sand table that still exists in the head, one of the twenty-four "knowledge", the corresponding pattern is very similar to the pattern in the video.

The way the patterns exist in the video is also almost the same as what Ai saw in front of the rock wall of the underground crevice in Lanai.

Although the world sand table is still a burden for Qiao Xun. But as an evolutionary, if you want to make faster progress, you need to explore everywhere. This is not cultivation, you can improve your cultivation by meditating in the cave, and you have to go out to find runes.

After all, runes are not like the spiritual energy in the world of immortal cultivation. They are everywhere, but only how much.

Before going out for patrol in the morning, Gomo Shunsuke found Qiao Xun.

"Mr. Qiao, today is the last day of your quarantine period. After today, you can leave."

"Well, thank you for reminding me." Qiao Xun nodded.

Shunsuke Gomo paused and said:

"Please forgive me for being presumptuous. Does Mr. Qiao plan to go back to China directly, or where?"

Qiao Xun said casually, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Upon hearing this, Gomo Shunsuke said in surprise:

"Then Mr. Qiao can stay for a few more days. In a few days, it will be the Japanese Spring Festival. At that time, Tateyama City will hold a large-scale flower party. Tateyama City is also known as the flower capital, and it is rich in many precious flowers, such as manjus. Shahua and camellias, poppies, etc. There are also many wonderful performances at the flower party, flower dance, fan dance, Wakamiya pounding, and many more. And food..."

Shunsuke Gomo talked about food, beauty, and beautiful scenery. Feeling that, he worked hard to indirectly invite Qiao Xun to stay for a while.

"Today, December 23rd, there are still seven or eight days before your Spring Festival." Qiao Xun said politely: "I won't bother you. If there is a chance in the future, I will come here to travel and play."

"No trouble! Mr. Joe instructed Saori in training, and I also heard Saori say it. We also want to thank you very much."

Hearing "thank you", Qiao Paun's head froze.

He raised his hand, "Stop it, Mr. Wu Mao. I understand your mood and etiquette, but there's really no need."

"Mr. Joe...then, all right."

Wu Mao Shunsuke intentionally made Qiao Xun stay longer, but he did not intend to make him feel uncomfortable.

Qiao Xun nodded slightly.

Gomo Shunsuke closed the door in frustration and left.

Walking to the archery range, Saori, who was training, ran over quickly and asked nervously:

"Brother Shunsuke, is Mr. Qiao leaving?"

Shunsuke Gomo nodded.

Sayuri paused, then smiled and said:

"That's right, Mr. Qiao, who is so powerful, must have a lot of things to do. And he is also a member of the 'Tower' in a big city, so there must be many, many tasks waiting for him."

Gomo Shunsuke sighed,

"Mr. Joe has helped us so much, we should treat him to a meal."

"I feel that Mr. Qiao doesn't seem to like things that are too polite."

"Um... People in the Republic seem to have different customs than ours. In this case, of course, respect Mr. Qiao's own arrangements. Sayuri, train well, and don't disappoint Mr. Qiao's guidance."

"I work hard!"

Gomo Shunsuke had to go on patrol and left quickly.

Sasori looked at the depths of the corridor, she was in a daze for a while, and she realized that if she didn't go to school, she would be late!

She hurriedly changed into her autumn and winter school uniform and ran towards the school with her schoolbag in hand.

During the lunch break, classmates who are close friends sit around and eat together. Bento, fast food, bread...

Because Sasori had to get up early to practice at the shore surveillance team's office, she didn't have time to prepare lunch boxes, so she bought fast food, bread, or went to the cafeteria to eat at noon.

Sitting on the seat, she nibbled on the bread, her eyes a little blank.

My good friend Miki Ogami sat next to her and poked her in the face.

"Ah! What's wrong?" Sasori stood up immediately.

Ogami Miki looked at her in surprise, "Sasa, don't react so much."

Saori sat down awkwardly and continued eating bread.

"What are you thinking? Could it be..." Ogami Miki leaned closer and asked in a low voice, "Did someone write a love letter?"

"No! Who would like me."

"Yeah, Sasha is so cute, so many people must like it! It's just that Sasha is usually too busy and doesn't participate in club activities. She studies very late at night and goes home immediately after school, so she didn't give them a chance." Miki Ogami laughed say.

"Stop joking, we should study hard now. Miki, you too, you will be in your third year of high school soon, don't be fun anymore."

"Oh, oh, I see, Mama Sasha."


"Eat and eat!"

Sayuri sighed helplessly. She tilted her head to look out the window.

The weather is very sunny today, and the warm winter sun shines in from the window and falls on the desk, reflecting a light golden yellow.

The breeze blew in from the window, and while pulling the curtains, it also swayed the girl's temples.

The physical existence of wind and light creates a unique sympathy in Saori's eyes and ears. She thought that shooting an arrow at this time should feel very good.

Um? Why do I think so?

Sayori, what are you thinking? Don't divert your attention, what should be thought...what should be thought...even if Mr. Qiao leaves, he can't live up to his guidance!

Yep, that's what I was thinking about!

Saori took a big bite of bread, puffing out her cheeks and chewing hard.

On the side Miki was stunned, and said:

"Shasha, why did you eat all the desiccant?"

When Saori heard that, she covered her mouth and ran to the toilet.

After a while, she returned absent-mindedly.

"Shasha, no matter how hungry you are, you won't be able to eat—"

"Stop talking! Damn Miki!" Saori said fiercely.

"What's the matter with me!"

Lunch break is over.

Saori had an unhappy afternoon with constant absent-mindedness throughout the afternoon.

After school, she packed her schoolbag and planned to go to the shore monitoring team's office for training as usual.

"Sasa, we haven't been home together for a long time, give me a chance today!" Miki Ogami begged pitifully.

Saori looked apologetic.

"Sorry Miki, I still have to work part-time today."

"Where the **** are you working, let me see?" Ogami Miki's eyes lit up.

"No. Sorry, sorry, next time!"

After Sayori finished speaking, she hurriedly ran away.

Miki Ogami chased after her while shouting. But she soon discovered that Sasori was running faster than those on the track and field team, and couldn't catch up at all.

What happened to her, why didn't she run so fast before? Miki Ogami stopped chasing after a while, panting and thinking... I won't sign up for any competition secretly, I'm training.

Sasuri, who had left the school, did not go directly to the shore monitoring team's office, but slowly paced along a riverbed between the school and the office.

Carrying her schoolbag and stepping on the small leather shoes that matched her school uniform, she walked absentmindedly on the sidewalk above the river bank.


Mr. Qiao made me feel more confident. How can I be confident?

She sighed, couldn't understand, and sat on the edge of the sidewalk, staring at the gurgling river in a daze.

The river is going to join the sea...Mr. Joe is going back to his place...Where am I going next? Like Shunsuke, do you patrol around Tateyama City every day?

Like most adolescent girls, Saori is confused about the future.


Suddenly, a strange voice woke her up.

She immediately focused and listened carefully.


The sound came from... the river.

Although the river was dozens of meters away from her, she still quickly saw a bubble in the center of the river in front of her.

Come out, then break, come out, break again...

It's so strange, how can there be such bubbles.

Saori looked left and right, picked up a stone, aimed it, and threw it hard.

Hitting the bubble was a breeze for her.

After the bubble was smashed by her, it didn't come out again.

Ah, no more? Sayori, who thought she had found a wild target, was a little disappointed.

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly saw a pair of hands stretched out from the place where the bubbles had just bubbling out.

Sayori immediately became nervous, someone was drowning!

She looked left and right, no one was there. There have been very few people on this road.

Seeing those hands struggling more and more, she became more and more anxious. I can't take care of that much anymore, saving people is the most important thing. With a positive older brother, she was taught to be a helpful person from an early age.

She dropped her schoolbag, ran down quickly, twisted up her school uniform jacket and threw it over, and said loudly:


no response. The hands were almost struggling.

It immediately occurred to her that the person might not be able to hear underwater.

Oops, never mind, as someone who grew up by the sea, she can still swim. She jumped into the water, and suddenly found that the water could only cover her crotch...

Why is such shallow water submerged as in deep water?

Although she was a little puzzled, she still walked towards the drowning person with water.

She reached out and grabbed the struggling pair, then pulled up.

It was very easy, and she was pulled up all at once, so hard that she almost lost her center of gravity and fell.

But the next moment, she turned pale with fright.

Because, what she pulled up from the river was not a person, but a pair of hands that grew together!

Only one hand!


She was so frightened that she hurriedly dropped the hands.

But these pale hands were like pincers, holding her firmly, unable to get rid of her at all.

Sasori was very scared, but she was a reserve team member after all, and her psychological quality was better than the average person. She pulled out hard, trying to break the pair of hands that had grown together.

But these hands are soft like bones, very flexible, even if she spins in a circle, they still hold her firmly.

"Let go!"

Saori couldn't get rid of these terrible hands, and was even more afraid.

But these hands not only did not let go, but continued to exert force, dragging her along the river.

Very powerful!

Sasori couldn't resist at all, and was dragged away by these hands.

"Help!" She was shouting, and immediately jumped out of the water with two hands, one covering her mouth and the other covering her eyes.

Can't see, can't tell.

Saori was scared, but tried her best to tell herself to stay calm.

Can't see, but can hear!

She struggled to concentrate, using her ears to tell where she was going by the changes in her voice.

She judged that she was being dragged by terrible hands along the riverbed in a northwesterly direction, as the temple bells on the hills to the northwest drew nearer.

The information that can be judged by ear is really limited, and she can only pray that passers-by see her being controlled by strange hands.

About half an hour later, the sound of the waves became louder.

Are you walking to the seaside?

Shunsuke brother is patrolling the beach at this time, he may find me.

After a while, she heard the door open again.


Again, close the door.

Two pairs of hands held her and let her go.

Then, she saw that the two hands turned into two fish and fell to the ground and turned.

She looked around and saw at a glance that this was the outpost on the northwest beach.

This place used to be a port, so a sentry tower was built. But after the port was abandoned, the sentry tower was also abandoned. She also came here to play with her friends when she was a child.

Why am I brought here?

Saori turned around and tried to open the door and leave. But the door was locked so tightly that it couldn't be shaken at all.

She looked around~www.readwn.com~ and found a rusty axe next to her. No matter how many, she picked up the axe and slammed into the door.

Footsteps suddenly sounded on the second floor of the sentry tower.

Saori grasped the axe tightly and looked nervously at the stairs.

A man dressed in strange clothes that looked like ceremonial clothes came down from the second floor. His face was obscured by shadows, and only red eyes could be seen.

He seemed to be holding his throat to speak, sharp but hoarse:

"Welcome, the girl chosen by the gods."

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