Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 10: 30 moves, 30 moves

, the fastest update starts from polluting the world and evolves the latest chapter!

From 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gomo Shunsuke will go all the way down from the northeast coastline to inspect various beaches and sea cliffs.

After a circle, it will basically end at 8 o'clock in the evening.

I've been busy all day today, and as before, I still haven't made any new discoveries. Since the violent attack time that night, he found that Tateyama City has become more quiet and peaceful. In the past, there would be pollution incidents of rat-level or unclassified every other day, basically some small or micro-pollutant creatures.

But these days, nothing happened.

It is as if this world is as peaceful and normal as before, and there has never been any pollution or mutation.

But this made Gomo Shunsuke unhappy. The crisis that exists in the shadows is even more frightening.

Pollution incidents have occurred, and perhaps they can make people feel more at ease.

At 8:30 p.m., after patrolling the last sea cliff, he drove home a little discouraged.

On the way, in the car, put on music to cheer yourself up.

Optimism and positivity have always been his attitude towards life. Never give up, where others are the motto, here is himself.

When he was about to arrive at the shore surveillance team's office, his cell phone rang.

It was my mother calling.

"Hey, Mom, what's wrong?"

"Shusuke, is Saori still with you?"

"At this time, Sasori should go home."

"No, Saori hasn't come back yet. Also, no one answered my call to her. Shunsuke."

Shunsuke Gomo frowned. He watched his sister Sasori grow up, and knew that she was always punctual, and if there were any temporary arrangements, he would definitely notify him or his family.

"Mom, don't worry, Sasuri may still be helping in my team, just didn't receive a call. I'll go back to the team first."

"Shunsuke, you must tell me immediately when you find Sasori."

"Good mother."

Shunsuke Gomo hung up the phone and dialed Saori himself.

Got through, but no one answered.

I made several calls in a row, but no one answered.

Gomo Shunsuke stepped on the accelerator, quickly returned to the team, and went straight to the archery range, no one was there.

Then, he turned around and went to the registration window in the service hall to ask:

"Is Saori here today?"

"No, Saori hasn't been here since she left in the morning."

"OK, thanks."

Gomo Shunsuke was a little anxious now. He thought about where Saori might go, and first called her good friend Miki Ogami. After learning that Saori had left alone after school, he got in the car and went straight to the school to the shore supervisor. The embankment of the team.

Based on what he knew about his sister, he didn't go home with his friends after school, and he didn't immediately go to the shore monitoring team for training. If nothing else happened, he probably had something on his mind and wanted to relax by himself.

In the past, when Sasori was in a bad mood, she would go back to the river for a walk, and sometimes when she was patrolling, she would run into her somewhere.

With this in mind, Gomo Shunsuke drove there.

Turn on the patrol searchlights on your car and look along the river bank.

I looked over the entire river bank, but I didn't see a single person on the road. There is no nightlife in Guanshan City, and when it gets dark, there are not many pedestrians on the road.

Gomo Shunsuke's heart sank.

Where did Sasori go?

After failing to see Saori on the bank of the river bank, Gomo Shunsuke planned to ask others to help him find it together.

But in an inadvertent glance, he saw that there was something on the edge of the river below the embankment.

The searchlight shone through, and it was a schoolbag and a winter school uniform top.

Almost as soon as he saw the bag, he knew it belonged to Saori. Because the place where the handle is hung is a play idol that the cat **** saw.

He hurriedly got out of the car and ran over, picked up the schoolbag and opened it.

The phone is inside, and the screen is bright and there are a lot of missed calls.

The school uniform top got a little wet.

Won't you play with water and fall into the river? As soon as the idea came out, he immediately shook his head, Sasuri couldn't be so stupid, and the river was very shallow, and there was no water grass or silt on the bottom of the river, it was almost impossible to put a swimming girl close to an adult size in danger.

"Saori!" he shouted loudly around him.

no reply.

There was silence all around. This generation is already far away from residential areas, and it is even less crowded at night.


Called many times in a row, but no reply.

He looked around and looked around, there were no monitors nearby.

Reason told him not to rush and think about what might happen.

Met a bad guy? Although Saxuri has not entered the stage, she has been training for a year and has been guided by Qiao Xun. She has made great progress. There should be no problem with ordinary people. Unless she was attacked.

Or... encounter a pollution incident?

Thinking of this, Gomo Shunsuke immediately reacted and began to detect the environmental pollution value.

He was so anxious before that he didn't expect this.

Looking at the beating pollution value index on the screen of the instrument, Gomo Shunsuke's eyelids jumped wildly.

The surrounding environmental pollution value is extremely unstable, which undoubtedly shows one thing. There have been polluted creatures here, or some evolutionaries have used their innate abilities here.

All indications are that Saori may have encountered a contamination incident.

As soon as it was related to the pollution incident, he immediately entered the state and called the front office of the shore surveillance team office.

"Hello, I'm Junsuke Gomo. I found a pollution incident in the middle of the Xishangting River near the second bridge. Please immediately notify Kentaro Koji to organize a team to come to support."


After the phone call, Gomo Shunsuke did not rest, he took the pollution value detector to detect the change trajectory of the pollution value in the vicinity, so as to find the direction that Saori might move.

But just after walking less than 100 meters along the change trajectory, the environmental pollution value immediately fell into chaos, and it was impossible to continue to detect the movement trajectory.

Ten minutes later, Koji Kentaro of the Kishi Supervisor team came here with his team members.

Toshio Gomo briefly told them what had happened. Then, the team members immediately began an orderly search.

Although a full eight people participated in the search, there were only three of them who were advanced evolutionaries and did not have the talent of the reconnaissance department. At the same time, the equipment was also very simple. The pollution value detectors used were all from the Chiba Prefecture Branch Control Station The culled, the search process is very difficult and almost fruitless.

They had to mobilize more manpower, called the police next door to the office of the shore surveillance team, and carried out a comprehensive search.

But until midnight, only two shoes left by Saori were found.

The police fully mobilized the surveillance resources available nearby, and none of the surveillance cameras caught Saori.

I know that this is not an ordinary disappearance case, but a pollution incident. Shunsuke Gomo knew that Saori was more dangerous every minute of the night.

In a hurry, he had to drive back to the office of the shore surveillance team to disturb Qiao Xun.

"Mr. Joe, Mr. Joe!" Shunsuke Wumo knocked on the door.

Qiao Xun is watching the information of various polluting creatures and some recorded combat videos in the "Tower Network".

Hearing the anxious cry, he paused for a moment. This should be urgent... will it be troublesome...

Only paused for a while. He quickly went downstairs and opened the door.

"What's wrong, Mr. Wu Mao?"

As soon as Gomo Shunsuke saw Qiao Xun, he immediately bowed ninety degrees.

"Mr. Qiao, please be sure to help, no matter what you want me to do!"

"What happened?"

"Sasori is missing, and according to our preliminary investigation, it was a contamination incident. We searched for four hours, but we still have no clue. Mr. Qiao, please—"

Qiao Xun interrupted him,

"Stop talking, take me to the scene to see first."

Wu Mao Junsuke, who had been rejected many times, suddenly heard that Qiao Xun agreed without hesitation, and some did not respond.

Qiao Xun passed him and said as he walked:

"Mr. Wu Mao, don't be stunned."


Gomo Shunsuke quickly drove Qiao Xun to the scene of the incident.

On the way, Wu Mao Shunsuke told Qiao Xun about the details of the incident one by one.

"That's it, Mr. Joe, there's really nothing we can do. I'm worried about Saori, so I have to bother you."

"It's ok."

Gomo Shunsuke couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Qiao, why did you promise me so decisively this time?"

"Because I am a member of the 'Tower'. To your Tateyama City Kishi Supervision Team, I have no special instructions, and I will not assume any obligations and responsibilities. But if this is related to the safety of the members of the 'Tower', I'll do my best. Also, I'm very optimistic about Saori, and I don't want her to have a problem here."

"I'm optimistic..."

"Well, maybe you didn't find it. Sasori is a very comprehensible and gifted person. She deserves a better room to grow. Any mistakes, maybe for the world lacking evolutionary people, it is the A loss."

Hearing this, Gomo Shunsuke said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao. I thought about it secretly before and thought you were someone who cared more about yourself. Please forgive me for my presumptuous opinion of you in private."

Qiao Xun was stunned for a while... Good boy, you are so honest, you can say it directly.

He didn't say anything. After all, he does care more about himself. However, he is also very happy to be able to help the younger generation he is optimistic about.

Soon came to the scene of the incident.

Qiao Xun stood by the river and looked around.

It is very open, and there are no other buildings within 100 meters around. This kind of place is generally not a place for people who are prepared to commit crimes.

The environmental pollution value displayed in the detector is 200-400p/m.

constantly changing and floating. Generally, the pollution value in normal environment is very stable. This shows that there have been polluted creatures or evolutionaries here, and they have used innate abilities.

Qiao Xun opens "Zaiyin", looking for the dark side of the traces of pollution changes.

Then he found that the worst pollution was in the middle of the river.

He didn't hide his clumsiness either, he directly used "Ningen" to create a freezing field, and made a path to the middle of the river.

This stunned the others.

Shunsuke Gomo's eyes widened... What is that, magic?

In the eyes of him, who only has the talent of "tenacity", the ice road created by Qiao Xun is completely magic.

When he came to the middle of the river, Qiao Xun squatted down and stuck a finger into the water.

The ability of "Zaiyin" is fully demonstrated.

The pollution traces seemed to have the shape of an entity, showing a cloud-like structure in his mind.

He was convinced that this place was the crux of the pollution outbreak.

After thinking about it, he used "Zhiyang" to attack violently, draining the river at this point. A loud crashing sound resounded on the edge of this empty river bank.

The scene is more impactful than "Ningen" making ice road. The other members of the shore surveillance team stood on the river bank, dumbfounded. Although they have seen powerful evolutionists confront powerful polluting creatures in some combat records, they are inevitably shocked when such a similar scene really appears in front of them.

Gomo Shunsuke murmured... As expected of a member from a big city.

Qiao Xun didn't have the time to deal with their surprise. He immediately lowered the ice road to the bottom of the riverbed, and quickly used "Zaiyin" to find other shades.

Soon he found a rune inscribed on a riverbed stone at the bottom.

He made a knife with his hand, controlled his strength with precision, took a piece of the stone, and jumped out of the bottom of the river bed with the stone.

The river flooded back to landfill quickly.

On the shore, Gomo Shunsuke looked at the stone in Qiao Xun's hand and asked:

"Mr. Joe, what is this?"

Qiao Xun took a closer look and said:



As an entry-level "Tower" member, Gomo Shunsuke certainly knows what runes are. Although he was an Evolver by mistake, he was an Evolver who relied on runes in the end.

Qiao Xun touched his fingers lightly.

"Bullying" begins to digest cognitive information.

[Derivative Rune - "Thirty Eyes, Thirty Hands" (extremely incomplete, ineffective)]

[Totem: Seeing God]

[Advanced route: none]

[Adaptation talent: none]

[As a derivative rune, it does not have the "Thirty Eyes, Thirty Hands" that can be converted into body energy, and can only be used as a bait to attract people's bait]

Seeing that it is a derivative rune, Qiao Xun has no appetite.

Runes are divided into native and derived. Primitive is the type of rune that is often said, carrying the power of runes, which can be used by evolutionary people to absorb energy.

Derivatives are just things that imitate native runes to store energy. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the talisman drawn by ancient Taoists, which can play a certain function.

At present, it is generally developed into rune props by various countries and forces. Like the well-known "Fengshen Rune Missile" of the Republic and the "Freedom Chaser" of the Federation...

However, this totem "seeing God" made Qiao Xun pay special attention.

When he asked Sasori what name she gave her talent, Sasori used the name "Cat Zhaojian", saying that when she was a child, there was a **** on a hill by the sea, and the **** was like a cat, It's called "Seeing".

"There really is such a thing..."

He couldn't help thinking that Sasuri's becoming an evolutionary person would not have something to do with this God of Sightseeing.

Turning his head, Qiao Xun looked at Wu Mao Shunsuke and asked:

"Mr. Wu Mao, what is the **** of seeing?"

Although Wu Mao Junsuke was puzzled by Qiao Xun's sudden question, he still thought about it and said seriously:

"Legendary stories from our side. When we were young, my mother used to tell us stories about cats seeing me so that we don't run around, saying that seeing cats would only bless good children who came home on time at night. Because it is not in Japanese popular mythology, So we didn't take it seriously when we grew up."

"Is there an idol that the cat saw?"

"Ah, it seems there is. It's on the seaside hill in the northwest, but it disappeared about ten years ago. I don't know if it was dug up due to development, or was swept into the sea by the waves."

Qiao Xun looked towards the hill to the northwest.

With his excellent eyesight, he vaguely saw that there was something like a lighthouse there. The faint light loomed in the dark night.

"Is it there?"

Qiao Xun pointed to the lighthouse.

"Hmm. Strange..." Gomo Shunsuke frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"I remember that lighthouse was abandoned. How could there be any lights."

He hadn't noticed it before, and only discovered it after being pointed out by Qiao Xun.

With a relatively clear goal, Qiao Xun launched a focused "Zaiyin" in the direction of the lighthouse.

In the field of vision of "Zaiyin", the traces of pollution become real existence. Airflow as marked with color.

In the turbulent and weak "airflow", there is a continuous spread to the distance.

Qiao Xun said firmly:

"Mr. Wu Mao, let's go to that lighthouse."


Gomo Shunsuke quickly drove Qiao Xun with him. Some of the team members left to clean the scene, and the rest followed suit.

When they reached the end of the road, they got out of the car and walked on foot.

After stepping on the road near the lighthouse, Qiao Xun became more and more confident. He was sure that Gomo Sayori had indeed passed this road. Because, he used "Zaiyin" to feel the innate ability of Gomo Sayuri. Obviously, Sasori was trying to use her talent to get out of trouble on the way.

But it looks like she didn't succeed.

The mountain is neither high nor too steep.

It's going well.

Qiao Xun did not relax his vigilance. Although the time in the sea train was not long, he developed good combat habits.

When he was halfway through the road, he stopped and said to Shunsuke Gomo:

"Mr. Wu Mao, you and I are enough."


"It's not good to have too many people, and it's not easy to cooperate."


Wu Mao Shunsuke did not doubt Qiao Xun's judgment, and let the others spread out and guard the main intersection of the hill.

In Qiao Xun's opinion~www.readwn.com~ Since the other party can use derivative runes to make rune props, it is obviously not an ordinary polluting creature or an evolutionary. In this case, those players who are not in the class will not only be difficult to help, but may have a negative impact.

This is why a professional four-man control team is often more efficient than dozens of army soldiers in dealing with tainted creatures.

After getting closer, Qiao Xun used his talent "camouflage" to put a layer of environmental mimicry on the two of them, making them difficult to detect.

Gomo Shunsuke deeply felt the gap between himself and members of big cities like Qiao Xun.

It's just the professionalism and ability that Qiao Xun has shown, which is difficult for him to touch. Facing the control teams of the Chiba Prefecture Branch Control Office, he did not feel that way.

However, this did not cause him a sense of frustration, on the contrary, he was more optimistic and positive, and had a clearer goal than before.

No matter whether it can be achieved or not, the goal must always be set and worked hard for it.

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