Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 13: The deal under the Throne of the Eternals

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

After listening to Qiao Xun's story of what happened, Gomo Shunsuke looked at the fringe deep diver who was standing beside him with difficulty.

It was hard for him to accept that this gray-green ugly monster was his sister Saori.

Qiao Xun sighed,

"Mr. Wu Mao, that's the way it is. I know you're uncomfortable right now, but the most important thing is to find a way to see if Sasori can be changed back."

Shunsuke Gomo nodded with a bitter look on his face,

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Joe, there's nothing I can do. I can only watch Saori get hurt."

"Mr. Wu Mao, not everything goes as you wish. Although the current understanding of 'letting go' is a bit biased, to a certain extent, this is the truth that each of us must understand."

"Anyway, thank you very much, Mr. Joe. Without you, Sasori might have left us."

Qiao Xun looked at the cute and beautiful but unresponsive body of Sasori, and looked at the ugly and twisted fringe deep diver with Sasori's consciousness, and couldn't help asking:

"Mr. Wu Mao, if you can't change the status quo in the end, what will you do? The two of them, who do you think is your sister."

Gomo Shunsuke said without hesitation:

"It's all! Whether it's Sasori's body or Sasori's soul, it's Sasori!"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"You are such a good brother."

Shunsuke Gomo said guiltily:

"I didn't give Sasuri a chance to grow up safely. No matter what, I have to take good care of her."

"Mr. Wu Mao, maybe, you shouldn't always think of Sasori as a child who needs protection."

Qiao Xun gradually understood why Sasori lacked self-confidence. A person's interpersonal relationships and growth environment, will shape the character and conduct.

Sasori's family took good care of her and taught her to be a good child with a sense of responsibility and responsibility, but they hardly gave her a chance to show off. This is equivalent to only learning theory and not practicing. When it comes time to get started, you will naturally lack self-confidence.

"Sasori, still very young."

Qiao Xun shook his head, "Sauli chose to be a member of the 'Tower', which means that age is no longer her protective clothing. You know, in the Republic, I have seen many people who were only twelve or thirteen years old, and began to perform certain tasks. The evolutionary. In the face of evolution, age is just a number. Like, there are many young soldiers in the war years."

Don't just give honey to growing children, thorns are also a necessity.

As he spoke, he spit out, "Alas, no matter how much you say, it's something to come. Now the focus is on how to restore Sauli."

"Yeah." Wu Mao Junsuke responded with a thoughtful look.

Qiao Xun squatted on the ground, engraved the gray-green runes on the floor into his mind, and established a mental model.

"Gluttony" feedback, these runes are also derived runes.

called "Friends of the Soul". Totems are immortals.

It's just that he hasn't figured it out yet. Is this an exchange of souls, or is it just an exchange at the expense of souls.

He once again looked at the cognitive information digested by "gluttony", and the final remarks were:

["Drink this cup of wine called eternal life and make an exchange with me.",

"The price this time is... your soul."]

What is "the wine of immortality", what is "exchange", and why is there a "price".

Qiao Xun thought about it, maybe, "the wine of immortality" refers to the power of the rune whose totem is the immortal. He couldn't help thinking, was there a **** called the Eternal One?

The "exchange" process may be the gray-green rune channel inscribed on the ground.

And the "price" is Sasori's soul.

Since it was an "exchange", Saori gave her soul, so naturally she should get something.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xun said:

"Mr. Wumao, hold on to Sauri."


Gomo Shunsuke firmly supported Saori's body.

Qiao Xun came to her. Her eyes were closed and there was no eye movement, which meant that she had indeed lost the dominance of her consciousness, and her body survived only on the basis of her life instinct. In medical terms, this is called brain death.

He stretched out a finger and touched her forehead.

After "Gluttony" advanced to the third-level spokesperson, he had an additional ability to devour at a precise point.

The power of "gluttony" spread from Saori's eyebrows, entered her brain, and spread to her whole body. He was looking for what Saori got.

From bones, from blood vessels, from nerves, from muscle tissue, from various organs...

"Gluttony" doesn't miss a single place.

After a carpet-like search, he found something that was somewhat incompatible with Saori's body.

In the fat mass between Saori's stomach and uterus, there is something like a pearl mussel pearl.

what is that?

There shouldn't be such a thing in the human fat pile. Lipomas obviously cannot be so rounded, almost perfectly smooth spheres.

Qiao Xun tried to swallow a little bit with "gluttony" to digest the cognitive information——

【Signal organ of borderline deep diver】

[The fringe deep divers who are on the edge of the deep divers city cannot obtain the protection of the father and mother gods. In the long run, they have evolved special signaling organs to strengthen mutual communication]

Signal organ?

Qiao Xun thought about it and used "Zaiyin" for stimulation.

Suddenly, the smooth sphere glowed fluorescent green.

This light has a higher frequency band and penetrates Saori's stomach and clothes without any obstacles, emitting a clear fluorescence.

Shunsuke Gomo shouted:

"Mr. Joe! Sayori's belly is glowing!"

"Well, I see it."

"How is this going?"

"That scavenger did it. There's a foreign organ in the fat mass between Saori's stomach and uterus."

Gomo Shunsuke asked nervously, "Will it hurt Saori's body?"

"No. But this thing attracts unnecessary trouble."

Trouble naturally refers to other fringe deep divers. This signaling organ releases semaphorins that attract other groups.

He thought that maybe the scavenger used this to find the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team.

After clarifying the two kinds of exchanges - "Sauri's soul" and "the signal organ of the borderline deep diver".

Qiao Xun has a relatively clear goal, as long as the two things are exchanged back in the same way.

But how to do it?

Qiao Xun squatted on the ground, frowning in thought while looking at the strange and twisted gray-green rune.

How to use these remaining derivative runes is the key.

But he had never been in contact with...

Thinking about it, he suddenly remembered the way to escape when he was trapped in the stone sculpture at the beginning of the investigation mission "Resurrection".

It used "numerology to follow the sky" to take over the control of the stone carvings by the power of runes, and then escaped.

"Numerology follows the sky" can control the battle of the totem, which is the rune "Panqiu" under the **** of the North Pole Xuantian. Can it control the "friend of the soul" under this totem immortal?

Try it!

This is also the only way.

"Mr. Wumao, I will study it carefully for a while. During this period, you must ensure that you will not be disturbed here."

"It must be done!" Shunsuke Gomo was very serious.

It was a matter of whether his younger sister Sasori was a human or a monster, and there was no room for him to miss the slightest.

Qiao Xun began to explore the derived runes of "Friends of Soul" on the ground.

The talent of "numerology follows the sky" is very special, so special that it cannot be blessed with buffs. Because it does not need to rely on substantive energy, it uses the established objective laws and practical significance.

Qiao Xun can only give full play to his comprehension and cognition level, and use it to analyze the gray-green derivative runes little by little.

It's complicated, twisted, and arguably more dazzling than a QR code.

His attention must be concentrated enough, and he must be patient enough to use "numerology to follow the sky" to attach to his eyes, and then watch the traces of these derived runes move little by little.

There can be no mistakes in the middle. Once a mistake is made, the formed cognition will be wrong, and you must start all over again.

He kept his breathing rate as low as possible to avoid objective influence as much as possible.

It was very quiet in the lighthouse. The sound of the waves became hypnotic white noise.

Wu Mao Junsuke watched Qiao Xun motionless, not even the ups and downs of his chest, and even did not dare to breathe loudly. The hand supporting Sasori's body was numb and had to endure it and couldn't move!

As Qiao Xun's eyes moved along the gray-green rune trajectory, he didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing such a millimeter of detail.

This is too exhausting people's will and patience.

Fortunately, he has a way of regulating the sympathetic nerves.

After injecting "sympathetic neurotoxin" into one's own sympathetic nerves, the small movements of the whole person decreased to the lowest level.

In Wu Mao Junsuke's eyes, Qiao Xun is a stone sculpture.

No blinking, no breathing, no twitching of the face.

He couldn't help but admire. I thought to myself that it is no wonder that people are so powerful, so patient, and not so powerful in what they do. It's still way too far.

This stalemate continued until the next day.

Qiao Xun started from the gray-green track on the back of Sasuri's instep. After many trials and errors in the middle, he finally found the correct direction of travel, and finally arrived at the position where "Sasory" was standing.

"It's done!"

Shunsuke Gomo woke up suddenly and almost dropped Saori on the ground.

"Mr. Joe, what's the matter?"

There was a smile on Qiao Xun's face. While I was happy to find the right way to save Sasuri, I also felt a sense of accomplishment, after all, I successfully unlocked a derivative rune.

Mr. Joe smiled...very sincerely.

Wu Mao Junsuke had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, Mr. Qiao before was smiling politely. But now, his smile is... contagious. Probably the smile in Fazi's heart.

"I found a way to save Saori."

Hearing this sentence, Gomo Shunsuke immediately had a sore nose, his eyes were red, and he choked and kept saying:

"Thank you, thank you...thank you...Mr. Joe..."

Even though he could do nothing, he still did a lot for his sister Saori... Shunsuke Gomo couldn't express his emotion in his own words, so he could only repeat "thank you" over and over again.

This time, Qiao Xun no longer felt that he was being too polite.

After all, it is indeed a joy to be saved by a loved one.

"Friends of the Soul" is a thoroughly derived rune, which evolved from a series of runes under the **** "Eternal" totem.

In the process of deciphering "Friends of Soul", Qiao Xun clearly realized the gap between himself and the scavengers. He thought that if the scavenger was not bound by the so-called "blasphemous behavior", then he would definitely not be able to defeat him.

Perhaps, the scavenger is at a height that he simply cannot reach now.

"Friends of the Soul" can perform a function similar to the establishment of a contract.

In this case, act as a contract for a transaction.

The contract objects are "Sauri's Soul" and "The Signal Organ of the Marginal Deep Dive".

With the help of "numerology follow the sky", Qiao Xun completed the decryption of "Friends of Soul". Although he didn't master the core technology, which is to draw this rune, he knew how to use it.

There is a ready-made "Friends of the Soul" trading contract in front of you.

"Mr. Wu Mao, let Sayuri stand here, and align the gray-green marks on the back of Sayuri's feet with this mark."

He pointed to the end of the rune.

"it is good!"

Gomo Shunsuke immediately supported Saori and stood at the designated position.

Then, Qiao Xun looked at "Sasori" and said softly:

"Saori, can you stand here?"

"Sasori" tilted her head, not quite understanding what Qiao Xun meant.

Qiao Xun exhaled and took it step by step to another section of the rune. Then, he pressed the back of its hand, "Stand still."

"Sasori" understood now, and stood upright, motionless.

Why should you listen to this man, because... the conscious instinct tells it that this man is very good to it and can be trusted.

Then, Qiao Xun gently tapped on a certain rune trajectory, poured energy slowly, and controlled the direction of the energy.

During this period, he felt that his consciousness came to a huge throne.

On the throne sits a great being that cannot be seen directly.

An unrecognizable voice sounded:

"Drink this glass of wine called 'Eternal Life'. The price this time is...soul."

Sound off.

The grey-green runes on the floor began to wriggle, and a faint green glow appeared.

After about half an hour, the transaction was completed.

A flash of fluorescent light flashed across the abdomen of the borderline deep diver, and then it fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

"Hmm~" Sasori hummed softly.

It was only at this moment that Qiao Xun let out a heavy breath and relaxed.

Gomo Shunsuke burst into tears.

Look at the mess in this place. Qiao Xun walked to the edge of the breach, and the red sun slowly rose on the sea horizon to the east.

The east is red.

He is now more aware of how terrifying and perverted Lu Xianyi's talent "format transcoding" is.

If Lu Xianyi was here, it wouldn't be so troublesome at all. It only needed to decode Saxuri's life will, convert it into data, then turn it back and inject it into Saxuri's body.

This kind of ability similar to soul migration, the inner logic is very complicated.

Like the reincarnation ceremony in the investigation mission "Resurrection", thirty-six kinds of runes, twelve stars, twelve stone sculptures, and twelve side chambers, such a complicated ceremony, can achieve soul migration.

He thought that maybe his assessment of Lu Xianyi had to go up a notch.

"Go back, Mr. Wu Shige, and let Saori take a good rest."


Gomo Shunsuke carried his sister Sauri on his back and returned with Qiao Xun.

As for the body of the marginal deep diver, it was re-transported to the office of the shore surveillance team. For the sake of safety, Shunsuke Gomo immediately contacted the Chiba prefecture branch and planned to drive it by himself in the afternoon. If there is another violent attack, relying on the strength of the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team will definitely not be able to deal with it.

The other team members stayed behind for the follow-up cleaning. Qiao Xun mentioned the previous blue beach, which was the focus of cleaning.

After that, Joe toured to the isolation house of the shore surveillance team. After Shunsuke Gomo called his parents to tell Saori that she was safe, he took her to the hospital to check for other injuries.

Qiao Xun spent too much physical and mental energy throughout the night, and could not help but feel tired and sleepy.

Lie in bed, and habitually review before resting.

One night, I didn't gain much in terms of strength, and I didn't get new talents and rune power.

But at the cognitive level, the gains are enormous.

He knew more about the so-called "world of the gods". Maybe there are many other gods, like the Shinobi **** who asked Sasori to be his heir, who are looking for someone to inherit his mantle. Similarly, there are gods who choose a new round of recovery, like "fear".

That is, even God does not have the same consensus.

There are also scavengers looking for miracles. He can summon the marginal deep diver in the deep sea, he may have the ability to use the derivative rune of "Sleeping God", he can lure Saori, master the derivative rune of "Seeing God", and can establish a transaction contract. Holds the derived rune of the "Eternal".

How many derivative runes does he still have? How should this existence define strength? How to call it? Rune Driver?

The more you think about it, the more you discover unknown things, like the shadows of Mi Gai all over the world.

And what kind of change does the "the world's direction is the same" that the scavengers say?

With these doubts, Qiao Xun slowly fell asleep.


After twelve noon, Saori woke up in the hospital bed.

His brother Shunsuke was dozing off in the chair next to him.

White ceilings, white hospital beds...

familiar scene.

It's the hospital again.

This time, I was in bed with my brother taking care of me.

The difference is that Mr. Joe is not there.

Sayori snorted softly and sat up.

Gomo Shunsuke woke up, saw Saori wake up, and said in surprise:

"Saori, you're awake!"

Saori covered her head, recalling what happened last night.

After the scavenger controlled her on those twisted and wriggling gray-green traces, they left, and those behind didn't know what happened. It's just, I vaguely had a dream, dreaming... I became a terrible and ugly monster, and it seemed that I was going somewhere, but someone saved me... Who is it? She tried desperately to recall the details... it was... Mr. Joe.

"Ah!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"That weirdo!"

Gomo Shunsuke reassured and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Joe drove him away. It's all right."

"Where's Mr. Qiao? Have you left?" Sayuri Gomo asked nervously.

"No, Mr. Qiao did too much last night and is now resting with the shore monitoring team."

"Huh...that's fine."

Sayori calmed down and asked:

"Brother Shunsuke, what happened after I lost consciousness last night?"

Shunsuke Gomo patiently explained the process.

Sasori's eyes widened when she heard it, and she was always amazed, Mr. Qiao is so powerful!

But after hearing that "Mr. Joe found something that glows green between her stomach and uterus", his face immediately turned red, and he stared and asked:

"He, he, he! Mr. Joe, how did he find out!"

Gomo Shunsuke was stunned, and said:

"He put his finger between your eyebrows and found out. What's wrong?"

"No, no, no... nothing!" She hid under the quilt, covered her head and said loudly.

"What's the matter with you, Saori? Are you feeling sick?"

"No! Stupid brother!"


"How dare you tell me that kind of shameful thing!"

"What?" Wu Mao Shunsuke looked confused.

"It's too dull, no wonder you can't find a girlfriend, idiot, stop talking to me!"

Gomo Shunsuke's face was devastated, and he was fatally attacked by his sister. He retorted in a low voice:

"I'm a man who wants to become a member of the Chiba prefecture branch, what kind of girlfriend is I looking for..."

Sayuri hid under the covers, her face flushed.

A private place like the womb... oops, so embarrassing!

A traditional and conservative girl, when she thinks of being felt in her kind of place... Although it is to save herself, it is... so embarrassing.

This makes people feel embarrassed to face Mr. Qiao again.

She thought about it, and suddenly reacted.

Mr. Qiao can directly feel that kind of place in himself, and the rest of the body... will it be...


Sayuri, who was hiding under the covers, screamed.

"What's wrong, Saori?" Shunsuke Gomo asked nervously.

"You hurry up! Leave me alone."

"But your body—"

"I'm fine! I'm fine! I'll be out of the hospital right away!"

After Sayuri finished speaking, she lifted the quilt, rolled over and got out of bed, and immediately kicked out her brother Shunsuke, then changed her clothes and left.

"Please, Brother Shunsuke, help me with the discharge procedures!"

Powerful action.

Gomo Shunsuke was stunned. How did her sister Sayori, who has always been quiet and reserved, become like this.

He wondered in horror, could this person actually be the monster, and the real Sasori is still in that monster's body!

Being too serious, he was wondering if he should ask Mr. Qiao again, when suddenly Sasori trotted back, bowed quickly and thanked:

"Thank you brother Junsuke for taking care of me, my phone is out of power, please tell Mom and Dad that I'm fine!"

After speaking, she trotted away again.

Shunsuke Wumo let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately, it was his sister Saori.

He laughed happily.


Sayori Gomo is pacing back and forth in front of the isolation facility.

She was torn between whether to thank Mr. Qiao in person.

Mr. Qiao saved me, of course I have to thank him and say that I will be grateful for the rest of my life.

But, how to face Mr. Joe?

Mr. Joe certainly wouldn't care about that. But I... ah, just thinking about it makes my face turn red.

Is it possible that Mr. Joe doesn't realize that kind of thing at all? Brother Shunsuke didn't react like a log. They were all men. Maybe Mr. Qiao wouldn't notice it?

No, no, Mr. Qiao is so good, he must have had a lot of love experiences, and he must know women very well...

After thinking about it, the girl's thoughts went astray.

Love experience... Mr. Qiao must have a lover now, after all, he is so kind to people, he is powerful, and... he looks good...

Saori stood dazedly.

A young girl with too many thoughts.

Suddenly, with a creak, the door opened.

Qiao Xun asked with a smile:

"You've been outside for so long, why don't you knock on the door? Are you waiting for me to suddenly open the door and bump into you? I've been listening to your footsteps inside for a long time."

After all, the footsteps of the small leather shoes are still quite obvious.


Sasori screamed, her mind was confused, and she ran away.

Qiao Xun touched his face and muttered, isn't it just a little haggard, so scary?

A minute later ~www.readwn.com~ Sasori bowed her head and returned honestly.

"Mr. Joe, I...I..."

"Come in, you must have a lot of doubts."

Sasori blushed, thinking to herself, she must face it calmly, and walked in with a light snort.

She thought weakly, later, would you like to ask what Mr. Qiao thinks of me?

The girl's mind is a little more.

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