Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 14: special asylum application

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

In the small living room on the left side of the first floor, Gomo Saori was kneeling on the tatami in an orderly manner, her hands clenched into fists and pressed against the back of her thighs.

Looking a little nervous.

Qiao Xun looked at her pantyhose, there were still some traces of mud and sand on it, and said:

"Didn't you change your clothes?"

Sasori's cheeks were flushed, and she whispered:

"I didn't have time." She pulled up her clothes and covered her pantyhose to prevent the traces of sand from showing.

"Don't be in such a hurry."

"Mr. Qiao's quarantine period is over today. I'm worried... I'm worried, you just leave."

"Hehe, I'm not in such a hurry." Qiao Xun felt that she was nervous, got up and asked, "Do you want to drink some water?"

At the same time as he asked, he had already started, pouring hot water from the side and bringing it to Saori.

Saori held the water glass in both hands, and the heat hit her face, making her eyes misty.

"Yesterday...Yesterday, I seemed to lose consciousness, what happened?"

Qiao Xun briefly explained what happened to Sauli after she lost consciousness. Apart from his own fighting process, he didn't hide anything from her. After all, she was one of the main participants in this matter, and she should know these things.

Yesterday's experience was a complex experience that impacted her worldview and cognitive outlook for Saori.

She sat there for a while before she understood what had happened.

Later, she noticed that Mr. Qiao spoke more euphemistically than her brother, especially when referring to the luminous body in her stomach, he only said that it was on the abdomen and did not give the detailed location.

But it made her even more embarrassed. Because it means that Mr. Qiao knows that the private parts of girls should be avoided verbally.

"Thank you... thank you."

"You're welcome, Sayori."

"Joe... why is Mr. Qiao willing to help me?"

Qiao Xun said: "You are a reserve member of the 'Tower'. Maybe we will fight side by side in the future, of course, there are reasons to help you. Also, Saori, I said before, you are very good, I am very good Looking forward to your future growth and changes. I would be happy to help you within my abilities.”

"I'm...excellent...but, I didn't do anything, and I caused trouble for you and Shunsuke brother."

"It's not your fault. After all, disasters have happened, and you can't blame those who are unable to resist. I believe that after this incident, you will know that the world is far more complicated than you imagined. If it is in In the past, you still had a lot of time in your second year of high school, but now, Saori, your specialness, while helping you grow, also brings you some dangers."

"My special..." Sasori raised her head, her eyes blinked slightly, and the soft corners of her eyes were slightly raised, "Does that mean, my status as the 'heir of the gods'?"

"If the scavengers weren't lying, then probably. And, as far as I'm concerned, you are too."

Qiao Xun's personal feeling, of course, refers to Saxuri's super comprehension and speed of progress. Sasuri, who has not yet entered the stage, can exert abilities far beyond the ordinary level, which has shown that she will not be an ordinary evolutionary.

Saori thought of the cat statue that saw the gods. Vaguely felt that the cat was still smiling at her.

"See... God."

Joe asked:

"Do you know more about seeing God?"

Sasori shook her head, "About seeing the gods, it's all passed down by word of mouth, and there is no special record. People in our area think that it's just a local story that is passed down locally."

Many places have their own legends and stories. Cat God Terumi, as for Tateyama City, it is probably this kind of existence.

She looked at Qiao Xun and said softly:

"Tell me before the scavenger. When the gods closed their eyes and the runes were spread across the earth, it was spring, and it was raining lightly. Could it be that the gods died here?"

"The story of the past is difficult to verify now. However, I believe, Sayuri, if you see that God has really chosen you as his heir, then, one day, you will have a heart-to-heart connection with Him, and you will be able to hear it. The story of his past. Maybe, now, you need a new look and a new life."

"new life?"

"Yes. I learned before that the 'Tower' is on the Japanese branch side, and there is no evolutionary excavation agency. But with your current situation, you may not be able to wait for that day with peace of mind." Qiao Xun looked at her. Q: "Sasori, have you considered moving to another place to live?"

Sasori opened her mouth slightly, her brows trembled, her eyes suddenly became weak, and she seemed helpless.

She lowered her head and whispered:

"I've never left Tateyama City."

"Saori, you're going out of your comfort zone. I can protect you this time, but I'll leave eventually, and then?"

Saori pursed her lips and said nothing.

Looking at her performance, Qiao Xun was in a complicated mood. A 16-year-old girl, her previous life had always been calm and free of turmoil. She had experienced so much all of a sudden, and it was indeed difficult to change in a short time. However, he couldn't be sure whether the existence of scavengers would come to harass again, and how should the future be defined?

He sighed slightly.

This sigh made Saori's shoulders tremble. She bit her lip hard, revealing a clear tooth mark. She raised her head and said stubbornly:

"I will not let you down!"


Sasori interrupted Qiao Xun with a louder voice:

"I know, in Mr. Qiao's eyes, I'm just a child. But I have to remember what you told me, and have confidence! I've been thinking for days about how to have confidence, I think I don't understand, I think that confidence may be a gift from God. But, I always think that Mr. Qiao has done so many things for us after staying here for a few days. I have no reason to hold my head any longer. Struggle, must grow well!"

For the first time in these days, Qiao Xun heard Sasori talk so much without interruption.

Saori's shoulders sank and she whispered:

"I will not let you down."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, "It's really surprising. I thought you wouldn't say so much at once."

Sayori waved her hand hastily and said:

"I'm not losing my temper."

"It didn't say you were losing your temper. Sayori, don't keep thinking you're doing something wrong."

"Okay... okay."

Qiao Xun took a deep breath and looked serious,

"Sasori, after seeing your determination, then, let's get back to the point."


"I thought about it for a while and thought that your particularity could easily lead to unnecessary danger. This kind of danger cannot be dealt with by Tateyama City. Of course, don't feel sorry. In fact, according to my understanding, even if It’s the Chiba Prefecture branch command post, and it can’t control an existence like a scavenger. I’m not sure whether he will return, so you must solve your problem as soon as possible.”

Qiao Xun paused and continued: "The promotion process for the members of the Japanese branch of 'Tower' is a bit complicated, and in this case, because I am not a member of the Japanese branch, it is difficult to submit a written report to the branch center. , apply for special asylum for you. I also asked Mr. Wu Shige before that the Japanese branch is more inclined to solve real threats than to control potential threats, so your situation will probably not be recognized. "

Sayuri was stunned. She did not expect that Qiao Xun would think so far. Is that why he said he was going to change his way of life?

"So, Sayuri, my opinion is to send you to the Republic branch for asylum."

"Huh?" Sasori's eyes widened.

Qiao Xun said: "I have discussed this matter with Mr. Wu Mao before on the way back. He respects your opinion."

"Together... Republic branch..." Sasori couldn't imagine. She had never seen the Chiba Prefecture Branch Control Office, not to mention the Republic Branch, which was even more powerful than the Japanese branch center.

"Of course, if you don't want to, I can understand. After all, going to a foreign country alone can be unsettling."

Sayori asked:

"What do you think, Mr. Joe?"

"Saori, don't ask me. Your thoughts are the most important."

Saori nodded with a pursed mouth. Later, she said:

"What about Mom and Dad?"

"You can use the introduction of special talents to let you pass as an international student. You can go to a good high school and receive professional and systematic learning and training."

In Saori's situation, it is no exaggeration to say that there is a special talent.

Staying in Tateyama City, Saori will only be more dangerous, and there is also a lack of systematic learning and training conditions here, and being buried is a huge loss.

"Is that so..."

"Sasuri, think about it, don't rush to promise me. This matter is related to your future studies and evolution, so you must judge carefully."

"Well, I will."

Then, Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Then go back and change your clothes first. It's definitely uncomfortable to wear dirty clothes. By the way, lay a good psychological foundation with your parents."


Sayori stood up, bowed goodbye, and left quickly.

As soon as she left the house, her face immediately became hot.

I never thought that so many things would happen in just seven days.

I met Mr. Qiao, experienced danger, and learned more secrets. Now, I may have to say goodbye to my hometown again.

When I think about it, my head feels a little dizzy.

In the small living room of the dormitory. After Sa Xuli left, Qiao Xun immediately entered the "Tawang" to contact Zhou Sibai.

Because the current Zhidong City has not been unblocked, ordinary calls cannot be made, and only the "tower network" can be used.

After half a minute, connect.

Zhou Sibai's surprised voice sounded:

"Qiao Xun?"

"It's me, Team Zhou."

"You kid, lost contact for a month, where have you gone now? My dear, you are occupying a job in our emergency response center, but you haven't done anything at all."

"Sorry, sorry, I went to the sea train in the first half month."

"Sea train?! How did you get there?"

"Following Xin Yu to complete an investigation task, the 'tower' awarded a few tickets, and then went up. Now, it's down again, on the Japanese side."

"Your experience is... really rich! How does it feel?"

"It's wonderful. The harvest is quite rich."

"What about your talent? How is it?"

"That's it!"

"Then what are your plans now? Are you going to come back and re-evaluate your grades?"

"No. I have other things to do."

"Good boy, are you really going crazy with subsidies?"

Qiao Xun smiled apologetically and immediately said, "I'm not here to contribute."


"Team Zhou. I found an ungraded evolutionary person with great potential in Japan. She is not in a good situation here. Let me ask you, can you apply for special asylum there?"

"How much potential?"

Qiao Xun thought for a while, and said solemnly, "There is hope of becoming a demigod."

When Zhou Sibai, who was far away from the sea, heard it, he yelled out on the spot, startling the rest of the office, "What!"

"calm down."

"I'm calm, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Team Zhou. I'm definitely not fooling you. This person can be said to be the most potential evolutionary person I've ever seen. Even in a place where the sea train is full of powerhouses, no one gives me this feeling. And , it's not just a feeling..." Qiao Xun explained his test of Sasori in detail.

Zhou Sibai's brows became more and more serious, "Are you sure there is nothing wrong with what you said?"

"Team Zhou, it's hard to explain in a few words. But before that, let me ask you, have you heard of scavengers?"

"You've seen a scavenger!" Zhou Sibai was even more shocked.

"Hmm. There was a fight."

"My God! What the **** have you been through?"

Zhou Sibai couldn't imagine that a month ago, the guy who was still worrying about finding a suitable position had already dealt with such special beings as scavengers. Exploring waste scavengers is a secret among the secrets of various countries in the world. Decades have passed, and little is known about them. It is only known that they search for lost miracles all over the world, and often have friction and collision with other countries. Moreover, In the frontal battlefield, nine out of ten times, the scavengers won an overall victory.

"It's hard to say."

Zhou Sibai was itching in his heart, and really wanted to fly to Qiao Xun immediately and ask him what happened to him.

"The scavenger you met didn't treat you well, did he?"

"No, he was beaten by me in front of a temple. He was afraid of blasphemy, so he didn't dare to fight back."


Rao is Zhou Sibai, who has always been a serious gentleman, and he couldn't help but let out the most straightforward exclamation, "You brat!"

"Hehe, how could I tell you that the scavenger would have a lot of derivative rune attacks, how could I tell you that he could use sea water as a soldier when he raised his hand, how could I tell you that his slender face was smashed into mud by me Still jumping around."

"Enough is enough, I believe what you said is true."


It's not that Qiao Xun is showing off, it's just that at a certain stage, it is necessary to show his level to others, and doing some things can be more convenient.

"Let's talk about the evolutionary person with great potential. For other things, I will ask you slowly when you come back."

"Okay." Qiao Xun said: "That evolutionary person's name is Goma Saori. In addition to what I said before about her extremely strong perception and rapid progress, the most important thing is that she was targeted by scavengers. It is too dangerous for her to stay in Japan, and because of the complicated situation on the Japanese branch side, it is difficult to recognize her. The most important thing is, are you not interested in such an excellent talent?"

"I'm already moved."

Zhou Sibai was very excited. In fact, just being targeted by a scavenger is enough for him to do something about it. After all, according to the current record of head-to-head confrontation between humans and scavengers, there has never been a time when they were not competing for extremely valuable miracles. Like the complete series of runes of the Ascension Route, the derived rune weapons of various countries, etc., they were all robbed from scavengers.

"What do you need me to do?" Zhou Sibai asked eagerly: "If time is tight, I will immediately apply to the central government for a borderless plane to pick her up."

Qiao Xun was shocked, "Good guy Zhou team, what level are you, can you apply for the plane without borders?"

That's only for major diplomatic events.

"Oh, don't ask so much. But don't fool me, kid, I believe you will do that."

Qiao Xun laughed, "Come on, Team Zhou, we are not children, you just trust your judgment, trust me when you say anything."

"You kid, why are you talking so straight?"

"I'm afraid you will trick me."


Qiao Xun stopped joking and said seriously: "My opinion is to minimize the impact. Sasuri is now a sophomore in high school. It is better for her to go to the Republic by studying abroad to avoid some people's exploration and so on. And... ...I personally wish to keep her with you, and you to guide her yourself."

"Why do you think so?"

"I believe in you more. Team Zhou, I don't think I need to say it explicitly. There are still many irrational people in the center of our branch."

Zhou Sibai was silent for a while.

He knew more than Qiao Xun, otherwise, he would not have left the central government to go to Zhidong City.

"it is good!"

"Well, I'll write you a detailed application material later."

"Okay. Oh yes, Zhidong City will be unblocked the day after tomorrow."

Qiao Xun frowned and asked:

"So, what is the decision above?"

"The global summit is currently highly unified. It is planned that on January 1, 2036, the United Nations will announce to the world about the pollution, the evolutionary and the 'tower'."

Qiao Xun took a breath of air and said, "A new era is coming."

"Yes, an evolutionary revolution in a new world."

After cutting off contact, Qiao Xun felt a little melancholy.

He had thought before that countries would no longer hide it and make it public. But after such an idea really appeared in reality, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

When the evolutionary era comes, I don’t know how many turmoils there will be and how many new laws and regulations will be promulgated.

There is no doubt that ~www.readwn.com~ This is a great challenge for the governments of various countries. How to avoid large-scale riots in the country due to evolutionary people may become the primary issue.

After all, evolution is the right of the few after all. What about those who are not eligible for evolution?

In the past, the main contradiction in society was class contradiction. When the age of evolutionary people comes, new contradictions will be formed, the contradiction between the evolutionary and the non-evolved.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Xun shook his head. These are still left to the government to regulate and control.

He calmed down and began to write a special asylum application for Gomo Sayori.

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