Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 15: Towards "lazy"

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

In the afternoon, Gomo Shunsuke took two team members and personally drove the body of the borderline deep diver to the Chiba Prefecture branch control center.

This is something that the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team cannot manage.

And Gomo Sayori, who returned home, accepted the care of her parents well.

After washing, Sao, who changed into clean clothes, sat on the sofa, looked at his father Gosho Ichiro, and asked with a wink:

"Dad, do you think it's better for me to go to college or do other things after high school?"

Gosho Ichiro was a decent and serious man, and said:

"Sasori is better off going to college, you're smart."

"However, I feel that in the current school, it is difficult to get into a good university."

"Do your best."

"Dad, if you have the opportunity to study in a better place, what do you and your mother think?"

Nako Nakahira, her mother who was cleaning the house, asked:

"Does Saori want to study elsewhere?"


Gosho Ichiro put down the newspaper, looked at Saori and said, "Saori, if you can go to a better place to study, Dad will provide you with tuition and living expenses."

Nako Nakahira, her mother, asked worriedly:

"is it far?"

Saori rubbed her fingers, "It's very far."

"Chiba? Kyoto? Tokyo? Osaka? Nagoya or somewhere else?"

"Country... abroad."

Mother and father paused. Or study abroad in high school? They couldn't accept it for a while.

"Saori, what's going on?"

Sayori was thinking about what to say on the way home.

"Over there in the Republic. I applied to a good high school over there."

"But, can you speak Chinese?"

"There are specialized Chinese teachers there."

Gosho Ichiro said:

"Sasuri, please tell us what's going on. You almost had an accident yesterday, and today you said you were going to study abroad. Dad is a little confused about what's going on."

Sasori thought to herself, how can I say this, I don't know the follow-up at the moment, she said:

"Mom and Dad, I just applied to the high school over there, and I haven't gotten the results yet. Just to ask what you guys think."

"But, is it really okay for you to study abroad by yourself?"

"It's not that I can't make a phone call."

Gosho Ichiro was silent. After a while, he touched his glasses and said:

"Dad supports you. Your brother is reluctant to go to a big city to develop, and has been living in a small place like Tateyama City. You can't be like him without the ideal of climbing up."

Sayori whispered:

"Actually, brother Shunsuke is fine."

"Hmph, he's twenty-five years old, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend! The marriage is still in the future, so what's so good! You can't learn from him."

"Okay." I'm sorry, Shunsuke brother, I'm going to use you as a shield.

Nako Nakahira, her mother, held Saori's hand and said:

"Sasori, no matter what, your parents will support you. Your father is right. Tateyama City is too small, you should go to a bigger place to develop. Mom believes in you, you can do it."

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. However, we still have to wait for the results over there."

"Sasori is so good, it must be possible."

The good family atmosphere of the Wu Mao family gave Saori a great inspiration.

She gradually understood a truth, many things, only when you step forward will you find that it is not so bad.

Republic, Zhidong City metropolitan area, Zhidong City.

With the strong support of the Republic, after a month of reconstruction, the city's large and small matters are basically on the right track.

Transportation, basic living, order in various industries, education, etc. have all been restored.

Apart from the fact that the city is still under lockdown, it is basically the same as before.

At the emergency treatment center, Zhou Sibai quickly received a special asylum application from Qiao Xun. He quickly approved the follow-up procedures, and applied for various document procedures to the branch center in the form of "special talent introduction".

These document procedures open the green light channel and quickly enter the diplomatic channel.

In the afternoon, the embassy of the Republic in Japan received an order. Afterwards, they contacted the Chiba County Education Center, and later contacted the school where Sayori Gomo and the Gomo family were informed of the whole thing. .

With the green light, in just one day, Gomo Saori's follow-up admissions process was arranged.

Just wait for her to agree.

As soon as she agrees, visas, flights and other follow-up arrangements can be arranged immediately.

In the evening, despite her parents' inquiries, Saxuri left the house and came to Qiao Xun's temporary residence again.

"Mr Joe!"

Joe opened the door.

Sasori looked inside, her brother was there.

"Saori, Mr. Qiao has already told me." Gomo Shunsuke said.

Sayori nodded, then she took a deep breath and said aloud:

"Mr. Qiao, I've decided to go over there!"

Shunsuke Gomo asked:

"What did Mom and Dad say?"

"They support me."

Upon hearing this, Gomo Shunsuke suddenly felt a little reluctant. Looking at my grown-up sister, I'm going to a faraway place, and there may be fewer and fewer opportunities to meet again in the future. He endured the sourness of his nose and said with a smile:

"Saori, that's great!"

Sayuri whispered, "Don't praise me."

Gomo Shunsuke wanted to cry without tears. Are you going to be deprived of the qualifications to praise your sister?

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Saori, get ready."

"Well, okay!" Sasori responded with a smile, turned her head and said to Shunsuke Gomo: "Brother Shunsuke, please leave. I want to speak to Mr. Qiao alone."

Wu Mao Junsuke's face stiffened, "What are you talking about that my brother can't listen to?"

"Hmph, it's been a long time since you went back. If you don't go home again, Dad will consider removing you from the family. Mom is also thinking about whether to give me the marriage money left for you as living expenses. "

"Do not!"

Gomo Shunsuke shouted and hurriedly left.

Qiao Xun held his hands, leaned aside and asked with a smile:

"So, what are you going to say to me?"

With only two people left, Sasori's unbearable shyness was nowhere to be placed, and a girlish pink glow appeared on her face.

"I... I don't know if I let Mr. Qiao down. Thinking about it carefully, I feel that Mr. Qiao has done a lot for me, and I always feel like I'm dreaming. On the way here, I looked at the stars in the sky, and I felt like Unreal feeling. It seems that I am only a second-year high school student...but I have seen such ordinary things and such extraordinary people. Thinking about tomorrow, thinking about the future, thinking about the more distant future, I can't go. Make an idea for my future. It is said that a person needs to have a pure ideal and a romantic life to go on unswervingly. When I think about it carefully, I always don't understand those. Maybe now, I can only remember Joe If you say goodbye, sir, you will be impressed."

With a tangled but receptive tone, Sasori slowly, carefully, put her nowhere, and couldn't reveal the feelings accumulated in her heart.

Only then did Qiao Xun notice that this young girl has her own special side. Implicit and quiet, she is actually very rich in her inner world, but she is not good at expressing herself.

"Sasori, I'm not as good as you think. I do these things for you, not because I'm a good person, but because you deserve it. You don't need me to prove your worth, and you don't need anyone else to prove it, only Only you can prove your worth."

Sasori seemed to understand, but she struggled to understand Qiao Xun's words. After a while, she raised Qing Jue's face, and the clear moonlight seemed to reflect a faint fluorescence on her face.

"Mr. Joe, where will you go after that?"

"I might go to Iwate Prefecture."

Sasori looked up, looked at the stars in the Tianshan Mountains, and whispered to herself:

"When can we go on an adventure with you?"

Qiao Xun did not answer. He looked at Saori's expression seriously, exhaled, and said:

"Sasori, grow up well and meet more outstanding people."


Qiao Xun smiled and said, "I said, you grow up well."

"Well, I will! I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. Joe next time!"

After saying that, Saori left happily.

Watching her back disappear into the night, Qiao Xun turned around and entered the room.

For the follow-up, Zhou Sibai is in charge. To be on the safe side, he even personally sent someone to fly to Japan to wait for Saori. Of course, he told Qiao Xun that if he hadn't been restricted from going abroad by the country, he would definitely have come in person.

As for why it was restricted, he did not say.

In the evening, Qiao Xun applied for a temporary work permit in Japan in the "Tower Network".

The next morning, early in the morning, after leaving a message on the phone to Shunsuke Gomo, he took a train and set off for Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture.

As an "adventurer", you can't stay in one place for too long.

As soon as he got on the train, Xin Yu sent him a document in the "ta net" and then called him. video call.

"It always feels like I haven't seen you for decades." Xin Yu fell ill as soon as he came up.

Qiao Xun took it easy, and laughed and joked: "Even if it's been a hundred years. Have you forgotten, we haven't seen each other since we separated in 1935."

"Don't think of me as a fool! I'm just confused about time perception, not memory!" Xin Yu was trembling with anger, her red high ponytail was on fire.

"Hehe, just kidding. How's the monkey over there?"

"The monkeys are in control, the monkey king has slipped away, and I'm still looking for it."

"Slip away, I feel like something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Ah? Isn't this the case for all the film and television dramas? It's called a foreshadowing."

Xin Yu gave him a white look, "What are you thinking about?"

Qiao Xun was annoyed.

"Let's get down to business." Xin Yu got serious. "The global summit is over, and the central document is down. Let the main emergency response centers across the country shrink control resources and prepare to control the level of panic. That is to say, the world will announce the pollution and evolution of the disease. You're still in Japan, aren't you?"


"The policy of the Japanese branch is currently unclear. However, it should be similar. At present, it seems that the world pattern is likely to undergo major changes. From the perspective of national security analysis, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Australia may fall into chaos, and may even become Third-party forces or bases of other Adventist forces. There have been riots in many places, ordinary thugs are easy to deal with, but thugs with innate abilities are more difficult to control, so please be careful when you are out alone."

"Good captain."

"Don't call me captain, just call my name. And Qiao Xun, last night, the pollution weather meter at the northeast base detected signs of pollution riots in the southern marine area of ​​Chiba Prefecture, Japan, and each branch is currently looking for it. The reason, I remember you weren't there, pay attention to safety."

"Thank you for your concern."

"It's okay. Okay, hang up."

Xin Yu acted resolutely and quickly cut off contact.

Qiao Xun was lying on his seat, thinking, the marine pollution riot in the southern part of Chiba prefecture... Wouldn't it be caused by the huge pure white palace summoned by the scavengers.

It's no surprise that that thing is generating pollution riots.

I don't know how many unknown things there are in the world. The huge palm under the abyss of the karst cave in Sumatra, the plan of the sea train, the marginal deep diver, the slender scavenger, the sea temple, all kinds of gods...

Is the age of the gods recovering, or are new gods driving out old gods?

He closed his eyes and thought, sure enough, the only solution is to keep getting stronger.

"'Gluttony', 'Lust', 'Greed'... In order, the next one is 'lazy'. The Seven Deadly Sins..."

"Gluttony" means that everything can be swallowed and digested;

"Lust" is a collection of emotions and desires;

"Greedy" is the extravagance of wanting more, not being satisfied with the basics, and constantly craving for what is not there.

After devouring enough energy, after devouring the four rabbit people again, after tasting the taste of desire, "gluttony" advanced to "lust", transforming enough emotions and nutrients of desire, with the help of the endless extreme of love Desire, "lust" is advanced to "greed".

So what about "lazy"?

What does "lazy" mean, and how to advance?

It is not the same as the promotion and advancement methods of other evolutionaries. After other evolutionaries are full of energy, they have a series of runes with their main advanced talent totems, and they have the possibility to advance.

But he is different. No amount of physical energy can make him advance, and his "gluttony", "lust" and "greed" have no totems and no runes.

Or to put it another way, the runes are not quite the same as normal.

"I'm lazy...lazy...escapism, irresponsibility, and wasting time...corresponding to the promotion route, what should I explain?"

Do not understand, no idea.

Instead of wasting time on questions without specific goals, take a good rest instead of thinking too much.

Qiao Xun opened the document Xin Yu sent him and read it carefully to see how the Republic planned to regulate the situation without information blockade.

The train galloped on the rails and went into the distance.


Very early, Saxuri left home and came to the office of the Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team, intending to say goodbye to Qiao Xun.

However, when she came to the office, she found that Qiao Xun had left.

"When did Mr. Qiao leave?" Wu Mao Sauri asked after looking at the empty courtyard.

Shunsuke Gomo said:

"I left at five o'clock, didn't he tell you?"

Gomo Saori bit her lip and lowered her head.

She didn't know why Mr. Qiao told her brother but not herself.



"Why is Mr. Qiao unwilling to say goodbye to me?"

How could Shunsuke Gomo know this, but looking at Saori's depressed look, he comforted:

"Maybe Mr. Joe just forgot."


Sayori was even more sad. He remembers you, but not me...

"This..." Wu Mao Shunsuke continued to comfort: "It's okay, Saori, Mr. Qiao may just think there is no need to say goodbye to you."

Sasori glared at Shunsuke Gomo and said angrily, "If you can't comfort people, don't comfort them!"

She turned away.

Gomo Shunsuke is helpless, is this a girl in the rebellious period...

Sasori couldn't understand why, she clearly exchanged contact information, at least send a text message...

She held her mobile phone, looked at Qiao Xun's contact information, and wanted to call to ask, but for some reason she lost the courage.

Forget it, Sasori, Mr. Joe has helped you so much, don't bother him anymore.

She left the office in despair and followed her parents to the school to go through the transfer procedures.

Saori's sudden transfer was undoubtedly a huge blow to her friend.

Although it is always difficult to break up friendships, there is a reason why they must be separated. She spent an afternoon of sadness and blessings with her friends, and they agreed to give each other a completely different look when they saw each other. Miki Ogami, who was usually cynical, finally made up her mind to study hard, in order to avoid being unable to keep up with Saori.

But maybe, their paths were never the same.

On the third day, the team members dispatched by Zhou Sibai came to Tateyama City and picked up Sa Xuli.

The girl embarked on an unknown journey~www.readwn.com~ Before boarding the plane, she finally gathered up the courage and sent a text message to Qiao Xun:

"I'm going to the Republic, and I look forward to seeing you next time."

"come on!"

Qiao Xun's reply was brief.

It was so short as a smart reply that Saori couldn't guess his thoughts and moods from his sentence construction and phrases.

She looked out the window, the sky was blue and clear.

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