Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 16: Great Choice Era

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

December 26, 2035.

A news was broadcast on the TV of every household in Zhidong City——

"Ladies and gentlemen, the National Security Bureau of the Republic, the Central Committee of the Republic Branch, the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center, and the Zhidong City People's Government jointly issued the Zhidong City Unblocking Document. From 18:00 this evening, Zhidong City will fully open the Internet , and open highways, airways, railway tracks, Zhan-Baijiang transportation line and other traffic one by one. Up to now, Zhidong City has completely eliminated the hidden danger of pollution. Please work and study with peace of mind. Believe in our country, believe in our government, Trust our military, trust our polluters."

At six o'clock in the evening, the Internet is open.

Everyone found that they could communicate with the outside world.

Suddenly, the Internet of the Republic exploded.

What happened in Zhidong City in the past two months has long been sorted out, and it was announced as soon as the Internet was opened.

At first, everyone thought it was a meme and joke similar to "the 1999 incident". After the official media continued to express their trust in the country, everyone was not calm.

Immediately, unprecedented heated discussions arose, and the huge data interaction once hit the mainstream social platforms paralyzed.

Pollution diseases, polluted creatures, aberrations, emergency treatment centers... These kinds of words that only appear in movies, TV dramas and books are eye-catching and publicized, and they sting everyone's heart.

This time, there was no more post deletion or criticism.

The entire Chinese Internet is intertwined with shock, panic, excitement, confusion, worry...

All kinds of emotions.

Well-connected netizens began to break the news online in various ways. Evolvers, runes, talents, etc. savagely rushed into the Internet, stirring up everyone's attention.

For a while, the "doomsday survival gift packs" and "necessary materials for shelters" from major e-commerce platforms became hot sellers and were quickly sold out.

There is no doubt that a panic swept the country.

Major media then released speeches from leaders from all walks of life on social platforms, solemnly and profoundly saying that the country will always be with you.

As early as a few days before this fact was completely announced, the central government had issued detailed guidelines. Local units responded quickly and promptly controlled the Internet, education, finance, industry and other components of the country's lifeline to prevent lawless elements from taking the opportunity to stir up yes or no.

The superiority of the system allowed the panic to be quickly controlled in the Republic without causing much damage.

But many people know that the quiet life of the past will no longer exist.

After the public Internet was fully opened up, records and videos of various pollution incidents have sprung up and are released on various platforms.

Those movie-and-television-like scenes stir the viewer's nerves.

So, a key question was quickly asked-

"How do we evolve?"

This question is difficult to answer, or impossible to answer.

Because, unlike life, evolution is a fundamental right of every human being. Only exist in some, or a few people.

This is sure to create new class antagonisms.

But there is no doubt that evolution is completely random, and is not constrained by conditions such as genes, race, region, wealth, education, etc. This, to a certain extent, has eased the conflict of opposition. The poor also have the opportunity to evolve and mutate. The rich may spend more money, buy more runes, and inject more genetic medicine, and they may not be able to acquire talent and embark on the evolutionary path. road.

What's more, the evolvers are managed by "towers".

The "Tower" doesn't care about money, status, or sophistication. It only cares about whether you are an evolutionary person and whether you are strong enough.

The "tower" of absolute rationality is the last guardian of order.

Qiao Xun, who is far away in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, is also paying attention to the domestic situation. Japan has also gradually released information in the order of pollution diseases, pollution incidents, and pollution organisms.

Seeing all kinds of remarks on the Internet, Qiao Xun was in a complicated mood.

There is such a big public opinion event in the Republic, and no one has the rhythm, and no one criticizes the system... It seems that in the face of a real personal crisis, any kind of fun person, rhythm person, or banana person is meaningless. After all, almost all other countries are now in a panic, and the ideological confrontation is indeed insignificant in the face of the great changes of the century.

Perhaps, in the age of evolutionary people, another kind of peace will usher in. peace in public opinion.

After applying for a special work permit in Japan from "Tower", after arriving in Iwate Prefecture, Qiao Xun immediately went to the branch control office to apply for a special pass. With the "Tower" certification, it was very easy to apply for the permit. After that, he arrived in Morioka City.

This trip to Morioka City is for the symbol that may be "knowledge".

He has been thinking about how his loving parents can actually find the sand table of this world. Diverging thinking, he also thought about the "conspiracy theory", maybe the parents of love have already started collecting the world sand table, and the purpose of going to the sea train is also for other patterns in the sand table. As for why it became a domestic animal, he thinks it is still open to question.

Don't set the tone for an event with too divergent thinking, otherwise, it will easily affect subsequent judgments.

In the video I saw on the internal forum of "Tower Network", the place where the world sand table pattern "book" appeared was like a school.

After Qiao Xun came to Morioka City, the street branches and landmark buildings in the video were checked and analyzed on the map, and three suspected locations were identified.

After that, he began to investigate and verify on the spot.

After many confirmations, he finally locked the specific location at Morioka Central Private High School.

From the basic information on the Internet, this is the best private high school in Morioka City, and even the entire Iwate Prefecture.

In Japan, private high schools generally have better teaching quality than public high schools, and the school's hardware is also much better. But correspondingly, the cost of a private high school is much higher. One-year tuition, plus book fees, membership fees, activity fees, equipment and maintenance fees, etc., is not a simple expense.

For top private high schools like Morioka Middle School, the tuition fees are even more exaggerated.

Generally, children from very good families or important political and business people will study here. Of course, there are also children from ordinary families who have excellent grades and can be exempted from tuition fees.

In general, basic portraits of the members of this school were made.

Qiao Xun searched and probed around Morioka Central Private High School several times, and conducted explorations in different directions at different times, but did not find the pattern of the "book".

However, the world sand table in his mind gave him a clearer feeling that the "book" is here, but he hasn't found it yet.

Will it be in school?

Come here, Qiao Xun will not give up easily.

Gotta get a chance to go in and take a look.

However, he was not in a hurry and found a nearby hotel to stay first. I plan to collect more information, and then decide on the follow-up plan after I have a bottom line.

From December 27, after arriving in Morioka City, Qiao Xun began a basic investigation.

And this period happened to be the winter vacation of Japanese high school.

Usually from December 24 to January 7, together with Christmas and Spring Festival.

There was no one in the school, except for the regular patrol of the security guards, there was no one else.

Qiao Xun thought, maybe this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one in the school now, we may be able to investigate.

After having the basic idea, Qiao Xun began to plan his exploration plan according to the time node.

On the afternoon of December 30, Qiao Xun left the hotel and found a random shop nearby. After dinner, he began to walk along the semi-circular green belt from the southeast to the northwest of Morioka Central Private High School.

The school has three gates, two passages for teachers and students and school leaders, which are distributed on the north and south sides, opposite.

A staff access, on the northwest side, is a small gate.

He planned to enter from the staff passage, which was the most remote and not easy to spot.

In order to avoid being photographed by the monitor, he used "greed" to enhance the talent "camouflage" of the reconnaissance department, and applied a layer of "optical camouflage" to himself.

In fact, avoiding the camera is very simple for him.

The key is to avoid leaving traces that could be followed by sentries or guides. He couldn't be sure whether a school with deep pockets like this might employ an evolutionary security team. Despite the shortage of resources for Japanese evolutionaries, it cannot be assumed that such a thing does not exist.

After all, after all, this is the soil of capitalism.

What's more, there was a pollution incident near here some time ago, and the school might really be able to hire evolutionists to do security work.

Whether you have it or not, it's better to put a little thought into it than to leave out some to save time.

The day returns to the west mountain, and the lights and shadows are heavy.

With the Spring Festival approaching, Morioka City is very lively at night, and you can see the staff who are arranging the streets everywhere.

Fortunately, the school is not a downtown area, and the flow of people is not large now.

Pretending to be a walker, Qiao Xun left the Greenland Park on the northwest side of Morioka Central Private High School, turned around and entered the public toilet, and then used the talent "camouflage" blessed by "greed" to achieve the effect of optical camouflage to achieve stealth . At the same time, his mental traces and energy traces have also been largely hidden, and it is difficult for ordinary sentinels or guides to find his trajectory.

The staff passage on the northwest side is closed at the moment.

Qiao Xun took three steps and two steps, and went directly over the wall.

After landing firmly, look inside again. Morioka Central Private High School was very quiet under the night, and there was nothing around.

His eyes swept over, and after quickly determining the position, Qiao Xun moved along the school fence.

The pattern of the "book" in the previous video was displayed on the wall, and of course the wall was his primary consideration.

As the best private high school in Morioka City and even Iwate Prefecture, Morioka Central Private High School covers an area of ​​532 acres, which is almost equivalent to some colleges and universities. This is a big test for Qiao Xun's search work.

Because it is impossible to determine whether the "book" will move, and if it moves, it will leave a trail, so he has to conduct a more detailed search.

Putting his palm on the inner wall, "Zaiyin" fully activated.

Capture traces of pollution, traces of spirit, traces of energy.

Three do not leak.

After entering from the northwest staff passage, Qiao Xun headed south and moved slowly along the wall.

While maintaining the "camouflage" effect, it is necessary to use "Zaiyin" uninterruptedly, and it is necessary to achieve the effect of accuracy and no omission.

Over time, it takes a lot of energy.

Therefore, such a search cannot be maintained for a long time, nor can it be completed in a short time. He knew that this would be a relatively long process and could not be completed in one or two days, or three or four days.

Of course, he is free now, one has no tasks, and two has no pressure, so he has enough time to search slowly.

After determining the size of Morioka City, the total area of ​​walls, buildings, etc., he made a more reasonable plan.

The "camouflage" is not very effective during the day, so the search is carried out at night, starting from 8:00 pm to 4:00 the next day, which is a safer time. According to the current speed, about one-fifth of the search work can be completed in one day, plus some dark corner searches, preliminary estimates can be completed within a week.

Even if you can't find the "book", you can find its trajectory.

Of course, it is also possible to get nothing at all. After all, the root of the world of the world sand table itself is beyond common knowledge, and it is not strange that it cannot be simply explored.

But if you give up completely just because there is a possibility of getting nothing, it will be too useless. Doing meaningful things does not mean negating processes and vague results.

Qiao patrolled well. After finalizing the plan, in the next few days, he strictly followed his own plan.

Every evening, I go out for dinner at 6:00, then go for a walk, enter the school at 7:30, start searching for work at 8:00, and finish work at 4:00 am the next day.

Absolutely do not violate any of the steps. He had seen a lot of patients before, and because he didn't follow the doctor's orders, he took medicine, talked about things, and delayed the treatment irregularly.

Two days after the search, it is definitely not pessimistic from what has been achieved.

Because the "world sand table" in his head is indeed telling him in a subtle way that the pattern "book" that symbolizes one of the roots of the twenty-four worlds, "knowledge", is in this school. It was a strange way of being detached and slightly ambiguous. Whenever he entered the school, in the sand table of the world, the position of "knowledge" trembled.

But he found nothing.

There are no associated traces of pollution, spirit and energy.

He watched the video on the forum many times back and forth, trying to figure out how the "book" appeared and disappeared. But the video is too blurry, and the expression of "book" can only be said to be the background board under the camera inadvertently.

Perhaps, "books" cannot be viewed in a general way of thinking. It can't just be seen as a pattern that will appear, disappear, and hide. Perhaps, some kind of special way is needed to make it appear.

These days, in addition to searching for work and looking for various information in the "Tower Network", Qiao Xun is still paying attention to the international situation.

Since the end of the global summit, the international situation has changed dramatically every day.

The Middle East countries that have been in the midst of war all the year round have successively issued declarations that they will temporarily stop all forms of armed war;

The foreign trade of various countries continues to tighten, and the global import and export trade work one after another is constantly suspended in some way, which is a fatal blow to those countries that are extremely dependent on import and export. There is also the tourism industry, which has repeatedly suffered setbacks;

The armies of various countries are active in the core urban agglomerations that have rarely appeared, and the standard equipment is transported from the military region to the city in batches.

A crisis panic storm swept across the world. Governments around the world have said they will do their best to keep citizens safe, but that doesn't do a good job of allaying fears.

Federal President Mowanka is active on the Internet, reassuring citizens on his social platform every day, and revealing various so-called "inside information". Of course, this is just an announcement somewhere between the official and the unofficial, to test the tolerance of ordinary people for these things.

Finally, on January 1, 2036. On the first day of the new year, the United Nations spokesperson appeared on all social platforms around the world, solemnly announced the content of "pollution disease" and "evolution", and said profoundly, "This is the biggest turning point since humans learned to use fire. ."

is a new era.

The United Nations named this new era—

"The Era of Great Choice".

As a result, various genetic violence theories began to flood the Internet.

Protests, marches and demonstrations took turns in various places.

Even so, there are still some who think it's just a joke by all the nations united to make them, or a nihilistic opposition like "the earth is round is actually a lie of the United Nations".

Just the media news and streaming media content dissemination on the Internet completely shows the unevenness of the world and the super-large-scale social turmoil.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If it is only a war in some areas, it may be avoided by immigration, but evolution is a global wave, and there is no way to avoid it.

Within a few days, news of small country governments going bankrupt and society shutting down appeared one after another.

Since then, everyone has gradually realized that only those big and powerful countries can protect them.

Various forms of large-scale smuggling are staged all over the world with dramatic colors.

Maybe Japan's security is good, or it may be that the Japanese themselves do not have a strong desire for various disputes. At present, according to Qiao Xun's observation, Morioka City is only panicking, and there are fewer and fewer people on the streets, and there has not been a large-scale riot.

Of course, in the global camp, Japan can be regarded as a big country, with a complete "tower" system, branch centers, county branch control offices, city shore surveillance teams, etc., to maintain order relatively well.

Careful attention to the big countries such as the Republic, Commonwealth, Gaul, England, etc., is basically similar, of course, the situation is slightly worse in countries where liberalism prevails.

Undoubtedly, these great powers all have evolutionary institutions and members managed by a complete "tower", and have rich experience and reasonable measures in dealing with panic and turmoil.

Those small countries, especially in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, are far more chaotic.

The government lost its authority and the reactionary forces took turns taking the stage.

Of course, the most ruthless thing is that the "Freedom Army", formerly a terrorist organization, is now the evolutionist force of the Adventist faction announced at noon on January 1 that they have fully controlled the territory of the Arab League and established the "New Freedom Army". Talents are recruited from all over the world, attracting non-organized evolutionary people to go.

There are also non-organized, third-party evolutionary forces such as the "Walan Society" and "Yegmon Cult" that have similar operations.

However, the "black revolution" that Qiao Xun is most concerned about has been silent, as if they do not exist at all.

However, there has always been a saying that those who are dormant in the undercurrent are ruthless.

With all kinds of inside information from Xin Yu and Zhou Sibai, Qiao Xun has a more thorough view of the current global situation.

After the information blockade is lifted, it is just to let everyone know about this, and it will not change in nature.

That is to say, the members of these "towers" still do what they have to do, but their actions are no longer confidential, and the cleaning work after the pollution incident does not need to be signed by someone to sign a non-disclosure agreement, or to eliminate cognition and the like. Instead, it went more smoothly.

The tricky thing is how governments of various countries should regulate all walks of life under the turmoil.

Those, Qiao Xun doesn't care much.

Back to the most important thing in the moment. January 1st to January 3rd is the Japanese Spring Festival. Although the festive atmosphere is not strong due to global panic events, it can be felt that the Japanese government is still trying its best to maintain the basic order, so the activities of the organization should be set off. No less, I hope to tell ordinary citizens in this way, don’t be afraid, the state will protect you.

To this end, the Spring Festival has also been extended to January 7.

At the national level, the government has made great efforts to "whitewash the peace" and guide citizens to live a normal life.

Although everyone can see the purpose, but the effect is really good.

After January 3, gradually, there were more people on the street. The festival is second, the main thing is that even though the content related to "pollution disease" and "evolution" have been announced, it seems that everything is normal in my city. "Tower" members and troops patrolling every day add to the peace of mind.

The most important thing is that you still have to live.

As a result, Japanese citizens accept "pollution and evolution" just like the people in the special film accept "Monster and Ultraman".

Qiao Xun found it interesting to observe this change from the perspective of God.

Of course, business cannot be left behind.

From December 30th to January 5th. He literally searched Morioka Central Private High School over and over again. It can be said that he must know the school better than the teachers and students at the school. He only needs to lift the ground, and he can draw the school almost exactly. Obviously, I feel that the pattern "book" is in the school, but I can't find it, not even the travel path.

He had to calm down and think, where is the problem?

It's the way to find it, isn't it? Or, does the "book" require certain conditions to appear?

If the general method can't make the "book" appear ~www.readwn.com~ may need to start from its characteristics.

The world sand table, one of the twenty-four "knowledge", is the interpretation of "book".

Knowledge, a symbol of civilization, is the result of summarizing objective laws, ideological connotations, spiritual needs, and desire expressions with specific content.

A place like a school is quite in line with expectations for "knowledge".

After all, students go to school to learn knowledge.


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