Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 17: Be the window to the world

"Evolve from polluting the world (!

Learning is a dynamic process.

Qiao Xun tried to change his mind, thinking, what if "knowledge" is not a noun, but a process, or a phenomenon?

Of course, it's not necessarily right, but the direct search yielded no results, so there must be a different approach.

The way is to try it out.

At present, it seems that it is necessary to stay in Morioka City for a while.

Living in a hotel like this all the time and sneaking into the school will definitely not work. Not to mention the risks, it will be even more troublesome after the school starts. You have to figure out a way to enter the school with integrity.

Go in and be a teacher?

Not to mention that Qiao Xun himself still needs to make up for his "science knowledge" now, he has basically lost his high school culture class, and he can't take it up temporarily, not to mention, he is not qualified to teach.

Going to be a psychiatrist?

Qiao Xun opened the official website of Morioka Central Private High School and entered the recruitment page.

Oh, there are indeed mental and health teachers and life teachers in the teacher column that fit his position.

But, people only want Japanese...

You can't change your nationality now. He felt that with Zhou Sibai's help, he would definitely be able to change, but to trouble others like this would be a bit petty.

Zhou Sibai is a thigh, and he still wants to hug him, so he can't leave a bad impression.

Let's look at others.

Staff...just locals.

Qiao Xun felt a strong sense of xenophobia.

He gritted his teeth and thought, if it really doesn't work, throw money in and become a student! After working as a psychological counselor for so many years, he still has plenty of money, and the treatment at the Zhidong Emergency Response Center is really good. Although he has not done anything practical, his monthly salary is still paid on time.

Private high schools have such an advantage. Either you have good grades or you are rich, there is always a way.

He touched his nose and thought to himself, it's not impossible for a high school student in his twenties. Not afraid to say shamelessly, perhaps, I can take this opportunity to supplement my high school science knowledge.

Of course, if you can be a student, try not to be a student.

Qiao Xun still has no plans to stage a real-life version of "Fighting Dragon".

After that, he followed the official website of Morioka Central Private High School every day to see if there were any new recruitment plans.

After all, it is a new era. It is different from before. "Pollution" and "evolution" are global hotspots. Maybe, in order to maintain the facade, the school needs a post related to the follower.

Originally, I just had a "maybe" mentality, but I didn't expect it to actually wait.

January 8 is the first day of Japanese high school.

In accordance with the instructions of the Japanese education department, the school will resume as normal.

Morioka Central Private High School is no exception and has also announced matters related to the opening of the school.

At the same time, there is a "Popularization Teacher" in the teacher column of the school's official website's recruitment plan, which is mainly responsible for popularizing the knowledge of "pollution" and "evolution" for school students, and requires only one official member of the "Tower".

Qiao Xun was quite surprised that the school knew about the "tower". It seems that the news of this Morioka Central Private High School is still very wide.

Of course, Qiao Xun will not miss this opportunity. No matter what the school's purpose of recruiting such a "popular teacher" is, there is no problem in trying it out first.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Qiao Xun put on proper formal clothes and went to Morioka Central Private High School generously.

After explaining to the doorman that he was here for an interview, a faculty member soon came and took him to the administration building on the northeast side of the school.

Qiao Xun is clear about the school's sub-departments, of course, he still has to pretend to be the first time.

The Personnel Management Office on the second floor of the Administration Building.

After Qiao Xun went in, he told the office secretary that he was here to interview "Popular Teacher", and the secretary suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Miss Secretary, what's the matter?" Qiao Xun asked.

The secretary smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm distracted. Sir, please come with me, the interview room of Teacher Popo is in another place."

She murmured in her heart that she did not expect that someone would actually come to interview for this position.

Teacher Popularization... So is he an evolutionary?

The secretary was very curious and couldn't help but jump out of work and asked apologetically:

"Is Mr. Evolver?"

Qiao Xun asked:

"Isn't the requirement just to be a member of the 'Tower'?"

"Ah, but I heard that the 'tower' seems to be dedicated to managing the evolutionary."

"Hehe, there are also non-evolvers, not all of them."

"That's it."

The secretary has only heard about this from school recently, and he doesn't understand it very well, so although he is curious, he doesn't know how to ask questions.

A few minutes later, she took Qiao Xun to the principal's office on the fourth floor of the administration building.

"Sir, the interview of the popular teacher is personally interviewed by the principal of our school."

She said and looked at the door.

"Come in." A deep male voice came from inside.

The secretary opened the door and went in, bowed and said:

"Principal Fujiwara, this gentleman is here to interview Teacher Pufu."

Qiao Xun looked inside, behind the desk. The principal turned the office chair and turned around.

A very lean man in his fifties. Wearing a suit, his temples are white, the wrinkles are less, the eyebrows are full and thick, the eyes are particularly energetic, the lips are relatively thin, and the overall appearance is very energetic, very energetic and energetic.

The nameplate in the upper left corner of the desk shows his name, Masato Fujiwara.

Masato Fujiwara smiled, "Please come in."

Qiao Xun walked in, and the secretary took the door and left.

"Hello, my name is Masato Fujiwara, and I am the current principal of this school." Masato Fujiwara stood up and nodded slightly as a courtesy.

"Hello, my name is Qiao Xun."

Masato Fujiwara asked:

"Listen to the name, are you from the Republic, or rather, Korean?"

"I'm from the Republic."

Masato Fujiwara nodded, "Your Japanese is very good, please take a seat."

High-tech, can it be great?

Qiao Xun sat down in the guest seat in front of the desk.

Masato Fujiwara crossed his fingers and clenched his fists, pressed his chin, and asked with a smile:

"Mr. Qiao, please, have you read the interview requirements before coming to the interview?"

"Look, the requirement is to be a member of the 'Tower'."

"So, you are a member of the 'Tower'?"

Qiao Xun did not directly say that he was from the Chitou City Emergency Response Center, but handed the special work permit and special pass to Fujiwara Masato that he had obtained from the Iwate Prefecture Branch Control Office.

Masato Fujiwara looked at the two documents and read aloud:

"Special work permit in Japan, 'Tower' is publicly certified. Iwate Prefecture Special Pass, 'Tower' Japan Branch Iwate Prefecture Branch Control Office is publicly certified."

After reading it, he asked:

"Then, Mr. Qiao, what organization do you belong to?"

When Qiao Xun heard it, he immediately knew that the other party had a certain understanding of the composition of the "Tower" members. He replied:

"Zhidong Emergency Response Center."

Saying that, he showed his sequence card.

After seeing the small sequence card, Masato Fujiwara knew that this person was a member of the "Tower" who was a serious person, not a fake. Because the sequence card of the "Tower" cannot be forged, the one that can go to the "Tower Network" is real, and to go to the "Tower Network", it is necessary to have the "Tower" certification.

At present, no country's technology can surpass the surveillance of the "tower".

"Your identity is true." Masato Fujiwara said with a smile.

Judging from his appearance, Qiao Xun thought, this person must have a better understanding of the "Tower" organization. Can't help but guess, is it possible that he is an evolutionary?

"Then, let's get to know each other first." Masato Fujiwara then asked: "Mr. Qiao, you are a full member of the 'Tower', why did you plan to come to this school to become a universal teacher?"

Qiao Xun had already prepared his reasons, neither too serious nor too serious, and said without hesitation:

"After the United Nations comprehensively announced pollution and evolution, I have witnessed the changes in various countries. Even if the country has repeatedly expressed its belief in the country, for ordinary people, pollution and evolution are still terrifying beasts. Although countries have introduced in detail Pollution, evolution, polluting organisms and pollution incidents, but as far as I can see, there is still a serious misunderstanding among ordinary people. Maybe countries will popularize education knowledge in the future. But before that, I hope to be a 'tower' The responsibility of the members. After seeing your school recruiting popular teachers, I came here with the attitude of giving it a try.”

"Your idea is amazing. Reminds me of the teachers of the past who had a passion for education. But I have a question, why don't you choose to work in your own country? The republic is huge and has a large population. There should be more need for teachers like you."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, "I showed Principal Fujiwara a special work permit in Japan before. In fact, I have a special mission in Japan. The mission lasts for a long time, and there is a lot of free time during the period, so I want to use this free time. Use it."

Masato Fujiwara was very measured, and did not ask too much about what special mission Qiao Xun had. He nodded and said:

"Well, your qualifications are very good. The key is whether you can be a qualified teacher."

Qiao Xun went on to say:

"Before becoming a member of the 'Tower', I was a professional psychologist. If Mr. Principal needs, I can provide you with a file of my previous work."

Masato Fujiwara shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Qiao speaks elegantly, I believe what you said. Because of the particularity of popularizing teachers, you may receive excessive attention from other people at school. I don't know if you care."

"This is an inevitable process. Just like everyone who didn't know the evolutionary before, will definitely be curious and want to know more after knowing it. I think this is also one of the responsibilities of the popularization teacher."

Masato Fujiwara nodded in satisfaction. Qiao Xun mentioned this point, he very much agrees.

How to make evolutionary people become normal and become an ordinary part of this world is a question that governments of all countries are thinking about.

Evolvers are not monstrous beasts.

"For your professionalism, I have no need to question. If you can adapt to life in the school, then, on behalf of the school, you are welcome to join."

Masato Fujiwara stood up and nodded slightly.

The same goes for Joe Tour.

Next, Masato Fujiwara explained to Qiao Xun in detail that his employment was a third-party labor contract, not a staff member.

That is to say, although the post of popular teacher has the title of teacher, it is not a teacher, but more like a lecturer invited by the school.

The salary is very good, and the work is not busy. You only need to hold a symposium every Tuesday morning, and then the other hours are similar to the health care teacher of the health room.

A special office is set up with assistants.

This gave Qiao Xun the feeling of returning to his old line of work as a psychologist, but the content was changed. From a counseling psychological problem to a pollution evolution problem.

"Mr. Qiao," Fujiwara Masato changed his words, "evolution is very random. It is possible that in our school there will also be a sudden evolutionary, so please pay more attention to students who may become evolutionary, adjust their psychological state, let They know themselves correctly to avoid unnecessary things from happening."

"Of course, that's my job."

"Then Mr. Qiao, do you have any other questions?"

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, then looked at Fujiwara Masato's smiling face and asked:

"May I ask if Mr. Principal has a certain degree of understanding of pollution and evolution."

"Oh, why is there such a question?"

"You are very professional."

"Professional..." Masato Fujiwara smiled, "That's not really. It's just that I heard about these things from friends before and went to understand them, so it seems professional. I'm limited to this, more, It's still up to you."

Qiao Xun nodded.

After the initial communication, he felt that Masato Fujiwara was a very thoughtful person who almost found mistakes. Of course, being the principal of a well-known private high school naturally has a special ability. Whether what he said was out of politeness and maintenance was still unclear.

All Qiao Xun can do is to always maintain a heart that does not underestimate anyone.

After negotiating the contract matters, the secretary of the personnel department led him to report, and then introduced him to the school's work process, assigning offices and so on according to the rules and regulations.

One trip down, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the entry was officially completed.

"Mr. Qiao, your formalities have been completed, and you will officially join the job today. Tomorrow morning, the school will hold an opening ceremony, and at that time, you will be introduced to the teachers and students of the school."

"OK, thanks."

"you are welcome."

After the secretary of the personnel department left, Qiao Xun looked at his office.

It is spacious, well-lit, clean and tidy, with all kinds of modern educational equipment.

In terms of layout, it is quite similar to the health room, with a comfort bed.

On the desk lies his employment contract, as well as some school manuals, notes and a thick list of teachers and students.

Looking at the office, he thought, he might be here for a while.

But I don't know how long it will last.

He didn't forget that he came here for "books", and popularizing teachers was just to make things more convenient. Fortunately, the popularization teacher's work is not heavy. After looking at his work arrangement, after attending the opening ceremony tomorrow, there will only be lectures every Tuesday, which is usually similar to the school psychiatrist.

This high school is more aristocratic school and does not admit foreign students, so there is no stay-on-campus accommodation system. However, there are staff dormitories, and staff can choose to live in the school, or they can solve it on their own.

In other words, after school, the students' club activities are over, and it is all free time.

Qiao Xun also values ​​the high degree of freedom in popularizing teachers, so that the handover procedures can be completed so quickly.

Of course, he chose to live in the school, after all, he had big things to do.

The staff dormitory building is located in the green garden at the northernmost side of the school, which is very quiet. His dormitory has been cleaned up, and he just needs to check in with his bags.

After that, he returned to the hotel and brought his salute to the dormitory to pack up.

The life of a "high school teacher" has officially begun.

It's amazing to think about the experience during this time.

From a psychological counselor to a member of the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center, to a member of the investigation team, to a passenger on a sea train, and now to a private high school teacher.

In just three months, the rich experience can be compared to a year for most evolutionaries.

When he thought about it, he felt that it was indeed the sea train that left the deepest impression on him. At this moment, the train that eats people without spitting bones is running on a certain movie, and it is staged one after another tragic drama of the evil of human nature. The original boarding once every three months has now become once a week. Competition, elimination, death, ascension... Violence, blood, pornography, distortion, and perversion are full of them.

He thought about Lu Xianyi. Sometimes, he did wonder if Lu Xianyi would become like those gamblers, thugs and indulgents.

Of course, he thinks that Lu Xianyi is very good, and he is also an evolutionary from the third rank to the fourth rank, and he still uses such a powerful talent ability. What's more, before he left, he gave her 500w points. With her ability, she would definitely not be unhappy.

What you should think about is whether she will become completely unknown.

Shaking his head, throwing away those distant and messy thoughts, Qiao Xun left the dormitory and returned to his office.

As soon as I sat down, several teachers walked in from the outside.

The teachers introduced themselves one by one and expressed their curiosity about his work.

In the morning, they heard that a special teacher had come to the school, a teacher of "pollution" and "evolution".

Originally this was quite normal, but it was passed down that Qiao Xun was a senior expert in "pollution and evolution".

"Pollution and evolution" is a global hotspot, and teachers are curious and want to know more about it. In such a situation of ignorance in the future, they also hope to know more and gain a firm foothold in the new era.

After a period of polite care and mutual introduction, Qiao Xun said that he will not officially work until the opening ceremony tomorrow, and will come to consult later.

The teachers then gradually dispersed.

However, there are still teachers who come to chat with Qiao Xun from time to time~www.readwn.com~ and also enthusiastically expressed that they can take him to the school to get acquainted with the campus environment.

The campus environment... Qiao Xun thought, I am afraid no one knows this school better than him.

Through the words of these teachers, Qiao Xun can also feel the humble anxiety and confusion about the future of ordinary people under the great change. They have access to too few things in the new era, and urgently need a window that can see more, wider and deeper.

Now, for them, Qiao Xun is that window.

This can't help but make him wonder, if he hadn't embarked on the path of evolution, would he, like them, be worried and anxious about the future.

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