Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 20: The world of "books"

After the lunch break, the bell for the afternoon class rang, and it didn't take long for Nan Shizuku Hitomi to come again.

"About class again?"

"That's right."

"You are quite proud."

Minami Shizuku Hitomi was lying on the bed playing with the phone.

"Other places are too noisy. Teacher Qiao is very quiet here."

Because, his voice cannot be heard here. Elsewhere, there are cluttered voices against oneself.

Joe Tour said:

"Nan Shizuku, if you want, I can take you to the shore monitoring team here, which is the organization in charge of evolutionary-related matters. You can join them and start your evolutionary path."

"Don't go."

"Why? You are an evolutionary person and can have more choices."

"Where people don't want to go."

"If you are the same evolutionary person, it is not easy for you to hear your heart. Moreover, you can learn to control your own abilities."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi lay on the bed, resting her chin on the back of her hand, and said:

"You teach me."

"I don't do thankless things."

"I'll be your girlfriend."


"Am I not good-looking? Everyone likes me."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Nan Shizuku-san, do you like me?"

"do not like."

"Then why do you think that way?"

"You have to like it in order to be together?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked at Qiao Xun seriously and asked, "If two people don't love, they can't be together, can't they get married?"

She has something to say.

Joe asked:

"Your parents don't love each other?" He was direct, there was no transition.

On the contrary, it was this straight-ball question that made Nan Shizuku Hitomi easier to accept. She hates roundabout, hypocritical guys.

"Mother married father for money, father for free endorsement. There is no love." Nan Shizuku Hitomi turned to look at the ceiling, she tidied up her skirt, "I watched other women get into my father's car, and again Watching my mother get into another man's car. Do you know what my father is thinking? He thinks, he has to find a way to divorce his mother and let her not share any property. And mother, trying to find a way to let her Father died, and then inherited his family property. But even so, they have been together for 20 years. In the eyes of others, they have spent the past 20 years together through ups and downs. They are very loving, and I am such an excellent person. Daughter, don't be too happy."

Qiao Xun thought that perhaps after hearing the voices of others, the voices of his father and mother were the most deadly straw that crushed Hitomi Nanshizuku.

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, what you see as a happy family is actually a lie made up by your parents, who are actually trying to squeeze each other out.

"Minami Shizuku--"

"Can't you call me 'Hitomi'?"

"Minami Shizuku, what do you think? For your family. Or, do your parents love you?"

"How come, my father thinks that I am not a son, and my mother thinks that I will divide her property. Love? Can I eat it?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi turned to her side, and her body curve was very beautiful against the slim dress.

There are happy families everywhere, and there are unhappy families everywhere.

Unlike Sayori's family, Minami Shizuku's family is a gorgeous tragedy.

Qiao Xun looked at her and said:

"Let me teach you control."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi sat up suddenly and looked at Qiao Xun suspiciously, "Why did you agree again?"

Qiao Xun thought to himself, are you so sensitive? Mingming was still asking himself to teach her before, but he agreed, but began to doubt it again.

She is really afraid of the kindness given to her by others. Very sensitive, often in uneasy situations.

"I'm afraid of your crime."

"I won't!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi was very angry, "I know I'm not a good person, but I will definitely not hurt innocent people!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, "Why suppress yourself. If you have any dissatisfaction, just vent it out."

"Then can I beat you?"

"You can't beat me."

"Then I have nothing to vent."


Qiao Xun shook his head, "Don't gossip. Nan Shizuku, of course I won't help you unconditionally. As a price, you need to obey my arrangements."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked at Qiao Xun suspiciously, "You want me to be your dog?"

"I don't have that hobby. Nan Shizuku, I have something to do and may need your help. Of course, it is within your power."

"for example?"

"For example, sit down and concentrate on reading."

"So simple?"




Nan Shizuku Hitomi nodded, "Alright then. How do you teach me?"

"Sit down."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi sat across from Qiao Xun's desk.

"Put your hands out."

She did.

Her hands are nice and small, with very long fingers, not protruding knuckles, and neat nails, with slightly reddish fingertips.

"Close your eyes."

"You won't do bad things. When I opened my eyes, a strange thing appeared in front of me." Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked at Qiao Xun suspiciously.

"What strange place?"

"Your shit."

"Minami Shizuku Hitomi! Please be serious!"

"I'm sorry." She shrank her head, then closed her eyes honestly.

Qiao Xun first used "Zaiyin" to penetrate into her body to determine the energy distribution of her body.

Then, "numerology follows the sky" followed her ten fingers and entered.


"No." Her shoulders tightened.

Qiao Xun sighed helplessly, and used the weakened version of "Mi Tan" to relax her body and mind.

"Numerology follows the sky" took over the rune energy in her body.

Qiao Xun began to analyze this energy, trying to figure out the reason why she showed the ability to "hear the voice of others".

Her energy level is still relatively low, and it is very easy to analyze, which is incomparable with the derivative rune of the scavenger.

The energy level is low, but the quality is not low, in other words, the grade is very high!

Her "listening to the heart" talent level is very high!

For now, she can only hear the voices of others against her. This is an effect similar to Buddhist "cause and effect".

When a person initiates an idea for her, there is a connection between them, that is, a "cause" is planted, and this "cause" can be felt by her innate ability.

Then, Qiao Xun was also surprised to find that if she could successfully evolve to a high-level, that is, a demigod, she might be able to see a simple "effect" based on the "cause" based on the ability she showed at the moment.


This talent is outrageous!

Qiao Xun then began to use "numerology to follow the sky" to control the opening of this ability.

After becoming proficient, he implanted this control method into her consciousness, and then withdrew.

Remove the "confusion".

Joe Tour said:

"Okay, you can feel it."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi patted his head in a daze. She felt as if she knew something, like the kind of sudden epiphany that knew how to answer a question.

"wait for me a while."

She ran out in a hurry.

Ten minutes later, he ran back and said excitedly: "Okay! It's okay! I don't have to hear those disgusting voices!"

"But Nan Shizuku, whether you listen or not, those voices are there." Qiao Xun said, "You close your ears and don't listen, but it doesn't mean you have changed their minds."

Minami Shizuku Hitomi's eyes almost turned into crescent moons from smiling.

"I understand it all. But it's great to be able to control your body freely, just like reading. It must be difficult for the teacher to force you to teach you knowledge. It's not good if you don't understand it yourself."

"If that's the case, then you can go back to class and have a good time."


Nan Shizuku Hitomi said, and immediately lay on the bed, and played lazily on the phone again.

"Can't you control your voice? What are you still doing here?"

"Mr. Qiao, it's easy for a good kid to become a bad kid, but it's hard for a bad kid to become a good kid. I'm a bad kid now, and a bad kid should be a bad kid, skip school, be lazy, and play games." Nan Shizuku Hitomi played a game.

Qiao Xun glanced at it a little and almost broke the defense.

Because she's playing cat fight.

Lu Xianyi's magical voice, "Uncle Qiao, come and play Cat and Cat Fight" echoed in Qiao Xun's ears again.

Is this thing so hot?

At four o'clock in the afternoon, when the school bell rang, Nan Shizuku Hitomi got up, then picked up her hair in a proper manner, tidied up the sheets and bedding, and asked:

"Mr. Qiao, do you need my help today?"

"So honest?"

"Now I'm an obedient good boy."

"Go outside and wait for me to get off work at half past five."

"Ah, there is still an hour and a half." Nan Shizuku Hitomi showed impatience.

"Good boy?"

"Okay!" she exclaimed and left the office.

From 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning, from 12:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon, and from 4:00 to 5:30 in the afternoon, it is Qiao Xun's consultation time.

At half past five, the last consultant of the day was sent away.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi appeared at the door of the office on time.

"You are very punctual."

"Of course a good boy is punctual."

"Good kids don't dye their hair so flamboyant in high school."


Qiao Xun tidied up his desk, got up, took off his winter coat from the vertical hanger, put it on, and said as he walked:

"Go, go to the library."

"doing what?"


Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked terrified, "You're not really a virgin so much that you want to turn me into a good girl."

"You think beautifully. It's expensive for me to teach people."


"Come on."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi approached Qiao Xun, "Hey, Mr. Qiao, you said, I am holding your hand at this time, and someone sees it, will you be kicked out the next day?"

"Before leaving, I will take away your brain-controlling talent."

"Just kidding, kidding."

"In order to avoid misunderstanding, please stay at least two meters away from me."


"Three meters."

"All right."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi is an active volcano, who knows when she will suddenly come up with a whimsical trick.

Qiao Xun felt that it was better to keep a distance from her.

The two walked into the library one after the other. At this time, the library is mostly filled with students who want to get into a good university and are studying hard.

It was still the reading room with fewer people yesterday. The heating supply here is slightly insufficient, and it is a little cold to stand for a while, so there are few people.

"Mr. Qiao, what are we going to do then?" Nan Shizuku Tong looked around and asked in a low voice.

She was a little excited, holding her hands tightly, her face full of anticipation.

"What are you excited about?"

"It feels like a special attack in a movie."

"What about the brain?"

"Don't be like this, can you be nice to me?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi said dissatisfiedly.

"I've been very good to you."


Qiao Xun looked at the sky and asked:

"What book do you like to read?"

"There are quite a few, Kawabata Yasunari's delicacy, Natsume Soseki's elegance, Akutagawa Ryunosuke's thought-provoking... Oh, my favorite is the suspense detective thriller."

"Then go pick the one you want to read the most."



"It's so strange..." Nan Shizuku Hitomi muttered softly, but she was still obedient and walked towards the bookshelf area.

After a while, she brought over a book.

The Psychopath, by Commonwealth writer William Bratty.

This book was read when Qiao Xun went to college, a thriller crime novel, telling the story of a group of marines with various mental illnesses, B-52 bomber pilots, astronauts, officers and so on.

"Why this book?" Qiao Xun asked.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi blinked, "Because there are a lot of swear words in it, I want to learn it."

"Be serious. I'm not asking casually."

"I just wanted to watch it. No reason. I watched it a little before, but after I heard the voices of others, I stopped watching it."


"Because I feel like a lunatic. It's so immersive."

Qiao Xun looked at her, thought for a while, and then said:

"You go over there and read a book by yourself."

"Ah? Why?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi was a little puzzled.

"Just do it."

"All right."

"Remember, turn on your natural abilities, be serious, put in, and listen to the voices of the characters in the book just like listening to other people's voices."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was a little confused, "What do you mean, I don't understand."

"Just read as hard as you used to be a good girl."

"It always feels like you're scolding me."

"do not think too much."

"Will you be watching me?"

"I'm by my side, can you concentrate?"

"Yes. Then I'm not far away."


Nan Shizuku Hitomi happily took the book and found a seat to sit down and start reading. She obediently followed what Qiao Xun said and opened up her natural abilities. Because there are no people here, so there is no noisy voice. Then, she focused on the book.

She hadn't read it for a long time, and she almost forgot what she had seen before. She turned to the first page and started from the beginning—

"The grotesque gothic mansion is cut off from the world, entrenched in a wood, with clustered spires crouching under the stars, like some kind of deformed behemoth, unable to hide and eager to commit crime. The grim reaper opened its mouth wide and looked around. The densely approaching forest grinned. For a while, all sounds were silent. Dawn quietly penetrated the gaps in the leaves. The thin autumn sun pryed open the early morning trapped in the dim shadows, and the mist rose from the rotting leaves, like lost souls As dry and weak. The breeze blows. Shutters squeak in mourning for Denggen, ghostly crows hoarse in the pasture in the distance. Silence followed. Wait..."

Qiao Xun looked at Nan Shizuku Hitomi by the bookshelf in the distance.

She sat upright in a position that was a textbook example.

The girl in the school uniform is quiet and elegant, and she doesn't seem to be eccentric at all.

In Qiao Xun's guess, Nan Shizuku Hitomi's innate ability comes from "books", so it should have an unusual connection with "books". The reason for her to come here to study with concentration is to verify his conjecture. Perhaps, "books" will appear when someone is particularly immersed in reading.

But whether Nan Shizuku Hitomi can achieve real substitution and immersion remains to be verified.

In Minami Shizuku Hitomi's perspective, "Psychopath", the pale yellow pages are neatly lined with black characters. As Qiao Xun said, she opened up her natural abilities and tried to feel the voices of the characters in the book by listening to the voices of others.

Catshaw, Grouper, Kane, Krebs, Phil…

The characters in these books were recorded one by one and displayed in her eyes.

"Go and listen to the voices of the characters in the book..."

At the beginning, Nan Shizuku Hitomi was not on the window sill, and some did not understand Qiao Xun's words very well. The characters in the book are obviously only framed by words, and what the author wants to express is what they say. Obviously it's just a puppet under the author's thinking, where did the voice come from?

From time to time, she quietly raised her head and looked at Qiao Xun.

Every time she looked at it, Qiao Xun's eyes were like frozen lake water, which made her feel very cold. She felt that if she wasn't serious, this guy might kill herself.

Forget it.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi no longer thinks too much~www.readwn.com~ It is indeed difficult to say that one person is devoted to one thing for a long time.

But with the help of that special ability, for Nan Shizuku Hitomi, it was a matter of course, and it became clearer and clearer.

William's sharp and hard brushstrokes describe a character and tell a story in silhouette.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi, she gradually became fascinated.

When Qiao Xun saw the subtle change in her eyes, he almost held his breath, for fear of disturbing her. He enveloped himself with "Zaiyin", restraining all the breath, body shape, volume, and quality that had actual performance...

At this moment, Nan Shizuku Hitomi was sitting alone in this quiet space.

Wait patiently, an hour has passed.

At 6:30 in the evening, there was still half an hour before the library was cleared.

wind, blow.

Qiao Xun completely concealed his breath, for fear of disturbing the "wind".

Immediately afterwards, he saw a fluorescent pattern slowly emerging on the table in front of Nan Shizuku Hitomi.


Qiao Xun was convinced that it was a "book"!

A symbol of "knowledge" like a picture book collected by aristocrats in the Middle Ages, it is one of the twenty-four "books" in the world's sandbox world!

It actually appeared.

Qiao Xun looked at Nan Shizuku Hitomi. Unexpectedly, she could easily immerse herself in the world of words in books.

Not good for her in vain.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was unaware of what was happening at the moment, and was intoxicated with the hearty words.

Qiao Xun remained motionless, observing the movement of "Book".

At present, he has not found a way to collect this kind of world sand table pattern, so he can only watch the changes and move randomly.

The scene illuminated by the faint fluorescent pattern is not very big, and ordinary people just glance at it and don't think there is anything special.

After about five minutes, Qiao Xun found that Nan Shizuku Hitomi's eyes were gradually lost.

He frowned.

It's not that kind of dazed absence. Because if she diverted her attention in a daze, the "book" pattern should disappear immediately.

But it didn't.

As Minami Shizuku Hitomi's sense of loss became more and more obvious, the fluorescence of the corresponding "book" became brighter and brighter.

This is showing a positive correlation.

Qiao Xun probed out "Zaiyin" and gradually approached Nan Shizuku Hitomi from the ground.

Then she found that her consciousness was in a free state, which is commonly referred to as "dreaming".

She was dreaming~www.readwn.com~ Looking at it, her body didn't move, and suddenly she started to dream?

After a little thought, Qiao Xun withdrew "Zaiyin" and turned off all the energy performance of the body at the same time. Just using "numerology to follow the sky", like finding a way for Nan Shizuku Hitomi to turn off listening to her voice, enter her body again, analyze her consciousness, and then enter it.

The moment Qiao Xun's "attention" entered Nan Shizuku Hitomi's consciousness, his entire consciousness sank suddenly, as if he had fallen from a height.

The terrifying icy feeling arises spontaneously, bathing in the heating of the library, but it is like falling into an ice cave.

Then, he felt his consciousness being drawn away.

At the last moment when his consciousness was separated from his body, he controlled his body to pick up a book and sit down at random, so as to avoid the idiotic image of a passerby who was standing beside the bookshelf in a daze and peeking at a girl who was quietly reading a book in the distance.

Grumpy Federal-style English conversation rang in his ears.

"Let's go to the beach."

Dim lights are flickering.

"It's already dark and it's going to rain."

"I think you're trying to quarrel, don't you! Okay, fine, let's play the doctor game!"

"Do not."

"Then catch the child, do you want to play catch the child?"

"No, I don't want to."

"Good God, you don't want to play! There's nothing to do in this place, I'm going crazy!"


Carter Shaw?

Qiao Xun remembered that this was a character in "Psychopath".


The vision gradually became clearer.

At night, dimly lit, period-colored offices, emerald-green lamp shades... A federal star flag hangs on one wall, and crossed revolver wall decorations.

Here is the literal world of "Psychopath".

The space seems to be unstable, slightly twisted.

Qiao Xun tried his best to move, but he felt like his body was stiff like a steel plate.

He twisted hard, twisted hard!

After moving a bit, he saw a floor-to-ceiling mirror by the wall directly in front of him. Two people are reflected in the mirror.

One was a very haggard-looking blond man, thin, with eyes like two deep wells. Sitting at the desk, there is a psychiatry textbook and a stack of medical records in front of him.

The other is wearing swimming trunks with a beach towel over his shoulders, black armbands on his arms, a child's toy bucket and shovel in his hands, frogman fins on his feet, swimming trunks and towel matching Polynesian pattern.

With few impressions, Qiao Xun distinguishes that the sitting man should be Kane, the character in "The Psycho". He is a doctor, and he came to this clinic to complete the tasks given to him by the federal government, to observe, treat and record.

Another very peculiar shape is Carter Shaw, one of the mental patients.

Outside the window, night was approaching, and rain clouds loomed threateningly.

Qiao Xun continued to look in the mirror, hoping to find himself.

He moved vigorously again, and then found that in the mirror, in the pen holder in the corner of the desk, a pen moved.

He was stunned for a moment, then moved again, and the pen moved with it.

I'm...a thick black pen?

"Fuck, Kane, your pen moved!" Catshaw growled irritably.

Joe Tour: ! !

Kane rubbed the bridge of his nose~www.readwn.com~ looked tired. Obviously, a mental patient would not be convincing to say something like "the pen moved." He asked gently, "So, what did you say about Nemack?"

Catshaw's attention shifted immediately, "His uterus is retroflexed."

"But Naimac is a man."

"Fuck, he has a retrograde uterus. We should stuff his uterus with suicide pills and aspirin..." Catshaw kept talking, his saliva splashed and landed in the pen holder, on Qiao Xun's body.

Qiao Xun is very confused, what happened?

Have you been dragged into the literal world of "Psychopath"...

What about Hitomi Minami Shizuku? Has it become what?

He turned slightly, trying to see the rest of the room.

Then, he soon found in horror that in the pen holder, a blue pencil that was only half used and not as tall as the holder was jumping.

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