Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 21: 3rd person in the shadows

This thing must be Hitomi Minami Shizuku!

Qiao Xun twisted his body and kicked half of the blue pencil with the cap.

"Oops!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi's voice was in his ear... oh no, it's a pen now, without ears, it should be the auditory part.

"Fuck Colonel Kane, your pen and your pencil are moving!" Catshaw yelled.

"Mmmm." Kane said gently, "Mr. Astronaut, it's dark and it's raining."

But the special effect distorted his expression angrily, picked up the toy shovel and snapped it in half.

Qiao Xun was convinced that, as a pen, no one could hear what he said.

"South Shizuku!"

"I'm here. Teacher Qiao, where are you? It's scary. There are pens all around me. I want to jump out, but I can't!"

"Don't move! Turn around."

The blue pencil "Minami Shizuku Hitomi" twisted.

"And then, Mr. Qiao?"

"I am the thick black pen in front of you. You are now a blue pencil."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi stared at Qiao Xun for a while, and whispered:

"You are so ugly!"

"You're even uglier!" Qiao Xun said, kicking her.


Nan Shizuku Hitomi also tried to kick Qiao Xun, but the length of half the pencil was too short to kick. She gave up and asked curiously:

"Are we in a book?"

"That's right."

"It's amazing! Like a Disney animation! Teddy Bear's Midnight Harem, Toy Story!"

"I think you might as well think about it, how should we leave."

"Yes, hehe."

"Like a fool."

"do not scold me."

Qiao Xun ignored her, waiting for the conversation between Kane and Catshaw to end outside the pen holder.

After half an hour. "Vulgar grouper eats unblessed venison," Catshaw finally said mysteriously. Then, slammed the door and left. There was a sound of a sledgehammer hitting a plaster outside. According to the plot in the book, it was other mentally ill patients who were suffering from illness.

Immediately afterwards, Kane walked out of the office. Walk in the direction from which the sound came.

Quiet in the office.

Qiao Xun and Nan Shizuku Hitomi started to move.

He swayed left and right, constantly hitting the wall of the pen holder.

The pen holder began to shake, and after a while it fell on the desk with a clatter. Qiao Xun and Nan Shizuku Hitomi scattered along with the other pens.

Without the help of the pen holder, it was difficult for the two of them, as the pen and the pencil, to stand upright and could only roll.


Two pens roll on the desk.

"Mr. Qiao, I don't seem to be able to use my talent." Minami Shizuku Hitomi said.

Qiao Xun also discovered this. Just like in Hailei Casino, innate abilities in the conventional sense cannot be used.

But "gluttony", "lust", "greed" and "numerology" can.

Because they don't need any rune energy urging, they are conceptual, stream-of-consciousness.

The first three characteristic abilities are all auxiliary passives, which have no effect here. Qiao Xun used "numerology to follow the sky" to start exploring.

"Numerology follows the sky" works according to all truths, but everything that exists is in compliance with the rules and recognized by the truth of the world. It's just that we need to find the rules and find a place that can be generalized.

To know why and how it was dragged in, it is necessary to find the trajectory of the process in which consciousness resides in the pen.

This trajectory is a given, it is the truth.

Qiao Xun concentrated his mind and analyzed the travel trajectory of consciousness like analyzing the derivative rune "Friends of Soul".

"Numerology follows the sky" comes into play.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi, half of the blue pencil, leaned next to Qiao Xun's thick black pen, very quiet and motionless. She looked at Qiao Xun curiously and thought proudly, don't let me get within two meters of you, now it's alright, get in touch!

For Qiao Xun, he doesn't expect Nan Shizuku Hitomi to help, just don't disturb himself, do whatever he likes.

Qiao Xun devoted himself to analyzing the trajectory of their consciousness.

In the corridor outside, all kinds of quarrels and the sound of hammers filled the space with an uneasy atmosphere. The mentally ill cannot be seen in a normal way.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was bored and rolled over beside her, making a grunting sound.

Finally, getting bored, she quietly leaned next to Qiao Xun again.

It's raining outside. Heavy rain knocked on the glass. A bell tower in the distance rang eight times.

"Numerology follows the sky" still continues.

A crunch.

The office door was pushed open. Kane, the owner of the office, came in.

At a glance, he saw the fallen pen holder on the desk, scattered pens, pencils and markers.

He rubbed his tired eyes, walked to the desk, and started to organize.

Qiao Xun thought something was wrong. Don't let him interrupt yourself!

"Minami Shizuku Hitomi!"

"Hmm~" she made a soft nasal voice, "what's the matter?"

"I fell asleep with you!"

"I'm bored."

"Don't worry about it. Did you see that the man is sorting out the scattered pens. You try to attract his attention and don't let him touch me. Can you do it?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Kane picked up the pen holder and put the pens scattered on the table back one by one.

From the perspective of Qiao Xun and Nan Shizuku Hitomi, his huge hand slowly stretched out.

When Nan Shizuku Hitomi saw this, she rolled her body hard. Then her mischievous blue pencil gurgles into the distance.

Kane didn't think of anything, thought it was the wind, took a few steps and followed him with his palm.

Seeing that he was about to hold the blue pencil again, suddenly, the pencil began to roll in another direction.

Um? Is the table uneven?

Kane's hand follows the blue pencil.

However, he soon discovered that no matter how much he tried to pick it up, he couldn't pick it up. It always changes direction when it is about to hit.

This reminded him of what Catshaw said about his pen before.


Kane became very energetic. He wasn't afraid at all, rolled up his sleeves, and got ready to play with the naughty pencil.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi kept in mind the task given to her by Xun Qiao, and promised not to let Kane get close to Xun Qiao.

She rolled around on the table terribly.

Kane kept blocking her movable space with books.

Under the continuous siege of books, the place where Nan Shizuku Hitomi could roll was getting smaller and smaller.

no! If it goes on like this, you will be caught sooner or later.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked towards Qiao Xun and asked loudly, "Mr. Qiao, how long will it take you?"

"Two minutes!"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi "bited his teeth" and used the greatest strength to jump out of the book's encirclement.

Kane was startled, and immediately rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not blind. The pencil jumped up! God, do I have a mental illness too?

Nan Shizuku Hitomi jumped out of the encirclement of the book and fell on the desk. Inertia caused her to roll off the desk uncontrollably.

Then, Gulu Gulu rolled into the distance.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi, whose perspective was spinning rapidly, shouted, "Mr. Qiao, save me! I'm going to die!"

Kane quickly stepped forward to pick up the pencil that had fallen on the ground.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi rolled into the gap between the floors uncontrollably, then got stuck, unable to move.

She twisted so hard, she didn't move.

Then, she calmed down and whispered, "Just die, I don't want to stay longer in this trash life!"

On the desk, Qiao Xun was still very calm.

"Numerology follows the sky" has reached the final step.







The complete trajectory of consciousness was laid out in front of him.

There are two paths in total. One end was attached to his thick black pen, and the other was attached to a half-length blue pencil in a crack in the floor.

It was the consciousness of him and Nan Shizuku Hitomi.

And the other end of their conscious trajectory is connected to the book about mental illness cases on the desk.

That book is the entrance to the world of "Psychopath"!

After confirming this, Qiao Xun immediately understood.

The main body of "Psychopath" in the library outside is an entrance, and a book read by Chief Kane of the book world is another entrance.

The two entrances are connected under the operation of the "book", the root of the twenty-four worlds, which symbolizes "knowledge".

Then, Nan Shizuku Hitomi, who was reading a book, fell in consciousness, and after tracing the traces of Nan Shizuku Hitomi's consciousness, he also fell in.

Qiao Xun was amazed at the magical ability of "Book".

This is the ability to break the dimensional wall!

It is worthy of being one of the twenty-four roots that make up the world.

"Mr. Qiao, see you in the next life! I will definitely be a good boy!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi's deathly voice sounded in the distance.

Kane's fingers tried to dig her out of the cracks in the floor, but they stuck too tightly.

Qiao Xun: "..."

For a moment, Qiao Xun wanted to leave her here.

But... sigh, a perverse bad boy is naughty, an adult can't be naughty.

"Numerology follows the sky" found the route of travel, found the entrance, and cracked the operation logic.

Just like finding a way to control Nan Shizuku Hitomi's ability to listen to other people's voices, Qiao Xun also found a way to reverse the trajectory of the "Book" operation.

"South Shizuku!"


"Big fool!"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was stunned, and was preparing to fight back in anger. Suddenly, a force covered her and dragged her consciousness out.

She felt like her perspective and feelings were constantly changing in strange ways, like... sleeping on a roller coaster. Weird, but that's how it feels!

Qiao Xun manipulated "numerology follows the sky" to drag Nan Shizuku Hitomi and his own consciousness, reverse the trajectory, and return to the original path.

They broke away from pens and pencils in an instant, got into the book that recorded mental illness cases, and left this world.

The moment they left, this world shattered like glass, turning into countless pieces of various colors, and finally turned into annihilation powder and disappeared completely.


Qiao Xun shuddered and returned to his body. The familiar feeling made him breathe a sigh of relief, and then he immediately looked to the side. The fluorescent pattern "book" in front of Nan Shizuku Hitomi didn't disappear, but it was getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, he immediately stepped forward and pressed his palm directly.

"Gluttony" unceremoniously launched, trying to roll it into his body.

But "Book" is definitely not going to sit still, shake violently, and break free from the shackles of "gluttony".

Qiao Xun was stunned. This is the first time something has escaped gluttony.

It's really unusual.

But "gluttony" still digested very sparse cognitive information.


[Part of the world sand table, one of the twenty-four roots in the world]

[God said that civilization must be preserved, continued, and become the vitality of the world, so ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ He▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇, and finally ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇, become a book, the long time has passed, the book has become a pattern caught by chance]

It is indeed a "book".

Qiao Xun breathed a sigh of relief, this trip was not without gain.

In a hurry to keep the "book", he didn't notice that he was standing behind Nan Shizuku Hitomi, and in order to pat her in front of her with his palm, he bent towards her.

The hot air he exhaled brushed across Nan Shizuku Hitomi's neck.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi woke up relatively late, and her neck felt itchy as soon as she woke up. Immediately stood up, and slammed his head into Qiao Xun's chin.



I bit my tongue.

Qiao Xun covered his mouth and walked away.

"What's wrong?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked around and asked blankly, "I'm back!"

Qiao Xun hurriedly gave himself "pain immunity". If one accidentally bites the tongue, it still hurts.

"Mr. Qiao, why are you behind me?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi turned to look at Qiao Xun, her eyebrows curved, "Oh, I understand, you want to take advantage of me."

"Fuck off."

"Hehe." Nan Shizuku Hitomi laughed, then excited, "What a miraculous adventure! It's become a pen, it feels like a dream."

From another perspective, it is actually a dream, but it is very clear and awake.

Looking at her excited look, Qiao Xun wanted to make a few words, but let it go.

In the past two years, this girl's life was too depressing and too painful, so let's do it now.

He smiled and said, "You're pretty good."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi paused, didn't speak, and gave a soft "um".

"What's wrong?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi turned around and said lightly, "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't been praised for a long time, it's just weird."

Qiao Xun could clearly see that her shoulders were shaking.

He didn't go to comfort her. That's not appropriate, it's better to leave her alone in this situation.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi recovered quickly, looking at the clock on the wall, it was only 6:50.

"There are ten minutes to clear the hall!"

Only then did Qiao Xun notice that the time in the book was different from reality. He and Nan Shizuku Hitomi entered at 6:35 and spent several hours inside the book, but only fifteen minutes passed outside.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was about to collect the book and leave. Suddenly she frowned.

"Mr. Qiao, there is a problem."

"What's wrong?"

She picked up "Psychopath" and said, "I remember seeing page 54, but now, the book is on page 58!"

"Are you sure it's not a mistake?"

"I'm definitely not mistaken! And there are obvious curl marks on these two pages. I turn the book very lightly, and I will never turn out the curl marks!"

Qiao Xun took it over and looked at it, and there were indeed obvious curl marks.

Everyone's reading habits are different. Some people are used to turning a book from one corner, which is easy to form curl marks on the corner of the page, while some people like to turn from the edge of the page. If you move gently, no curl marks will appear.

"Zaiyin" is activated.

The touch of his fingers became very fine. After groping carefully, the dark side was felt.

Judging from the temperature and the degree of fingerprint residue, the book was indeed flipped by two people within half an hour.

One is Nan Shizuku Hitomi, and the other... Who is it?

Qiao Xun's eyes became sharp.

In this school, there are threats hidden in the dark!

Then, "Zaiyin" scattered around, trying to find traces of pollution, energy and spirituality.

But, there is no clue.

It's very clean here.

This shows that the second person who flipped the book definitely didn't use the innate ability during the period, and it may not be an evolutionary at all. Of course, he is more inclined to be an evolutionary.

Otherwise, why would anyone be so strange to read other people's books?

Even, the other party may come for the "book".

After all, the "book" has appeared before. It might have caught the attention of others as well.

Such thoughts made Qiao Xun, who had been relatively relaxed, immediately tense his nerves. If you don't pay attention to the potential threats, there will be problems. Losing "books" is small, and losing your life is the most serious.

Thinking of this, he looked at Nan Shizuku Hitomi and couldn't help but praise: "I didn't expect you to be very careful."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi raised her chin, "I'm a top student! The first year of high school has always been the first in the grade, and the second and third year of high school is in the top 3%."

The administrator came over, bowed slightly, and said:

"Mr. Qiao, and this classmate, the library will be cleared soon."

"Thank you for reminding me." Qiao Xun smiled and nodded, then said, "Nan Shizuku, let's go."

They quickly left the library.

In the dark of night, Nan Shizuku Hitomi was extremely relaxed. He hadn't had such an interesting experience for a long time.

The evening wind blew her long foggy blue hair.

At the age of seventeen, there should be a sense of youth.

"Mr. Qiao, thank you."


"It's not 'you're welcome'..."

"Southern Shizuku—"

"Isn't it good to be called Hitomi?"

"Not good." Qiao Xun said, "I hope you keep this matter a secret."

"Understood!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi said mysteriously, "The adventure of two people, right?"

"...That's right."

"We are partners!"

"No, you are just a tool person."

"It's too much."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi said too much, but she didn't care in her heart. For her, as long as Qiao Xun tells the truth, she is very satisfied. Because she has heard too many lies.

"Goodbye!" After she said goodbye, she walked happily into the night.

Qiao looked around at the artistic library.

The incredible ability of "Book", and the third person who hides in the dark and watches over them...

It will be the undercurrent of this high school's restlessness.

We must find a way to let those who hide in the dark come into the light.

Passive combat is not Qiao Xun's habit.

Turn around and leave.


The wind on the top floor was strong, and the man's sleeves rattled.

A woman in a black coat stood beside him and lit a slender lady's cigarette. The cigarette entered her lungs, and her complexion became slightly rosy.

"There is another successful gene melting pot in the Republic, what do you think?"

"I don't think about anything. I heard that Plum Blossom Q and Plum Blossom K of the sea train are having fun."

"Yeah. Their son lost that thing. According to their original plan, they were going to the livestock area to find the 'laws', the symbol of 'rules', and put that thing outside, so that their perfect gene would be my son to keep it. But it seems to have failed."

"It's too risky."

"There is no way, in order to avoid the train, the only way is to do this."

"What about things?"

"I lost it. It's hard to say that the three train conductors discovered it, especially No. 2 who first proposed the God-hunting theory."

"Did they miss it?"

"Mostly. The king of spades plans to go to the sea train to negotiate with them~www.readwn.com~ They eat people without spitting bones."

"Does the king of spades vomit?"

"Yes. My 'book' has appeared again."

"When will you be sure to take it away?"

"Within a month."

"Okay. Immediately after the incident, I will go to Afghanistan. There are scavengers there, but there are still two."

"What miracle might it be?"

"There is a high probability of war. We need it very much, and the team is currently led by the K of Hearts."

"Where's the Ace of Hearts? If she's here, it's more stable."

"She's crazy."

"..." The man was silent for a while, then said, "Okay."

The woman threw the unfinished cigarette on the ground and turned to leave.

The man looked at the cigarette butts on the ground, frowned slightly, stomped on it with his foot, then picked it up and took it away.

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