Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 22: The Firstborn Plague of the 10 Plagues in Egypt

At night, Qiao Xun lay in bed thinking.

There are two main problems.

The first: how to capture, or store the "book" in the world sand table.

This is because he currently does not know how to operate the world sand table, and even cannot easily bear the majestic and complex information of the world sand table. It made him wonder how he could endure the love of that guy.

Second: How to find the third person hiding in the shadows.

Most of this third person is also targeting "Books". It's not scary to be the most direct competitor. What he is afraid of is whether he has other ideas.

Lying on the bed, he turned over and used "numerology to follow the sky" to feel the cognitive information of "books" swallowed up by "gluttony".

The most direct way is definitely to let "gluttony" completely devour "books". But this is too difficult. Judging from its performance in the library today, "Book" is fully capable of breaking free from the current "gluttony", and it may be easier to break free next time.

This is a stupid way, and it is only considered when there is nothing you can do.

to find the optimal solution.

To find the optimal solution, we must understand the logic of the existence of "books".

First: Be clear about why "books" appear because someone devotes themselves to reading;

Second: Why does "Book" establish a channel between the inside and outside world, that is, the channel for the world inside and outside the book?

Third: Does the inner world of "book" exist from the beginning, or is it formed after establishing a channel with the outside world.

If it is the former, it involves multiple parallel worlds and multiverses. That Qiao Xun will choose to temporarily give up the capture of "books", because it must be beyond his level of cognition and ability, and there will be little profit from continuing to take risks.

If it is the latter, then it is necessary to consider what kind of ability the "book" is based on to create the inner world.

In the investigation task "Resurrection", the reincarnation ceremony and reincarnation results are based on ["Fight of Life", that is, "North Pole Xuantian God" sees all human beings in the world as clay idols and mortal flesh, who can be reincarnated as Anyone] this basic feature.

What about the characteristics of the world in the creation of "books"?

Judging from the basic principle that the twenty-four roots of the world in the world sand table can form the world, the characteristic of "book" is to give the rationality and existence of "knowledge".

Does the world store knowledge in creation?

But in that case, what is the purpose of pulling human consciousness into the inner world?

Can't figure it out.

Another point, why after being pulled into the inner world with Hitomi Nanshizuku, would they become a pen and a pencil.

He tried hard to recall the portal of the inner world - the record of the mental illness case on the desk. The English above seems to be written in pen and pencil.

Does it have anything to do with this? The tool that created those English languages ​​became the carrier of their consciousness.

This is certainly not some natural coincidence.

He had a hypothesis, or conjecture. The pen in the pen case is the most direct tool to write down that mental illness case record, and the notebook is the carrier of the text. From the book "Psychiatric Patients" in the world, to the notebook of mental illness cases in the world, to the pen in the pen holder.

These three are directly related to the English on the notebook.

Perhaps, for "books", after the conscious body of the surface world enters the inner world, it will use the object with direct connection as the carrier.

Qiao Xun felt that his conjectures and doubts still lack proof. After all, he has only experienced one adventure in the world, so he cannot make reasonable inferences based on laws and common characteristics.

More sample validation is required.

In addition, we must find the third person in the shadow as soon as possible, and we must avoid the situation where someone will finally pick up the missing person to make a wedding dress.


At night, the sound of a large number of helicopters and military planes sounded.

It seems that in some places, another large-scale pollution incident broke out.

Early the next morning, Qiao Xun habitually went to the Tower Network to read the latest news.

Sure enough, large-scale pollution incidents did occur in Japan.

A frozen sea with an area of ​​4,972 square kilometers suddenly appeared in Hokkaido, and three giant meteorological species moved towards the land along the frozen sea.

In the video, the three giant meteorological species are really amazing. Each one is as tall as a thirty-story building, like a giant monster in a sci-fi movie. A large number of fighter jets and bombers circled around them, and it was vaguely visible that dozens of control teams were distributed around to block attacks. They move very slowly, and each attack causes dramatic changes in the local weather.

Extreme cold, extreme heat, hurricanes, earthquakes, ice tides...

Qiao Xun looked quite depressed. In the face of such a behemoth, the combat effectiveness of the human army is really limited, even for some evolutionaries.

Probably it will take a high-level evolutionary to take action to deal with it.

Pack up your mood, wash up, and after breakfast, clock in to work.

Qiao Xun is more responsible, and his own work has not fallen behind, which guarantees the professional function of popularizing teachers very well.

With the help of "Lust", his service to the counselor is accurate and effective.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the class bell rang.

A few minutes later, Nan Shizuku Hitomi, who skipped class, came again.

Pushing the door open, Qiao Xun saw a black-haired girl walking in from outside.

She pushed aside the long black hair that fell on her shoulders and asked with a smile:

"JK, the long and straight black, do you like it?"

Qiao Xun glanced at her and continued the recording work at hand, saying perfunctorily:

"It's alright. Be lazy and go to the side, don't disturb me."

A single "OK" was enough to satisfy Nan Shizuku Hitomi. After all, Qiao Xun's evaluation of her was still "very ugly" two days ago.

It can be considered progress.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was lying on the comfort bed, her thick long hair spread out like a fan. She asked while playing the game:

"I heard that men in your republic prefer white hair and red pupils, right? Otherwise, I'll dye them silver tomorrow, and then bring a pair of red contact lenses."

"I don't like white hair and red eyes, but beautiful girls. That's just a bonus point."

"But I... forget it." Nan Shizuku Hitomi wanted to say that she should be a beautiful girl.

She turned over, resting her chin on the pillow and asked:

"What are we doing today~www.readwn.com~ Are we going to take risks again?" She looked excited.

Qiao Xun glanced at her, "The ignorant are not afraid."

"It's young and frivolous."

"It's stupid."

"I will definitely listen to your instructions, and I will never cause you trouble." Nan Shizuku Hitomi said with a serious face.

Qiao Xun put away the pen in his hand and looked at Nan Shizuku Hitomi.

She looked serious and serious, and it seemed that there was indeed such a thing.

He thought for a while, "Okay, let's start the adventure."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi jumped off the bed immediately, tidied up the sheets habitually, and then stood in front of Qiao Xun's desk. she asked:

"Are we still going to the library?"

"No, it's in the office."

"Well, yes, there was a third party yesterday. Don't let the third party ruin our good news." Nan Shizuku Hitomi nodded and said seriously.

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at her strangely.

"What's wrong?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi's eyes dodged, "I didn't... I'm right."

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Minami Shizuku Hitomi smiled.

Qiao Xun took out three books from the desk drawer, placed them on the desk, and said, "You pick one."

Not going to the library is because Qiao Xun has to verify one thing, that is, whether the "book" will appear outside the library. In other words, its activity space is the library or the entire Morioka Central Private High School.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi stuck her head out and looked:

"Ring 1: The Bell" Koji Suzuki's classic horror science fiction novel;

"No One Survives" Agatha's classic suspense mystery novel;

"The Demons" is one of William Bratty's classic trilogy.

She took a cursory look one by one and muttered, "It's hard to choose."

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Choose whatever you want, because you have to read all three."

"Why these three books?"

"Don't you like horror, suspense and reasoning novels very much?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi asked in surprise: "It was carefully prepared for me?"

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes, his eyes were intriguing, he smiled and nodded, "Are you happy?"


"If you're happy, just sit and read a book."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi held "The Demons", straightened her skirt, sat on the guest chair and began to read it.

Qiao Xun waited quietly.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was very involved. Today, perhaps because it was carefully prepared by Qiao Xun, she was even more involved and entered the state very quickly. Her unnamed innate abilities were brought into full play.

The characters in "The Demons" appeared one by one in her eyes and mind.

Their conversations, movements, appearance, demeanor, and mental activity became visible, as if they were right in front of them.

Qiao Xun got up and left, closing the door.

Instead of locking it, he used "Zaiyin" to create a small reflection space in the corner above the door frame. As soon as someone enters, the reflection space begins to act as a special monitor, recording everything that happens in the room and leaving a special mark.

Then, he moved a stool and sat in the corner, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible to avoid disturbing Hitomi Nanshizuku.

About half an hour later, Nan Shizuku Hitomi finally entered a state of immersion.

Qiao Xun held his breath.

The atmosphere became tense.

At a certain moment, out of nowhere, a gust of wind blew. It's like oozing out from the wall, with strands and strands, giving people a special feeling.

Then, Qiao Xun saw that in front of Nan Shizuku Hitomi, on his desk, a round of "book" patterns slowly emerged.

It looks like a noble collection.

When Qiao Xun saw this, he did not delay at all. Using the same method as yesterday, "numerology follows the sky" with his consciousness, and went after Nan Shizuku Hitomi's consciousness.

Consciousness sinks, senses are distorted.

Their world changes.


The church bells rang. The priest stood at the front of the church chapel and sang the "Bible", telling their heavenly Father how faithful the believers are today, and telling all the believers who are praying to remember the mantras in the "Bible".

Apart from the chants of the priest, there were only the sounds of ordinary people sitting on the chapels.

"Lord, I once loved the beauty of your house..."

"Hopefully that will heal us forever."

Qiao Xun vaguely heard such a voice.

His vision gradually became clearer. The church scene emerged in his eyes.

Dozens of people were sitting upright in the row of chairs, clasping their hands and fingers against their chests, praying. The old priest in front was singing the Bible in his tired and sleepy voice.

After confirming that this was indeed a scene from "The Demons", Qiao Xun began to determine what object his consciousness rested on.

He tried to move, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he didn't move at all.

Soon, he determined that he should be fixed.

From an angle analysis, he felt that he should be a painting hanging on the wall.

"It turned into a painting..."

This is troublesome.

If you can't move, you can't find the entrance to this inner world. If you can't find the entrance, let alone explore the truth of the "book", whether it can go out safely is a question.

What about Minami Shizuku?

Qiao couldn't move, and even the viewing angle couldn't be adjusted, it could only be fixed at the same viewing angle.

He searched everywhere, observing every object in the church and on people. Minami Shizuku may be hiding here.

"South Shizuku!"

Qiao Xun called out loudly.

Anyway, as a painting of him, no matter how loud it is, only Nan Shizuku Hitomi can hear it. It doesn't matter.

However, Nan Shizuku Hitomi did not give him any feedback.

not here?

Qiao Xun was a little worried, if Nan Shizuku was sent to other parts of the world, it would be troublesome. She is the key to whether she can enter the inner world, but there can be no problem.

Waiting for change.


The bells rang outside the church.

The prayer is over.

The priest said loudly, "Amen!" He picked up the cross on his chest and tapped it on his forehead and shoulders.

A group of believers followed suit.

After the prayer is over, it is Mass. That is, confess your sins to the priest in the confession room and ask the Lord for forgiveness.

There is only one confessional room. Dozens of people lined up in an orderly manner, keeping quiet.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plot of "The Demons".

Qiao Xun found a key character in the team, Amfortas, based on his appearance, his demeanor, and his actions. Of course, Anfortas is a key role in "The Demons", but not in this world.

There is only one key role in the inner world, and that is the "gate" that connects the inner and outer worlds.

In Psychopath, it was a manual of mental illness case records.

In "The Demons", what is it?

While looking around and thinking about possible situations. Qiao Xun's consciousness was suddenly startled.

Because, he felt that the "Zaiyin" reflection space left by him outside was activated.

This means that someone entered his office.

Exactly who it is, he doesn't know now. Because the reflection space is independent, it can be placed and recycled, but it cannot feel the changes in real time before recycling, and it needs to be recycled before it can be clearly recognized. After all, his current consciousness is in the "book" world, not outside.

At this moment, a black cat jumped in from the church window. It turned its neck around, as if looking for something.

Look at that look, look at that action.

Qiao Xun immediately guessed that she was Nan Shizuku Hitomi.

He was a little speechless, why did he turn into a painting and she turned into a cat...

"South Shizuku!"

he shouted loudly.

The black cat Nan Shizuku Hitomi fluttered and almost fell off the window sill.

Shame in the cat belongs to yes.

Immediately after, she followed the voice to find Qiao Xun's position, and immediately meowed.

This call attracted the attention of believers in the church.

During Mass, the church must be solemn and solemn.

Immediately, two nuns came over and tried to drive her out.



Nan Shizuku Hitomi apologized embarrassingly, and immediately jumped up and down to flee.

The two nuns were wearing long skirts and had limited mobility, making it difficult to catch her.

She ran very fast, came to the priest all of a sudden, and just made an action that was very incompatible with the physiological structure of a cat—

She squatted on the ground, raised her front paws, and formed a prayer pose.

This stunned the believers.

The priest frowned and motioned to the two nuns,

"Anna, Jessica, please stop."

"Merciful father." The two nuns stopped, looking pious.

"The Lord loves every living being. Even if it is just a cat, if it is bathed in the glory of the Lord, it should be a devout believer."

When all the believers heard this, they became more devout.

The priest touched the black cat Nan Shizuku Hitomi's head and said with a smile, "Poor little fellow, do you want to repent too?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi let out a soft meow.

The hearts of the Virgin of the people softened their eyes.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi rubbed the priest's trousers, and then walked away with an elegant catwalk.

No one wants to kick her out again.

She came under the wall where Qiao Xun was, and said proudly:

"Hmph, I'm smart."

"The extremes of things must be reversed."

"Loveliness is the will of the Lord!" she said reverently.

"Stop making trouble." Qiao Xun said seriously, "Nan Shizuku, describe my appearance."

Although Nan Shizuku Hitomi's consciousness is pinned on the cat, the perspective is actually that of a human being.

From her perspective, Qiao Xun is hung on the wall as a framed painting.

"Well...a painting."

"What's in the painting?"

"The tone is very cold, generally black and gray. There is a thick fog, and there are some white buildings on the right."

"Do you know the architectural style?"

"I've seen this style in art appreciation class. It seems to be from... Egypt?"

"and then?"

"There are people with wings inside, which should be angels. Angels are killing people, but boys are killed."

Qiao Xun quickly formed keywords.

Egyptian buildings, angels, boys killed...

This is ~www.readwn.com~ the eldest son's house. It is recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible that God ordered Moses and Aaron to perform many signs and wonders in front of Pharaoh because the Egyptian Pharaoh refused to obey Moses and Aaron's request to let the Israelites leave the land of Egypt.

Ten plagues were brought down in Egypt, blood, frogs, lice...

The tenth plague is the plague of the firstborn.

That is, the eldest son of all Egyptian families and all the firstborn livestock of Egypt died.

"What's in the Bible..."

"The Bible?"

"Well," Qiao Xun continued, "the Bible also records such a story that cats in Egypt symbolized good harvest and health. At that time, people always hung portraits of cats. According to rumors, there was a cat who accompanied the dead owner and two The pure black cat for more than a thousand years jumped out of the owner's grave and turned into a puff of smoke.

"But with the development of Catholicism, black cats have been demonized and become demons that oppress human beings. People are forced to kiss the **** and tail of black cats."

Minami Shizuku Hitomi subconsciously clamped her tail to protect her anus.

she asked:

"So, we're all actually part of the Bible?"

"Yes." Qiao Xun thought of the key point, and immediately said, "Nan Shizuku, find a way to steal the Bible next to the priest."

"it is good!"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi immediately straightened her tail with excitement.

Very energetic.

She, set off.

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