Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 24: world riots

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The afternoon bell rang shortly after the last counselor at lunch break left.

Qiao Xun thought, Nan Shizuku Hitomi was about to open the door soon, and couldn't wait to say, let's go on an adventure, Teacher Qiao!

Just like Lu Xianyi always said, Uncle Qiao, let's play games.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that the two were somewhat similar.

They are all daughters of everyone, have had psychological problems, and have fantastic ideas in their heads.

But after the bell rang three times, Nan Shizuku Hitomi still didn't come.

Moreover, it became very quiet outside, so quiet that one almost thought it was late at night.

At 2:15 in the afternoon, after Qiao Xun sorted out the questions of the classmates and teachers during the lunch break, he was lazy and planned to go out to have a look.

He was getting up when suddenly the door was knocked violently.

dong dong dong-

"Come in!" Qiao Xun frowned and replied.

The door was pushed open, and a very excited white European and American dressed in a fisherman's costume rushed in and said loudly in thick Federal English:

"Kane! It's time to fish, don't **** sleep!"

On his fisherman's hat full of holes is a saury fishing rod, a double-tipped harpoon in his hand, and a pair of water shoes on his feet that are so muddy that they rustle with a stomping. degree of falling.

This is,

Carter Shaw in The Psycho.

Yesterday, Qiao Xun had seen him in the world of "Psychopath" created by "Book", and was very impressed by his excited and irritable tone and sloppy face.

For a moment, Qiao Xun thought that he was still in the world in "Psycho".

But Catshaw's angry voice made him suddenly come back to his senses.

"Assassin, you are an assassin! Chinese, I heard Baker talk about you! You were a bunch of **** warriors in the Korean War! That coward Baker is your captive!" Then, he shook the fish in his hand. Fork, "But why are you in Kane's office! Where is Kane? Where is he, he should go fishing now. I don't have time for bullshit, I'm still **** trying to smear tomatoes with sardines tonight Sauce for sandwiches! Plus eggs and disgusting lettuce. Chinese, where's Kane!"

Catshaw's bombarded words convinced Qiao Xun that he was indeed the mentally ill astronaut with an extremely severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

But the question is, why is he here?

Qiao Xun took a look and was quite sure that he was indeed in his office, not in the world of "Psychopath" created by "Book".

"Catshaw, calm down!" Qiao Xun said in English.

Catshaw became more irritable and shouted loudly: "Kane, where the **** have you been! If you don't come out, you won't be able to catch up with the fleet!"

Then, regardless, he strode behind the desk and stabbed it hard with a harpoon.

"Katshaw, stop!"

"Shut the **** up, you must be Kane's stand-in! Just like the dead Hitler was just a **** stand-in, you sure!" Catshaw's eyes were red and swollen, and the veins on his arms burst, "You sure don't know me When I'm imagining the universe in a spacesuit, it's like I'm now **** trying to find Kane and take him to the fleet!"

Qiao Xun saw that he was not calm at all, and he stepped forward and struck his neck with a knife.

Catshaw rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The harpoon in his hand rattled and slammed into the floor.

Qiao Xun frowned tightly. He was sure that this Catshaw was the one he saw in the world of "The Psycho" before. His temperament, face, tone, and demeanor were exactly the same, and he couldn't make any difference.

But why is he here?

what happened?

After Qiao Xun gave Catshaw another layer of "fascination", he walked out of the office cautiously.

But what shocked him was that the moment he walked out of the office, he did not come to the corridor outside, but a church.

The mass procession was neat and orderly. In front of the priest, a man was repenting that he should not have insulted his wife. He felt very guilty and hoped to see the Lord's forgiveness.

There are many paintings hanging on the walls on both sides of the church, one of which is "Egypt's Ten Plagues: The Eldest Son's Disaster" in "The Demons".

At one point, a black cat jumped up to the third window on the left, crouched on the windowsill, and looked in. The difference is that it did not jump into the church, and naturally no nuns drove it away.

Qiao Xun stood at the door of the church, stunned.

Just opening the door opens the entrance to the inner world?

He shook his head and hurriedly took a step back.

After exiting the church, he did not return to his office, but stood on the corridor again.

Looking left and right, this is indeed the corridor outside the office.

But what happened before that?

Suddenly walked into the church in the inner world?

Qiao Xun stepped in front of the corridor wall and looked down.

However, he did not see the small garden below the administrative building, nor the large playground in the distance, nor the teaching building or gymnasium.

What was seen was thick white smoke. The smoke filled every corner of the building, making it impossible for anyone to see inside.

Qiao Xun launched "Zaiyin" to probe into these dense fogs.

But after the trajectory of "Zaiyin" entered, it immediately seemed to fall into a bathtub of glue.

It was sticky, unable to move, and even made him feel very uncomfortable, with a distinct burning sensation.

He hurriedly retracted the trajectory of "Zaiyin", and then immediately walked towards the left side of the corridor.

When he arrived at the door of another office, he opened the door without hesitation.

However, it wasn't the office, or the school's office, but Kane's office in "The Psycho". At this time, Kane was sleeping on the table.

Qiao Xun closed the door, opened it again, and turned into another scene, Kane was talking to Catshaw.

How is this going?

Qiao Xun felt a chill on his back.

Why do scenes in the real world appear in the real world?

He pushed open the doors of several offices successively, all the same, the scenes inside were all scenes from the inner world. It could be that Kane was reading, Kane was sleeping, Catshaw and Kane were talking, and everyone was praying and doing Mass in church.

There is no serious school office.

This strange phenomenon, he can only temporarily attribute to the "book".

What does the "book" do?

Qiao Xun had to leave the administrative building and rush to the teaching building. I don't know what kind of experience Nan Shizuku Hitomi is going through at the moment.

But as soon as he walked out of the gate of the administrative building, he immediately plunged into the thick fog.

It was very quiet in the thick fog, so quiet that there was no other sound except for the voice on him.

He can only rely on his extraordinary understanding of the school to move forward with his impressions and memories.

At this time, the eyes completely lost their meaning.

It all happened so quickly, so suddenly, that he was unprepared and had no idea what he was going through.

It is also impossible to open the "tower network", and it is even more impossible to make calls.

The thick fog seemed to lock the whole school firmly. Everything outside can't get out.

Relying on memory, when he walked to the river bridge between the administrative building and the teaching building, he found that the thick fog had become much lighter.

Like, the foggy feeling in the summer morning.

The visibility is about seven or eight meters, and you can vaguely see the road ahead.

But as soon as he walked into this shallow foggy area, before ten steps, Qiao Xun suddenly saw a person standing at the head of the river bridge.

From the appearance, it is... a tall and thin woman, wearing a trench coat, with a scarf around her neck, and her hair is long and loose.

Can't see the face.

Qiao Xun frowned, moved forward cautiously, and asked in a cold voice:

"Who are you?"

The woman did not answer. She slowly stepped forward.

Joe stopped.

When the woman walked only two meters away from Qiao Xun, she suddenly asked:

"am I pretty?"

The distance of two meters is enough for Qiao Xun to see her face clearly.

He has big eyes, a high bridge of the nose, a good proportion of his body, and his hair is also very soft. Judging from the width of his forehead, his face is also very good. But she was wearing a mask, so she couldn't know the specific face value.

This familiar bridge reminded Qiao Xun of an old Japanese horror movie he had seen before——

"Cracked Girl".

What's going on, what drama is being staged.

Qiao Xun would not accompany her to play this kind of game of you asking and answering, and asked in a voice:

"Are you a rip girl?"

After asking a question, the cracked woman in the movie will only have an immediate reaction to "beautiful" and "unbeautiful", and will be puzzled by other answers, and then be stunned. This is the key point of escape.

Sure enough, the woman was really stunned, her eyes puzzled.

Really rip girl?

How could such a thing happen.

Qiao Xun didn't understand how the good campus life suddenly changed and inserted into the supernatural horror bridge.

When the woman was in a daze, she neighed immediately and took off her mask. The corners of his mouth cracked to the base of his ears, his **** mouth opened and closed frantically, and he asked in a hoarse voice:

"Am I still beautiful?"

Then she took a pair of scissors out of her pocket and stabbed at Joe.

Qiao Xun went up to be a big-eared slap, and slapped her to the ground, and then quickly used "Zhiyang" to create a detonation space and blasted her to scum.

He looked at the coke color on the ground and muttered:

"There is only one fear in the world, and there is not enough firepower."

This level of urban monsters is good at dealing with ordinary people. In front of a third-order evolutionary like him, it is a big mobile sandbag.

After solving the gap girl, Qiao Xun continued to move forward.

But just a few steps away, the same bridge appeared again.

The woman with the exact same gap came out of the hazy mist and asked, "Am I beautiful?"

Qiao Xun didn't say much, a detonation space was easily solved.

But soon, he discovered that this thing is a miscellaneous soldier mobs, and it will be constantly refreshed.

The distance between the administration building and the teaching building was only more than 100 meters, and he forced him to meet five rip-off girls.

It's so weird.

Why does this thing keep generating?

What the **** is going on in this school, or what is the "book" doing?

After arriving downstairs in the classroom, Qiao Xun looked upstairs, and suddenly, his pupils shrank.

Because, at a window in the corridor on the fourth floor, Masato Fujiwara was standing there, looking down.

The two looked at each other.

After looking at each other for a while, Masato Fujiwara frowned, then turned to leave.

Qiao Xun walked quickly into the teaching building.

As soon as I entered, I immediately felt the cold air coming from all directions. Looking left and right, there was still not a single figure.

Where are the people at school?

Is this Morioka Chuo Private High School?

The change was so sudden and blunt that Qiao Xun even had to wonder if he had suddenly fallen asleep and was dreaming.

But the real sensory sensations are all telling that this is indeed in reality.

However, there may be special abilities that can simulate real sensory sensations.

This mystery can't be solved for a while, and now I can either find out if I can find Hitomi Minami Shizuku, because she has taken risks with me and has something in common, or I can find Masato Fujiwara.

Perhaps, Masato Fujiwara knew what happened.

Step up the stairs.

Qiao Xun felt that every section of the building seemed to be frozen, very slippery, and it was easy to slip if you were not careful.

He had to use "Zhiyang" to carry him up.

Come to the second floor.

The scene on the second floor can be said to be the most terrifying scene he has ever seen since he was born.

A whole second-rate, there are collapsed stumps, separated viscera, yellow and white brains everywhere. Scattered hair piled up in a red liquid that almost pooled into water, like rotten, stinking seaweed.

There is nowhere in the hallway to settle down.

The viscous red liquid was constantly dripping from each classroom, almost forming the legendary corpse **** in the corridor.

What's going on here?

For a while, Qiao Xun was stunned. Because the scene was so cruel and shocking, even on the sea train, he had never seen such a scene.

It's almost like hundreds of Chainsaws are being staged here at the same time.

There are red claw marks all over the wall next to it.

Qiao Xun didn't dare to take a deep breath, because the stench was too strong.

He moved forward cautiously.

The red slurry on the ground is very viscous.

Coming to a classroom on the second floor, he pushed open the door.

However...the scene inside is very different.

The students sat in front of the desks, some listened carefully to the class, some were distracted, and some were doing small movements. The teacher stood on the podium and excitedly told the history of the Warring States Period in Japan.

The appearance of Qiao Xun disturbed them.

"Mr. Qiao, what's the matter?" the teacher asked.

Qiao Xun was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a routine pollution check. Sorry to bother you."

Then, he closed the door immediately.

The corridor is still the Shura Hell Field. There is still a steady stream of red liquid flowing out of the classroom.

In the classroom, everything is safe and sound, but outside is an Asura field.

Qiao Xun frowned. He felt that things might not be what he thought.

At first, he thought that everyone had been brutally murdered. But looking at it now, this may be a similar world scene as before.

The inner world of the "book" is mixed with the outer world?

Then what kind of book did the cruel scene in front of you come from?

Thinking about it carefully, the only real world I have ever seen is "Psychopath" and "The Demons".

So what's here?

If every appearance of the pattern "book" represents the creation of an inner world, then these scenes may have been other times.

"Other times..."

All he could think of was the time in the previous video, and the time when he heard Nan Shizuku Hitomi talking about gaining the ability to listen to his heart.

Now she must find Nan Shizuku Hitomi immediately and ask what book she was reading before.

With such reasoning, Qiao Xun immediately left the second floor and moved on to the third floor.

There are four floors in this teaching building, and the third grade is on the fourth floor.

He knew which class Nan Shizuku Hitomi was in. And know the structure of the school like the back of your hand.

The scene on the third floor is different from that on the second floor. At night, the general teachers, skeleton models and some taxidermy that are only available in many biology classrooms keep coming out of the classroom and wandering in the corridor.

After seeing Qiao Xun, they immediately wanted to attack.

But their attacks were of no use to Qiao Xun.

Just as he was about to leave the third floor and go directly to the fourth floor, he suddenly heard a faint cry.

It came from a utility room.

Qiao Xun directly used "Ningen" to create a huge frozen space, freezing all kinds of strange things wandering in the corridor, and then came to the utility room where the crying was heard.

He opened the door.

"Don't!" A weak boy in a high school uniform hid in a pile of cleaning tools and shivered.

"Don't be afraid, I'm Teacher Qiao."

The teenager opened his eyes and saw that it was really Qiao Xun, he immediately seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and cried and said:

"Mr. Qiao, it's so scary, there are monsters everywhere, so scary!"

Qiao Xun comforted him with a slight "confusion", and then asked:

"What's your name?"

"Tiangu Haidou."

"Can you see those monsters?"

"Yes! But, but everyone can't see it. The monsters are standing beside them, but they can't see it at all. It's terrible. I had no choice but to hide here."

Joe asked:

"Tiangu classmate, do you have talent?"

Tiangu Haidou cried and nodded, "Yes. But I didn't use it indiscriminately, I definitely didn't use it indiscriminately. I'm all there to help the bullied!"

"Well, I know. What ability is it?"

"I can... manipulate people. It's hard and unskilled, but it's easy to make people fall over, punch yourself and stuff like that."

Qiao Xun nodded and then asked:

"How did you get this ability?"

Tiangu Haidou wiped his tears and said, "In the first semester of high school, I was reading novels in the classroom, and suddenly fell asleep while I was reading. When I woke up, I had this ability inexplicably. Trust me, I have never hurt anyone~www.readwn.com~ not once."

Looking at his fearful but sincere eyes, Qiao Xun believed.

"What novel were you reading?"

"I was watching "Dense Fog", which was very popular before."

"You can describe it."

"Well, there is a school that is about to be abolished. When the teachers and students finished the last class, they suddenly found that the whole school was covered by a very thick fog. The main story is that the protagonist Jingsuke is reluctant to let everyone, and wish everyone will always be there. , and then the wish was granted by the gods, and a lot of things happened after that..."

After listening to Tiangu Haidou's description, Qiao Xun had a general idea of ​​what was going on with the thick fog shrouded outside the school.

"Did you dream about this novel at the time?"


Looking at it this way, the thick fog outside is the inner world of "Dense Fog" watched by Kaito Tiangu.

That is to say, the woman with a gap, the cruel scene on the second floor, and the strange monster on the third floor are another world.

Joe Tour said:

"Tiangu classmate, have a good sleep, everything will be fine when you wake up."

After finishing speaking, he used "Mi Tan" to put Tiangu Haidou into a deep sleep.

Then, he leaves here.

The information provided by Tiangu Haidou is crucial.

At present, it is certain that the inner world and the outer world are intertwined, and only those who have experienced the adventure of the inner world can feel these inner worlds, while others can only see the outer world.

Looking at it this way, Nan Shizuku Hitomi might be dangerous now.

Because, she has also experienced the adventure in the world.

Also, the principal of the school, Masato Fujiwara, has also experienced adventures in the world in all likelihood.

This reminded Qiao Xun of the video he saw before.

Was it because of Masato Fujiwara that the "book" appeared?

What kind of world adventure has he experienced?

Qiao Xun set off to the fourth floor.

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