Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 25: "Master", the power of fatalism, the anchor point is locked, the end of readi

The fourth floor is very quiet, quiet to the extreme.

The hallway was very empty, and the fluorescent lamps hanging from the ceiling flickered slightly.

Qiao Xun moved forward cautiously and opened "Zaiyin", for fear that some strange inner world would suddenly appear.

He was worried that someone would read a book like Ultraman fighting monsters and create a big monster at that time.

That would be terrifying.

Be careful not to reveal flaws.


"Sister, let's play a game together." Hiraganako, wearing red suspenders, firmly controlled Hitomi Nanshizuku.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi was extremely frightened. She couldn't break free from Hiraganako's **** at all.

This guy looked to be in his teens, and his arms were as strong as a gorilla.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was covering her mouth and could only let out a whimpering cry.

Hiiragi, who was soaking wet and smelled foul, whispered gloomily beside her ear:

"Sister, if you quarrel again, I will kill you."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi immediately quieted down.

"Remember, don't be noisy."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi nodded obediently.

Hiraganako loosened her little by little.

After getting rid of the shackles, Nan Shizuku Hitomi immediately stood in the corner of the grid.

Hiraganako was sitting on the toilet, her hair loose, and her red suspenders looked like they were stained with blood.

"Let's play a guessing game." Hiraganako's eyes were completely black like stagnant water, and her hair was twisted into clumps, like black kelp.

"How...how to play?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi asked nervously.

She hardly looked directly at Hiirako. At such a close distance, the impact is too great.

"Can't you even guess the boxing? My sister is really stupid. It's rock paper scissors. If I lose, I'll give you my fingers, and if you lose, give me my eyes."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi's heart trembled and said loudly:

"I don't play. What do I want your fingers for!"

"It's no use asking for your eyes."

"It's useless, what do you want!"

"But that's the rules of the game." Hiraganako's voice became stern and ruthless, "If you don't play, I will immediately tear you into pieces and flush it into the sewer."

As she spoke, her ten fingers grew sharp claws.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi said immediately:

"I'm joking, I'm playing! What are you doing?"


"Okay, rock paper scissors!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi was about to punch immediately.

Hiraganako followed suit.

Hiiragi, stone.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi, cloth.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi said with a sigh of relief: "I won. I don't want your finger anymore, let me out."

"No! You have to beat me three times before you can go out."

"OK then."

"It's my turn this time. What's wrong with my sister?"


"Okay, rock paper scissors!"

Hiiragi, scissors.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi, fist.

Hiraganako was stunned, "Why are you a fist. Didn't you say it was a cloth?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi swallowed, "This is called a conspiracy."

"This is deception!" Hiirako shrieked immediately, "Hanako hates liars the most! Liars have to swallow a thousand needles! A thousand needles!"

Her hair immediately became very straight and extremely sharp.

At the same time, she pinched Nan Shizuku Hitomi and said ruthlessly:

"Give me a thousand needles!"

The hair that turned into needles continued to grow, trying to get into Minami Shizuku Hitomi's mouth.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was completely unable to move, and the pupil shrunk to almost only one point.

"don't want!"

But at this moment, the door between the lattices slammed open.

Hiraganako disappeared the moment the door opened.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi fell to the ground. She looked up and asked in surprise:

"Is that Mr. Joe?"

Not really.

Masato Fujiwara smiled and said, "It's me, principal."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi's smile disappeared, and she immediately got up from the ground, patted her skirt, and then bowed her thanks:

"Thank you, Headmaster."

Masato Fujiwara said, "I heard your voice when I was passing by, so I came in to have a look. What happened?"

At this time, Nan Shizuku Hitomi didn't know what was going on outside.

She explained vaguely:



"The principal thinks I'm a ghost." Nan Shizuku Hitomi said, and immediately wanted to leave the place that terrified her.

Just as he started to walk, Masato Fujiwara's voice sounded from behind,

"Did you hit Hanako in the toilet?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi suddenly felt a chill on her back, turned around, and said with a dry smile, "What are you talking about, Principal, how is that possible."

"Nan Shizuku-san, why bother." After Masato Fujiwara finished speaking, he strode out of the toilet, "You might as well come out and see what happened."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi walked out cautiously.

She walked to the window outside the hallway and looked down.

The dense fog completely obscured the view, and nothing could be seen.

"What happened...what?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi stared blankly at the thick fog.

"Maybe, you and Teacher Qiao should be responsible for this." Masato Fujiwara said with his hands behind his back. He stood up straight, his straight suit was very clean, and he was in very good spirits.

"What?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi asked blankly.

"Your ignorance caused this disaster. The entire school, everyone else, died."

Nan Shizuku's pupils shrank suddenly, "No, I don't believe it."

"You don't believe it? Then you can find any classroom and see."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was panting, her throat agitated, she walked slowly outside a classroom, and carefully opened the door.

The scene in front of her made her almost dumbfounded.

In the entire classroom, everyone fell to the ground, in a pool of blood. There's a scary red everywhere.

Under the light, the scarlet light reflected almost made her dizzy on the spot.

She's just a high school student, where has she seen such a scene, stumbled backwards, and kept retching.

Masato Fujiwara smiled slightly, "Minami Shizuku-san, do you believe what I said now?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi stood up laboriously and asked loudly:

"You can still laugh!"

"These people don't die because of me. Why can't I laugh."

"You are the principal!"

"Shouldn't the principal be selfish?" Masato Fujiwara narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "It's you, and that teacher Qiao, who killed them, that's the source of the crime."

"We didn't do anything!"

"You didn't do anything? Then in the library yesterday and in Teacher Qiao's office in the morning, what did you do? Don't you have a clear idea in your mind? Nan Shizuku."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was stunned for a moment, and then asked loudly:

"You're the guy hiding in the dark!"

"No, I didn't hide. It's just that you didn't find me. I don't need to hide either."

"You bastard, you came to school with ulterior motives."

"Tell me? Why don't you think about why your teacher Qiao came here, and think about why he wants you to help him enter the world of books."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi opened her mouth slightly, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Indeed, she did not know why Qiao Xun asked her to help. I just want to go on an adventure with him. I have never heard Qiao Xun explain it.

Masato Fujiwara smiled slightly, "Do you want me to tell you the reason?"

"You must be trying to lie to me! Provoking our relationship!"

"Whether it's provocation, you can judge for yourself." Masato Fujiwara was not surprised by Hitomi Minami Shizuku's reaction, "Qiao Xun, a member of the Republic's Zhifu City Emergency Response Center, is well-organized among the evolutionaries, and is extremely Good organization. Will such a person come because of some indifferent salary for popularizing teachers? In fact, he is just looking for something. And that thing is hidden in the book world you entered. So getting close to you is just to use you to enter the book world."

When Nan Shizuku Hitomi heard this, he laughed, "Of course I know that he is using me."

Masato Fujiwara frowned slightly.

"I knew it from the beginning. He also said it, just using me as a tool person." Nan Shizuku Hitomi spread his hands, "But so what? He was real enough, and it was enough for me that he didn't deceive me. "

This is not what Fujiwara Masato imagined. Why, Nan Shizuku Hitomi looked like it was taken for granted.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi understood, Fujiwara Masato didn't know how she got along with Qiao Xun at all.

"Headmaster, you are too self-righteous."

Masato Fujiwara shook his head, "That's not important."

There are so many unknowns, and no one can understand everything.

He said, "Minami Shizuku, I don't care what the relationship between you and Teacher Qiao is. However, this disaster was born because of you. You broke into the book world at will, causing the book world to be unstable, and the real world. There is a meeting. And you are the culprit that caused the lives of the classmates and teachers!"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi narrowed her eyes and said loudly, "You are talking nonsense!"

"Haha. Two years ago, you read a book called "Urban Stranger Things" in the library, and the campus chapter in it recorded 'The Girl with a Crack', 'Hanako in the Toilet', and 'The Mannequin in the Biology Classroom' , 'Ear Line', 'The Curse of KFC', 'Dream Boy' and 'Brain Hell'. Now, these stories have come from the book world to the real world, killing everyone in the school." Masato Fujiwara He raised his head slightly, pouring out a vague sense of oppression, "Nan Shizuku, what else do you want to explain?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi felt hard to breathe, "You... how do you know. You came to school later!"

Masato Fujiwara smiled, "Minami Shizuku, I said in my first speech after entering the school, 'Have awe for knowledge', 'Respect others, don't judge people by their appearance', and 'Learning is the only way to progress'."

"What does this have to do with what you said!"

"I'm studying, so I know what books you read. Minashizuku, it's obvious."

"No! I won't believe you, you are a bad guy yourself!" Nan Shizuku Hitomi took a few steps back and said, "You are also an evolutionary person, but you want to come to the school to be the principal. You said that Teacher Qiao has The purpose, isn't it the same for you!"

"Of course. But I won't hurt everyone here. And you, what about you? These people who have been with you day and night are now down in front of you, what can you say?"

Nan Shizuku Hitomi has endured too much depression in her heart for the past two years, but at this time, she has become enlightened, "You said that you died because of us, but because of us? Why do you say that, I also say that you caused them to die? Woolen cloth."

"Sophistry child."

"At the very least, there must be a basic logic to a framed accusation."

Masato Fujiwara shook his head, "Minami Shizuku, I don't want to explain this to you now. The most important thing is to stop the world in the book from continuing to harm the real world."

"Then stop it."

"I need your help."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi frowned and asked, "How can I help?"

"You need to open a book world again and send these back. Just like you entered the book world with Teacher Qiao, just read carefully."

"If that's all right, why don't I go to Mr. Qiao, but to you? Principal, you are not worthy of my trust."

"Mr. Qiao...you mean, this?"

Masato Fujiwara walked to the side and opened the utility room. Suddenly, a person poured out of it.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi saw that it was Qiao Xun.

Blood was all over his body, his eyes were wide, and he seemed to have lost his life.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi was so frightened that he almost lost consciousness. She felt an indescribable pain and discomfort shrouded her whole body.

The pain made her tear ducts unstoppable.

She stumbled over and tried to touch Qiao Xun's body. But don't dare to touch it at all. She couldn't accept this fact.

Masato Fujiwara sighed and said:

"Mr. Qiao cares about you very much. He came to you as soon as the world was in chaos in the book, but unfortunately, on the way, he was killed by the crack girl in "Urban Stranger Things" you read."

"Is not likely to……"

"Nan Shizuku, I have to say that among so many book worlds, only your "Urban Stranger Things" hurts the most."

Minami Shizuku Hitomi was very sad. She felt that Qiao Xun was the only one who didn't lie to her and was willing to take her on an adventure.

But, now, this person is lying in front of him, in a pool of blood, and his body is cold.

Masato Fujiwara approached Minami Shizuku Hitomi and said softly:

"Poor boy, I'll tell you a way. You can take him to the world of books, and he'll be alive in another sense."

"How to do...what should I do?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi asked.

Masato Fujiwara smiled slightly.

He thought too, Nan Shizuku Hitomi was only a high school student in his teens.

How can a high school student, going through something like this, be as calm as a trained evolutionary.

Panic, fear, helplessness, and confusion are normal.

Will there be the kind of people who are unmoved when they see the scene of the massacre, and who are still cold when they see someone who cares die in front of them?

Will not.

Unless, this person is not normal.

This panic, this fear and helplessness is Fujiwara Masato's best source of strength.

His voice was like some kind of magic, and he said softly:

"Nan Shizuku, come, read this book, create a book world that only belongs to you, and live in it well."

Masato Fujiwara took out a notebook from his pocket.

Nan Shizuku took it and opened it.

There is a lot written in it.

"what is this?"

"A blank book world. Create what you want. Just read it as you did before. Minami Shizuku, you're the only one who can feel the book world at will. Only you can help Joe. teacher."

Masato Fujiwara's voice was like an unhurried wave in the night, slapping Hitomi Minami Shizuku's consciousness.

She just sat on the ground and started flipping through the text in this notebook.


She gradually became fascinated.

Masato Fujiwara had a strong smile. He closed his eyes, feeling the twinkling anchors of the inner world.

As long as Nan Shizuku Hitomi placed the last anchor point, the "book" could be completely locked.

In that case, this mission will be completed successfully.



Footsteps sounded.

Before that, he thought, some trouble had to be resolved.

The real Qiao Xun came out from the stairs.

At a glance, he saw Masato Fujiwara, Hitomi Minami Shizuku, who fell to the ground exactly like himself.

Simple speculations formed in his mind.

No matter what Fujiwara Masato's purpose is, from the current situation, he may have deceived Hitomi Minami Shizuku with a fake corpse.

"Mr. Qiao, you are here." Masato Fujiwara said with a smile.

Qiao Xun looked at him with a cold voice:

"The chaos of the world inside and outside is your means."

"No, no, it can't be described by means. This is a... masterpiece. Have you ever seen such a real and false scene? The combination of virtual and real is a wonderful rhetoric. That kind of feeling between dream and reality makes people feel Can't stop."

"Your purpose is that fluorescent pattern." Qiao Xun didn't directly call him "book".

"Aren't you?"

"Of course, I'm here to investigate."

"Investigate..." Masato Fujiwara said, "Unfortunately, you have no chance."

"Really. Not necessarily."

Masato Fujiwara said: "Do you think you can change all this? You don't know anything. It's stupid to break into an unknown world without authorization. You think you're taking risks, but you're just speeding up the progress for me. I have to thank you You. Because of your appearance, my mission progress has been advanced for a long time."

"You caused the pollution incident at Morioka Central Private High School last December."

"Oh, maybe you saw the fluorescent pattern of the 'book'. That's why you came here."


"Yes, it can also be called 'knowledge'."

Masato Fujiwara is happy to answer Qiao Xun's doubts. Because that would allow enough time for Nan Shizuku Hitomi to enter the inner world.

He's good at procrastinating.

Qiao Xun looked at Nan Shizuku Hitomi. From her performance, it was obvious that she had entered an immersive reading state.

"I have to say, you are very thoughtful and smart." Masato Fujiwara said, "To be honest, I recruit general teachers, just to find out the evolutionaries hidden in the school, and look for 'books' from their traces. You It's amazing, in just two weeks, I made the book appear twice. In the past two years, I only did it twice."

Qiao Xun frowned. He could see that Masaru Fujiwara was willing to say so many things in order to delay time.

Procrastination is the last resort.

Yes, there will be a way if you can't absolutely control the situation.

"Mr. Qiao, do you want to know more?" Masato Fujiwara asked with a smile.

Qiao Xun said, "No need."

As he said that, he activated "Ning En", and the swift and violent freezing position spread from him, quickly wrapping this section of the corridor.

"'Ningen'." Masato Fujiwara raised his eyebrows, "The third step of the 'Amphibian' route. Mr. Qiao, you are really surprising. It is completely impossible to see that you are actually majoring in 'Amphibian'. Some kind of On a level, we are friends."

He said with his mouth, but his body movements did not fall at all. He waved, and immediately, a transparent film grew out of his skin, which looked like it was coated with a gelatin shell.

This layer of film completely blocked the extreme cold of "Ningen".

Without any pause, Qiao Xun, with the blessing of "Atlan Glory", launched a surprise attack and approached Fujiwara Masato.

The distance of more than ten meters quickly narrowed to more than one meter in less than a second. Reach out to attack its body.

But Masato Fujiwara's expression didn't change at all. As soon as he raised his right hand, there was a creaking noise in the corridor, and then a cuboid of about three cubic meters protruded in front of him, blocking Qiao Xun's figure.

Qiao Xun immediately twisted his body, changed his square, and attacked from its side.

But Masato Fujiwara used the same trick. No matter what direction Qiao Xun attacked from, there were immediately concrete blocks protruding from all directions to block him.

Manipulate buildings?

This is the first time Qiao Xun has seen this ability.

Every time Masato Fujiwara waved, the concrete under their feet and around them would deviate from its original position, reconfigure its shape, and then defend and attack.

The entire classroom on the left was compressed into a thick concrete slab by Masato Fujiwara and slammed into Qiao Xun.

The steel bars inside were all pulled away, bent and deformed, turning into sharp arrows, shooting out from all directions.

Qiao Xun kept dodging.

He quickly used "numerology to follow the sky" to analyze Masato Fujiwara's attack methods.

"Unitize any three-dimensional geometry, and each unit can be recombined with each other to form a large unit." Qiao Xun constantly judged his abilities according to the operation method of Fujiwara Masato, as well as the deformation method of concrete blocks and steel bars.

Any three-dimensional object can become a means of attack for Masato Fujiwara.

Tables and chairs, stationery, books, glass in the classroom...

Under his manipulation, all these things seemed to possess wisdom, and they kept attacking Qiao Xun.

Masato Fujiwara even created a very solid lattice to protect Nan Shizuku Hitomi firmly, obviously not wanting Qiao Xun to interrupt Nan Shizuku Hitomi.

"Mr. Qiao, I advise you to give up."

Masato Fujiwara seems to want to talk to Xun Qiao again.

But at this point, Qiao Xun felt that other than fighting, any conversation was meaningless.

After gaining a preliminary grasp of Fujiwara Masato's attack methods and means, Qiao Xun changed his attacking thinking.

Instead of launching a charge without hesitation, he used "Zhiyang" to create a detonation space and destroy the three-dimensional objects manipulated by Masato Fujiwara.

A row after row of detonation spaces exploded in an irregular and unordered manner.

Objects such as concrete blocks, glass, tables and chairs are very fragile and are directly blown to pieces.

But even fragments are still three-dimensional objects that can still be manipulated by Masato Fujiwara.

He restrained his faint smile and seemed to be serious.

All the fragments that were shattered by the blasting space were instantly gathered into a huge lance by him, and he stabbed towards Qiao Xun suddenly.

The lance was so large that it completely took up the space in the hallway. Qiao Xun had to jump out of the corridor and step out to the outside of the teaching building. After a short stay in the air, he detonated the space behind him. The thrust of the expanding air pushed him towards Fujiwara Masato.

But Masato Fujiwara seemed to have expected such a move.

"You got Fooled."

After he finished speaking, his right index finger volleyed a little.

The huge lance disintegrated in an instant, and the broken pieces were as numerous as stars. Each piece of debris carried enormous power, swarming towards Qiao Xun.

Sharp and powerful.

These fragments instantly penetrated Qiao Xun from all directions.

Blood arrows poured out of his body.

Standing aside and watching, it was like being penetrated by dozens of rifles in all directions at the same time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qiao Xun immediately used "greed" to bless "Withered Trees and Spring Plus" to repair his body. Healing under "greed" is a very strong reductive repair to the body, even if all organs like Shunsuke Gomo can be restored.

Although not fatal. But this still made Qiao Xun deeply feel the strength of Fujiwara Masato.

His strength is definitely above the third-order spokesperson.

It is impossible to get close to the direct raid, and Qiao Xun once again sounded the method of approaching the scavenger before. "Doll" stand-in.

However, in the current situation, it is almost impossible to throw the substitute. At the halfway point, he will definitely be stopped by the three-dimensional objects surrounding Masato Fujiwara.

Masato Fujiwara was a little surprised when he saw that this move did not directly crush Qiao Xun,

"Your physical strength is beyond my imagination."

However, it didn't make him feel threatened. He knew very well that his mission was to get the "book", not to kill a disturber.

The three-dimensional objects drawn from the building protected him and Minami Shizuku like a planetary ring.

After getting out of the stagnant state, Qiao Xun stayed on the listing outside the corridor on the fourth floor.

In order for the "doll" stand-in to approach Fujiwara Masato, an absolute safe passage must be created.

After quickly simulating the operation method in his mind, he blessed "Zhiyang" with "greed" to create a detonation space that could produce a secondary meltdown.

He interspersed this special detonation space at random positions in the normal detonation space.

Then, explode.



Irregular and dense detonations exploded in the "planetary ring" around Masato Fujiwara, blasting more three-dimensional object units into pieces.

Masato Fujiwara shook his head, "Don't waste energy, Teacher Qiao."

"I never waste."

As soon as Qiao Xun's words fell, the special detonation space suddenly exploded on the left side of Fujiwara Masato.

At the same time, he jumped out quickly and briefly stayed in the air again.

Masato Fujiwara was about to speak. Suddenly, a bright spot appeared in the center of the blasting space on his left. This bright spot absorbed all the energy from the blasting of other blasting spaces in just one second, and then concentrated a little and melted it down.

The huge amount of energy poured out by the meltdown in this concentration instantly tore apart the entire corridor and smashed the teaching building out.

Masato Fujiwara's eyes flickered with dazzling light, and he couldn't see anything, so he instinctively gathered all the three-dimensional objects under his control to form an oval protective cover.

After the explosive energy dissipated, he undid the protective cover, clapped his hands and said:

"It's amazing. Teacher Qiao, I have to say that your approach to confrontation is really admirable."

He respected the strong and couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Qiao, why do people like you condescend to the 'tower'? Why not join us? Let's witness the birth of a new world together. Join us and create a black revolution."

Qiao Xun's pupils shrank, "Are you a member of the Black Revolution?"

Masato Fujiwara smiled slightly, "Yes. The numbered square is number 10."

"Block 10, codenamed 'Master'."

"It seems that Teacher Qiao knows Heige very well."

Block 10, in the records of "Tower Network", was originally an architectural designer.

Qiao Xun thought to himself, no wonder the use of geometric objects is so powerful.

He smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, but I have an irreconcilable conflict with the Black Revolution."

"No contradiction is irreconcilable. Our 'diplomat' the king of spades will resolve everything."

"The Diplomat" K of Spades.

Qiao Xun shook his head and said, "A group of people trying to break the rules."

"Rules are meant to be broken."

Qiao Xun smiled and asked, "Master, do you like dolls?"

"Huh?" Masato Fujiwara said, "Mr. Qiao is really fantastic. I don't like dolls."

"Then why is there a rag doll at your feet."

Masato Fujiwara glanced at it, and was stunned to find that there was indeed a somewhat ugly rag doll at his feet.

Just as he was stunned, he saw in horror that it was just a slap-sized rag doll that suddenly twisted, grew savagely, and instantly turned into an adult.

When the big detonation space melted down and Fujiwara Masato couldn't take care of himself, Qiao Xun tied the "doll" double to a concrete block.

The avatar fell at his feet when Masato Fujiwara gathered all the three-dimensional objects.

Now, this rag doll has become Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand and pinched Fujiwara Masato. Immediately, he was injected with a large amount of "sympathetic neurotoxin" with the blessing of "greed", which directly paralyzed his main nerves, causing him to lose control of the limbs below the neck and fall into high paraplegia mode.

In Fujiwara Masato's eyes, the feeling of being in control of everything was finally no longer in control, and was taken over by panic.

"The 'doll' of 'Rabbitformes', why! Why do you know both 'Ningen' and a 'doll'! Why can you take two advanced routes!"

Qiao Xun's expression was indifferent, "No matter how powerful a mage is when they are approached, they are vulnerable."

"Do you want to fight against the Black Revolution!" Masato Fujiwara said angrily.

"As I said, I have an irreconcilable conflict with the Black Revolution."

Masato Fujiwara was unable to control his body and completely lost control of the three-dimensional objects that had been dissociated from the building.

Various pieces fell from the air and smashed everywhere.

The grid that separated Hitomi Minami Shizuku was also scattered. She squatted on the ground and stared absently at the writing in the notebook in front of her.

Qiao Xun took a cursory glance and found that although the words were in Japanese, they were not Japanese grammar at all. From the beginning to the end, the words seemed to be forcibly pieced together, and there was no logic at all.

Why does Hitomi Nanshizuku enter the inner world even after reading this text?

"What is that?" Qiao Xun asked Fujiwara Masato.

The panic in Fujiwara Masato's eyes dissipated, and he smiled again, "Blank inner world."

"What was the black pushpin you threw in the fluorescent pattern earlier?"

Masato Fujiwara was happy to answer, "The anchor point in the inner world. It is used to lock the position of the 'book'." He narrowed his eyes slightly, "You want to get the 'book'. However, you don't know how to capture it. Teacher Qiao, we might as well cooperate When the book is captured, we will decide where it will go."

"What about your brain?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, Nan Shizuku has put down the last anchor point. I can determine the location of the 'book' at any time, and I can destroy those anchor points at any time, and let the 'book' escape. Teacher Qiao, you can try, without me, Can you capture the book?"

"What if I just can't get it? You don't really think that that thing is very important to me. You need to know that your life and death are in my hands."

Masato Fujiwara shook his head, his eyes became pitiful, "You really underestimate the Black Revolution. If the members of the Black Revolution were so easy to kill, they would have been surrounded and wiped out by the forces of various countries. Come on, try, you must try, See if you can kill me."

"Are you begging to die?"

"You must give it a try!" Masato Fujiwara's eyes suddenly flashed violent.

Qiao Xun's eyes were cold, "Do you really think I dare not?"

As he spoke, his palms exerted force and twisted Fujiwara Masato's neck.

Masato Fujiwara's organs and vocal cords were crushed.

Qiao Xun used "sympathetic neurotoxin" to stimulate his pain nerves, making him more painful.

Fujiwara Masato's face instantly flushed red because his arteries were locked.


The neck was twisted off.

Fujiwara Masato's pupils quickly slackened, and he remained in shock, as if he was thinking, he really dared.

Then, Qiao Xun wanted to throw away his body.

However, a force gushing out from nowhere firmly locked his palm with Masato Fujiwara's corpse, unable to break free at all.

"It's dead again, let me see who this is."

A familiar voice rang in Qiao Xun's ears.

Then, he was horrified to see Masato Fujiwara's entire face being torn open from the inside out. An erect eye popped out.

Immediately afterwards, a hand that was clearly a girl's body stretched out from Fujiwara Masato's Tianling cover, and then grabbed Qiao Xun's throat.

Vertical pupil turned around, and then stopped on Qiao Xun's face.

In an instant, the vertical pupil burst into a strong red.

"It's you, we meet again!"

This voice, he clearly remembered, was the black revolutionary ace of hearts, the girl "red".

"Red" pale fingers penetrated Qiao Xun's throat.

Qiao Xun found that all the energy in his body was stagnant, and he couldn't use his innate abilities at all. He was firmly restrained and completely unable to move.

Why, why did a girl "red" appear in Fujiwara Masato's body.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect to meet you here. You know, since you killed my puppet, I miss you so much, can't wait to see you soon!"

Qiao Xun knew very well that he would be strangled to death sooner or later.

As a result, his heart was ruthless, the core muscles suddenly exerted force, and the powerful explosive force instantly tore his throat.

A huge **** mouth was gouged out of his throat, and the neck bone was faintly visible.

After breaking free from the **** of the girl "Red", he hurriedly began to heal his body.

The violent red that grew in the vertical pupils of Masato Fujiwara's torn face became more and more vivid and intense.

"It's such a pity that I can't talk to you properly. But don't worry, we will meet face to face sooner or later. You must prepare a wonderful story for me! I'm sorry, I have to take this idiot away, otherwise it will be difficult to communicate. "

The girl "Red" smiled and said, "Goodbye!"

After she finished speaking, she grabbed into Fujiwara Masato's head with one hand, and then yanked it, pulling out the black crystals of the length of her fingers, and then drilled in again, leaving only one vertical pupil.

Vertical pupil stayed in the air for a moment, looked at Qiao Xun, blinked, and then closed it.

The moment it closes, it disappears here.

Qiao Xun desperately covered his throat to avoid more blood loss.

Although he was already working hard to repair his body, he still lost a lot of blood, and he suddenly became very weak.

At this time, Minami Shizuku Hitomi, who had dropped the anchor in the inner world, woke up.

She suddenly smelled the dust and blood that choked her nose.

Quickly looking to the side, Principal Fujiwara fell to the ground, lifeless, while Teacher Qiao sat in a pile of rubble, clutching his neck, looking shaky.

She doesn't know what happened, but she knows one thing, Teacher Qiao is not dead, but it is very dangerous now.

She hurriedly ran over, covered in concrete ashes.

Kneeling on the ground, the gravel hurt her. She wiped the ashes from her mouth and asked anxiously:

"Mr. Joe, how are you?"

Qiao Xun's face was pale, his lips were peeling, and he forced a smile, "Not very good."

"Your neck, what's wrong with your neck?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi asked with a weeping voice.

Qiao Xun covered his neck, he didn't dare to move until the repair was fixed, "It's broken.",

"Ah! I... me, me, can I help you?" Nan Shizuku Hitomi was at a loss.

"Nan Shizuku, no need. I'll just take a break." Qiao Xun's tone was weak and shaky.

Lost too much blood. This kind of injury is put on ordinary people, and it is already a corpse.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi wiped his eyes and accidentally rubbed the debris in.

Her eyes hurt so much, she closed one eye and supported Qiao Xun to prevent him from falling.

"Withered Trees Meets Spring" continued to repair Qiao Xun's throat.

Nerves, arteries, muscles, esophagus, etc. Under the palm of his hand, it was repaired little by little.

After half an hour, he was barely able to let go.

However, the lost blood can only be made slowly by the bone marrow, and cannot be recovered all at once.

He supported Nan Shizuku Hitomi's shoulders and stood up, looking around.

a mess. The fourth floor of the teaching building was almost blasted with a large gap.

"Mr. Qiao." Nan Shizuku Hitomi cried, "A lot of people died."

Qiao Xun patted her shoulder and shook his head. Then he walked over to his own body.

Upon inspection it turned out that it was nothing but a forgery from a pair of stones.

"Don't worry, Minami Shizuku. They're all right. What you saw was faked by Principal Fujiwara."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi wiped away her tears, her eyes red.

"Is it fake?"

"Yeah. However, someone may be injured. Nanshizuku, did you enter the world of books just now?"

"Well, Principal Fujiwara let me in. When I went in, it was blank and nothing. Then after a while, a black pushpin came out of my eye. Then, I came out."

Qiao Xun exhaled and said:

"Nan Shizuku, close your eyes."


"Close your eyes and don't move."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi closed her eyes obediently, her eyelids trembling.

Qiao Xun went to Fujiwara Masato's body and activated the third talent of the Zhenwu route, "Death Beidou".

This was the first time he had used it on a dead person.

After the power of "Death Big Dipper" entered Fujiwara Masato's body, a dull feeling emerged in Qiao Xun's heart.

A little depressing.

Then, Masato Fujiwara's joints rattled, and after a few seconds, he stood up.


Qiao Xun exhaled.

"It can be opened."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi opened his eyes, and when he saw Masato Fujiwara, his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "He's alive!"

"Not alive."

Saying that, Qiao Xun began to feel Fujiwara Masato.

"Death Beidou" has not been able to control it for too long now. He quickly looked for a way to control the anchor point in the world.

Looking for is found, but the control method is innate ability.

Qiao Xun immediately blessed "greed". After blessing "Greed", "Death Big Dipper" can temporarily control the original ability of the corpse.

The world anchor.


This is a talent called "real and virtual".

Qiao Xun controls the corpse of Fujiwara Masato to use talent. A total of six riworld anchors are felt.

The six world anchors completely lock the position of the "book", which is in a huge conceptual body.

Unable to feel this conceptual body. Very obscure.

Then, Qiao Xun let go of his consciousness and touched the "book".

no response.

After thinking about it, he opened the world sand table.

The obscure information instantly overwhelmed his consciousness. He endured it hard.

Consciousness was overturned, causing him to fall directly backwards.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi quickly hugged him. But she wasn't strong enough and fell down with her.

After feeling that the "book" was absorbed by the world sand table. Qiao Xun immediately closed the sand table.

Then he stood up with difficulty.

too painful.

Physical and mental torture. He couldn't help squatting on the ground in pain.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi rubbed the junior who was caught by the stone and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Joe, are you okay?"

"Thank you, Minami Shizuku."

After the "book" was collected, the inner world began to fall apart.

Those "Monsters", "Psychopaths", "Dense Fog", "Urban Stranger Things" that are entrenched in the surface world... collapsed inch by inch.

The real watch world is revealed.

All the students and teachers evacuated because of the explosion in the fight between Masato Fujiwara and Qiao Xun on the fourth floor. They gathered on the big playground in horror, and someone was indeed injured by mistake.

"Nan Shizuku, close your eyes."

Nan Shizuku Hitomi closed her eyes without asking this time.

Qiao Xun put his fingers on Fujiwara Masato's torn face.

"Gluttony" devoured his body energy and remaining innate abilities at a fixed point, but did not devour flesh and blood.

Keep the whole body, just to explain.

More than ten minutes later, the sound of the helicopter sounded.

Five helicopters surrounded the large gap on the fourth floor of the teaching building.

The shouting sounded:

"The people below ~www.readwn.com~ raise their hands! Don't resist!"

Qiao Xun and Nan Shizuku Hitomi raised their hands honestly.

Soon, a short-haired woman in formal clothes descended from the helicopter and said to them:

"You are suspected of breaking the 'Tower' Evolutionary Treaty and were arrested by the Iwate Prefecture Branch Control. Please don't make senseless resistance."

Two containment boxes fell from the sky and fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up dust.

Minami Shizuku Hitomi was a little scared.

Qiao Xun smiled at her and nodded.

The two walked into the containment box.

Soon, the helicopter left with two containment boxes.

The other team members quickly cleaned the scene.

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