Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 28: combat soldier

At 20:35 on January 28, 2035, Yandu time, the special plane of the Iwate Prefecture Control Office that took off from Morioka Greenland International Airport landed at Yandu Yuzhoushan International Airport.

All passengers enter the special passage as soon as they get off the plane.

First, go to the special pollution detection point for evolutionary people set up at the airport. The pollution monitoring point of the evolutionary is separate from that of ordinary people. Generally, ordinary people only need to measure the pollution value, but the evolutionary also needs to measure the spiritual value and ability risk assessment.

The information of the deportee, Qiao Xun, had already entered the testing library in advance, so after entering the testing point, he was taken to a room by the staff alone.

It looks like an operating room without an operating table, with various instruments neatly displayed on the walls.

After waiting for about three minutes, inspectors wearing special protective clothing walked in.

Two are responsible for detection and one is responsible for recording.

"Qiao Xun, affiliated to the Chito City Emergency Response Center. He participated in a major pollution incident code-named 'JP-C-72443' in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, and was repatriated to the jurisdiction according to the 'Tower' "Evolver Management Treaty" The country, which is the republic. Excuse me, is there a problem?"

Qiao Xun replied, "No."

"Okay, then we'll test you for contamination first. Please relax."

Qiao Xun nodded.

The two test people put some neural electrode stickers on his temples, between his eyebrows, his chin, his palms, his chest, and his calves.

A weak electric current entered his body.

"Pollution value, 0." The recorder paused, "Did something go wrong?"

The other two inspectors checked it together, "No problem."

The recorder nodded. Although the pollution value of 0 is rare, it is not uncommon. He didn't ask too much about things other than his duties, "Check the mental value."

"Spirit value, 60." The recorder said silently in his heart, a bit low. Can this level of spirit be involved in a major pollution event?

Probably just passing by.

After all, the spirit value is linked to the level. A mental value of 60 is almost the level of an ordinary person to a quasi-evolutionary.

"Capacity risk value... Mr. Qiao, please try to urge your body's energy to run the main advanced talent."

Qiao Xun thought about it, and motivated the second-order talent "Chasers" of Yu Dou's route.

The recorder looked at the value on the meter and said: "The third-order evolutionary, the ability risk value is 800 to 100." He recorded the value and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Qiao, your test finished."

By activating the second-order talent, it is actually easy to detect the third-order. It's probably the body's energy intensity.

The recorder continued: "Then, you need to go to the Yuzhou Mountain Area Emergency Response Center to register."

"OK, thanks."

Immediately after the three-life inspectors left, two staff members in standard uniforms took Qiao to an army green jeep and headed to the Yuzhou Mountain Area Emergency Treatment Center.

Looking out of the car, high-rise buildings rise and fall one after another, standing on both sides of the road, like soldiers made of steel.

The neon lights came into view, and the intimacy of returning to the hometown was spontaneously felt.

After all, it is the capital. In such an emergency, it is natural to strengthen the vigilance to prevent people from getting into trouble. Every time a major event happens, there are always people with malicious intentions trying to stir up the storm and break the order of the country. A short distance away is a street lamp-type pollution monitor.

Qiao Xun has seen this kind of pollution monitor on the "Tower Network".

Unexpectedly, it can be seen everywhere in the capital. He searched the "Tower Network" and found that the Republic Branch Center announced half a month ago that pollution monitors will be installed in major cities across the country one after another.

Qiao Xun marveled at the depth of the republic.

You must know that this thing is something that many countries have the technology but no resources to make, and it has actually achieved mass production in the Republic.

Of course, it has always been a habit of the Republic to keep a low-key hide.

Before the global official announcement, these things could not be seen, and the official announcement immediately sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

I have to say that living in such a place is very safe.

Maybe, other countries tell the people to believe that the country may be out of political stability, but the republic that has always been serious about governing the country will definitely not be sloppy.

In the car, no one else said a word.

very serious.

There is a significant professional difference from the previous Tateyama City Coast Supervision Team.

Half an hour later, when I entered the urban area of ​​Yandu City, the surroundings suddenly became lively, full of traffic and people.

It seems that the word "pollution" is far from the capital.

If the capital of a country is in chaos, it proves that there is basically no good place in the whole country.

Qiao Xun looked at the prosperity outside the window, and his heart was very peaceful.

He thought about how he felt on the plane before.

That "lazy" feeling. Of course, this is by no means "lazy" in the universal sense, but a more obscure and mysterious one.

Drawing the scene of the giant meteorological species jumping out of the clouds in his mind actually triggered a little "lazy" cry.

He is sure that this is not a lazy hunt for fish during working hours, nor is it a lazy procrastination who always has to put off homework to the end when he was a student.

Think about it, what was different than usual at that time?


Drawing in your mind?

But I didn't have this feeling when I built the confrontation model in my mind and the distribution map of Morioka Central Private High School before.

There is no sufficient and necessary connection between painting and "laziness".

He tried to draw the scene at a glance in his mind using the three tricks of "point, line and plane" at will.

I drew it quickly, but there was nothing special about it.

Analyze the logic.

At that time, I saw the giant weather species jumping out of the catapult, and then my heart was full of admiration for life and beauty, and I couldn't help drawing that scene in my mind. Finally, when I drew it, the fourth golden step in my mind changed from extremely blurred to slightly. clear and distinct.

Perhaps the key lies in the admiration of life and beauty in the heart.

However, from this link alone, it seems that there is nothing related to "laziness".

Promoted to "gluttony" because of devouring the eggs of aberrant parasites;

Then devour enough polluting creatures;

Because of the strong desire of the rabbit people, it was promoted to "lust";

Then absorb enough emotions and desire nutrients;

Because love breaks through the extreme greed and despair and is promoted to "greed";

Then "greed" adds various extra effects to his talent, greatly improving his resistance;

It can be found that the promotion of the first three ranks has obvious characteristics.

But it seems that it has changed since "lazy". Superficial properties alone do not really promote growth.

Whether it's being lazy by yourself or seeing others being lazy, it doesn't work.

Qiao Xun thought that the level of "lazy" may be a change from appearance to connotation.

He has read a lot of cutting-edge academic literature in the "Tower Network". In a large number of statistics, the main advanced talents often start to make a qualitative leap in the fourth order. It's like the huge difference between Fujiwara Masato's "point, line and surface" and "body".

After that, it will undergo qualitative change again at the sixth level. Of course, this is only conjecture at the moment, because the existence of being promoted to the sixth rank is too rare, and it is difficult to contact it no matter where.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xun sighed.

At present, it seems that the fourth-order "laziness" is not so easy to break through, and it takes more effort.

I can't figure it out for a while, and I don't worry too much anymore.

Not long after entering the city, the military jeep stopped in front of the government building in Yuzhoushan District.

Unlike Japan, the emergency response centers or the smallest units of prevention and treatment teams in the Republic are generally located next to the local government buildings.

On the one hand, this is more in line with the system of the Republic. On the other hand, the Republic emphasizes that professionals should cooperate with the government to manage, and there is no such thing as a group of non-evolutionaries worrying about the pollution incident handling procedures.

Because the global official announcement is now made, the emergency response center will no longer be secretive, but will be displayed generously.

This can also reassure ordinary people to a certain extent. After all, it can be seen that there are state organs dealing with various matters.

The staff took Qiao to the Yuzhou Mountain Emergency Treatment Center.

He needs to re-state his involvement in a major pollution incident in Japan, and then register and record the itinerary.

For such a diplomatic matter, the information must be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a second review.

After the second audit, it must be verified and analyzed by the Republic Branch Center.

After the three parties jointly determine that his situation is true and there is no negative impact, the incident will be recorded in the "Tower"'s evolutionary database through official channels.

There are layers of checks, basically it is impossible for any mistakes to occur.

If you manage it strictly, you will be safe accordingly.

After the whole process, it was almost two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Because both the emergency response center and the branch center are online 24 hours a day, there is basically no window between the processing and resolution of a matter.

That's fine too, don't have to run back and forth, just one trip will solve it.

Come here, Qiao Xun decided to do his third ability assessment together.

Because he is from the Emergency Response Center of Zhidong City, he must first have the delegated authority of Zhidong City to do capability assessment in other places.

Of course, because he had passed the Qi with Zhou Sibai in advance, the authority was soon delegated.

Then, with the help of the staff of the Yuzhou Mountain Area Emergency Response Center, it took an hour to complete a brand new capability assessment——

【Name: Qiao Xun

Basic information:

Title: Intermediate Officer

Position: Special Commissioner of Zhidong City Emergency Response Center of "Tower" Republic Branch

Place of registration: Zhidong City Emergency Response Center, Republic Branch of ‘Ta’]

[God's Chosen: Yes

Main advanced talents: "Rabbitformes", "Chasers", "Dolls"

Totem: Yu Dou

Other talents: unrecorded]

[Talent Adaptability: Archived]

[Recommended by: Zhou Sibai

Reason for recommendation: This person killed the believer alone...]

[Main combat experience: 1. Participated in the control and cleaning of the wolf-level pollution incident "Zhidong City Pollution Incident" as an intern; 2. Completed an investigation task; 3. Take the sea train for 16 days; 4. As a key personnel One of them participated in the major pollution incident of Morioka Central Private High School in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan Branch of "Tower"

[Evaluation: The advanced route is routine, the personal combat ability is strong, the pollution value level is extremely low, and it has strong environmental adaptability and evolutionary communication ability. It is recommended to assign positions:

1. Intermediate control team sentry;

2. Combat individual soldiers;

3. Members of the International Dispatch Support Team]

This time the evaluation is much better than the last time.

Upgraded from junior officer to middle-level officer, and recommended assignment of positions from what was previously an office clerk, a fly-level pollution incident participant, etc. to a sentinel, a combat individual, and an international dispatcher.

Among them, the gold content of individual combat soldiers is quite high.

Nine times out of ten, this evaluation is due to the pollution incident at Morioka Central Private High School.

After all, in that pollution incident, apart from the "Master" Fujiwara Masato of Block 10, he was the only evolutionary capable of confrontation, and it can almost be regarded as he solved the pollution incident.

Therefore, I got a job proposal for "combat individual soldier".

As for international dispatchers, they are almost equivalent to official mercenaries. Generally, it is necessary to go to those war-torn areas to solve pollution incidents that other countries cannot solve. Correspondingly, the sending country has to charge a high price.

Of course, no matter how good the evaluation is, it is the icing on the cake.

It is impossible to send charcoal in the snow.

After becoming an intermediate officer, some permissions in the "tower" are also unlocked for him, and he can see more combat records and learn more information.

Another point is that you have the qualifications to apply for the branch center position.

Qiao Xun thought about it carefully, and there are three advantages in the branch center: more resources, wider information, and access to more tasks that are at the forefront of the evolutionary wave.

However, there are corresponding inconveniences for him right now. First of all, the audit of the branch center is more stringent, and the ability investigation is quite detailed~www.readwn.com~ and the assigned tasks are relatively heavy. In Zhidong City Emergency Response Center, he has a good relationship with Zhou Sibai. Zhou Sibai knows that he is special, so he will not be assigned general tasks to do.

That's a waste of time.

In the branch center, there is no such convenience.

The most important thing is the "fitness is 100" that makes him and Zhou Sibai have some concerns.

He has learned from Xin Yu that some independent institutions and laboratories in the branch center are conducting various experiments, and many experiments require the participation of evolutionaries, which is not something that evolutionaries can decide on their own.

This made Qiao Xun worry a lot. He couldn't be sure if he would fall victim to some experiment.

After some deliberation, he decided to put his name in the Zhidong Emergency Response Center first.

If there is a change in the future, I will talk about it later.

After this trip, it was past four in the morning when I left the Yuzhou Mountain Area Emergency Treatment Center.

At this time, the city of Yan has already begun to have a firework atmosphere.

Those breakfast shops were busy, and the rushing heat came out, pouring together with the dark sky to build an ordinary corner in this new era.

Qiao Xun found a breakfast shop and ate a good meal, which was the first meal of the day when the shop opened.

Although there are Chinese restaurants in Japan, I always feel that the taste is not that good. After all, adjustments will be made to adapt to the tastes of local Japanese people. For example, Mapo tofu, most places in Japan are sweet.

So, although this breakfast is simple and simple, Qiao Xun was very happy and satisfied.

The first meal back home is delicious, no matter how ordinary it is. This is probably the experience that most people have had.

After dinner, open a hotel to rest.

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