Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 29: You're not really out of your mind are you?

When I closed my eyes and opened it, it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

The prosperity of the capital can't be contained at a glance, and you can easily see fighter jets, bombers, helicopters and other armament weapons that you would never see in the urban area.

Generally, pollution incidents that use such large weapons are located in no-man’s land.

In densely populated areas such as urban areas and townships, it is also easy for evolutionists with strong mobility and controllable damage.

The phone rang.

Qiao Xun picked up the phone and saw that it was Xin Yu.


"I'm Xin Yu." Xin Yu's mature and sassy voice sounded.

"Why don't we use 'Tower Network' to contact us?"

"For the time being, I have to use my mobile phone."

"What's wrong?"

"We'll talk about it later." Xin Yu then smiled resentfully, "You've returned to China, and you didn't even tell me anything."

Qiao Xun was stunned, "How do you know?"

"I checked your information yesterday."

"Ah?" This Qiao Xun did not expect, "Aren't you in Mount Emei?"

"Well, I got a little injury and came back to recuperate. I'm currently in the office. I happened to be on a night shift last night, so I checked your information." Xin Yu said with a smile, "It's really yours, Qiao Xun, a major pollution incident. , or very high participation, was sent back to China. You have to tell me exactly what happened."

Qiao Xun subconsciously touched his nose and said, "If you are injured, take good care of yourself."

"I can't be idle. I can't get in touch with the latest news of the evolutionary world. I'm terrified to death."

"what happened?"

"Oh, it's hard to say. Let's have a meal together tonight. I invite you."

"That's fine."

After all, it was an invitation from the host, so I was too embarrassed to refuse. Moreover, Qiao Xun was really curious and wanted to know about the situation on Mount Emei.

Xin Yu was actually injured, it seems that the situation is more serious.

After hanging up the phone, Xin Yu sent a message shortly after he made a reservation for the restaurant.

Qiao Xun readily accepted.

At noon, I simply ate something to bolster my stomach.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xin Yu drove to the hotel.

Qiao Xun was surprised that she was driving a car, a domineering off-road vehicle.

After getting into the car, Qiao Xun laughed and joked:

"I thought you would drive a supercar to pick me up. Fortunately, I'm still imagining the scene of being picked up by a big beauty in a supercar."

Qiao Xun did not doubt whether Xin Yu could afford to buy a supercar.

Evolvers are treated very well, not to mention an Evolver of her level.

"Hahaha." Xin Yu laughed for a while, "That thing is flashy, do you think it's suitable for evolutionaries?"

"That's true."

"Luxury is not practical."

Qiao Xun looked at Xin Yu. She was still dressed like that, and she felt refreshed in winter clothes. She didn't tie a high ponytail today, and her gorgeous red hair was naturally curly. The atmosphere has changed a bit.

"Are you advanced?"

Xin Yu was stunned for a moment, "Good guy, fiery eyes?"

"The feeling has changed."

Xin Yu stepped on the accelerator and said with a smile, "Thanks to you."

"Break me too."

"It's almost the same. After getting the reward after 'Resurrection', I immediately advanced."

"The fourth-order messenger..."

"Well, the new talent is 'time lock'."

"'Timelock'? Sounds great."

Xin Yu didn't shy away from Qiao Xun at all, "That's it. Locking the time trajectory of the designated target is very useful, but it's very difficult to use. I'm still groping."

"Then have you gotten better?"

Xin Yu smiled and said, "Look, I didn't tell you that I've been gone for a few years."

"So, is that all right?"


"Why is it better to have a fourth-order disease?"

"The third-order to the fourth-order is a qualitative change. Many talent routes will encounter problems in the process of rising from the third-order to the fourth-order. Therefore, this is the second barrier for the evolutionary except the entry. If you can't get it right, you may be forever. Can't advance."

"There is such a thing."

"Well. The mainstream view is that this is the key test of completing the evolution, that is, the spiritual, conceptual, connotative, and meaningful level of evolution from the physical level."

Qiao Xun nodded.

He thought about his own business. The biggest threshold currently standing in front of him is how to understand "lazy".

This may be the key test of the third to fourth order that Xin Yu said.

Xin Yu chose a high-end Chinese restaurant according to Qiao Xun's wishes.

After taking a seat and ordering food, Qiao Xun looked at her and asked:

"What's the matter with your injury?"

Xin Yu pointed to his head, "There's something wrong with my head."

Qiao Xun was stunned for a while, "You speak really directly."

Xin Yu smiled happily, her shoulders trembled slightly, and her dazzling chest trembled slightly.

"There's really something wrong with the head. What a misunderstanding."

Qiao Xun was annoyed. Her direct and unpretentious character is really not good for jokes and jokes.

"What exactly happened?"

Xin Yu took a sip of water and put away his smile, but his expression still looked very relaxed, "Didn't I say before, catching monkeys in Mount Emei, the monkey king slipped away a bunch of monkeys and monkey grandchildren. We have a total of three contingents, One is responsible for escorting the remaining monkeys, and the two are responsible for chasing the monkey king, and I am responsible for the pursuit."

"Did something go wrong during the pursuit?"

"Almost. That Monkey King has evolved too fast, and... I'm not sure yet. Our preliminary guess is that there is a master."

"There is a master?" Qiao Xun was stunned for a while, it was the first time he heard such a statement.

"Yes. Its evolution is human-led. Two of our dispatch teams chased an abandoned village, and almost every building in the village has a lot of talisman paper. The paper was almost wiped out. Although I evacuated in time, everyone was injured. I was injured by one of the talismans. My consciousness was injured, and I can't enter the 'tower net' now, so I use my mobile phone. call you."

Qiao Xun hissed, "The eight contingent members..."

"It's also quite helpless. The other party is much stronger than us."

Qiao Xun muttered, "I'll just say, will this be a foreshadowing?"

Xin Yu said with a smile, "I really got it right for you."

"You are quite optimistic."

"I can't cry even if I cry."

"Is it difficult to treat if the consciousness is injured?"

"Well, at the current level of biomedicine, the technology for consciousness is still too weak."

"What about the doctor in the evolutionary?"

Xin Yu shook his head, "Those big doctors are all in trouble. Small doctors can cure them, but the effect is mediocre. I guess it will take half a year. It's distressing. If Xianyi wasn't there, I would have her give it to me. Let's format the data."

"You really dare to think about it."

Formatting life data, doesn't that mean reopening?

Xin Yu spread out his hands.

Qiao Xun asked: "And after that? What did the above think?"

"This kind of thing must not be perfunctory, there are people in the top 20 of the talent pool sequence." Xin Yu smiled mysteriously, "Want to know who it is?"


"I'll sell it."

"...No one who sells secrets will deliberately say that they sell secrets."

"Ah, is that so?"

Qiao Xun was suspicious, "You don't really have a problem with your head, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Xin Yu coughed and whispered, "The ninth talent of the sequence is 'Soul Capture'."


"Yeah, after we heard about it, we were very glad that the master of the monkey king didn't kill him. If he did kill him, we would be completely screwed. If that's the case, it's probably not just the ninth."

"It feels like a lot of trouble."

Xin Yu nodded, "After the global official announcement, troubles have emerged one after another. It's not just some people who make trouble. There are also special things, I don't know the specifics, but well, now that I think about it, I choose the global official on January 1. Xuan may be forced to."

"Can't the information be blocked?"

"Well, many third-party forces are accelerating. Isn't that the sea train."

"Indeed. But what's the main trigger that connects it all?"

Xin Yu shook his head, "It's a game of silence, there are vaguely similar guesses, but they are not willing to really stand up as the leader, so secret wrestling is the best solution that is feasible at the moment. There are too many incentives. Maybe it's the giant weather species that has been frequenting recently, maybe it's the lost miracle that's gradually popping up all over the world."

The giant weather species is indeed. From the perspective of global information, the occurrences are much more frequent than before, causing global abnormal climate.

When he heard about the lost miracle, Qiao Xun couldn't help but be moved. He asked:

"Have you heard of scavengers?"

Xin Yu was surprised, "Where did you hear this?"

"I... have seen it once."

Xin Yu paused, looked up and down at Qiao Xun for a while before making the sound of air passing through the gap between his teeth.

"I've never seen that thing before. You... have a really rich experience in this adventure."

Qiao Xun admitted, indeed. In just a few months of adventure, his knowledge of the new era has surpassed that of most evolutionaries. Even those who have joined the "Tower" for several years and have been controlling the team to perform tasks may not know more than him.


"The existence of scavengers is a rumored story for most evolutionaries. Every time the rumors appear, they must be accompanied by heated discussions in cutting-edge academic research institutions. But even so, we still know too much No more." Xin Yu shook his head, "I'm just at the level of hearing. The most widely discussed rumors about slender ghosts in the Federation 20 years ago should be the most widely discussed."

"I've seen that movie. Once it's on the screen, it won't be so exciting."

"Indeed." Xin Yu was silent for a while, sipped a straw and drank some juice to moisten his throat, then changed his expression and asked with a little ease: "So, what happened to the major pollution incident you participated in in Japan? "

Qiao Xun said:

"I saw that there was a pollution incident there, so I went. I didn't expect people from the Black Revolution to show up. They were looking for something."

"People from Heige never see the superficial logic in doing things. Although all countries know that Heige's origin must not be a half-way monk, it can be traced back, but the other side is hiding too deep." Xin Yu laughed and joked, "Japanese JK How about it?"

"What did you say?" Qiao Xun rolled her eyes at her.

"Don't underestimate my intelligence ability. I know Nan Shizuku Hitomi who is talented in the information system. I don't believe that you and her just met by chance." Xin Yu raised the corner of his mouth.

Qiao Xun had to be surprised that Xin Yu, who was far away in the Republic, knew so much about this matter.

He was very confused. Isn't the information system innate ability to be kept secret in any country?

"How did you know?"

"Do you think the Japanese branch will have the support of the Republic branch?" Xin Yu smiled slightly.

Qiao Xun suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the number of evolutionists from the Japanese branch who went to the Republic to study and communicate accounted for 80% of the total number of people who studied and communicated. Dareqing still has such a link.

He touched his nose, "I thought the Japanese branch should be all the way with the federal branch."

"There are still racial differences, and for evolutionaries, a slight difference in the development path may lead to a completely different gap. On the other hand, evolution has also separated the politics of Europe, Asia, America and Africa to a certain extent. Geographical connection."

Qiao Xun said, "It seems that I still have a lot to learn."

The two were having a meal and discussing.

Xin Yu asked, "What's your plan? I think your job title has risen~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, go to the task force. I recommend you."

"No. I don't really want to form a team."

"So, do you want to be a single soldier?"

"That's the plan for now."

Xin Yu nodded, "Yes, you are a more comprehensive person, and it is indeed suitable for you to be a solo soldier. Do you want to stay in Yandu for a while?"


"I'll arrange accommodation for you."

"With you?"

"Thinking beautifully." Xin Yu said, "There is an empty house next to my university."

Qiao Xun was startled, "Are you still a college student? A graduate student, a Ph.D student?"

"...I'm a doctoral supervisor."

"Are you Gui Geng this year?"

Xin Yu chuckled, "Look, you are frightened. I came from the junior class, I graduated from college at the age of fourteen, and I am now twenty-six. The reason why I am a doctoral supervisor, um...because the students I bring are quite special, yes Evolutionary."

"There's something like this."

"Of course, it's been a long time ago. Otherwise, why do you think our country can rise so quickly? It's all secretly working hard and doing big things in a low-key manner. Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhou Sibai was also a teacher in this area before, and he brought a lot of students. , Looking at it, this Yan is all over his students from high to low."

"No wonder?"


"No wonder Team Zhou said that he should consult him about any problems he encountered in Yandu to see if he could help me solve it. This is still a low-key statement. But why did he go to Zhidong City?"

Xin Yu's expression was a little unsightly, and he shook his head, "I can't bring this up."

Qiao Xun looked at her and didn't ask any more questions. Keeping your mouth shut is also the key to interpersonal communication.

Xin Yu tilted his head slightly and looked out the window. She thought that it should be a scar that could not be erased from the era of the Republic.

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