Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 31: Being a guinea pig won't treat you badly

Vaguely discerned that it should be a deserted mountain village.

The overgrown weeds covered the road and built the house.

In the distance you can see the dead tombs, and the arched tombstones made of white stones have turned blue and black.

If some donkey friends break into this deserted mountain village, I am afraid that it will become a supernatural story like a "closed door village" again, attracting some inexperienced directors to rush to choose a topic and make a stunt to shoot.

This scene is quite suitable. As Xin Yu said, almost every building, whether it is the main house or the pigsty, whether it is an ancestral hall or a village sign, is covered with yellow talisman papers, which are connected by thin cotton threads. Get up, still tying the bell at intervals.

As soon as the wind picked up, the bells rang immediately. Just imagine, whoever strays into this place must not be scared to the point of urinating.

Materialists don't believe in ghosts and gods, and Qiao Xun is more concerned about the weird runes on the rune paper.

In his opinion, any rune paper is just a way to carry runes. Those runes have the same effect as written on the bluestone, like the scavenger's derivative runes.

Perhaps, those Taoists in the past had adopted such a trick. The so-called magic skills can be interpreted as the use of runes in the final analysis.

People such as immortals and masters of the Tao are probably just stronger evolutionaries.

There were too many talismans, and Qiao Xun didn't have the time or effort to read them one by one. His purpose is to treat Xin Yu.

According to the energy traces and special traces in Xin Yu's consciousness defect, it is inversely deduced. Just like the derivation of the reverse channel from the inside and outside world.

The law of proof by contradiction is also a method of proof.

"Numerology follows the sky" respects all scientific research methods.

Gradually, Qiao Xun gradually understood that Xin Yu's injury was more like the erosion of a derivative rune. That is to say, the runes carved on the rune paper are derivative runes similar to the scavengers.

Although he doesn't know how to use the derived rune, he has a certain understanding of it, because he deduced the "friend of the soul" under the totem of the immortal in Tateyama City.

With experience, the process is easy.

The reverse process of damage and erosion is the process principle of repair and supplement.

In order to reassure Xin Yu, he used "withered trees to meet spring" to soothe her nerves, which was also a bit of a blindfold.

With the effect of "withered wood meets spring", Xin Yu immediately felt a warm current in his body. She is very familiar with it, this is the talent of healing. However, I knew in advance that Qiao Xun had a talent for healing, so I wasn't surprised.

In essence, the damage to Xin Yu's consciousness is the separation of consciousness and self-cognition. This is also the reason why she can't use the "Tower Network", because the login of the "Tower Network" requires the authentication of the consciousness symbol, and self-cognition is obviously a part of the consciousness symbol. Otherwise, if others control your consciousness, they can enter you. The "tower network".

With this link of self-awareness, other talents cannot easily enter your "tower net".

Qiao Xun uses "numerology to follow the sky" to mend this defect of consciousness, that is, to reconnect consciousness and self-awareness.

Because there are not many missing, the repairing process is relatively fast.

About an hour later, the repair was completed.

Qiao Xun withdrew from her consciousness, "Okay."

Xin Yu was still immersed in the sense of healing brought by "withered trees meet spring". Hearing him speak, he paused for a moment, and then said in surprise:

"Is this all right?"

"Well, it's not serious, it can only be said to be special. Check it out."

Xin Yu closed her eyes and felt the consciousness for the first time. Then she tried to enter the "tower net" and entered immediately without any obstruction or discomfort.

She opened her eyes and was very surprised, "You really surprised me too much."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, "I am also growing up."

He didn't make any modest words. Xin Yu's character is more suitable for direct expression.

"How much do I have to buy you to eat before you can afford it?" Xin Yu's expression was very relaxed and lively.

"Then you'll pack my dinner."

"It's done!" Xin Yu readily agreed.

"I'll just talk about it."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter."

Xin Yu's consciousness became clear, and he was in a curious mood. He stepped on the accelerator and roared away, "Let's go, I'll take you for a ride!"

Qiao Xun can understand her feelings very well.

For an evolutionary person, being deprived of the feeling of entering the "tower network" to understand the world is like a normal person suddenly becoming blind.

The feeling of not being able to see, everything seems to be covered by fog, and only listening to other people's descriptions is very torturous.

Therefore, those who lose their sight due to accidents often receive a period of psychotherapy.

Her smile was very contagious, and even Qiao Xun's mood improved a lot.

After seeing the bustling night scene in Mujing District, Xin Yu sent him home and went to work.

According to her, even if the injury is healed, she still has to go to work.

She has always been a very responsible person.

Qiao Xun pushed open the door and looked inside.

Because of the four pots of bizarre plants, one with a big temper, Qiao Xun felt very pressured for no reason.

a little nervous.

He walked lightly into the living room and looked towards the small balcony.

With four pots of strange plants, the little one, the second, the third, and the four stared at him motionlessly.


This made Qiao Xun look like a rebellious young man who came home late and was guarded by his parents.

Qiao Xun wondered, even if he was a stranger, he wouldn't be so unwelcome.

Turning on the light, he squatted down in front of the four pots of plants.

Threat first:

"You four, put away your stinky faces and don't play with me."

After speaking, he felt that it was wrong, after all, they were shameless at all, so he changed the expression:

"You four, I have a bad temper, don't mess with me."


Nepenthes' small mouth moved, and a mouthful of unknown secretions spit out.

Qiao Xun hurriedly dodged.

"Good guy, spit, right?"

He used "Zhiyang" to create a weak detonation space, which exploded above Xiaoyi.


There is only a shocking sound, no aggressiveness.

But this was enough to frighten it, it immediately shrank into a ball, and a few large leaves covered itself.

Seeing how cowardly it was, Qiao Xun laughed.

"Little thing, why don't you try again?"

Nepenthes shivered. If it weren't for the plant pot and couldn't move, it would probably run away.

Not familiar with it either. Qiao Xun found out "Zaiyin" and learned about them curiously.

"Zaiyin" rummaged through their dark sides.

Qiao Xun felt it silently.

Hmm...have basic thinking, but not strong;

Emotional awareness, but only at stake;

Innate ability...none;

The genes are partially alienated, which is why they can show a posture that normal plants of the same kind cannot show.

"Is this the ability of the Huguang Research Institute? It's scary."

Control the evolutionary awakening process and turn randomness into inevitability. It has to be said that the mission of the Huguang Research Institute is very heavy.

Qiao Xun began to imagine that day:

Conventional source metals carrying runes are dissociated into free state source metals under certain conditions. Free state source metals pervade all over the world, prompting the comprehensive evolution of organisms...

Whether such a future can be foreseen is hard to say, but it does make people yearn for it.

Since ancient times, the confrontation between man and nature and between man and the universe has never stopped.

From the ancient people's yearning for immortal cultivation, and from the modern people's pursuit of the deep space of the universe, it can be seen that this is the superiority and uniqueness of human beings compared with other creatures.

When Qiao Xun saw that Nepenthes Xiaoyi was being honest, he stretched out his hand and stroked it like Xin Yu did.

After all, they are roommates, so it is necessary to have a good relationship.

Otherwise, how embarrassing it would be to come back every day to see a stinky face.

Getting closer little by little.

Fingers touched Xiao Yi's smooth big mouth lid, it was cool and felt like a cabbage stick.

He tried to press it, like pressing a dolphin's head.

It's kind of healing.

He couldn't help pressing it for a while longer.

It seemed that he felt that he had been greatly humiliated, the pitcher plant shivered a little, and snapped a bite.

high speed.

Even if Qiao Xun reacted right away, he couldn't dodge this mouth at such a close distance.

A small man with an unusually strong bite force, which directly caused Qiao Xun to tear his skin and bleed.

He quickly treated with "withered trees meet spring" to prevent toxic substances from entering the body.

After not discovering the poisonous substance, he breathed a sigh of relief. When he was about to criticize and teach the pitcher plant, he saw that the pitcher plant kept twitching in a strange way.

Its two large leaves are shaking up and down, and the stem in the middle is twisting left and right.

If you think of it as a person, its action is like the awkward and polite swing of a person who dances for the first time.

And "Lust" captures its emotion.

It seems that this first-year student is very excited.

"My dear, you don't think you took a bite out of me, you should get your revenge." Qiao Xun sneered.

However, he found that Nepenthes Xiaoyi was still continuously excited.

What's the matter, I don't want to look complacent after taking revenge.

It seems to be very hilarious.

Qiao Xun realized that when it bit him, it must have touched his own blood.

It was only then that he realized that he hadn't been injured by a polluted creature for a long time, so he almost forgot that his blood had a fatal attraction to polluted creatures.

To this day, he still doesn't understand why.

I thought about it in my heart and estimated, or else take advantage of the time I have now and study it?

Just do it.

He found a sewing needle, precisely controlled the force, and inserted it into his finger.

Squeeze out a drop of blood and drop it on the leaves of Nepenthes Xiaoyi.

It immediately swayed wildly, and the two large leaves swayed like human hands.

"Sure enough."

Qiao Xun then used "Zaiyin" to detect its energy intensity.

It has risen, and compared to its original strength, the rise is very, very considerable.

He squeezed out another drop of blood on Xiao Yi's leaf, and at the same time observed the flow of blood in its body.

A path of travel gradually became clear.

His blood does not contain much direct and huge energy, but there seems to be some kind of "mediator" that can stimulate a certain expression process of their DNA to produce special plant proteins. These plant proteins are able to build strange traces in their cells.

Qiao Xun carefully observed these traces and used "points, lines and planes", and felt every point, line segment and plane display of the traces.

However, because there is no perception of "body", he has to use "Zaiyin" to make vague guesses.

Then he was surprised to find that those traces were... runes.

Moreover, it's not a derivative rune, it's a native rune!

A native rune like the "Panqiu" engraved on the Twelve Statues!

Qiao Xun was shocked and confused at the same time.

The current explanation of evolution at the cellular level is that rune energy activates special gene expression, controls the synthesis of special proteins, and converts rune energy into body energy.

The appearance of native runes means the beginning of evolution.

In other words, for Xiao Yi who absorbed his own blood, the evolutionary path has begun.

He seemed to understand the fatal attraction of his blood to polluting creatures.

This is an excellent material for creating native runes!

Blood itself does not contain runes, but it can activate the expression of specific genes in other organisms to create runes.

This looks like a remarkable discovery.

But Qiao Xun had to pour a ladle of cold water on himself.

Although, he hopes that the global evolutionary related research will continue to make progress and breakthroughs, but he has not broken away from the vulgar taste and is willing to contribute himself to this research.


Exhale, suppress the unbearable mood.

Qiao Xun looked at Nepenthes Xiaoyi and said, "You, it's cheaper to pick me up."

Xiao Yi changed his nasty and disgusting attitude before, and took the initiative to stick out the blade to rub the back of Qiao Xun's hand.

Damn, lick the herbs, right?

In line with the rigorous attitude that individual samples cannot represent the whole, Qiao Xun dropped a drop of blood on Bluegrass Little Er, Succulent Little San, and Thorny Flower Little Si to observe their changes.

Except for the different native runes expressed, the other processes are basically the same.

The original runes are different. He speculates that because his blood itself does not carry runes, the expression of the runes is random.


He thought, "But where do these random runes come from?"

It's impossible to appear out of thin air.

Just like "gluttony" devouring others, it can only devour other people's talents, and cannot create talents out of thin air.

He verified them one by one, and was convinced that none of the runes they made were his own.

This is strange.

Qiao Xun thought about it for a while but couldn't figure it out.

"There are not enough brain cells. After all, the knowledge reserve is too low."

He felt that it was a little embarrassing for him to understand this.

It is like asking elementary school students to analyze the principle of the mass-energy equation.

However, I will live here for a while, and I will have plenty of time to study this matter slowly.

Qiao Xun looked at the four pots of plants and said with a smile:

"Good boys, being a guinea pig won't treat you badly."

Little One, Little Two, Little Three shook desperately, Little Four was a little more reserved and swayed.

They don't know what a guinea pig is, they only know that they have good juice with Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun repaired the wound and felt a little hungry. It should be said that he was greedy, but he was greedy for the other instant noodles and ham.

It's disgusting to eat instant noodles, but I haven't eaten it for a long time, and I want to eat it again.

It's amazing.

This was called the "Master Kong effect" on the Internet more than ten years ago.

Change your shoes and go to the downstairs shop to buy something to eat.

Before he could go out here, there was a knock on the door just in time.

Looking at the electronic display screen hanging on the wall, there were two people standing outside ~www.readwn.com~ wearing casual clothes.

But well, just by looking at his expression, he doesn't think he's an ordinary person.

What did you find this time for?

Unfamiliar with life, Qiao Xun didn't open the door immediately, and asked, "Who?"

"Hello, Mr. Qiao, I have something to ask you."

It was a man with slightly gray hair who was speaking. He looked not so old and was in his prime. The eye sockets are deep, but not dark or tired, the lips are relatively thin, and the eyebrows are thick. In terms of image... Qiao Xun felt quite familiar, as if he had seen it before.

And, obviously, he knew himself.

Qiao Xun subconsciously wondered if it might be his former patient who forgot his appearance.

However, that should also be called "Doctor Qiao".

He is still more inclined to think that they are evolutionaries, perhaps from the local emergency response center, and they need to cooperate with the investigation.

"What's up?"

"Can you go in and talk?" the man asked. The words are full of air, and the words are clear anyway.

"Sorry, I don't accept uninvited guests."

The man paused for a while and said:

"Then let me introduce myself. Hello, my name is Lu Yangyi, I belong to the Equipment Development Department of the Evolutionary Research and Development Commission of the Republic, and I am Lu Xianyi's father."

The Gongjin R&D Committee is the highest evolutionary planning and management organization announced by the Republic after the global official announcement.

There are several functional departments under it, among which the equipment development department is the first.

The Equipment Development Department is also known as the Qisan Arsenal.

Generally speaking, this kind of boss will not specifically introduce the close relationship of so-and-so's father.

Having introduced it like this, it means that Lu Xianyi's sullen and fierce father has come to find his daughter.

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