Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 32: He is worth looking forward to

"The conditions are poor, I just moved here, I have no preparations, please forgive me." Qiao Xun said politely.

Lu Yang shook his head. He seemed to be a soldier, unsmiling, always serious.

The three sat on the sofa.

Judging from the man following Lu Yangyi, this should be his subordinate or something.

This man is unremarkable, the kind that can be forgotten in a blink of an eye. His appearance has no distinctive features, even his eyes are very ordinary. However, the intuition of the evolutionary told Qiao Xun not to provoke him, he could not afford to provoke him.

Lu Yangyi said:

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I do have a reason to find you."

Qiao Xun quickly shook his head and said with a smile, "You're welcome."

Xin Yu said that Lu Xianyi's house is the gate of the Qisan Arsenal.

Lu Yangyi looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"Lu Xianyi, should have boarded the sea train with you, Mr. Qiao."

Qiao Xun nodded. Since he is here, it means that he knows everything he should know, and he wants to ask what the train can't know.

"Yes, at the end of November last year, we boarded the train in Modu."

Lu Yang exhaled a little, and frowned inadvertently. After a while, he said, "She's giving you trouble."

"No, she helped me a lot. Do you want to know about the train?"

Lu Yang was silent for a while, then nodded and said:

"Sorry, I hope you can understand your worries as a father."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, "It's nothing."

Lu Yangyi was an officer who joined the R&D Committee. He could have sent someone to invite him to talk to him at his house, but he took the initiative to come to him, and he had already explained that he only came to know his daughter's situation as a father, and he was by no means a stranger. It means to question in person.

He is very polite, and he is able to grasp his identity very well. There is no trace of bureaucracy in him, and he can't feel the official tone. Perhaps, this is the unique temperament of soldiers.

Qiao Xun thought that the "stuffy and fierce" in Lu Xianyi's eyes might be the result of her daughter's exclusive dissatisfaction with her father.

He sorted out the chronological order, and described his experience with Lu Xianyi on the sea train in an orderly manner.

Of course, this is the main experience, and the details involving personal privacy have not been disclosed. There was also the matter of the last five million points, which he did not tell.

When listening to Qiao Xun's remarks, Lu Yangyi frowned tightly.

From Qiao Xun's description he heard, it seems that his daughter has grown up a lot and has her own goals. Although it is still very informal at times, it seems that she has stepped out of the shadows of the past. But he always frowned, of course not dissatisfied, but because of worry.

"She said she wanted to find her own way to become stronger, didn't she?"

Qiao Xun nodded, "Yes. Although she sometimes shows playfulness and naughty like her age, I can feel from her words and eyes that what she said is true. In the end , When I got off the train, I asked her twice if she wanted to be together, but she definitely refused. She chose to stay on the sea train."

Lu Yang let out a heavy breath, looking a little tired. His eyes with deep eye sockets didn't move, just staring at the chandelier in the living room.

Qiao Xun didn't know what the father was thinking.

After a while, Lu Yangyi said:

"She always thinks too much."

Qiao Xun paused. What does it mean to say this to yourself? He thought about it and replied:

"This is also in line with her talent. She is a guide herself and often serves as the bottom line of the team, so naturally she needs to consider a lot."

"When she came back from Zhidong City, her life code was separated from her body. But no matter how much I asked, she was unwilling to tell me the reason." Lu Yangyi looked a little complicated, "Sometimes I always think, As a father, I am not doing my duty in any way."

this topic.

Qiao Xun felt it was quite private. But since Lu Yangyi is willing to say it, he has nothing to hide.

"Perhaps, you should think about how you took care of her when she was young and just awakened to her talent."

When Lu Yang looked at Qiao Xun, his eyes could not see the depth.

"When I first awakened my talent..."

He thought of fourteen-year-old Lu Xianyi. It seems that at that time, the Republic was going through the incident five years ago, and she was not by her side. Thinking of this, he was a little distressed, and his heart was not feeling well. As a father, he certainly understands that children's adolescence is a time when their three views and emotions are formed, and they need more companionship.

But Naihe, there really is no such condition.

Lu Yang shook his head, "It's a pity that I wasn't by her side during that time."

"Where's her mother?"


Qiao Xun didn't ask much, "So, it seems, maybe I should thank Xin Yu. Xin Yu should have provided a lot of help for her to get out of the predicament."

Lu Yang nodded. Unlike the traditional father of the Republic, he is reasonable and willing to face his own mistakes.

Here, he is not a senior officer of the equipment development department, but a father who is worried about his daughter.

Qiao Xun said, "Do you think Lu Xianyi has a fiery and strong heart to prove something to you?"

Lu Yang paused for a while. He knew Qiao Xun in advance and knew that Qiao Xun was a psychological counselor.

Although Qiao Xun was very young, Lu Yangyi did not underestimate him. After all, how you look at it, Qiao Xun is also an excellent evolutionary.

"Prove what..."

This sounds like psychological counseling.

Lu Yang thought for a while, thinking of Lu Xianyi's mother and his wife, he felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't show it. He shook his head, "She shouldn't be playing with her temper."

Qiao Xun nodded, "Yes, it seems that you know her better."

Lu Xianyi is far from being incongruous like her expression and laughter. She has a lot of thoughts in her heart but she is very firm.

Lu Yangyi said, "But she doesn't want to communicate with me."

"No one will become mature all of a sudden. She has an inseparable contradiction with the past, and such a contradiction will take a lot of time to resolve. Therefore, in my opinion, you don't need to worry too much about her psychological problems. Qiao Xun paused and said, "On the contrary, as her friend, I am actually more worried about her situation."

"You mean the environment of the sea train?"

"Well, before leaving, Sea Train made a lot of adjustments, adding a lot of rules that have never existed before. For example, the boarding day once every three months has been changed to once a week, random events have strengthened competition, etc. Obviously , The sea train is accelerating its progress in order to achieve a certain purpose. I can't predict whether Lu Xianyi will be able to spend it alone. "

Lu Yangyi looked at Qiao Xun seriously. He suddenly felt that Qiao Xun may be far more than the simple description in the investigation information, and he has his own ideas.

As a typical third-party conservative force, the sea train itself has a strong mysterious color. Even a high-ranking existence like Lu Yangyi couldn't characterize him for a while, so he felt the same way about Qiao Xun's worries.

"As a closed social environment, the sea train itself is not in contact with various forces in various countries, but it is indeed a suitable place to hone your ability." Lu Yangyi said, "Since she has chosen this path, she should walk without retreating. room."

"Aren't you worried?"

"My worries can't help her grow up." Lu Yang gave her a distant look, "Even if she falls on this road, that's her choice."

Qiao Xun remembered that Lu Xianyi seemed to be an only daughter.

I have to say that Lu Yang's attitude towards Lu Xianyi is very different from that of a traditional father, and they have many things in common.

Of course, Qiao Xun felt that he had no say in the relationship between father and daughter.

He has no children and has never felt fatherly love.

As soon as Lu Yang finished speaking, he stood up. Qiao Xun followed and stood up.

"Mr. Qiao, I'm bothering you so late. I hope it didn't cause you any trouble."

"You are very kind. Xianyi is my friend, and I should entertain you. It's just a pity that I just moved here, and I don't even have the conditions to prepare tea for you."

Lu Yang gave a rare smile, and the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, "Lu Xianyi has no friends since she was a child. Now that I have friends like you, I should be happy for her."

Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"This is the result of her own excellence."

Lu Yangyi was about to leave. When he reached the door, he turned and asked:

"Have you considered working together with the R&D Committee?"

This is... an olive branch.

Qiao Xun smiled and shook his head:

"Thank you for your favor, but I have my own plans for now."

Lu Yang nodded and said nothing, turned and left.

Watching their backs disappear behind the elevator entrance, Qiao Xun muttered in his heart, isn't this quite reasonable, where is it boring and fierce.

Perhaps, the father in the daughter's eyes is different.

Downstairs, after Lu Yangyi and his subordinates left the community, he asked:

"What do you think of this young man?"

"A rare evolutionary with a pollution value of 0, but it is strange that his spiritual value is abnormally low, only 60. Generally speaking, the spiritual value of a third-order evolutionary person is greater than 1000. However, the personal quality is very high, which is worth looking forward to."

Lu Yang nodded slightly. Although Qiao Xun said that Lu Xianyi helped him a lot on the sea train, he felt that Qiao Xun was the main leader.

"Zhidong City Emergency Response Center..." Lu Yangyi said, "I remember that Zhou Sibai was there."

"Yes. Qiao Xun was also introduced by him."

Lu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, "As expected of the eyes of the Republic, you can find extraordinary talents wherever you go."

"General, do you need to wake up one of our dark posts on the train? You can help Xianyi."

Lu Yang shook his head, "She can't disrupt the plan because of her."

"But for her, the current situation on the sea train is very dangerous."

"She chose it herself." Lu Yang took a big step forward, "Go back."


A low-key red flag car, carrying them away.

After sending Lu Yangyi away, Qiao Xun, who was originally greedy, lost his interest.

Although Lu Yangyi came to ask about Lu Xianyi, he didn't say anything else.

But this still made Qiao Xun couldn't help thinking too much.

He estimated that at half past eleven, Xin Yu probably hadn't started work yet, so he contacted her with "Tawang".

"Yo, I've been thinking about this since we separated." Xin Yu said with a smile.

Qiao Xun said nothing nonsense, "Xianyi's father came to me just now."

Xin Yu immediately became serious and asked:

"What did he do for you?"

"I asked about Xianyi."

"Did you say anything else?"

"Finally, he asked me if I wanted to join the R&D Committee."

"You promised?"


"That's good."

Qiao Xun asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"The Gongjin R&D Committee is different from the 'Tower' Republic Branch Center. The former is a state agency, while the latter is the 'Tower' branch. Let me tell you, I definitely don't recommend that you go to the Gongjin R&D Committee now. ."


"If you are a member of the Joint Progress R&D Committee, all your individual actions in other countries are illegal. This is different from the 'Tower'. Any country similar to the Joint Progress R&D Committee is very private. High. You can imagine what it would be like for someone in the CIA to act alone in our country.”


Xin Yu asked again, "Has he mentioned anything about the gene melting pot to you?"

"No. But is there anything special about it?"

"The Gene Furnace Project was set up by the Gongjin R&D Committee. All the equipment, materials and maintenance technologies of the Gene Furnace Project come from the Seven-Three Arsenal. I'm worried that you will be selected as a member of the Gene Furnace Project."

Qiao Xun said, "Probably not. Lu Xianyi's father is quite reasonable."

"He's reasonable, but that doesn't mean other people on the committee are reasonable. Those people are basically military officers, and they're all right when they make a decision."

"That's it."

"If you think something is different, you must tell me immediately, or tell Team Zhou. In short, don't participate in the gene melting pot project."

"it is good."

Cut off contact.

Qiao Xun pondered, is the gene melting pot project so terrible?

Even Xin Yu kept it a secret.

This plan does not belong to the "Tower", so I can't find any relevant information on the "Tower Network", and I can't understand it in detail.

Likewise, many countries have similar, tower-independent plans.

In the final analysis, "Tower" is just an organization that unites evolutionaries, not an organization that manages the country and maintains social stability.

He walked towards the small balcony.

As soon as they got closer, the four strange plants immediately became excited, just like dogs.

Gradually, Qiao Xun saw them also pleasing to the eye.

Seeing them waiting to be fed, Qiao Xun whispered:

"Poor fellow, you can't even have the right to choose."

On the first night of living in the new home, maybe it was because I had a lot of worries, maybe because of the winter climate in Yandu, I didn't sleep very well.

Walking out of the bedroom, he immediately went to the small balcony to observe the changes of the four pots of strange plants.

It seems to have grown up a bit, but there is no change in shape.

Especially the Nepenthes Xiaoyi, which was obviously bigger than yesterday.

As soon as they felt Qiao Xun approaching, they immediately swayed, like young eagles waiting to feed.

Qiao Xun doesn't have the love to nurture the cubs, all he thinks about is observation and change.

After washing, he fed a drop of blood to each of the four plants, and then carefully observed and felt their changes.

Just like last night, the blood stimulates the expression of their dormant genes, making unique plant proteins and drawing runes in their cells. After the energy generated by the rune is absorbed, it is converted into special energy that can be used.

Thanks to the "point, line and surface", Qiao Xun can also feel the changes at the cellular level clearly.

However, he has no way of knowing what the unique mediator in his blood is that induces gene expression.

In the next few days, Qiao Xun almost turned into a researcher.

Every day, I am recording and observing the changes of four strange plants.

At the same time, he has not forgotten the most important thing for him at the moment, that is to understand "lazy".

These days, he goes deep into the brief and spends a lot of time searching for information.

After being upgraded to an intermediate officer, there are many more data permissions in the "Tower Network" open to him. The content recorded in these newly opened materials is much more complicated than that of junior officers.

Most of the information of the junior officer is the introduction of polluting organisms, pollution incidents, and organizational forces.

After reaching the intermediate level, there is more content about evolution itself, such as "the relationship between totems and evolution", "why every major advanced talent has a corresponding totem". And, the main totem of the evolutionary world today, and the corresponding advanced route under it.

These totems are closely related to regional civilization and traditional culture.

For example, in the Republic, the most common totems are the twenty-four solar term gods and the sixty-year-old Taisui, totaling eighty-four totems. That is to say, the awakening of ordinary people has a high probability of being an advanced route under these totems.

There are twenty-four solar terms based on the movement of the stars, the standard table, and the ecliptic meridian of the sun: the beginning of spring, the rain, the stinging, the spring equinox...

In charge of misfortunes and fortunes in the world, there are Taisui years in rotation: Jiazi Taisui, Yichou Taisui, Bingyin Taisui...

In addition, it is a common animal totem, such as "artiodactyla", "lagomorphs" and these talents are corresponding to animal totems.

There are also Western constellations, churches, etc., which are relatively common totems.

Qiao Xun looked at it this way and found that the totems of Xin Yu, Lu Xianyi, Ji Zhengzhi and others were quite special. No wonder they were important national talents.

I have learned a lot, and my brain has been enriched a lot. Unfortunately, I can't find any records directly related to "lazy" in the database.

Except for the name, it really doesn't match with the ordinary Seven Sins.

It may be said that the Seven Sins in the Bible may also be adapted from some kind of totem.

But what he wants is not an adaptation, so there is not much reference value.

After staying for so many days, Lazy has never woken up except when he saw the giant weather species on the plane.

Qiao Xun's originally urgent mood gradually calmed down.

The third-order to the fourth-order itself is a process of qualitative change, and it is probably not in a hurry.

After calming his mind and putting his body straight, he became a Buddhist.

Every day is to raise plants, read books, occasionally go out to dinner with Xin Yu, and take a look at the international situation.

Not bad.

until the 8th of February.

The traditional festival of the Republic - Spring Festival.

In the first Spring Festival of the new era, the state has done a good job in order to boost the confidence of the whole people and encourage those who have fallen into confusion and anxiety.

Whether it's a gala party, a large or small lantern festival, a lantern festival, a banquet for a hundred people, a banquet for a thousand people...

They all revealed a new look for the new year.

Standing by the window, looking out, there are red paper Spring Festival couplets hanging on the street lamps. The urban areas where fireworks and firecrackers were originally banned have rarely liberalized their policies, allowing small-scale centralized fires.

Looking around~www.readwn.com~ is full of anger and transpiration.

It's not like whitewashing peace, but doing so can indeed inject a boost to the people of the whole country who have just experienced the dark month of January. At least let them know that the world has changed, the country is still the same country, and the people of the republic are still people of the republic.

But the excitement is all over the world, not here with Qiao Xun.

During the Chinese New Year in a foreign country, I am still alone. Even Qiao Xun was the first time to experience it.

Although I grew up in a welfare home since I was a child, I would go back to the welfare home during the Chinese New Year, or go with some friends.

This time, there is only one person.

In line with the attitude that even if he is alone, he has to live a delicate and careful life, he started to pack up the ingredients he bought yesterday early in the morning.

Get ready for a busy morning.

But just after soaking things like pork and spare ribs to thaw, the phone rang.

It was Xin Yu's call.

"Hey, what's the matter, I can't enter the 'tower net' again?"

Xin Yu's recognizable laughter sounded, "Yo, look down from the balcony."

Qiao Xun wiped his hands and walked to the small balcony.

Looking down, Xin Yu was leaning against the car door, holding the phone next to his ear in one hand, and beckoning to him with the other.


"It's New Year's Eve, how can I bear to see you alone." Xin Yu laughed and said, "We are a lifelong friendship. As the host, if you can't take care of this well, I won't dare to look back when I walk at night. ."

"As for it. Could it be that you want to help me? I'm about to cook."

"Don't do it. Come down, let's go, I'll take you to a good place."

"What's a good place?"

"Night Watch Street!"

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