Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 33: vigil street

Sitting in the co-pilot, the warm air pierced into Qiao Xun's clothes.

"So handsome?" Xin Yu looked at him and said with a smile.

"People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles." Qiao Xun said, "It's okay if you don't dress up on the first day of the new year."

After getting up in the morning, he took a shower on purpose, changed his outfit, and fought in front of the mirror, looking inside, it was a high-quality male model.

Xin Yu laughed, stepped on the accelerator and roared away.

"Where is Night Watch Street?" Joe asked.

"A place for evolutionary interaction. Yandu has gathered a lot of evolutionary people, and there is no lack of high-level ones. The evolutionary people themselves are not the same group as ordinary people, and their needs are different. I fully understand this, so the country specially opened it up. It is a place to be used as an interactive platform for evolutionary people. Night Watch Street in Yandu, Yulong Town in Magic Capital, and the old Chang'an in Xijing are all such places."

"A black market?"

"No no no, it is recognized by the state, and the state maintains order."

"I've never heard of it."

"It's normal. These three places are under development. It's normal not to know."

Xin Yu drove her car to the west of Yandu, and when she reached a certain place, she suddenly said:

"Get ready, we're going to cross the border!"


Xin Yu slammed on the accelerator, and a strong feeling of pushing back came.

Qiao Xun looked forward, and there was clearly a high fence.

Xin Yu didn't seem to want to slow down and brake at all, just ran into the fence and hit it.


The violent off-road crashed over, but the sound it made was not a bang, but a short sound similar to a downpour of heavy rain.

The scene in front of him quickly twisted from a high wall into distorted color blocks. The scene like a dog stepping on paint and showing joy everywhere caused a great mental shock to Qiao Xun.

It was a literal mental shock. He felt that something pressed his consciousness.

The distorted and distorted color blocks were quickly reassembled, forming a bustling and lively place.

Xin Yu slowly found a parking space to park the car.

After getting off the car, Qiao Xun saw this "Night Watch Street" completely.

A long and straight main road about five meters wide spreads forward from under their feet. Looking forward, there is no end in sight,

At first glance, you might think that this is an ancient town built for tourism. The architectural style and decoration style are all the same. If you don’t clearly see that people walking on the street are wearing the current clothes, military uniforms, standard clothes, civilian clothes, and special combat uniforms, I am afraid that you will think that you have entered by mistake. Ancient Street.

The street is divided into several branches on both sides, making this Night Watch Street not only long, but also very wide. There are various buildings on both sides of the road, shops, amusement parks, exhibition stands, art gardens, tea houses... There are all kinds of ancient and modern ones, there are white snow in the spring, and there are many people in Xia Liba.

In response to the word "night" in Night Watch Street, a full moon hangs from nowhere, and the moonlight spreads lightly on the blue bricks and green tiles, and the brightly colored moonlight shines on the eaves of the brightly colored pavilion. It is also New Year's Eve here, and the wind blows and lifts up the red lanterns hanging on the flags under the eaves. Looking at an amusement park, people on the street walked in and went upstairs, and people upstairs came down and walked towards the street, in an orderly manner, beating the hook bars.

"Are you sure this is the place where evolutionaries interact?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows, "Why do I feel like a tourist attraction."

Xin Yu said with a smile, "Don't always think that the place of the evolutionary is technological. It's a stereotype."

"But what's the reason for this?"

"You have to know that Night Watch Street is for the evolution of the Republic. You are in middle school now—"

"Middle school?"

Xin Yu nodded, "Yeah, we all call the middle-level officer a middle school. The junior officer is the primary school, and the senior officer is the university. These are the names of the past, and I don't need them now, but I'm used to it."


"After entering middle school, you should have understood that the awakening talent of evolutionary people is generally cognition based on cultural civilization. Culture itself is a kind of symbol, which carries a very special meaning and guides the awakening direction of evolutionary people.

"People from the Republic, most of the totems are the twenty-four solar term gods, the sixty-year-old Tai Sui and some animals. The less popular ones are all kinds of Taoist gods, such as the Eight Immortals, the God of the Society... and so on.

"The totems represented by similar talents in different regions are also different, just like the 'rabbit-shaped head', in our case the totem is Yu Dou, but in Europe it is Banga.

"Many buildings on Nightwatch Street have totem symbols, and some are even made of source metal. In order to match these totem symbols, the natural architectural style must be appropriate and reasonable."

Xin Yu said with a smile: "You think about building an ancient Roman or ancient Greek building here, how awkward it would be."


They moved forward slowly.

Walking in such a place, Qiao Xun felt disconnected from reality. The evolutionary people I see on weekdays are either dealing with pollution incidents, or on the way to deal with pollution incidents. Almost all of them have dark eyebrows. It is rare to see everyone gathered here so relaxed.

"What happened before?"

"How did you get in?"


"This is due to the big man of Sequence 11 in the talent pool of our Republic. The 'space folding' that did not grow out of the technology tree was first realized by the innate ability of the evolutionary. As long as it is an evolutionary who has registered in the 'tower', With the serial code, you can enter and exit at will.”

"Is this a folding space?"

"Well. The general space is not closed, so it is impossible to create a building that can accommodate totem symbols."

"It's amazing." Qiao Xun looked around, looking from a distance, he really couldn't see the edge, hiding in the dark.

This vigil street is like an island in a black sea.

"But why night?"

"Because we can't create natural light. The moon is actually a light-emitting device." Xin Yu said, and asked, "Do you want to watch first, eat or play?"

"Let's take a look around first."


Xin Yu acted as a tour guide, leading Qiao Xun to stroll through the streets.

Taking a closer look, you can see that this is still different from the general tourist town.

The most direct point is that there are no food stalls everywhere. Think about it too, how can a human evolutionary come to set up a stall to sell snacks for you.

There are quite a few totem visualization shops.

Totem visualization is to use innate intuition to feel the source metal carrying the runes.

As for these small shops, the source metal embryos are processed into various styles, such as calligraphy, painting, carving, books, etc., to achieve better visual effects.

The source metal that can be seen everywhere made Qiao Xun's heart ache, and he really wanted to swallow it clean.

But it's like seeing the bills in the bank, everyone wants it, but it doesn't work.

In the bank, you can put on a hood and rob and run away. In this closed space, you can close the door and beat the dog.

Qiao Xun actually found the totem "Yu Dou" visualization shop and felt it. It was really good, and it could improve his understanding of runes.

The understanding of runes has improved, and the natural talent is also easier to use.

Of course, the visualization store is not for people to visualize for free, it has to spend money.

However, this money isn't money, it's mission points. Complete the pollution incident and work for the country, you can get task points.

Qiao Xun was full of plans, so he also participated in two pollution incidents, one was a large-scale pollution incident in Zhidong City, and the other was a major pollution incident at Morioka Central Private High School.

The first one was only given 10 mission points because of the highest participation rate, and the second one was not at all because he was abroad.

So, I still borrowed Xin Yu's mission point.

"Let go of it, I'll use it as a wallet for you today." Xin Yu said cheerfully.

Qiao Xun raised his hand to call, "Long live Sister Yu."

However, at this time, I had to put on a vigilant face and ask, "Why are you being so nice to me? Could it be that you are greedy for my body and want to take care of me?"

Xin Yu was always happy with endless smiles. Every time he laughed, his long, slightly curly red hair trembled like the wind.

"You have a face that's taken care of. But, I do thank you very much. I'm not kidding. For friends, just be generous."

"No wonder Lu Xianyi always whispered in my ear before, how sister Yu treats her well, and how I treat her badly. You are used to co-authoring."

"That's not habit, it's full of love!"

Qiao Xun spread his hands, "Lu Xianyi also likes to say things like this. It's carved out of a mold."

"Oh, what you said, I miss her quite a bit." Xin Yu put his hands in his trench coat pocket, "I don't know when we will see her again."

"I don't know when, I think you might be taken aback."


"The sea train, it's not heaven."

Xin Yu pursed her lips and smiled, "I believe her."

Although the moon was still hanging in the sky, the time on the watch was eleven o'clock at noon.

After experiencing the totem visualization in the totem visualization shop, the two were almost hungry.

"I'll take you to eat something special." Xin Yu walked in front.

"How special is it?"

"You are heartless."

They stopped at Vigil Street and turned left into a side road that was slightly narrower than the main road.

The buildings here are decorated in the same style.

Looking at it from a distance, the banner that fluttered was written with the four characters "Chunming Restaurant".

"Chunming. Yan was called by this name during the Tang Dynasty."


"That's a lot of money."

"The country opened it."

"So, when you eat inside, it's a state banquet?"

"A special state banquet."

The two walked in.

Xin Yu seemed to be a big celebrity in the capital, and people greeted him wherever he went. As soon as she entered the restaurant, the waiter blurted out when she saw her:

"Miss Xin, and this guest, welcome."

Xin Yu asked:

"Are there any private rooms?"

"Yes. This way, please."

The waitress took them into a private room called "Zi Jiuge".

"Yujiuge...this name."

"This is the name of the totem." Xin Yu introduced: "The table inside is made of source metal, you will know when you come in and take a look."

Qiao Xun walked in. Looking around, I immediately saw the round table like a broken rainbow.

Nine different colors are scattered around the round table, and various small and unformed patterns are crowded on it.

"Is it so extravagant? Such a large piece of source metal is actually used to make a dining table."

"How is that possible." Xin Yu said, "The source metal is so scarce. This is the blank stone from which the runes have been extracted."

"What kind of totem is Yu Jiuge?"

"The totem of the talent library sequence 7 'Xian Lai'. It is rumored that Boya's song of high mountains and flowing water makes the mountains and rivers come into life. This spirit blesses one side of the country, and every time there is a big disaster, he sings a song to eliminate disaster Solve the problem, after Jiuqu is over, your life will fall to the sky. That's how the name Yu Jiuge came."

"You are very knowledgeable."

"Just kidding, doctoral advisor!" Xin Yu laughed happily after complimenting himself.

She really likes to laugh.


Qiao Xun took a look at the menu and immediately frowned.

Three-color yellow flower stew, carved snake head carp soup, boiled four-mouth red razor clam, crescent stove chicken...


Seeing Qiao Xun's embarrassed expression, Xin Yu smiled smugly, "I've learned a lot."


He didn't expect that these polluting creatures could actually be on the table.

"Republicans can eat, love to eat, and can eat. These polluting creatures are all low-level mutants, and they are completely harmless under the treatment of 'purification' talents. At first, it was only a cook's hobby, but making When I came out, I found that the taste is very unique, so I looked for this kind of ingredients everywhere, and after accumulating for many years, I have this menu."

"Fix it?"

"Nothing special except that it tastes better."

Qiao Xun was slightly disappointed, he thought he could increase his body energy by eating these things.

"But it's really luxurious."

"There are always people who want a better life, and so do evolutionaries."

Xin Yu recommended a few dishes to Qiao Xun, and Qiao Xun chose a few dishes based on his eyesight.

When the dishes are served, the food is in the stomach.

Qiao Xun immediately realized what "more delicious" means.

Indeed, these ingredients that have undergone the baptism of rune energy present a unique taste. It is not a feeling of "melting in your mouth" or "slippery but not greasy" in the traditional sense. It is a kind of spiritual anger that stimulates the taste buds to achieve a unique aftertaste that other ingredients cannot touch at all.

To say... the taste of life.

Eating ordinary ingredients can only feel the taste of the ingredients themselves.

Such ingredients carry the taste of life. Or the taste of life.

It seems to have found the most instinctive pleasure of eating.

Such a unique New Year's meal made Qiao Xun reminisce for a long time.

Xin Yu said:

"It's a pity that only the evolutionary can feel this kind of taste. Ordinary people can't feel it."

"Is it because of physical characteristics?"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ Although the country won't say it explicitly, evolutionaries and non-evolutionaries can indeed be regarded as two types of life, or even... two species."

Of course, the country will not say that. Class contradiction itself is a problem of the century. If there is another species contradiction, then there will be no life.

Chinese New Year is all about being happy.

With this attitude, Qiao Xun put aside those troubles and went to watch and play in this night watch street.

In the depressing and dull world of evolutionaries, perhaps this is a rare pure land.

After leaving here, everyone has to face the heavy reality, pollution incidents, evolution problems...especially the various dangers in those pollution incidents, which are like a sharp knife hanging from the throat all the time. Only in the night watch street can you find a short-term comfort.

"Is there anything you want to buy? There is a semi-annual trade fair today on Night Watch Street."

"What's at the meeting?"

"Runes, pollutants, weapons and equipment, various relics...a lot."

"Use mission points?"

"It can be a mission point, or it can be anything else. It can be traded in goods or currency. As long as the buyer and the seller agree, paper money can be used. However, the official window opened by the state can only use mission points."

"Flea market?"

"Almost. A lot of people will get some loot that they don't use when they perform their tasks, but others may be able to use it. Such a trade fair is to make the most of it."

"Alright then, let's go and have a look, in case there is something I want."

The venue for the trade fair is in the deepest part of Vigil Street.

From a distance, it looks like a large vegetable market with many stalls, windows and small shops.

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