Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 34: Scarlet machete from India

It is said that it is a vegetable market, but it is actually more like a Wenwan market. There are many strange things placed on the stalls.

Porcelain, rusted iron, books, loose papers, parchment like a treasure map. There are also things like sacrificial objects made of shells and wood, such as scepters, incense cases and so on.

There was a lot of noise in the trading market, and as soon as you walked in, you could hear the sound of bargaining. The enthusiasm is no less than that of the aunts and uncles in the vegetable market.

It seems that even these evolutionaries who are "mysterious" and "distant" in the eyes of ordinary people are unavoidable when it comes to buying and selling interests, and they all seem to take advantage.

The booths are arranged neatly. At first glance, they are all numbered, and they are separated by a distance of two to three meters.

Qiao Xun craned his neck, his eyes wandering up and down the booth.

There are so many things that people can't be overwhelmed. There are so many different things, and almost every one of them has a clear smell of pollution, so that when they come in, the environmental pollution value detection of the watch will immediately stop working.

Eyes don't know what to land on.

"Are these things all pollutants?" Qiao Xun couldn't help asking.

Things that are rarely seen in ordinary times can be seen everywhere here, looking at one, it is one, it really stimulates his senses.

Xin Yu chuckled, "That's not a good idea. Don't think that these people all belong to the 'Tower', they are colleagues, many of them are still in the R&D committee, and they eat from the public. In fact, there is no such thing as abduction here. rarely happens."

"Does the country care?"

"Pollutants are too difficult to define. There is no uniform standard, so of course it doesn't matter, and this kind of market is not a financial, retail, fast-moving goods market, how can it be managed. Therefore, if you buy and sell freely, if you buy fake products, you will suffer. Of course, It's not that easy to deceive the evolutionary."

Qiao Xun said: "Maybe there is a talent for counterfeiting items."

He has it.

"Indeed, but so what? At most, I will cheat here once or twice, but the price to pay is a terrible reputation. After all, those who can come here are all registered members of the 'Tower', with real names. Although the transaction items are irrelevant, the transaction records are remembered. Nine times out of ten, people who cheat and abduct will be posted on the 'tower net' for publicity. If you can't explain it clearly, you will basically die."


The circle of evolutionaries is not small, but it is definitely not big. Once the reputation is bad, it is indeed very difficult to do anything in the future.

The two of them were like in a supermarket, strolling leisurely.

Although it is said to be a pollutant, in fact, most things are just like that, and they have no real effect. The people who come here are not here for "collection value". For the evolutionary, things that can strengthen themselves are good things, and the last thing they want is flashy things.

At booth 12, Qiao Xun was surprised to find a blue blood pearl on the booth.

He remembered that he had received a commission on the sea train before and kept twenty-seven blue blood pearls.

After the blue blood pearl is ground, it can be dialyzed out of runes to make a series of runes for upgrading.

Of course, dialysis technology has always been a secret technology of various countries and forces, and ordinary evolutionaries cannot know it. There are processing plants in some black markets, but they are expensive.

Therefore, those individual evolutionaries often take the risk and choose to directly digest blue blood pearl powder. This can also have an advanced effect, but it is often accompanied by a continuous increase in the concentration of pollution in the body. If it cannot be effectively controlled, it will eventually be alienated into a polluted organism.

Qiao Xun stopped and asked the stall owner, "Boss, what is the price of this blue blood pearl?"

The stall owner was a man in his thirties, and he was a little dull just looking at it. But a mouthful of words immediately makes people feel that people are not good-looking. He said enthusiastically:

"Oh, it seems that this handsome guy is quite knowledgeable. This stuff is too rare in the inland. After grinding it into powder and asking someone to process it, it is the perfect body energy supplement. I was on a mission in Baiyue Province. , I took a lot of risk to get this one. Don't ask for it, buy it now, 200 mission points!"

He stretched out five fingers, of which the ring finger was apparently broken, and was attached with a metal finger.

"My finger was lost when I was playing with it. It cost a lot."

200 mission points...

Qiao Xun thought about it, an ordinary totem visualization only costs 20 quest points, and the meal at Chunming Restaurant only costs 25 quest points. This good guy, a blue blood pearl is so expensive?

The asking price is still so expensive. He looked at Xin Yu without a trace.

Xin Yu understood and told him with the "tape net" that a blue blood pearl was slightly expensive for 200 quests, but it was only about 10% more expensive.

Qiao Xun was shocked, it turned out to be so valuable.

In Sea Train, the lowest level bounty is to collect 10 blue blood pearls. 10 blue blood pearls can only be exchanged for 50 points on the sea train. It is conceivable how much the price of the sea train is controlled. But at the same time, with the conditions of the sea train, it is very easy to collect a lot of blue blood pearls.

That is to say, the real advantage or attraction of the sea train is that it can easily create the conditions for collecting advantageous resources. This condition is more risky in other places.

It seems that this reason is one of the reasons why many people are reluctant to leave even though Hai Lie is so dangerous.

He looked at the boss and said, "It's a bit expensive, and I don't really need it. Excuse me, boss."

The stall owner was quite enthusiastic, "It's okay, it's important to get what you need."

The two walked away.

"If you want to buy it, I'll give you quest points. If you're sorry, you can borrow it from me." Xin Yu said.

Qiao Xun shook his head, "I'm just asking. I have quite a few things like blue blood pearls."

"Did the sea train do it?"

"Yeah. Resources that are difficult to obtain outside the train can be easily obtained on the sea train."

"This is probably one of the reasons why it is attractive." Xin Yu said, "I have seen people who have returned from the train. They do have a lot of cherished resources."

Qiao Xun sighed, "High risk, high reward. It's a place to eat people." He shook his head, "It's a pity I didn't bring out my blue blood pearls, otherwise I could set up a stall."

Xin Yu smiled and said, "Go back and get it."

Qiao Xun said angrily, "Forget it, there are opportunities, so don't rush this day. After all, I'm here to play."


Looking at the booths one by one, I came across a lot of interesting things.

A pet cat that can speak a few simple words, a special hormone that can prolong the time of intercourse, a mutated vulture eagle eye, a blasting grenade that can move on its own, the sturdy bear skin of a mutant brown bear...


Those polluted creatures that were wiped out were put to the best use, the delicious food was served on the dining table, and the parts with special effects were taken out to perform special functions.

There are many useful ones, and quite a few useless ones.

Like an endless book, a biting glove, a tainted creature that looks like a treasure chest...

A whole hodgepodge of everything.

Many things are very useful to ordinary people, such as prolonging the time of intercourse... solving private problems; enhancing short-term memory... cramming before exams...

But for the evolutionary, the usefulness is really limited. Extend the affair? Isn't that what you can do by regulating sympathetic nerves? Not to mention short-term memory, each evolution has greatly improved spiritual awareness.

It's tasteless.

On the contrary, Xin Yu bought a few things, saying that they might be helpful to the research of the Huguang Research Institute.

I've been shopping around the market for more than half of the time. Although I didn't buy anything, it's not that I didn't gain anything with my knowledge.

Looking at the time, I guess it's time for dinner again.

I thought about visualizing the totem for a while, and then I went to have dinner. Just as he was about to step out of the trading market, at this time, a stall that appeared to be an Indian stall attracted the attention of Qiao Xun.

There is a red machete in his booth.

Qiao Xun walked over curiously and looked at the red scimitar. It was much clearer when he got closer. This is not forged from metal, and the red color is by no means the same as painting, but the knife itself is red, and the shape of the knife is like a combination of a Nepalese saber and a Caribbean sailor knife. The handle of the knife is completely different from the body of the knife. The material and color are different. The handle of the knife is black, which is the so-called colorful black. The material is... like agate, but no, it is very strange.

"Boss, can you introduce this knife?" Qiao Xun asked.

The stall owner can speak Chinese. When he speaks, he smells of curry and has a strong accent.

Indeed an Indian.

"It's made from the ivory of an Aberration Bloody Asian Elephant. It was me and my control team who encountered an Aberration Bloody Asian Elephant while on a mission in the Chiwana Mountains of Bihar, northern India. In my With only me left in the control team, I defeated it and made this machete out of one of its ivory." The stall owner said something like that.

It's hard to say whether it's because of the price increase, but Qiao Xun felt that it was indeed the ivory of a **** Asian elephant.

The **** Asian elephants of aberrations are very rare, but their combat effectiveness among the aberrations of tainted creatures is quite high. They are not only known for their brute strength and endurance, but because they "stomp down" with a powerful innate ability.

That is, by trampling the ground, creating a huge energy group attack. It is resistant to beatings and can fight. Generally, the control team will go around when they encounter it, but this thing has a single tendon, and its territorial awareness is very strong, so it is very dangerous.

Their ivory is great for storing body energy and converting it into special attacks.

In short, with this machete, you can draw light!

"What price?" Qiao Xun asked.

The stall owner said: "If you have a pollutant exchange that makes my heart feel, I'd love to. If it's a quest point, I'll charge more. You know, this thing is hard won, and my teammates paid the price with their lives. .5000 mission points!"

Qiao Xun's smile froze, "Boss, some lions have opened their mouths."

The Indian stall owner shook his head, "If I can't sell it, I won't sell it. This is the life of my teammates. It's very precious and has a great commemorative value for me."

"It's very precious and valuable, do you still sell it?"

"Because I can't use a knife anymore." The stall owner raised his right hand, and a gap more than 20 centimeters long was placed on the inside of his arm.

Just by looking at it, Qiao Xun knew that his arm was severely injured.

"I feel sorry for what happened to you." Qiao Xun said, "But can it be cheaper. How about 2000 mission points?"

The stall owner's eyes glared like cows, "Are you kidding me! Try buying equipment with 2000 quest points, can you kill a mad **** Asian elephant!"

"This knife is rare, but it's not worth 5,000. 5,000 quest points can only be saved by completing dozens or hundreds of pollution incidents. Moreover, even if it is an evolutionary, it is now the age of hot weapons. Our country's seven Aren't the high-tech weapons produced by the three arsenals more fragrant? I also think they are very beautiful, and they have a collection value that can be used in actual combat.

Looking at Qiao Xun's serious and wanting expression, Xin Yu curiously asked in the "Tawang":

"Are you short of weapons?"

"No. I just want this machete."

Xin Yu felt inexplicable. She felt that Qiao Xun should be a pragmatic person, not the kind of person who pays a lot of money to win because of the value of the collection.


"I still have to borrow your quest to use it, sorry for the trouble."


After listening to Qiao Xun's words, the stall owner was a little moved, and said, "I will give you a maximum of 100, 4900, and you can't miss one point."

Qiao Xun sighed, "Hey, boss. You also said that you can't use a knife right now. Isn't it our pursuit to make the best use of everything? It's useless to keep this thing with you, look at it. With so many people coming and going, who will stop for this knife? Now that the evolutionary confrontation is a combination of talent and technology, the effect of this knife is really not much.

"Furthermore, with the global official announcement, the evolution of the evolutionary world will become faster and faster, countries will invest more and more in high-tech weapons, and the value of your cold weapon will become lower and lower.

"3,500, how about it. Boss, think about it clearly. Today it can sell for 3,500, and maybe it can only sell for 2,500 tomorrow."

In fact, Qiao Xun was right.

Cold weapons like this that do not carry the power of runes and do not go with miracles are indeed becoming less and less popular.

It is true that miracles, miraculous-like or miraculous weapons are very powerful, like the thunder scepter of the third-party force "East King Court" in Europe, but it is very rare after all. More and more common cold weapons such as swords and knives have been replaced by high-tech customized weapons produced by major arsenals.

This blood-colored machete is definitely not a miracle weapon. Even if it is more powerful than an ordinary machete, it is not comparable to those high-tech weapons customized for various polluted environments~www.readwn.com~ After all, this Indian stall owner is a leader who can lead The team's victory over the **** Asian elephants that ordinary fourth-order evolutionaries can't easily deal with is not a sin. I know that Qiao Xun is right.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "4500!"

"3600!" Qiao Xun blurted out.

The Indian stall owner shook his head, "4500!"

Qiao Xun immediately became very irritable, "Up to 3800! Boss, this is my bottom line."

The Indian stall owner looked at Qiao Xun's performance and squinted slightly, "4200."

Qiao Xun gritted his teeth, made an uncomfortable voice, and said fiercely, "4000! If you don't agree, I'll turn around and leave."

The Indian stall owner laughed, "Deal!"

Qiao Xun's expression suddenly became awkward, as if he had bought at a loss again.

"Boss, forget it..." he said reluctantly.

"That can't be done. You people in the republic don't advocate repentance."

Qiao Xun sighed and looked at Xin Yu bitterly, "Please."

Xin Yu looked a little embarrassed. It's not that she can't get 4,000 quest points, but in her opinion, Qiao Xun obviously failed in the bargaining round and was slaughtered. This thing is worth less than 4000 quest points at all, and the boss is obviously pretending to raise the price.

"Qiao Xun, do you really want this knife?"

Qiao Xun said helplessly: "I bought everything, I can't believe it."

"Oh, let's do it."

Xin Yu didn't say much, and debited 4,000 quest points to the stall owner.

The stall owner's face was about to burst into laughter, and he immediately became very enthusiastic. He packed the machete swiftly with his hands and feet, and even generously gave two pairs of scabbards.

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