Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 36: You are the root of all evil, you should be killed! (eight thousand words 2 in 1)

, began to evolve from polluting the world

There are red lanterns hanging on both sides of the road, and the characters for "Fu" are illuminated one by one.

Before they became evolutionaries, they were still ordinary people in the end, guarding the one-third of an acre of land reserved for traditional festivals in ordinary people's hearts. This is clearly reflected in the decoration layout of this Night Watch Street.

Qiao Xun and Xin Yu, who left the trading market, came to the main street, and went to a few totem visualization shops that they were interested in to visualize the totems for a while.

It's just like feeling the different flavors revealed by different totems.

When I flipped it down, it was six o'clock in the evening, it was time for dinner.

Xin Yu said, "If you come to the Night Watch Street in Yandu, if you just end up having a meal, it will indeed be a little less flavorful."

Joe asked:

"So, at this last moment, are you going to take me to see something?"

"Peking Opera."

"It's too elegant. I'm just a layman, so I can't hear it very well."

"No, no, the Peking Opera performed by the evolutionary, I make sure you understand it clearly, and you can see the different charms." Xin Yu said with a smile: "I have seen Peking Opera in this Night Watch Street before, and I understand it. People with new talents."

Qiao Xun expressed doubts, "Is it so magical?"

"Of course, I won't let you down. Just go."

Xin Yu has done the best of the host's hospitality, and has made arrangements for Qiao Xun to spend the new year in a different place.

They set foot on the main street, crossed before the "Fu" characters on the ground one by one, turned around and entered a side road, and looked inside. That is the plum garden.

The name is Plum Garden. It is indeed a plum blossom. It is open at this time.

The door to the plum garden was open, and people kept rushing inside, for fear of missing something, but few people came out.

The refreshing fragrance of plum blossoms touched the tip of his nose, and Qiao Xun, who was excited by the harvest of "Mosuluo's Destroyed Zhi Xumi", gradually calmed down.

"Let's go in first and have a meal. Although the Lunar New Year's Day in Meiyuan is not as luxurious as Chunming Restaurant, it is indeed in line with the mood of watching Peking Opera." Xin Yu said.

The two followed the crowd into the plum garden.

There is a cave inside. From the outside, it just looks like a big mansion door. After entering, it is an elegant and delicate manor.

The plum blossoms planted in the yard bloom very beautifully, the wind blows and rustles like snow dyed pink.

Xin Yu is very generous, and never digs for food, clothing, housing and transportation, so once he goes in, he spends a lot of quest points and asks for a good location.

According to her, if you make money, you have to spend it.

The material life is rich, the spiritual life can be good, and the spiritual life is good, the work can be motivated, and then can there be conditions and opportunities to realize the self-worth in life.

Went up to the second floor and sat down in the front of the stand.

Start ordering.

Look at the large courtyard on the first floor. One stage has been set up, and the splendid embroidery surrounds the flag pole and the stage, looking very festive and lively.

The most eye-catching is the colorful and striking pattern in the middle of the stage.

The pattern is dotted in the middle, like a door **** with a twisted configuration.

Lines and colors contrast with each other, intertwined, and scattered with a faint golden red light.

Qiao Xun didn't understand and asked, "What's the point of that pattern?"

Xin Yu glanced at it, took a sip of hot tea to warm his stomach, and then said:

"The totem of Tai Sui."

"Being obsessed with Tai Sui... Today is the first day of the 2036 lunar year, and the year of the branch is Bingchen. In other words, it is Bingchen Tai Sui."

Xin Yu smiled and nodded, "Exactly, the year of Bingchen is Tai Sui, Lord Xin Yaxing."

Qiao Xun jokingly said, "If you have the same last name as you, could it be your ancestor?"

"Hehe, I want to give myself some gold, so that my ancestors can take care of my heavy... granddaughter." Xin Yu smiled happily, the slim-fitting women's coat covered her chest, and she still It looks fascinating.

Qiao Xun looked at the totem of Xin Yaxingjun, who was born in the middle of the stage. he asks:

"What's the matter with the totem glowing? I've never seen any other totem glow."

Xin Yu also took a serious look, but didn't see a name, so he thought about it and said:

"Probably the plum garden is designed like this. Every year during the Spring Festival, the plum garden will be very pompous. Maybe it's the special lighting."

Qiao Xun followed the attitude of "Practice to see the truth". As soon as "Zai Yin" was released, he went to the stage along the eaves.

I visited Xingya Xingjun's domineering totem up and down, left and right, but did not find anything worth noting, that is, the totem supported by ordinary source metal runes.

He then retracted his mind and settled on the vegetables on the table.

It is indeed not as big as the Chunming Restaurant, which is full of delicacies from mountains and seas. After all, it is the first month of fasting, very light, and most of them are vegetarian dishes, but the cooking is very delicate, the color and flavor are complete, and it is not too much.

The plum garden was gradually filled with people, and seeing the time, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

A man dressed in old Tang Zhonglang's clothes stood on the stage, and came up with a playful tone:

"Listed as a guest official, this plum garden today, during the festive season, must be tidying up, arranging arrangements, and bringing the opera carefully prepared by the door to welcome the festive season, congratulate the New Year, and give this evening a red light for the leader. red hot."

After the meal was eaten, the waiter took the table and brought some dry goods, such as melon seeds, peanuts, pistachios, and the like.

"Are you going to start?" Qiao Xun asked.

Xin Yu nodded.

"You said it was Peking Opera performed by evolutionaries, what do you think?"

Xin Yu was very relaxed, laying down on the chair with his hands up, and said with a smile:

"Evolutionary paths are different. Some people have awakened a great talent for God's Choice, and some people have awakened a talent who can't be on the battlefield, so they have to be a logistics talent. Like cooking, interpretation, etc., in short, thirty-six lines, OK The talents of evolutionary people are born in all walks. The evolutionary people who acted in Peking Opera in Meiyuan have awakened to the talent of interpretation.”

"Deductive... Only acting?"

"It's not, but it's more suitable for acting than going to the battlefield. Besides, their acting is not ordinary."

"Why is it unusual?"

"For evolutionary people, there is a state called 'conscious fantasy', you should know it."


The so-called "consciousness utopian" means that the consciousness is very relaxed, reaching a state that is somewhere between being detached from the body but not detached. This can have a very positive impact on a person's spiritual will, and can enhance comprehension and spiritual values.

"In the past, when our country's contingent doctor system was not yet perfect, some evolutionaries who participated in major pollution incidents and caused their own pollution values ​​to be difficult to control, just relying on listening and learning over and over again, many times to realize 'conscious fantasy'. Slowly relieved. Later, the doctor system was perfected, and it was no longer necessary to do so, but this type of opera was still preserved, after all, it is a very advanced spiritual enjoyment.”

Qiao Xun smiled, "That is to say, there is no talent for waste."

"Yeah, if it's used properly, it's always useful. At this point, the 'Tower' is amazing, and there are given job suggestions for almost every talent."

"That's true."

He felt that the work advice that "Tower" gave him was very suitable. Combat Soldiers.

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, the Meiyuan stage was lit up, and the surrounding stands dimmed.

A screen-like curtain still shrouded.

No one was seen, and the voice had already sounded.

"One round - the bright moon - looking in front of the window... it seems like an arrow in the heart of a sad person..."

Translucent and ethereal, gracefully revolving around Na.

Almost as soon as the voice sounded, Qiao Xun's eyes lit up.

He is not a lover of Peking Opera. He used to fall asleep listening to Peking Opera. But today's drama gave him a completely different feeling.

That voice seemed to drag his five senses away from this plum garden and went elsewhere.

The scene described in the lyrics and music is right in front of his eyes.

"I really hoped to see the gods and heavenly soldiers turn around, but I didn't expect—that between the mountains and swamps—there were—blocks..."

"It's good to see the commander in the city cultivating his general body, Dingshan-junwu asks the truth--"

"For several days, my brows were not raised, how could I sleep peacefully every night?"

"A talented dancer is like a lost dog. Who am I to talk to when I am full of distress?"


"Ask the Lord of Heaven, how did you meet the human world..."

In the entire plum garden, apart from the sound of opera on the stage, there is no other sound.

Qiao Xun understands what deduction talent is.

In fact, strictly speaking, this kind of talent can be classified as the spiritual department, but because its focus is not on fighting and confrontation, but on the soothing and massaging of people's spiritual will, it is more suitable for other people to use cultural and artistic expressions. Evolvers provide buffs, so they are classified as deductions.

If the evolutionary has an army, then the evolutionary with deductive talent is the art troupe. It can boost morale and relieve the evolutionary pressure of confrontation.

At the same time, they take the domestic cultural tradition as the theme, and every word and song has been considered. There are many totem descriptions corresponding to common domestic talents such as "Yu Dou" and "Kun Wujun". This, to a certain extent, realizes the role of totem visualization, or even better.

The Peking Opera that is being sung on the stage is not a traditional famous song, but is composed by Meiyuan according to the actual situation. The story of the team rescuing the villagers in a mountain village in southern Shunan that suffered a pollution incident.

In the first half, the control team was in danger, and they were about to be wiped out together with the villagers.

The second half is the turning point.

With their superb skills and deductive talents, several actors have fully mobilized the five senses of the audience and were present.

The different feelings brought by "consciousness and fantasy" are simply irresistible.

Qiao Xun looked at the stage. In addition to seeing the performances of several actors, he also saw that Xingya Xingjun's totem became brighter and brighter.

With the sentence "How can I see the sky and open my eyes, let this barren mountain pass the danger...", the first half of the show ended.

The lights on the stage dimmed, and ambient language such as thunder and rain indicated that the situation was critical.

Behind the scenes, several actors are busy preparing.

The exhibition coordinator held a rolled up script in his hand, walked over in a hurry, looked at a few actors and asked:

"The second half starts in a minute. Are you ready?"


"I was looking outside just now, and the tone of the last few sentences in the first half was a little higher. You should be careful in the second half. Also, Sanqiu, pay attention to the rhythm of your steps, and don't walk too fast."

The person called Sanqiu nodded and said, "Okay."

"Don't be nervous, just be natural. You have mobilized your good talent, and don't let the influence of your talent overshadow the lyrics and music itself."

The exhibition coordinator guides several actors. They listened carefully and patiently, after all, this is a senior in this new line of work.

Seeing that the second half of the time was coming, a field staff hurriedly walked over from the curtain and said anxiously:

"Mr. Wu, hurry up and see if there is something wrong on the stage."

"What's wrong?" The exhibition coordinator frowned and hurriedly followed.

They soon came to the curtain.

The field staff pointed to the totem of Xingya Xingjun in the middle of the stage and said:

"I don't know what happened to this totem, but it suddenly became very bright. Before the show, it was at most half of the current brightness."

"Are there any lights buried underneath?"

"No, this stage was only built this morning. I looked at it, but I didn't see any buried lights. We don't need underground lights for this play."

The exhibition coordinator slightly opened the curtain and looked at the audience.

The audience upstairs and downstairs was still looking forward to it. He thought that the play had to be finished smoothly no matter what.

"Pollution value, totem steady state, has it been detected?"

"The pollution value has not changed, but the totem's steady state has always been unstable. Because today is the first day of the first month, the Tai Sui totem itself will not be very stable on this day, so we can't find out the specific reason."

Exhibition coordinator asked:

"Will it affect the performance?"

"If the light above your head is turned on a little brighter, you won't be able to see it, and it won't affect it much."

There is no change in the pollution value, the problem is not big, the second half only takes more than 30 minutes... After thinking about it, the exhibition coordinator can't make a song and sing only one paragraph, and some audiences have already entered" "Consciousness and Utopia" state, maybe some people are comprehending, but they can't be broken.

"Everything is going well."

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

After the field staff got specific instructions, they didn't think much about it, and the time was too late, so they hurried back to their jobs.

The second half of the song "The Story of Nanshan Mountain" opened smoothly.

In the second half, the rhythm of the song is much faster, and it tells the story of the control team ushering in a turning point and successfully changing its fate against the sky.

"Cry, I can't meet my parents, I can't see you, my parents! It's useless to hate me, I've let down the kindness of the commander in the city, Zhiyu, ah!"

"I think back then, the Three Mountains and Five Mountains couldn't stop me, but in this valley, in front of my fathers and my fellow villagers, I bowed down... I should have drawn my sword to seek my own shortsightedness, but how could it be the wish of this thief!"


Qiao Xun felt the climax of the song, and the actors were extremely engaged and emotional.

At the same time, he also saw that Xingya Xingjun's totem was getting brighter and brighter.

"I'll call the Great God of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains Doujian, you can help me cut down that thief God!"

"Great gods, great gods, how should I bow down in front of your eyes!"

As soon as this sentence comes out, the next sentence should be the refutation of the companion. It depends on oneself and not on the great god. The actor who was speaking was his turn to take a deep breath and was about to scold, when he suddenly heard a low and thick voice on the stage:

"Who called me?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience upstairs and downstairs didn't notice anything, but the actors who were singing on the stage were stunned.

Because, this is not the word to sing at all.

"What are you singing?" one person asked in a low voice.

"I didn't sing!"

"Who is that?"

"I do not know either."

The actors were very puzzled, and suddenly saw the totem under their feet flashing red gold.

Between the lines of Xingya Xingjun's totem, a strong wind and fog gushed out.

"I don't know how many years I've been gone, but I never thought that one day, I'll see the world again."

The sound became louder and louder, and the cloud and mist became thicker and thicker.

At this time, the audience realized that there was something wrong with this song.

Qiao Xun frowned, and immediately stood up and said:


Xin Yu also felt something was wrong, and without any hesitation, got up and left quickly.

Clouds and mists rose from the stage in the plum garden, and in an instant it swirled around the mid-air of Night Watch Street.

Under the light of the "bright moon", everyone looked at the clouds, and vaguely saw a lonely figure standing proudly among them.

Qiao Xun and Xin Yu retreated early outside the plum garden and stood on the street of Watch Street.

A phantom figure stood in the clouds and mist above the plum garden, with a whole body posture like a dragon with a coiled body, his left hand clenched tightly, his sleeves swollen like a hurricane.

This man's eyes were like torches, staring at the world, raising his hand to call out the dragon shadow.

Thunder and lightning came in an instant.

Such a sudden scene shocked everyone in the Night Watch Street. They all looked up.

Even though most of the people here have fought against polluted creatures, they have never seen such a terrifying scene.

The size of the figure in the cloud is comparable to that of a giant meteorological species, but the momentum poured out by the whole person is completely incomparable to the meteorological species. The sense of oppression from top to bottom made everyone feel very sultry, like a heavy rain coming.

"The Earth in the Sand, the Dragon Prime Minister, his left hand clenched his fist, his sleeves flew up, this is... Bingchen Taisui General Xinya!" Xin Yu's eyes trembled, hissing inhalation.

Qiao Xun was very puzzled:

"Why does such a scene occur?"

Xin Yu's mouth was awkward, "I don't know either. It's the first time I've seen such a scene. How can I imagine that such a legendary and mythical figure would really appear."

The colors in her eyes were very lively.

Somewhat excited.

Qiao Xun said, "Do you think this verifies your conjecture to a certain extent?"

"There really is... God!" Her chest heaved up and down rapidly.

"Let's think about what to do."

Bingchen Taisui's huge human-shaped phantom stood high in the sky, looking down at the world,

"I am Bingchen Taisui Xin Yaxing, who is in charge of the blessings and misfortunes of the world in the years of Bingchen! In times of great suffering and calamity, I will descend to the human world to eliminate disasters and solve difficulties. On the occasion of great blessings and great joys, I will send the spring breeze to shelter our dreams!"

His torch-like eyes glanced at the crowd of people on the night vigil street below, and suddenly became furious, the yellow sand flew up instantly, and the sound of dragon roars sounded in the clouds. He shouted angrily:

"I see many disasters and calamities in the world, and the world is full of demons! At a glance, there are all demons and ghosts with the power of small magic spells, but no Li people are seen! I am a Tai Sui, and I can kill demons and demons! Heaven and Earth!"

After He finished speaking, he waved his hand and raised his hand, the wind was blowing, and the yellow sand descended.

The great energy is rolling from top to bottom.

The yellow sand filled the night vigil, and Qiao Xun immediately felt that every grain of yellow sand was made of violent energy.

He reached out and touched it lightly, and the grains of sand exploded immediately. The restless energy exploded, directly blasting him out.

Xin Yu jumped away one step, supported him, and said solemnly:

"Don't touch, these energy levels are very high!"

The energy of the evolutionary has layers.

The energy of a believer is higher than that of a family member, and a spokesperson is higher than that of a believer.

The higher the level, the greater the difference in energy levels.

"Is he... a god?" Qiao Xun swallowed and asked.

Most of the people in the night vigil were not prepared for this sudden disaster. One moment ago, they were still celebrating the Spring Festival of the Evolutionaries and welcoming the first day of the new year, but the next moment, the sandstorm with violent energy hit. .

"How can heaven and earth tolerate you monsters and monsters to cause chaos in the world!"

Bingchen Taisui's huge human-shaped phantom raised his right hand, lowered the violent Huangshan Mountain, raised his left fist, and summoned the Thunder Dragon to drop the thunder.

The energy of a completely different level makes it difficult for all evolutionaries to resist.

Those first- and second-order evolutionaries lost their resistance almost as soon as they were swept by the yellow sand. The energy in the body was flushed out, and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Qiao Xun and Xin Yu pulled their movements to the extreme, avoiding the indiscriminate attacks of thunder and sand.

Then, Qiao Xun quickly discovered that those buildings were all right.

This shows that the attack only targets people.

Thinking of what Bingchen Taisui said about demons and ghosts. He couldn't help but wonder if they, the evolutionary ones, were considered by Bingchen Taisui to be the monsters that brought chaos to the world. After all, where does the ordinary person have any talent, that is the sorcery that only "monsters" can do.

What's more, there are many totems here who are the evolutionaries of "monster beasts" in various myths and legends.

Like the "snake under the abyss", "kui", "掼杌"... but they are all famous beasts.

"Xin Yu, He is too strong!" Qiao Xun said loudly.

Very strong! Although he felt that Bingchen Taisui was not the real body, it was just some kind of image entrusted to the totem. But just like this, his powerful divine power simply made them unable to resist.

"Zaiyin" couldn't even perceive his abilities. As soon as he approached his figure, he was immediately smashed into pieces by the thunderbolt of Thunder Dragon.

Xin Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Our strength is completely different from his level!"

"How to do?"


This is what almost everyone thinks.

Even a fourth-order evolutionary like Xin Yu is completely unable to face Bingchen Taisui, and the only way is to escape.

Everyone ran towards the exit of Vigil Street, using all means.

Those who ran fast jumped to the exit of the light curtain with a single step.

However, the scene of jumping out did not appear as imagined. Everyone only saw that the person who jumped out for the first time was instantly pulled by the powerful twisting force of the space into a spinning colorful doughnut-like existence.

This terrifying scene directly forced everyone to brake frantically.

But there are still people who are not seen behind rushing towards the exit.

When Qiao Xun saw this, he immediately shouted:

"Stop! Don't go forward! Dangerous!"

But... there were still people who didn't find it, or couldn't stop the car when they found it, and rushed into the distorted space.

There is no **** scene, but the scene where a living person is torn into countless lines by space torque and then disappears in a few seconds is even more terrifying.

This means that it is a force that they cannot face at all.

Xin Yu said in a deep voice:

"This folded space has been dissociated by runes."

"Dissociation rune?"

"As I said before, Night Watch Street is a folded space created by Sequence 11's 'Space Folding' talent, and the power of runes is the main energy that supports the existence of this space. But now, these rune powers have been dissociated. That is, Night Watch Street It's out of the standard space we were originally in." Xin Yu looked at the shadow of the high-altitude cloud with a worried look on his face.

Qiao Xun frowned and asked, "Is it caused by Bingchen being too old?"

"Here, only his energy level can do it."

"But isn't Tai Sui in charge of the misfortunes and fortunes of the world, and to bless the people of Limin? Why, he should be able to see that we are not monsters."

Xin Yu sighed, exhaled and said:

"Probably because this is not the real Bingchen Taisui. He is just a silhouette left in the totem. After all, Bingchen Taisui is a god, and God... no longer exists." She remembered the secret records she had read before, guessing Dao: "This kind of thing has happened in other miracles. The totem itself is a creation of God, symbolizing God... I think, maybe Bingchen Taisui has the obsession to bless the world and take charge of misfortune and good fortune, and this Obsession remains in the totem."

Qiao Xun suddenly remembered that when he was in Guanshan City, the scavenger said: The day when I saw God closed his eyes, it was spring and the wind was blowing.

Is it also carrying some kind of obsession, pinning it on the statue of the cat god? In the end, the choice was passed down to Sasori.

He looked at Bingchen Taisui.

Indeed, He kept repeating words like "We are in charge of the blessings and misfortunes of the world... When you kill demons and eliminate demons...".

Xin Yu said: "The first day of the year is a day when Tai Sui totem is unstable, and the last day of the year is a day when Wang Nian Taiwu is unstable... There has always been a saying, but since the Night Watch Street was established Nothing like this has happened since. So there is no preventive measure in the vigil."

Qiao Xun frowned and thought for a while, then turned around and asked:

"Xin Yu, do you know Bingchen Taisui very well?"

Xin Yu paused, "Ji Zhengzhi should know a lot about it. However, I learned a little bit because I stayed overnight."

"Can you tell me about the characteristics of Bingchen Taisui?"

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, then said with a wry smile, "I don't know what I'm going to do either. However, I always feel that if this continues, we are not optimistic."

"Wait for the high-level evolutionary people to come to the rescue. In this situation, it can only be like this." Xin Yu sighed, not because he had no will to fight, but because the gap was too great.

Even if it is just an afterimage of obsession, it is the afterimage of God.

Qiao Xun looked around, and the evolutionaries below the third rank were almost unable to resist thunder and sandstorms.

Tier 4 evolvers are very reluctant, let alone Tier 3.

The key is that "numerology follows the sky" tells Qiao Xun that the space here is extremely unstable.

There are also three talents of "point, line and surface". The points, lines and planes he can identify are getting more and more chaotic, which means that the space structure is unstable and may collapse at any time.

A closed folded space collapses... The people in it can't be called death, but annihilation.

no longer exists.

"High-level evolutionary... This situation happened suddenly, is it too late?" Qiao Xun was a little confused.

At this time, he clearly realized that before the absolute strength gap, the combat skills seemed to be insufficient.

Fighting with scavengers and fighting against Fujiwara Masato, he can use his talent combination and powerful talent characteristics to fight across a certain energy level gap.

But, with Bingchen too old...

The difference is too big.

He couldn't even get close, let alone defeat him.

Even though he had always been very clear-headed, he was a little confused at this time.

Because some people don't know what to do or what to do.

How can we use the power of mortals to stand shoulder to shoulder with gods?

But the basic attitude of "knowing yourself and the enemy first" before acting made him unable to ask again:

"What are the characteristics of Bingchen Taisui?"

Xin Yu said:

"Bingchen Taisui, whose real name is Xinya, Xin Shouyi, is honest and upright, loves the people like a son, hates evil like a hatred, and has a straightforward personality. "Mengze Mountain Yin Zhi" records that after General Xin Ya ascended to the Taisui God, in addition to being in charge of the human disaster in the Bingchen year Outside the blessing, I regard mountains, rivers and rivers as sons, wandering through them all year round, eradicating evil spirits and evil spirits, and creating mountains and clear waters—”

Just as he was talking, Bingchen Taisui's thunder attack came.

Dozens of lightning bolts poured out from the Thunder Dragon's eyes very densely and struck.

No one can stop the violent energy.

Qiao Xun hurriedly activated the "Chaser" talent, pulled away, and quickly began to dodge.

As a fourth-order evolutionary, Xin Yu can't stop the attack, but he can still dodge.

During the process of evading, the two were forced to separate, facing each other.

Qiao Xun tried to contact Xin Yu with the "Tawang", but found that he couldn't get to the "Tawang" at all.

It seems that the folding space is separated from the standard space, and the connection is broken. There is no way to borrow the "tower net" outside.

Soon, Bingchen Taisui made a third attack, thunderstorm!

Thunderstorms are not as powerful as thunderstorms, but they are very dense, just like rainstorms!

In such a situation, everyone could not avoid it at all, and could only let the thunderstorm fall on them.

The stinging sensation like a poisonous needle piercing the body is unbearable.

The tolerance ability of evolutionary people is far beyond that of ordinary people, but with the electric current entering the body, the feeling that all the nerves in the body are stimulated by electric current is also very unbearable.

Painful roars and hobbies pervade the streets of the night watch.

Similarly, Qiao Xun couldn't avoid it.

After all, you can't keep yourself from being drenched in the rain.

What's more, the cover is useless for the task.

"Qiao Xun, come here!" After the thunderstorm started, Xin Yu immediately started looking for Qiao Xun, and immediately shouted after finding Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun looked over and found that Xin Yu's body was surrounded by a force field, and the force field could withstand part of the thunderstorm~www.readwn.com~ He immediately set off and rushed towards her.

Because the electric current entered his body, his movements were affected, and he became stunned, and it was easy to deform if he was not careful.

Fortunately, there are "sympathetic nerve toxins" that can be used to hedge. Although this is very harmful to the nerves, it can only be done in this way.

Others don't have this ability. When they are hit by a thunderstorm, they basically can only collapse to the ground, allowing more thunderstorms to erode their bodies.

While running, Qiao Xun always pays attention to the status of others.

He found a puzzling phenomenon, that is, these thunderstorms did not cause substantial damage to the evolutionary people, that is, they did not damage their bodies, the thunder of the Thunder Dragon, and the sandstorm were all like this. It seems that they did not kill them. kill them for the purpose.

After all, not even the building was destroyed.

After noticing this, Qiao Xun observed them with "Zaiyin".

Then they discovered that their body energy was constantly escaping!

This situation made him react instantly, Bingchen Taisui said, "Slaying demons and eradicating demons", it really was just killing demons and eradicating demons!

Bingchen Tai Sui loves the people like a son, and hates evil like a hatred.

Perhaps, in His eyes, everyone is innocent, and it is the rune energy in their bodies that should be killed! Those rune energies are the "monsters and ghosts" that make the world uneasy!

This guess made Qiao Xun's scalp tingle.

He looked at Bingchen Taisui from a distance.

His tall and majestic body poured out energy, and his torch-like eyes showed the will of God.

But at this moment, Bingchen Taisui turned to look at him.

Torch-like eyes stared straight at him.

He shouted angrily:

"You, the source of all evil, should be killed!"

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