Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 37: True martial arts, true martial arts! The gods weep! But when you read the world, don&#

Yanbei Third Hospital, East District, Isolation and Observation Hospital.

After Lu Yangyi and his subordinate Wu Zuo entered here, they immediately felt that the temperature was much higher.

This feeling of temperature is not caused by the warming of the environment. They all know that it is caused by the natural ability of No. 33 who successfully walked out of this gene melting pot project.

After verifying their identities, the staff took them into the isolation and observation hospital.

The isolation and observation hospital is an absolutely independent system that has almost no substantial connection with the outside world.

There is a complete and independent ecology here.

Entering it is like entering another world.

There are sky, sun, bamboo forests, rivers and mountains.

Of course, Lu Yangyi knew that this was not really an independent world, it was the Sequence 19 talent "Kiss of the World". It can copy the scenes from all over the world to other places one by one without destroying the climate, ecology and so on. The replicated environment is capable of absorbing pollution energy.

The reason why he used a talent like "Kiss of the World" to create this isolation observation house is that No. 33, who came out of the gene furnace, is currently unstable and needs to be offset with other talents.

In that case, such a "Kiss of the World" that can create a comfortable environment and absorb energy is naturally the most suitable.

"It would be great if the whole world was like this." Lu Yangyi said.

Guard Wu Zuo replied solemnly: "General, ecological diversity, environmental diversity and climate diversity are indispensable to the earth."

Lu Yang paused for a while, then shook his head and said:

"Little Zuo, you're fine with everything, but you're too straight, otherwise you shouldn't be just my security guard."

Wu Zuo didn't understand the reason, but he still said with a smile:

"I myself am very willing to protect the general."

Lu Yangyi's expression softened, but he didn't say much.

They stepped into the bamboo forest. Deep in the bamboo forest is a stream, and beside the stream are two beautiful and clean huts.

The atmosphere is harmonious, and it feels like a place where the hermits live.

Step forward, before knocking on the door, the door has already been pushed open from the inside out.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses stood at the door and said with a smile, "Lieutenant General Lu, Happy New Year."

He looked like a country teacher, dressed very plainly, his slightly pointed beard did not make him look decadent, but added an indescribable sense of intimacy, and his eyes were very peaceful. However, the color of the pupils is very light, between yellow and brown.

"President Wen, Happy New Year." Lu Yang nodded and said.

Wen Kaixuan said, "Please come in. No. 33 is very stable now."

As a security guard, Wu Zuo consciously walked to the front and protected Lu Yangyi behind him.

The two walked in.

The style in the room is no different from the outside, clean and simple, with a unique aroma of bamboo leaves.

The three stood in the corridor of the main room and looked at the side room next to them.

There is a set of desks and chairs in the side room. The material is also bamboo, which seems to be made from local materials.

A young woman wearing a modern Hanfu can also be said to be a girl. After all, from the back, she looks slender and young. The body proportions suggest that she is probably an adult.

She is sitting upright, holding a writing brush, copying the copybook. The movements are very light, slow, and somewhat unnatural, like a novice who has just learned calligraphy, but the characters she copied are very beautiful. Although she has no personality of her own, it is definitely not a character that a novice can copy.

Wen Kaixuan said:

"The main problem of No. 33 is that talent can affect her emotions. She is using the method of practicing calligraphy to control her emotions."

"Her talent, do you have a good name?"

There are two ways to name a talent. One is to directly enter the "tower" and name it after analyzing the characteristics and origin of the "tower", and the other is to name it by the talent owner.

The former is the source of the names of most talents, while the latter... Basically, a unique talent can have the right to name it.

Wen Kaixuan shook his head, "She said she wouldn't take a name until she fully grasped it."

"Then... all right. You've worked hard this time, Dean Wen."

"It's nothing, it's my duty." Wen Kaixuan looked at Lu Yangyi and said, "I already know about the failure of No. 92. Lao Li..."

"It doesn't feel good."

"Think about it too. He is dealing with these things almost all the time, and his nerves are too tense."

"He is the kind of person who cares about the country and the people, and serves the country wholeheartedly."

Wen Kaixuan smiled, "I suggested that he learn to write poetry and lyric before, to relieve the pressure in his heart. He is very good, saying that it is better to study how to improve the gene melting pot if he has time to write poetry and lyrics."

"How can I put it...to be too serious, maybe it's not a good thing."

"At this age, don't correct it. If you don't do it well, it's easy to cause problems for people's spirits. Leave it to him."

Lu Yang nodded.

They watched number 33 practice calligraphy outside for a while, and then Lu Yang asked:

"Can her overall talent and comprehensive ability make it into the top 50 in the sequence?"

Wen Kaixuan said confidently:

"It is guaranteed to be in the top 20. If you grow up smoothly, it is not impossible to enter the top 10."

Lu Yangyi was surprised and said:

"Are you sure? This is not a trivial matter."

Wen Kaixuan nodded, "I've been observing it every day during this time. I'm sure it must be a very subversive talent. We may witness the emergence of a new type of talent."

"Which one is it?"

Wen Kaixuan smiled mysteriously, took out a piece of paper, drew an arrow, a straight line,

"Let's comprehend it for yourself. I won't reveal the details. This is also a national-level secret. It can't be explained until it is completely completed."

Looking at the arrow symbol on the white paper, Lu Yang was a little confused.

It's too hard to guess.

Forget it, it will be revealed sooner or later, so there is no hurry.

Lu Yangyi asked again:

"She's been here all this time, hasn't she said what she wants?"

Wen Kaixuan shook his head, "I didn't say a word. I didn't say anything when I was hungry or thirsty. She would eat if she was given food, and she would not eat if she didn't. I didn't feel any dissatisfaction with her."

"Not willing to communicate... Will this be a problem?"

Wen Kaixuan thought for a while and said: "In my perception, she doesn't have any negative emotions, or even positive emotions. But she is indeed very healthy, and it is said in her personal information that she was very quiet during her reading age. . It should be a matter of personal character. But well, she is very willing to accept organizational arrangements."

"No desire?"


"This kind of talent needs to be taught well. She can't be allowed to go astray, and she must always pay attention to mental health issues."

Wen Kaixuan nodded, "I think so too. It depends on how the R&D Committee will arrange for her to learn and exercise."

At this time, the security guard Wu Zuo paused, then immediately pressed his finger on the tip of his chin.

After a while he said solemnly:

"General, there's something wrong with Night Watch Street."

Lu Yangyi immediately entered a wartime state, his expression tightened:


"At 8:21 in Yandu time, the space monitoring equipment of the Security Coordination Department found that the system stability of the folded space 'Night Watch Street' rapidly decreased, and at 8:23, the spatial coordinates of Night Watch Street were lost. The street is completely lost, and there is no way to communicate with the evolutionary people."

Very serious!

Lu Yangyi and Wen Kaixuan have been in Yandu for so many years, and they all know that every Spring Festival, there will be a large number of evolutionaries gathered in the night watch street. There are many middle-level evolutionaries of the spokesperson level, messenger level, and sometimes even the fifth-level high-level evolutionary. Evolvers are active in it.

The sudden loss of communication in such a large folding space is definitely a huge global accident.

"Go, go and see the scene!" As soon as Lu Yang finished speaking, he immediately walked out.

The guards followed immediately.

Wen Kaixuan also frowned. After he glanced at No. 33, who was quietly practicing calligraphy in the side room, he followed.

No. 33 turned his head and glanced at them, then turned around again, silently practicing calligraphy.

Everything outside has nothing to do with her.


When they came to the entrance of Night Watch Street, a large number of teams had already assembled here, and the entire block around was completely blocked.

All kinds of advanced equipment are ready.

As soon as Lu Yangyi and Wen Kaixuan came here, someone immediately took them to the front line.

Lieutenant General Zhu Huailiang, head of the Security Coordination Department, was seriously looking at the information displayed on the testing equipment. For such a major event, not to mention that his minister was there in person, even the chairman of the R&D Committee of Co-progress should come over.

"Lieutenant General Zhu, how's the situation?" Without any greetings, Lu Yang asked directly as soon as he came over.

Zhu Huailiang was wearing a clean and tidy military uniform, and the wrinkles on his face showed that he was no longer young.

He says:

"The reason has been found out. You see, this is the rune energy we captured."

As soon as Lu Yang glanced at the screen of the device, his brows furrowed like Hanamaki.


The so-called transcendence level is the energy level that is currently impossible for humans and other creatures to reach, and only exists in the lost miracle or totem will.

Zhu Huailiang said: "From the perspective of energy type, it is Tai Sui. This year is the year of Bingchen, so of course it is Tai Sui. Today is the first day of the first month, which is the most unstable day for Tai Sui totem. Inside the night watch street is Tai Sui. There are a lot of totems. At present, it is speculated that the Bingchen Taisui totem in the Night Watch Street had an accident, which led to the recovery of the spiritual will left in some of the totems."

"But Tai Sui itself is a symbol of God, a collection of wills, and it won't take the initiative to attack. Why does this happen?"

Zhu Huailiang looked worried, "I don't know at the moment. The coordinates of Night Watch Street are still lost, and they are currently searching with all their strength."

"The folded space on Night Watch Street was created by Si Ling, what about others? If he is here, he should be able to find it easily."

Zhu Huailiang shook his head,

"Si Ling was dispatched to the Eastern Royal Court of Romania not long ago."

Lu Yang heard the Eastern Royal Court one by one, and immediately knew that it was related to the consciousness hub. He stopped talking about it, and instead asked:

"Is there any solution at the moment? Can other space-gifted evolutionaries participate in it?"

"I have informed the space talent evolutionists in Yan City that they are on their way."

Several people were very nervous and worried.

You know, there are thousands of evolutionists in the Night Watch Street. If something goes wrong, the Republic will lose thousands of evolutionists overnight. Among them, there are many evolutionaries from other countries or neutral forces who came to the Republic to learn and communicate.

This is a completely unacceptable loss.

So far, no pollution incident has caused the loss of over a hundred evolutionaries at the same time, let alone thousands.

What's more, this kind of thing happened in the capital, in the Vigil Street, one of the largest folding spaces in the world.

There will be a large number of people who will lose their hats and board the court of evolution.

And the Republic will surely become an international laughing stock. The Republic would also lose much of its international prestige built up over decades.

At this moment, Zhu Huailiang, head of the Safety Coordination Department of the R&D Committee, hopes more than anyone else that nothing will go wrong.

If something goes wrong, he will be the sinner of the Republic.

It is a stain that cannot be erased by the R&D Committee.


must! Don't go wrong!

Zhu Huailiang clenched his fists tightly in a place that no one could see. His palms were full of sweat.


"You, the source of all evil, should be killed!"

Bingchen Taisui Xinya Xingjun shouted angrily from the huge human-shaped phantom, which suddenly made the thunderstorm pour more violently, and the original torrential rain turned into a heavy rainstorm.

Qiao Xun hurried to hide in Xin Yu's shielded space.

Xin Yu also noticed that Qiao Xun seemed to be targeted by Bingchen Taisui, and pulled the speed to the maximum. But if she wants to support this shielded space, she will have to abolish a part of her spirit, and she has no special displacement talent. The speed is not slow, but it is definitely not fast.

Qiao Xun ran to the middle, and the thunder dragon, which originally surrounded Bingchen Taisui, came quickly between them like a lightning strike.

After getting close, the mighty power of Thunder Dragon was clearly felt by the evolutionaries on the ground.

What exaggerated energy that is! It's something they've never seen before! Whether it is quality or quantity, they absolutely crush them.

The flickering thunder light draped over the Thunder Dragon's coat.

This thunder dragon whose shape is Dongfang Yunlong's body twisted up, and the sharp dragon horns continuously radiated thunder, which landed randomly everywhere.

Thunder Dragon's head hangs in front of Qiao Xun.

The suffocating pressure instantly forced Qiao Xun to be unable to move, feeling that every cell in his body was locked by lightning.

In the cold but sacred eyes, lightning flashed. Leilong looked at Qiao Xun intently.

Qiao Xun couldn't breathe.

Xin Yu, who was behind, couldn't get close at all. As soon as she approached, the shielding force field created by the "prohibited words" collapsed immediately, and it was impossible to shield the energy of the Thunder Dragon level.


! ! !

Thunder Dragon opened his mouth, and a huge dragon roar sounded in front of Qiao Xun.

In an instant, he lost his hearing, and only felt that the energy in his entire body had frozen.

It seems to have become the key acupoints and arteries and veins where fat blocks various parts of the body.

The surrounding evolutionary people were also temporarily stunned because of this roar, and fell to the ground and passed out.

Xin Yu was behind, and clearly saw a circle of shock waves with lightning energy centered on the head of the Thunder Dragon, rapidly spreading around, until they impacted the entire Night Watch Street space.

The degree of distortion at the edges of space intensifies.

At this moment, her heart was beating very fast. If the Thunder Dragon were to make a few more hits, perhaps the energy retained in this folded space would not be able to support it at all.

At that time, the folded space will be annihilated, and everyone will fall into an energy group, which will then escape into the standard space.

Thanks to his "physical defect", Qiao Xun is very calm now.

But it's just calm, it doesn't mean that he can cross this absolute strength gap and break free from the shackles of Thunder Dragon.

"Qiao Xun!" Xin Yu shouted anxiously from behind.

Her hair was so gorgeous that it was on fire.

Qiao Xun said calmly:

"Although I don't know why, Bingchen Taisui seems to have locked me in, stay away from me and don't be affected."

"No!" Xin Yu said, "Qiao Xun, let me try and see if I can help you."

"Don't mess around."

Xin Yu exhaled, his eyes glowed with crimson fire, and the brilliant red that originally existed only on his hair spread throughout his body. A layer of burning flames spewed out of her body. Then, with her as the center, an energy shield spread.

"Time lock!"

As Xin Yu's Tier 4 talent, this is the first time it has been used without reservations and restrictions.

The strange energy locked the Thunder Dragon, starting from its tail and spreading to the whole body.

Then, its time is locked, staying in that moment, no longer flowing.

Qiao Xun felt the change and immediately avoided it. He looked at Xin Yu, the latter's face was pale, his lips were not at all bloody, and he looked like he was just recovering from a serious illness.

It is very difficult to use time lock on Thunder Dragon. This is what Xin Yu realized at the first time. She used her other infrequent talent "Nirvana" to gather all the energy and spirit of her body, so she could barely lock Thunder. Dragon's time for two seconds.

These two seconds were enough for Qiao Xun to escape.

The first time he escaped, he immediately ran to Xin Yu's side and took her with her, who had tried her best to escape.

"You are too risky!" Qiao Xun said as he ran.

Xin Yu frowned, she was very uncomfortable now, "I said, I want to save your life. I didn't do it at Broken Sea Mountain last time. I won't turn a blind eye this time."

"What's the reason?"

"I trust my 'wisdom eye'."

"Eyes of Wisdom" is her talent.

Qiao Xun frowned. He was very opposed to the idea of ​​relying on an unrealistic feeling for his actions. He said angrily:

"Although I am very grateful to you, your behavior is completely inappropriate for a well-trained leader."

Xin Yu said:

"I'm not your captain, and I'm not a leader now. Qiao Xun, I regard you as my friend and have experienced life and death together. This is definitely not a lie."

At this moment, Qiao Xun finally believed that what Xin Yu said before was not just out of straightforward character.

"Friend... Is a friend worth your risk? If I don't get out of trouble, you'll lose your life too."

"Of course it's worth it. Just the word friend is worth it."

Qiao Xun was very moved.

He realized that Xin Yu values ​​friends very much. More than anyone else he knew.

"Damn, don't let me be too moved." Qiao Xun said helplessly.

He ran to a building in the Night Watch Street block and put Xin Yu down. Immediately treated her for a short period of time with "Withered Trees and Spring Plus", replenished some spirits, accelerated energy recovery, and then asked:

"Just protect yourself, can you do it?"

Xin Yu nodded, "But, what are you going to do?"

"At this rate of destruction, we won't be able to wait for people outside to help us. We must find another way."

"Let's be together, it's good to cooperate."

"No, I was targeted by Bingchen Taisui, but you didn't. If you stay away from me, maybe you can help me a little bit. If you stay with me, you will definitely be targeted."

"But why are you being targeted?" Xin Yu frowned, "Why did he say 'the source of all evil'?"

Qiao Xun didn't know either.

But he thought it might have something to do with the fact that his blood had a fatal attraction to polluted creatures.

"I don't know, but we can't sit still."

"Do you have a solution?"

"I thought of a possibility. It's risky, but I have to try it."

Xin Yu said worriedly:

"I don't have the energy to save you a second time."

"If one dies horizontally, it's too useless." Qiao Xun walked out. "Moths are still flying into the fire. As a higher animal, some sparks will come out when they die."

Looking at Qiao Xun's background, Xin Yu thought that he really did not see the wrong person.

His excellence is engraved in his bones.

This person with unknown risks all over his body must be a friend worth making.

She was convinced of this.

Qiao Xun, who had just walked out, immediately ate Thunder Dragon's claw Thunder.

He injected himself with sympathetic toxins, strengthened his nerves, and launched the "Chasers" to run with all his strength.

The thunderstorm fell on him, and he didn't care.

Whether it hurts or numbness, one word, bear it!

Whether it is Bingchen Taisui or Thunder Dragon, they are all small tricks, and their fighting skills can't handle it.

To deal with scavengers and opponents like Cube 10, you can still pay attention to combat skills, because the energy level is not completely incomparable.

But the energy levels of Bingchen Taisui and Thunder Dragon are really incomparable, and there is no chance of getting close.

Qiao Xun adhered to the attitude of "to deal with a strong enemy, just hit the laneway station", and plunged into the building complex of Night Watch Street.

He could see that Bingchen Taisui was not willing to destroy the underground buildings. Perhaps, in his view, these buildings were built by ordinary people, and they are one of the food, clothing, housing, transportation, people's livelihood, and one of the keys to living and working in peace and contentment, so they will not be destroyed.

He just wants to destroy the rune energy in everyone's body. It's a "ghost monster".

Qiao Xun took advantage of this and entered the building complex to avoid Thunder Dragon's locking attack.

Sure enough, Thunder Dragon's performance confirmed his conjecture.

After he entered the building complex, Thunder Dragon didn't pursue him any further. It doesn't even want to lift a tile.

But it didn't give up the attack either, it circled into the sky, watched Qiao Xun's fleeing back, and lowered the more powerful thunder.

After these thunderbolts landed on the ground, they turned into ball lightning and ran after Joe.

He ran into the building, and these ball lightnings could follow.

After running down a side road, Qiao Xun found that he was surrounded by more than ten **** of lightning.

There is no room for raids.

It's a pity that the thunderstorms falling from the sky are not real rain. Otherwise, it can be frozen with "Ningen", and there may be a chance for a turn.

After being surrounded by ball lightning, Qiao Xun did not hesitate to fill up the buff for himself, hoping to survive this round.

At the same time, outside the folded space.

The space talent evolutionists who can come in Yandu are basically in place.

Among them, there are not fourth-order evolutionaries, and even two fifth-order evolutionaries.

They came to the scene, and after being informed of the specific situation, they immediately used various means to help the Security Coordination Department find the spatial coordinates of Night Watch Street.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Zhu Huailiang was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. From time to time he asked if there were any results, but each time the answer was no.

Half an hour later, Li Yayi, the holder of the "Space Exploration" of the talent pool Sequence 65, came to Zhu Huailiang with the common views of a group of space talents.


"How's it going!"

Li Yayi shook his head, "I'm sorry. We have carried out a comprehensive exploration based on the construction logic of Night Watch Street from Chief Si Ling of Sequence 11, and captured the energy trajectory of Night Watch Street. But the energy trajectory is a huge chaotic system. Ability, completely unable to lock the space coordinates."

Zhu Huailiang shook his body and fell silent.

Lu Yangyi then asked:

"Then do you have any opinions?"

"The folded space like Night Watch Street should be the most stable type, with a complete energy supply system, and the internal physical rules are also consistent with the standard space. It should be said that even a demigod-level attack cannot make it in less than two years. Loss of contact within minutes, if this happens, it can only be an energy level attack above the demigod level. In this way, it can only be because of this year's Tai Sui Bingchen Tai Sui. The divine energy and divine willpower retained in the totem Probably the culprit behind the whole thing."

"What's the best way to solve this?"

"The first method is to ask a great talent with super high-level energy to destroy the energy track of the chaotic system in Night Watch Street, and then lock the coordinates. The second method is to create a distorted space under the entire chaotic system to avoid the annihilation of the folded space, and wait. Bingchen Taisui's spirit and will is stable."

"What level of energy is required to destroy the energy trajectory of the chaotic system?"

Li Yayi paused for a while, not quite sure, "Because I haven't seen the energy level of a god, I can't be sure, but at least a demigod is needed. Moreover, a demigod with pure offensive energy is needed."

"Demigods... sixth-order."

Lu Yang glanced at Zhu Huailiang.

Their eyes are intertwined. At this time, each read the other's thoughts.

The demigods of any country or power are absolute pillars and cannot be dispatched at will.

And the demigods who possess pure offensive energy are even more unable to be dispatched at will. Because that's a big killer. Such an existence is prone to riots because of its huge energy, and its own pollution level is quite high. Every shot will speed up the process of being polluted and increase the risk of alienation.

Once alienated, it is not as simple as losing a demigod-level evolutionary, and it will also create demigod-level polluted creatures.

Therefore, generally speaking, this type of demigod is always accompanied by a great doctor to prevent contamination. It will hardly appear in national capitals or other major central cities, because the risk is too great.

Now, what needs to be decided by the two generals is to choose the first method, which will take the great risk of the pollution of the demigod-level evolutionary aggravating;

And the second way...

Zhu Huailiang quickly asked:

"What is the cost of the second type of distorted space?"

Li Yayi replied: "General. The establishment of a distorted space requires at least a demigod-level talent in the space system. My ability cannot do it, and it will take a certain amount of time. Because of the lack of information, I can't speculate that before the distorted space was established, the night vigil was on the street. Is it annihilated?"

Zhu Huailiang's heart sank.

Lu Yangyi said, "Lieutenant General Zhu, this is no longer something we can decide. Please inform the committee."

Zhu Huailiang is very clear. If this accident is not solved in his hands, then he is the main culprit. After the incident, he must have taken off his hat, left the department, and took a back seat. If in the end, the matter cannot be resolved, he will be sent to evolution. court, tried.

He looked at the tall and empty wall, exhausted.

Can't say anything. In such an important place as Night Watch Street, the problem itself is also the problem of his safety coordinator, and he did not do a good job in the investigation of potential safety hazards.

At this time, as a soldier, he no longer thinks about protecting himself. He was soberly aware that for every minute of delay, the Evolvers in the Night's Watch were a little more dangerous.

"Evolutionaries are the country's precious wealth!" Zhu Huailiang's eyes were burning, "No matter what, we must ensure their safety!"

He made a quick decision and informed the leadership and the R&D Committee.

This matter quickly went through the inside and presented it in front of the committee and the leaders.

The two methods mentioned by Li Yayi are in the evaluation of internal think tank personnel.

Under the huge computing power, the leader made a decision after fifteen minutes:

Do your best to save!

At the same time, a secret order was sent to the Kunlun Mountains in the far west of the country.

Sequence 3, "annihilation" received the order and went to the capital at full speed to relax the night vigil.


Qiao Xun, who had filled himself with buffs, faced a total of sixteen **** of lightning.

The crackling sound shook every nerve in him.

In an instant, sixteen **** of lightning suddenly rushed towards him from sixteen directions.

Qiao Xun leaned over and resisted with all his strength.

After sixteen lightning bolts hit him, a violent explosion occurred.

The light generated by the energy release made Qiao Xun unable to open his eyes. All he could feel was thousands of threads burrowed into his body, churning in his flesh.

Every nerve is provoked like someone playing the piano.

Very painful.

But he knew that at this time, the more he could not give up the struggle.

The energy of the body is locked, and ordinary talents cannot be used at all.

Well, then you don't need talent!

"Numerology follows the sky" began to spread along the lightning of the Thunder Dragon, just like the outer world at Morioka Central Private High School, following the energy trajectory, deducing it in reverse, and going upstream.

From the lightning into the Thunder Dragon's body.

Then, he found out that Thunder Dragon doesn't have a body at all, it's just a huge energy group.

Then, "numerology follows the sky" spread from Thunder Dragon to Bingchen Tai Sui in the cloud.

"What a monster!" Bingchen Tai Sui shouted loudly, and was about to suppress Qiao Xun's "numerology following the sky".

But the moment he felt it, he stopped.

This is... what kind of breath...

It's very familiar... I seem to have seen it somewhere...

Bingchen Taisui's torch-like eyes began to flicker. His eyes became distant and deep.

He reminisced, trying to find the past that belonged to him, a past that was so far away that it would hardly reappear and come again.

He looked at, looking at Qiao Xun who was in pain in the lightning;

He thought, thinking about the familiar "numerology follows the sky".

Feeling that Bingchen Taisui's consciousness was a little shaken, Qiao Xun knew that there was drama.

He continued to deliver "numerology follow the sky".

The energy-loving characteristics of lightning almost devoured all the energy in his body, and he almost turned from a third-order evolutionary to an ordinary person.

Because of insufficient energy, "pain immunity" and "sympathetic neurotoxin" are no longer available.

Now, it's all up to the body's ability to tolerate it.

Until the energy is swallowed up to the point where it cannot support the physical strength brought by "amphibians".

Qiao Xun knelt on the ground in pain, holding his hands on his hands, and used "numerology to follow the sky" to talk with Bingchen Taisui:

"Xingya Xingjun, do you want to destroy this place?"

As soon as the words came out, Bingchen Taisui suddenly trembled, and his voice was passionate:

"True martial arts! True martial arts!"

He remembered that this familiar feeling was the breath of the North Pole Xuantian God, the Great Emperor Zhenwu.

That is the breath of Emperor Zhenwu exploring all the truths in the world.

"Long time... no see." Bingchen Tai Sui said with grief.

He was weeping.

The thunderstorm stopped.

Thunder Dragon also stopped and looked at Yunyun's own master.

The lightning disappeared, and the dying Qiao Xun fell to the ground. He didn't close his eyes to sleep.

Everyone stared blankly at Bingchen Taisui, who was sad in the clouds.

I don't know what happened.

Why, the Tai Sui God, who was still arrogant just a moment ago, suddenly stopped and cried like that.

The god's wailing dispels the unease in the air and falls in everyone's heart.

They didn't know why God was mourning, but uncontrollable emotions were brewing in their hearts.

The heart of God is the same as the heart of the heart.

This Tai Sui God, who is in charge of the misfortune and fortune in the world, should entangle the hearts of every ordinary person.

After the thunderstorm stopped, Xin Yu started looking for Qiao Xun.

According to her unique perception, she quickly saw Qiao Xun.

He fell to the ground, his body devastated.

Xin Yu hurried over, picked him up, hugged him, and asked nervously:

"How are you doing?"

Qiao Xun leaned against Xin Yu's chest with a weak expression. He smiled and said:

"It's okay, not dead."

Xin Yu squeezed his hand and felt, "The energy in your body..."

"It's all gone, hasn't it?"

"Yeah." Xin Yu hardly showed any uncomfortable expression, she nodded with pursed lips.

"This is worth it."


Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun blankly.

Losing physical energy means becoming an ordinary person.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes and said:

"a little cold."

Xin Yu hugged him tightly, stimulated his body energy, and kept him warm.

At the same time, Qiao Xun continued to use "numerology to follow the sky" to communicate with Bingchen Taisui.

"Xin Yaxing-kun, what are you suffering from?"

"Zhenwu Zhenwu," Bingchen Taisui's huge human-shaped phantom was crumbling, "the glory of the past is long gone. I look at the world, full of filth, and already powerless. Without the blessing of gods, weak mortals can still resist Are those demons that fall from the sky, rise from the ground, and gushing out of the sea?" He said sadly, "Zhenwu Zhenwu, I am in charge of the misfortunes and blessings of the world, but... God is no more."

"Xingya Xingjun, people will become gods. The past is gone, but it will not change now. The greatness of people is never the complacency of the protected, but their innate spirit of perseverance."

Bingchen Taisui looked at the invisible sky in confusion, "Zhenwu Zhenwu, but I see this sky, covered by dark clouds, I see this earth, covered by filth, the sun will not rise, the ground is full of monsters and ghosts, Disturbing the world. What should I do?"

"Xin Yaxingjun, why do you think they are demons and ghosts? They live and work in peace and contentment, just here to celebrate the arrival of the New Year, just looking at your portrait of Bingchen Taisui and looking forward to a future."

"True martial arts, true martial arts, they are full of demon power, and they are confused both physically and mentally!" Bingchen Taisui whimpered.

"No, you're wrong. That's not demon power, it's their power to fight against the sky and fight against the fear of the unknown! Xingya Xingjun, didn't those powers come from us?" Qiao Xun said softly: "You, take a good look at it. Look. Feel it, if there is a power you are familiar with."

Bingchen Taisui looked at the embarrassed evolutionaries underground.

All the evolutionaries trembled in their hearts, for fear that he would bring down another tribulation of thunder and sand.

He didn't.

He has long been awake, quietly feeling everyone's body.

Feel the energy in it.

Familiar figures appeared in his mind one after another.

Yan, Jingzhe, Rain, Jiazi, Sheshen, Bailu, Jiawu, Qilin, Huang...

The era that once belonged to the glory of the gods seemed to reappear in front of his eyes.

The beautiful Jingzhe God, a thunderbolt, awakens the world and revives all things;

The conscientious and conscientious **** of the society, wandering in the mountains and rivers, is in charge of the stability of the world's rivers and mountains;

The auspicious beast, the unicorn, overlooks the world on Tianding Mountain and sends it to auspiciousness;

The God of Taisui, Jiazi, guards the Jiazi year one after another, whether it is human disaster or human blessing, He guards the human world;


Gurgling tears burst from the corners of his eyes.

"Zhenwu...Zhenwu..." His tone trembled, "I did it wrong. I did it wrong."

He repeated over and over again.

Qiao Xun said softly:

"Xin Yaxing Jun, no one has ever questioned your long-cherished wish to be a Bingchen Taisui. They all remember that there are other Taisui gods, solar terms gods, auspicious beasts... They all remember with the intensity of inscriptions like bone marrow. The era of gods. It never passed away, but it existed in a different way. In this world, on everyone's body. The totem makes them connect with each other and feel the past years."

Bingchen Taisui said sadly:

"Is there really everlasting peace?"

"No, the peace that you and I imagined will never come. Because peace is false, and real peace should never be judged by the standards of your gods and me. If people in the world think that there is peace, that is peace. Lord Xinya, you Why don't you ask them in person, is there still hope in this world?"

Bingchen Taisui was trembling, and his whole body was shaking. He looked at the crowd at Night Watch Street and asked in a humble and melancholy tone:

"I, Bingchen of the Taisui God, Xin Yaxin of Taisui, Shouyi, may I ask you gentlemen, is there any hope in this world?"

That kind of conversation falls in everyone's ears.

Evolutionaries don't know what's going on, but they themselves choose to embark on the path of evolution, and they have chosen to believe in hope.


One after another, it sounded one after another.

Bingchen Tai Sui cried out:

"Alright, alright... You gentlemen, it's my poor fellow, I'm wrong for you... It belongs to you, take it back."

He waved his hand, and the thunderstorm started falling again.

This is, this is no longer a thunderstorm that devours energy, but returns energy.

"True martial arts, true martial arts, my will is not long..."

Qiao Xun was very moved.

He didn't know how many years Bingchen Taisui had been dead, but his obsession in the totem was always thinking about the blessings and misfortunes of the world, so that when he woke up, he thought that the evolutionary people all over the ground were demons who had ruined life.

This is admirable.

Qiao Xun said:

"There is a way back. You and I are like this."

"If you are as strong as you, will you be unable to find a way back?"

"It's hard to predict whether it's right or wrong. You and I just read one or two things in the world, don't say three or four steps back."

Bingchen Taisui's huge phantom became more and more blurred, as if the wind would blow away. He said softly:

"But I still want to see the mountains and the sea."

This...is a long-cherished wish.

Qiao Xun's "numerology follows the sky" clearly felt that Bingchen Taisui's will is gradually disintegrating.

He thought, maybe he can do something.

Under the thunderstorm, the body's energy is restored.

"Point" and "Line" and "Surface" come into play.

With his eyes closed, he imagined the great rivers and mountains of the motherland he had visited on his college graduation trip.

He thought of Mount Tai in the land of Qilu, and thought of the strange and magnificent "Yin-Yang Realm", "Peach Blossom Valley", "Cai Shi Xi" and "Ao Lai Peak";

He thought of Jiuzhaigou in Shu, the gorgeous and elegant lakes, the rushing streams, the waterfalls with flying pearls and jade, the ancient and deep forests, and the rolling snow peaks;

He thought of Mount Huangshan in Hui Province. The landform features of "the majestic front mountain and the beautiful back mountain" attract tourists' minds;

He remembered the West Lake in Lin'an, the breeze blowing slowly on the mirror surface...

He thought of Suzhou's elegant and beautiful gardens that condensed generations of literati...

He remembered many, many...

The Great Wall of 10,000 miles blesses Jiangshan and Sheji; the Xiling Snow Mountain highlights the earth with a touch of silver; the roof of the world, the Himalayas; the last pure land of Xishuangbanna...

Everything is in his mind.

He has never known his homeland so clearly as now.

This land of nearly 10 million square kilometers is bred with the hope of more than one billion people.

A powerful army, a prosperous economy, the pinnacle of civilization, the cradle of technology...

Everyone who works diligently...

Never before has an almost indelible impression formed in his mind.




It was intertwined in his mind.

A picture of lifelike rivers and mountains, pictures of people's well-being and happiness, and weather maps of festivals...

Start writing, writing.

Just like retaining the romance and beauty of the giant meteorological species jumping out of the clouds, it retains its unique and unique taste.

These pictures all entered the will of Bingchen Taisui through "numerology following the sky".

He watched,

Watching silently,

Not a word was said.

Tears flowed silently.

The figure became more and more blurred.

For Him, the most beautiful thing is that the earth that he once guarded is now in peace, and the world that he once cared for is now more prosperous.

Perhaps, at this moment, looking back at that past era, it is possible to say "live up to our aspirations".

Qiao Xun said softly:

"Bingchen is too old, has this world ever stayed in your heart?"

"As I wish, as I wish..."

Bingchen Taisui silently looked at Qiao Xun on the ground.

In fact, when consciousness established communication, He already understood everything.

"stand up."

With Xin Yu's help, Qiao Xun stood up.

Bingchen Taisui stretched out his hand.

Qiao Xun came to him uncontrollably.

The huge face is in front of you. Qiao Xun was not afraid and faced with a smile.

Everyone looked at this scene in the sky.

A **** of the past, and an evolutionary of the present.

They crossed time and space~www.readwn.com~ and looked at each other as if they had completed the handover.

Bingchen Taisui stretched out his hand, the Night Watch Street stabilized, and he set out on his way home.

He looked at the false full moon again and said softly:

"Do you know how beautiful the moon was in the past?"

"Perhaps, the most beautiful moon in everyone's heart is left in the inadvertently looking up at night."

Bingchen Taisui's eyes were gentle, "You are right."

His figure gradually disappeared,

"Have you seen the glorious era of the past?"


"Then, take a good look at it."

He waved his hand, pushed aside the clouds and mist, and took one step toward the horizon of Night Watch Street, turning his body into the gorgeous scenery on the horizon.

Qiao Xun's eyes flickered.

Everyone's eyes flickered.

They watched, a huge world slowly emerged on the horizon of Night Watch Street.

In that world, in the high sky, there is an inexhaustible prosperity.

The brightly lit Chang'an City is fixed in everyone's heart.

The era that belonged to the gods became a silhouette they could never see.

Qiao Xun was fascinated, and his consciousness took on a new look.

He is blessed to the soul, and like an instinct, he locks the picture on the horizon firmly in every corner of consciousness.

In such a process.

He understood the true meaning of "lazy", which is—

"Steal the best laziness at the right time",

It is the ultimate relaxation to abandon all troubles and worries,

It is a different kind of romance for the cultivator.

The torrent of consciousness washed away the fog on the long steps of the gods,

He brazenly took a step forward.

Climb to the fourth step of the God's Long Step, and light up.

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