Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 3: Freedom is higher than the sky

"Evolution from polluting the world (

Although the inspection process by the Security Coordination Department was very strict, it did not last long.

After the inspection, Joe travelled home in Xin Yu's car.

After experiencing the incident of Bingchen's Taisui, Qiao Xun felt extra friendly when looking at the four strange plants on the balcony.

Probably thanks to the promotion to the fourth rank, the physical energy and mental level have been qualitatively improved. He became more clear about the changes in the bodies of the four strange plants.

It was indeed in line with his previous conjecture that a certain medium in his blood had caused their gene expression to mutate, and then began to differentiate their innate abilities.

He can now identify the type. At first glance, Nepenthes Xiaoyi should be an inductive talent for differentiation. The four thorns flower differentiates the talent that the confrontation system is inclined to attack.

At present, only the direction of differentiation has been determined, and no specific ability has been shown yet.

Probably need more feeding.

Walking to the balcony, Qiao Xun fed a drop of blood one by one, and then began to wash.

In the bathroom, he was taking a shower.

The water flowed roaringly.

While washing, he heard something knocking on the bathroom door.



But the thief will not be so arrogant.

"Zaiyin" came out.

Then, he was surprised to find that the pitcher plant Xiaoyi actually got out of the flower pot and ran out. What should have been the root whiskers turned into a mass of whiskers similar to sea anemones.

It moves with the help of such whiskers. The two large leaves curled up and became the force of its knock on the door.

Qiao Xun quickly resolved, and then opened the door.

The bathroom was foggy. Qiao Xun's hair was wet, he squatted down and looked at Xiao Yi, who was only about his calf height.

"Can you move?"

Xiao Yi understood what he said and nodded... In fact, it was a predator cage hanging from a stalk.

Patrol Joe pointed at its leaves. Then use "numerology to follow the sky" to explore.

He was surprised to find that this time, Xiao Yi not only changed gene expression, but even changed his life form.

Begin to change in the direction of the animal.

As a plant, it began to generate cells with more room to move, and even some cells without cell walls appeared.

Is this... an evolution in the true sense?

A life form leap.

Joe patrolled to the balcony. Check the Primary Two, Primary Three, and Primary Four one by one, and their situation is basically the same as that of Primary One.

"Little One, use your talent."

The two large leaves of Nepenthes Xiaoyi swayed, and then wriggled to the middle of the living room. Then, after a flash of light from its predator, a point of light separated.

The light spot is very beautiful and has a certain spiritual traction.

Although there was no harm to Qiao Xun, he could still clearly feel this kind of spiritual traction.

Then, he let the other three try it out separately.

All can use their talents. Especially the small four thorn flowers, which have been able to release quite aggressive abilities, and the strength of the thorns shot is no less than the power of ordinary police pistols.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but think, if he devoured all four of them, wouldn't he have four more advanced routes?

But looking at the way they treat themselves as fathers, forget it.

They are not lacking in these talents. Keep it, their research value is far greater than their practical value.

For the next two days, Qiao Xun observed their growth and changes every day.

With his blood as nourishment, they grow faster than natural individuals. Especially in terms of IQ, in addition to being unable to speak, they have already behaved like three or four-year-old children.

While this growth rate shocked him, he was also a little worried.

After all, he is not in the laboratory, and there is no guarantee that there will be accidents in ordinary residential areas.

Therefore, the continuous feeding of them was suspended.

But then, he found that on the first day after he stopped feeding blood, he showed a certain degree of bloodthirsty and aggressiveness.

This morning, Qiao Xun frowned and looked at the four guys on the balcony who became a little grumpy.

The desires they express are clearly felt by "lust".

Want to eat, want his blood.

Qiao Xun did not overwhelm his father's love, so he contacted Xin Yu,


"Xin Yu, there is something wrong with me."

"What's wrong?"

"Small one, two, three, four or four plants, something went wrong."

He was just finishing this sentence. The four plants heard it, and they wisely realized that Qiao Xun might have to deal with them. The four gathered together and communicated with each other for a while, and then they attacked Qiao Xun by their respective positions.

Little One released the bait, Little Two used spiritual talent to attack the spirit, Little Three rushed in front, and Little Four acted as a shooter behind.

The sudden attack frightened Qiao Xun.

It turned so fast!

He immediately launched "Space Jump" to avoid the attack, then took a glass of water on the coffee table and sprinkled them on them, and at the same time launched "Ningen".

"Ningen"'s frozen stand instantly controlled them.

The difference in strength is still obvious.

"What's wrong with you?" Xin Yu asked worriedly.

"Just got into a fight with four little guys."

Xin Yu immediately realized that something was wrong, "You control them, I'll go over immediately!"

After disconnecting. Qiao Xun then used "Zhiyang" to create energy fields and bound them.

Watching the frantic struggle inside. Qiao Xun sighed.

He felt that he had overestimated the evolutionary instincts of ordinary creatures.

Evolution is a process of constantly eating, gaining energy, and squeezing the living space of other organisms.

The phenomenon of "big fish eats small fish" is the truth of the current evolutionary world.

He also thought that by feeding them all the time, he might be able to establish a close relationship like the owner and pet.

But it now appears that the evolutionary instincts of polluting creatures are higher than emotional relationships.

As soon as they lose their blood supply, evolutionary instinct prompts them to become aggressive.

Qiao Xun thought, this is probably the reason why polluted creatures cannot coexist harmoniously with humans. Even the most advanced polluting creatures are almost only enemies of human beings.

After half an hour, Xin Yu arrived.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt the strong smell of pollution here.

Looking at the four plants bound up, she frowned,

"What's going on? They... evolved?"

"Well." Qiao Xun looked apologetic, "I'm sorry, I had nothing to do before, and I did some operations on them. It caused them to change abnormally."

Xin Yu not only did not blame him, but was very excited, she asked excitedly:

"how did you do it!"

Qiao Xun avoided the matter of "blood" and said, "I regulate the expression process of their DNA at the microscopic level, and create special protein-coding rune tracks. Then, it became like this."

Xin Yu listened and hurriedly began to inspect the four plants.

As soon as she entered the research state, the whole person changed, and she was very serious and devoted.

Ten minutes later, she turned around and hugged Qiao Xun tightly, and said excitedly:

"You are amazing! You have solved the key problem of the Huguang Research Institute!"

Qiao Xun felt a little guilty.

Because in essence, he solved it with his own blood. Although these days of continuous research, I understand the basic principle.

He didn't take credit for it, saying, "It's probably just luck."

Xin Yu was indeed so excited that his face flushed and his words were incoherent, "This is definitely, it must be this year... No! It is the biggest breakthrough in the research of 'pollution and evolution' in the Republic in the past five years!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly.

Xin Yu said, "If you master the process of expression and expression in the future, you will definitely become the focus of the world!"

When Qiao Xun heard this, he immediately said:

"Don't! I'm not a scientist, don't do that. I can put the basic principles in writing, and even record them with traces of consciousness, but I hope you keep them secret."

Xin Yu paused and asked:

"That's a great honor. Don't you care?"

"It's not that I don't care. It's just that I need to hide for now."


Qiao Xun looked at her, thought about it, and said, "To tell you the truth, I was targeted by the ace of hearts in black leather."

Xin Yu was taken aback, "When?"

"Probably got caught in Zhidong City."

Xin Yu hissed and breathed in. Her heartbeat started to quicken. The Black Revolution Ace of Hearts is almost the most dangerous group of people in the world.

She immediately understood Qiao Xun's attitude of not wanting to make a public appearance.

Then, she said solemnly, "The ace of hearts is very dangerous."

"Yes, I was almost killed by her when I was in Japan."

"Is it in the major pollution incident in Morioka City?"

"Hmm. She popped out of Block 10 all of a sudden."

Xin Yu thought for a while, "That should be the power of 'fatalism'. This talent is very mysterious. So far, it has only shown the ability to bring the dead back to life. Like you said...it may be more powerful than we imagined."

Qiao Xun looked complicated, "It can only be said that luck is not very good."

Xin Yu frowned, thought about it, and said, "I know someone who has had direct contact with the Ace of Hearts, and I will ask you about it later. It would be better if you could learn more."


"Don't say thank you again." Xin Yu shook his head.

Xin Yu, who was originally very excited, was not very happy because of this incident.

Qiao Xun realized that Xin Yu really cared about himself.

After that, he sorted out his observation records during this period and gave it to Xin Yu to have a look.

Xin Yu became more convinced after seeing these records. This will definitely solve the current key problems of the Huguang Institute.

In the morning, she contacted the Huguang Research Institute and removed all four plants.

Then, I found Wen Kaixuan and told the story again.

Of course, she didn't mention "Qiao Xun" at all, and she didn't take credit for herself, but it boiled down to an unexpected mutation.

Wen Kaixuan saw the records compiled by Qiao Xun and immediately realized the importance. I quickly disclosed this matter to the Scientific Research Department of the Gongjin R&D Committee.

The Ministry of Scientific Research quickly established a special research program and started a new round of research.

Of course, Qiao Xun didn't know about these things.

He was already thinking about where he should go next. The capital is very stable and safe, and the vigil on the street is very, very rare. He also realized that his evolutionary path cannot be smooth sailing, and it is difficult to make progress in a place without variables.

It's just that you have to think carefully about where to go next.


Republic Evolver Research and Development Council, Equipment Development Department.

Lu Yangyi, who was watching a batch of new equipment, suddenly received a message.

The final 100 list for the new batch of the Gene Forge Project is out.

He went back to the office, turned on the computer, and entered a list system through an encrypted channel.

There are two lists in total, one is the 10w preliminary list and the other is the 100 final list.

There are too many 10w lists, and he simply looked at the summary information. In the preliminary list of the Gene Furnace Project this time, the evolutionary comprehensive quality parameter has risen from 2.1 in the previous time to 2.5, an increase of nearly 20%. This fully shows that the average level of evolutionists in the Republic has improved a lot in the past three years.

He was in a better mood.

After all, as a member of the Co-progress R&D Committee, of course, I hope to see the strength of the national evolvers continue to improve.

But when he saw the 100 list, he paused.

Because, he saw a familiar name——

"Joe Tour".


He then clicked on the details again.

Qiao Xun... People from the Republic of China know winter...

And photos.

As soon as Lu Yang was certain, it was the Qiao Xun he knew.

see here. He leaned back, leaned back in his chair, looked up at the ceiling, and began to think.

Half an hour later, he called Zhou Sibai, who was far away in Zhidong City. Internal phone.


"It's you." Zhou Sibai's tone was flat, without any fluctuations.

"Professor Zhou, I have something to ask you."


"Qiao Xun, is that your student?"

Zhou Sibai directly denied, "No."

"But you introduced him."

"That's because Zhidong City was short of manpower before."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "But he is really good."

"I'm lucky. I found talent."

"Professor Zhou, there's no need for you and me to go around like this. Don't worry, I'm not here to lie to you."

"Unfortunately, I don't know him well."

"Really? Well, you probably didn't know that he became one of the 100 most recent gene melting pot projects."

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Zhou Sibai said:

"What do you want?"

Lv Yangyi said: "Professor Zhou, there is no conflict between you and me. Although I am a member of the R&D Committee of Gongjin~www.readwn.com~, it does not mean that you and I are in conflict. I will not use this to Threats. But, I think, we have a common view, that is, we don't want to make Qiao Xun one of the 100 list."

"Why are you?"

"Because... I think he should have a better way to go." Lu Yang smiled, "and, to say something selfish. I don't think my daughter wants him to be one of the 100 list. I rarely do anything for me. What does my daughter do, he is my daughter's good friend, so naturally, I am willing to do something."

"General Lu, you think of him too simply."

"Maybe so. But you, do you want him to enter the gene melting pot?"

"of course not."

"So, we can cooperate."

"how do you want to do it?"

Lu Yang glanced at the equipment application list beside the desk and said:

"Half a month later, there was a miraculous war in Afghanistan. I have seen Qiao Xun's resume. He is suitable for international dispatch and individual combat. The best way is to make him an international dispatch individual."

"Are you crazy? Miraculous war is so dangerous, what's the difference between it and a gene melting pot?"

"Then it depends on whether you are willing to believe in the Third Hospital, or whether you are willing to believe in Qiao Xun's personal ability."

"General Lu. I hope you didn't make this decision in a flash."

"of course not."

Zhou Sibai said, "I'll give you an answer tonight."

"Waiting for good news."

The phone hangs up.

As soon as Lu Yang opened the equipment application list and looked at all the cutting-edge rune weapons, he knew that this miraculous war in Afghanistan would change the direction of the world.

Holding his chin, he looked at Qiao Xun's data interface on the computer.

He thought to himself... Freedom is higher than the sky, I hope you can grasp it and stop being the chosen party.

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