Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 4: International deployment of individual soldiers

"Evolution from polluting the world (

Qiao Xun was lying on the sofa, his consciousness immersed in the "tower net".

Write down his thoughts on evolution in a personal notebook.

If Tier 1, 2, and 3 are a test of the body's rune energy, then, after being promoted to Tier 4, it is considered to have passed this test.

Family, believers, spokespersons.

These three levels, in essence, are equivalent to a kind of "believers" based on God's standpoint, but after the fourth level, it changes. "Messengers" are no longer just "believers" based on God's standpoint, but also an independent individual. However, it still represents God to a certain extent.

The so-called "God's position" is the totem that everyone generally recognizes.

In the past few battles, Qiao Xun's biggest doubt was why he divided the evolutionary ascending rank into such seven ranks.

Now, after reaching the fourth level, beyond the restraint of the rune energy on the body, he understood.

The "evolution" that exists in the world is not the kind of evolution that ancient apes have gone through hundreds of years to become humans and become a new species. It's just that the name "evolution" was put on it. The current "evolution" is the degree of use of rune energy, and rune energy is the material energy that exists widely in the material world.

The higher the utilization rate of rune energy and the more skilled the use, the farther one will go on the Ascension Rank.

Today's "talent" is an interpretation of how to use it. The low-level evolutionary needs to use the rune energy in the established method, and the higher-level, the more free it is to use.

Qiao Xun thought, maybe, God has no so-called "talent" at all.

And the "heaven" in "talent" may refer to God.

Thinking of this, he was looking forward to how he would feel when he stepped onto a higher level.

The feeling of "laziness" has jumped from the existential level to the conceptual level.

What about "rage"?

What about "jealousy"?

So much for the final "arrogance"?

What does this unique "Seven Sins" represent on the long evolutionary stage? Before, he rarely thought about these issues, because more thinking space was restricted by "rune energy", and he couldn't think beyond ordinary thinking.

Although it is still difficult, it is not impossible.

Although "lazy" does not increase his combat effectiveness very intuitively, unlike "greed", it can directly make the use of innate abilities stronger. But he can be sure that "lazy" has brought him a great improvement, but it lacks a very obvious medium.

After all, the ability to change one's own concept of existence is almost equivalent to the **** in this story.

A request for contact from "Tower Network" interrupted his deep thinking.

It was Zhou Sibai.

"Hello, Team Zhou." Qiao Xun accepted the contact request.

"I heard that there was an accident in the Night Watch Street in Yandu. Looking at the list of encounters, you are also in there, are you all right?"

Qiao Xun smiled, "Team Zhou, you really like to worry."

"What you said. I personally introduced you to the 'tower', so I must be concerned. You don't have any other acquaintances in the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center. Except for Sasuri, I am the only one who cares about you. already."

"Don't make me so pitiful, make me feel like I'm alone."

Zhou Sibai returned to the topic, "Then what's your plan next? Do you still stay in Yandu?"

"Well... how should I put it, after nearly a month, I feel that maybe Yandu is not suitable for me."

"How to say?"

"It's too safe. There's no risk factor. The Security Coordination Department, as well as the dense number of pollution monitors, make the city of Yan look like a fortress. Unless there is internal chaos, there is no possibility of a pollution incident at all."

"It's the capital after all. If the capital is in chaos, the whole republic probably won't be safe."

"That's it. This makes me a little uncomfortable. I always feel like I'm being lazy."

Zhou Sibai said with a smile, "You said some time ago that you would take a break."

"Isn't this enough rest? You can't always stay in the comfort zone. The country still teaches well, to jump out of the comfort zone...Young people just have to fight hard, don't lie flat."

"Then you mean, go on an adventure?"

"I think so. But I'm not very willing to accept ordinary pollution incidents..."

Zhou Sibai laughed and scolded, "Good boy, are you really unwilling to contribute to the country at all?"

"It's not. It's just that my situation is a bit complicated now." Qiao Xun thought about the girl "red", and always felt like a thorn in his heart, which was very uncomfortable. He thought that if he really performed the task of handling pollution incidents with other evolutionaries, he might implicate others. "Anyway, I haven't figured out what to do next."

"Indeed, for you, it is true that general pollution incidents are a bit overkill."

"I didn't mean that either." Qiao Xun couldn't explain it clearly, and didn't want Zhou Sibai to worry too much. After all, he is the person in charge of the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center and is currently the guardian of Sasori.

Qiao Xun felt that he already owed Zhou Sibai a lot, and he didn't do anything for others. Somewhat unhappy.

He said: "If there is still no specific goal next time. Team Zhou... I may enter the sea train for the second time."

Zhou Sibai was silent for a while.

He has no objection to Qiao Xun entering the sea train again. After all, he has experience and it will be much better to enter the second time.

But, alas... He knows very well that Joe Tour is now on the list of 100.

Entering the list of 100 means that if there is no major event arranged by other formal channels in the future, you will not be able to go anywhere.

If the joint research and development committee progressed quickly, even Yan might not be able to get out.

Thinking of this, he no longer bothered about anything, and said:

"Qiao Xun, let me arrange an international dispatch mission for you."

Qiao Xun was stunned, "Huh?"

"Don't worry, it's an individual combat mission."

"where to?"


"What happened to that place? I remember it was occupied by the Free Army not long ago."

"Yes. There... a miraculous war is about to break out. The Republic has a reason to intervene."


"Because it's about the 'war species'."

"what is that?"

"A miracle that can control polluted creatures. This kind of thing, no matter who it falls into, is a subversive power change."

Qiao Xun's scalp was numb. Controlling polluting organisms...that's an exaggeration. No wonder it's called war.

With this kind of thing, a war of polluting creatures can be easily waged.

"So, is our country going to compete?"

Zhou Sibai said in a deep voice: "No. The price of competition is too high. Our country's purpose is to destroy it. No country, Adventist forces, or third-party forces can get it."

Qiao Xun smiled, "It's very Chinese style."

"So, what's your opinion?"

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "Team Zhou, I think, this is not the purpose of this dispatch mission you gave me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Although I don't know the specific reason. But you have always supported my freedom movement in the past, and this time you specifically asked me about the follow-up arrangements and dispatched tasks to me... If it is only because the miraculous war in Afghanistan is very important to our country, it will not be so serious. I think, maybe, you have other purposes."

Zhou Sibai sounded silently.

After a while he said: "Qiao Xun, you are indeed suitable for fighting alone. With such a clear head, anyone will feel at ease with you."

"Team Week has won awards."

"Yes. There is indeed another purpose. Because, you... have been selected by the Gene Forge Project."


Qiao Xun stood on the windowsill and took a breath of the cold wind outside. At this moment, he suddenly felt very cold.

It was as if he had been chosen to die.

Although he knew it was not such a concept. However, the feeling of being chosen and unable to choose for himself made him shiver.


"The gene melting pot project chose potential. And you were judged to have potential. Although there is no black box operation, I still don't want to participate in this project so early." Zhou Sibai said in a deep voice, "and It's not that I don't trust the country. Even if you fail, you will get the best treatment. But... do you remember, you have a 100 talent fit. I can tell you clearly that your talent fit is 100, as long as you don't What happens when the base is bombed will definitely pass the plan.

"That is to say, you will succeed. But the price of success... is too high."

"What is it?"

"The freedom is completely lost. The evolutionary planned by the gene melting pot is a national killer, a secret weapon, and an existence that cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Would you like to do that?" Zhou Sibai respected Qiao Xun's choice, "You will change. If you get too strong, you will also lose your freedom. What are your thoughts? If you are willing to participate, then I support you.”

Qiao Xun was silent for a long time.

He is not choosing. Rather, what is the price of freedom in this day and age?

In the torrent of the times, no one can survive alone.

This is not federal political freedom. That freedom can be manipulated and changed at any time.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"Of course I choose freedom."

There is a chance to be free and strong, so why fight for the unfree and strong?

There is not only one way to contribute to the country.

Zhou Sibai's shoulders sank. He guessed that Qiao Xun would probably choose this, but... he was still worried.

He had experienced the dangers of miraculous wars firsthand.

Zeng saw with his own eyes that one by one teammates were swallowed up and lost all possibility of regeneration.

Those things, he doesn't want to see anymore.

Now, people are approaching forty, in other words, they are getting older. After looking at the younger generation with vitality, they always think that it would be better if they stopped suffering.

This is true for the control team members of the Zhidong City Emergency Response Center, for Sasori, and for Qiao Xun.

It would be great if you could grow up without suffering.

But, where can there be such a good choice.

Zhou Sibai said, "Okay. I'll make arrangements for you right away."

He was not in the mood to chat, and cut off the connection directly.

Later, through internal channels, Lu Yangyi's phone number was dialed.

"Hello. Professor Zhou."

"General Lu. Please arrange it, and arrange tasks for Qiao Xun."

Lu Yangyi smiled slightly, "Trust me, this will be a choice he knows. After all... this is his most critical choice."

"It's useless to talk about other things."

"Professor Zhou is really willing to gossip with me at all."


After speaking, hang up immediately.

Lu Yangyi sat in the office, staring at the computer in a daze, and said to himself: How can the prejudice like a mountain be leveled? His idiot-like character might have to wait for an opportunity to move the immortals.

Shaking his head a little, coming back to his senses, he began to arrange this matter.

February 14, 2036.

The city of Yan on Valentine's Day is still peaceful and stable. In the streets and alleys, people carrying flower baskets and selling flowers hope that disaster will never come, and a bellflower is mounted on their chests, swaying in the wind.

Qiao Xun's "Tower Network" received a dispatch mission——

[Today, the delegated evolutionary "Qiao Xun" has become an international dispatched combat soldier in the Miracle War in Afghanistan (code: CN-4243-U-G), participating in the evolution of the Republic by the "Tower" Republic Branch Center (hereinafter referred to as the Branch Center) and the Republic The tasks jointly controlled by the Research and Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the R&D Committee)

Please go to the branch center for filing and receive basic guidance before February 16, 2036, and go to the Gongjin R&D Committee to issue an international dispatcher certificate and a diplomatic immunity warrant for international operations

——The branch center and the Gongjin R&D Committee jointly signed]

It finally came.

Qiao Xun never thought that he would become an international dispatcher. Still participating in such a major miraculous war.


Mentioning this, he realized that he seems to have been in contact with miracles quite a few times~www.readwn.com~ The "fear" of the gods who have just recovered from the sea train is counted as one;

The world sand table and the "books" collected in Morioka City count as one;

Tateyama city scavengers and the sea temple count as one;

Then there is the space-related miracle item Moshuluo's Destroyed Will Sumeru, which was found in Night Watch Street.

Looking at it this way... It's still the most direct way of Mosuluo's Destroyed Will, and you can use it when you get it. Unlike the world sand table and "book", he didn't know how to use it at all. Even if he was promoted to the fourth level, he was only able to understand a little bit, but the huge amount of information, he didn't expect to be able to understand it at all.

Qiao Xun didn't bother much, so he acted immediately and went to the branch center and the R&D Committee.

The two institutions are in the same urban area, right next to each other.

After he got there, he just checked his identity, and a staff member took him to the relevant department.

It feels like this action plan has a very high level of secrecy. He didn't even know who else was involved.

It’s just a filing and basic guidance information. In fact, it is the possible participation of the forces and the relevant acceptance in Afghanistan. Then get the diplomatic-related warrant and it's over.

It only took half an hour from start to finish.

He didn't even know what his mission was.

It's just that, after reaching the destination, the task will arrange itself.

Then, he was scheduled to set off on the evening of February 17 to take the Republic's only flight to Afghanistan as a battlefield reporter.

how to say……

Qiao Xun always felt a little shabby.

"Isn't even a decent piece of equipment given out? Even a single soldier in combat can't be an orphan..."

I can only say that I hope this is for confidentiality, and there will be other arrangements in the future.

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