Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 6: Wait for me, I'll come to you right away (2 in 1)

After driving into the town area, you can see other people.

There are not many people, and most of them are in a hurry, just like if they stay outside for a long time, they will get into trouble.

Qiao Xun sat in the co-pilot and looked out. There were obvious signs of damage to some houses here, and from the degree of damage, it was not caused by modern thermal weapons, but some kind of brute force. He raised his hand and looked at his watch.

The above shows that the average pollution value here is 146p/m².

This level... is very high.

Basically, generally small pollution incident areas have this pollution value. In the stipulated index of the "tower", the pollution value should be lower than 50p/m², in order to be regarded as an environment where normal people can live safely.

Here, it reached three times the standard value. In other words, living here for a long time is more likely to be alienated by pollution, and it is easier to attract polluted creatures to come.

However, due to the special landform and climate of the Akub Khanate kabul, there are not many kinds of normal creatures here, so there are not as many polluting creatures as imagined.

Like tropical rain forests, rivers and seas, that kind of place has the most polluting organisms.

Qiao Xun always pays attention to everyone who appears in his field of vision. Then, he discovered that there were many low-level evolutionaries. These low-level evolutionaries are obviously different from ordinary people, whether it is eyes, movements or clothing.

He asked, "Manager Li, who are those people?" He pointed to a man dressed in black with a thin scarf around his neck, with a light yellow mark on it.

Li Tangguang drove the car, glanced at it, and immediately replied:

"Those are the patrol members of the Free Army."

"Freedom Army... Manager Li, what is the attitude of the Free Army here?"

"Well... For foreigners, especially those with the blessing of a big country like us, they basically don't communicate, but they don't hurt. As for the locals, it all depends on their religious beliefs. For Sunnis , The Free Army is very friendly. Although it is an Adventist organization, they are not so extreme towards civilians. But if it is an evolutionary, it is more strict, especially the Shia evolutionary."

"I heard that many non-woven evolutionaries from all over the world came here to join them. Don't they have contradictions? There must be those kinds of teachings and beliefs that do not match."

"It was like this a few years ago. But it's different now, especially after the global official announcement this year." Li Tangguang smiled, "I heard that, but I don't know if it's accurate. It seems that the leader of the Free Army has changed. . Restructuring, while maintaining the principles of the teachings, and widely attracting evolutionists from all over the world. Of course, the bottom line of Shiites is definitely still unavoidable. "

"Substitution and restructuring." Qiao Xun looked at the patrol team members outside and thought.

After the dilapidated car drove to a certain section of the road, it suddenly bumped up.

Li Tangguang said: "Mr. Qiao, sit tight. The battle between evolutionaries broke out just two days ago on this road, and the road was broken."

"A battle between evolutionaries?"

"Well, I heard that the Free Army caught the spy."

Qiao Xun's heart skipped a beat, "Spy?"

"Yes, Shia spies. The Akub Khanate is a complicated place. Even though the Free Army announced that it has taken over, there are still various religious guerrillas constantly harassing it in various places. Kabul is the new base camp of the Free Army after all, so there are a lot of spies in this place. Those who are caught will not end well."

Qiao Xun said:

"This place seems to be very sensitive."

"Well, and because the laws and regulations are not perfect, there are many cases of lynching." Li Tangguang sniffed and said with a smile: "I can only thank my motherland. The Free Army is still very willing to cooperate with us, after all, Many times, they also need some supplies from us.”

"That's it."

Qiao Xun pondered.

He felt that his identity should not be considered a spy. After all, they came not to spy on the secrets of the Free Army, but to perform miracles.

But it has never been stipulated that miracles belong to any one person or country.

However, you still have to take it easy. People here are not as good as people from other places.

After the bumpy road, Li Tangguang drove to a local hotel.

"Mr. Qiao, this hotel is run by our own people, so it's more comfortable to live in. I've already discussed with the supervisor here in advance. Do you want to choose a room by yourself, or let the arrangement directly ."

"Mr. Li, you're too polite, just arrange it casually. I'm not here for vacation," Qiao Xun said with a smile, then he asked, "How far is this from the headquarters of the Free Army?"

"The headquarters of the Liberty Army is in the city center. It's about 20 kilometers away from here." Li Tangguang didn't ask Qiao Xun why he asked this. His task was to receive Qiao Xun well, and to answer any questions.

The rest are all organizational arrangements, just obey.

"oh, I see."

The two got out of the car.

Li Tangguang took Qiao Xun to have a chat with the manager of the hotel, and then.

The supervisor arranged for him the best room in the hotel. Although Qiao Xun said not to be too polite, this is the way of hospitality, they are still doing it. I don't know anything else, just know that Qiao Xun is an important guest from the motherland.

In the room, Qiao patrolled:

"Manager Li, can you get the information on foreign tourists from Kabul during this period?"

"It's not difficult." Li Tangguang said with a smile, "My company is in this business anyway. We have channels for things related to human resources management. Mr. Qiao, what level do you need?"

"A recordable activity track is best. The detailed identities don't matter, what matters is how they came to Kabul, their purpose and their itinerary."

A request like this is actually considered personal privacy.

In a big country, it is difficult to get it at will. But, in a place like the Akub Khanate. Personal privacy is neither important nor guaranteed.

From Li Tanguang's expression, we knew that it wasn't difficult. He came down one by one, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Qiao, we promise to fulfill your request."

"Manager Li doesn't have to be so cautious." Qiao Xun said with a smile, "The most important thing is to protect your own safety."

"Okay. Then, Mr. Joe, do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you. If you have any questions, I'll bother you again."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb. Then I'll go first. The service at the hotel has been explained to the supervisor. I have a good relationship with him, and I will definitely not let you suffer, Mr. Qiao. "

"Thanks a lot."

"Then, Mr. Qiao has a good rest."

Li Tangguang took the door and left.

Qiao Xun didn't have much luggage, and he basically put it in Mosuluo of Destroyer Sumeru.

He is deeply aware of the power of the miracle of the space department, because it means that you can carry an equipment library with you.

Went to the window, opened the window and looked out. The dry wind blows, with a smell of yellow sand.

Below is a parking lot. This hotel is relatively high-end in the local area, so there are not many cars parked underground. Basically, it is also for people from other countries who come to work. So, there are many exotic faces.

East Asia, South Asia, Europe and America...

The reason why Li Tangguang was asked to help with the travel trajectories of the people who came here with their mobile phones was to judge whether there were many evolutionary people who came here during this time.

Quantity, strength distribution, etc.

These things can actually be judged from the formation trajectory.

Evolutionary trajectories are generally conservative. Because, at editors, most of the itineraries are kept secret by their respective organizations.

Rather than editing evolutionaries, they are more criminals. Their travel trajectories are better analyzed.

Dare not to do anything, "knowing yourself and the enemy" is the first principle that Qiao Xun follows in his actions.

In any task, information is the most critical. This is true whether it is ancient warfare or modern warfare.

Especially in highly dangerous pollution events like the battle for miracles, information is crucial. It is necessary to clearly understand the strength of the forces participating in the competition in order to make a more favorable and sober judgment.

However, Qiao Xun has not yet received a specific task, so his understanding of the whole thing can only be said to be a little bit.

After eating in the restaurant, he returned to his room. After Qiao Xun set up a monitoring space for "Zaiyin" around the room, he sat on the small sofa and entered the "Tower Network".

As soon as he entered, he found that he had received an email in his private mailbox.

Xin Yu sent it to him.

Some things about the girl "Red".

Click to open the email.

Just a random scan, Qiao Xun knew that this record was much more detailed than the publicly available information of "Tower", and even had clear photos of the girl "Red" at different time periods.

Then, it can be seen that her appearance has not changed since 2012 when there was a record of identification.

Always the shape of an ordinary high school student, with long hair and bangs covering his right eye.

She never wears formal clothes, she is always the youthful and beautiful casual clothes of high school girls.

Just looking at the face, it is indeed harmless to humans and animals, and even a little weak. It is probably the kind of look that will immediately arouse people's desire to protect when they are in danger and show a pitiful demeanor.

But it was such a person who was marked as "extremely dangerous".

A paragraph of dictation, the voice is thick and hoarse, the male voice——

[“As for the Ace of Hearts of the Black Revolution, I should have had a lot of contact with her. This person has a very distorted personality, and we don’t know the specific reason yet. However, according to the descriptions of some people who escaped her puppet attack, She probably had a rather tragic school experience. Of course, we can't simply say that this kind of thing is the direct cause of her personality. After all, evolution will greatly amplify a person's characteristics, and at the same time, some talents , some totems, will also cause the evolutionary characteristics to be reversed.”]

【“First of all. She is very strong, so strong that she is immortal and immortal within the scope of specific observation. Because of her advanced demigod talent 'fatalism', it is doomed that ordinary methods cannot kill her. Death. The talent of 'fatalism', which we cannot observe, cannot assess, from what we have seen, can reverse life and death, can... revise destiny. I know, this sounds too vague and very conceptual. But it is true, Our understanding is limited to this.”]

["The girl 'Red' is twisted, but she is not the kind of person who takes pleasure in killing. Although, in general understanding, she is very perverse, does things without purpose, and is often in a state of chaos and madness. However, in my In her detailed observation, she is a person with a very high purpose. To put it simply, she will never waste even a glance on anything, but everything she does is actually quite purposeful. . In recent years, she has done little, and it seems that she has not found something worth doing. Maybe, she will settle down for a while.”]

[“However, who can say for sure?”]

["Finally, remember, don't kill any members of the black revolution casually, it's best if you can capture and control them alive. If you can't, you'd rather let them go than kill them. Because the girl 'Red' will correct their fate in a way Descend. In fact, I speculate, maybe, being a god, she can fix anyone's fate. It's very dangerous!"]

After the dictation, it was the detailed process of communicating with the girl "Red".

The time, place, event, and detailed behavior are marked.

You can feel that Xin Yu put a lot of thought into this record.

Qiao Xun was very moved. He himself has never been so concerned about this matter, which makes him a little ashamed.

If everyone else is working hard for you, and you don't work hard, then you're really an asshole.

He read this information about the Ace of Hearts girl "Red" several times, and he could almost know it by heart. Then, close your eyes, and start drawing pictures of it in your mind.

Because he had seen it with his own eyes, the image of the girl "red" became clearer in his mind.

A high school girl in a school uniform with long smooth hair.

With a satchel on her shoulders, she walked towards you with a smile, her steps were very light and small, the breeze lifted her temples, revealing her small and slightly red earlobes.

Such a scene should be very healing.

Until she lifted her bangs, revealing her raised right eye. That red between poppies and blood stings your eyes.

You see, her vertical pupil starts to rotate, like a vortex, making you unable to extricate yourself...

Such a scene should be depressing.

Qiao Xun conceived such a picture. Suddenly, he heard a voice in his mind,

"Did you miss me?"

He suddenly woke up and stood up subconsciously. Cold sweat started to form on his forehead and back.

What is that sound?

He took a breath, took a breath, and went to test again, trying to perceive.

However, the results were different.

The sound didn't appear again.


No, not possible. Qiao Xun would never comfort himself with the hasty and somewhat self-deceiving statement of "hearing hallucinations".

Because, that voice appeared when the image of the girl "Red" was conceived. If she is an ordinary person, then it may be classified as auditory hallucinations caused by too much pressure, but will the girl "Red" be an ordinary person?

In Qiao Xun's heart, some uneasy pressure rose again.

He didn't expect that the girl "Red" was actually so powerful.

In the past, he didn't know much about the evolutionary's ascension to the gods' long rank, thinking that it was probably just a gap in strength.

Because of the existence of "talent", that is, the different ways of using rune energy, it is difficult for the evolutionary to quantify the combat effectiveness of a stage.

At present, the mainstream simple quantification method of "tower" is:

A family-level evolutionary person can deal with five or so non-advanced polluted creatures at the same time;

A believer-level evolutionary person can fight against ten or so familia-level tainted creatures alone;

The level and number of rune energy of spokesperson-level evolutionaries are similar to about twenty believer-level polluted creatures;

This is a rough quantification of the low-level evolutionary. Even so, there are still situations where different types of talent have different combat capabilities. Like healing talents, the combat strength is greatly reduced.

Going up, to the middle level, it is even more difficult to quantify.

This is also the reason why there is no mainstream stratification of evolutionaries in the world at present.

With a powerful talent, if the utilization rate of rune energy is high, even a low-level evolutionary person may kill a high-level one.

The powerful strength of the girl "Red" made Qiao Xun completely lose the concept of strength quantification.

Because the gap is really too big.

Quantification is based on "being able to find countermeasures" and "being able to evaluate the success rate of countermeasures".

And the girl "Red". There is no countermeasure against her.

If she can't fight back, then for Qiao Xun, she is a demigod that is infinitely strong.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think about whether his "lazy" after being promoted to the fourth rank can avoid the ability of a girl "red"?

Think about it and do it. Without hesitation, he began to modify his way of existence with "lazy".

The so-called modification of the way of existence is to modify the life information and life will.

On the physical level and self-awareness, he is still Qiao Xun. But in the meaning of existence and the cognition of others, he has changed.

This does not affect how others see him, they still recognize him as Qiao Xun. But if one were to use a talent similar to "Zaiyin" to detect, it would not be Qiao Xun, but other people who had been modified by him.

I don't know if doing this will be able to avoid the unique ability of the girl "Red".

However, this is the only thing he can do to the girl "Red" at present.

In the final analysis, it is still too weak.

Qiao Xun looked out the window with a complicated mood.

Weakness is indeed the original sin.

Just like the Akub Khanate, if it were a little stronger, it wouldn't become what it is now.


A certain sea area, the deep sea bottom, where the sun can't shine, it should be dark, but it is bright like it is on the mainland. I don't know where the light came from.

There are no swimming fish, no phytoplankton, and the sea is even quiet.

A huge idol stands here. The statue is beautiful, as if it was carefully carved by a master.

On the shoulders of the statue, sits a woman... or rather, a girl.

Because she looks too young. Young enough to look like he's still in school.

She was also dressed like a student, with a long white dress and a pair of canvas shoes with small feet.

The long hair did not flutter because of the sea water.

She looked very dry and clean. She was obviously immersed in the sea water, but she didn't feel any wetness on her body.

Close your eyes.

The left eye is normal, with slender eyelashes and a beautiful arc at the corner of the eye.

The right eye... is erect and has no eyelashes. The deconstruction of the eye sockets, eyebrows, brow bones, etc. has also been completely changed, so that it does not seem to violate the harmony, as if she should be so long.

"You miss me?" At a certain moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and asked.

No one answered her.

Under the deep sea, there is a dead silence. Not even the sea fish that spit bubbles.

She looked at the deep sea, her pupils were as stable as fake, and she didn't shrink at all.

Then, she stood up. Standing on the shoulders of the tall statue, he whispered, "I met you for the third time. It's just three things, wait for me, I'll come to you right away. Is it the Akub Khanate? Just right, let's take it in one fell swoop. "

After speaking, she stretched her right hand forward.


In a certain mountain area in the Akub Khanate, two people dressed in local costumes walked unhurriedly.

One is tall, about 1.9 meters, and the other is short, about 1.75 meters.

The two men, under their strict attire, only showed a pair of eyes, looking around.

"'Sharp knife', how far is our inspection distance?" the shorter man asked.

"Jian Dao" replied, "Five kilometers. The hinterland of the Fulansi Mountains, from Shipo to Xiaheyu, is our inspection range."

"The breath here makes me uneasy."

"Me too. There's a feeling of heat in the abdominal cavity. That... kind of feeling is a little uncomfortable. However, 'Sharpblade', I think I still need to put this mentality away, you know, the one who doesn't like it the most Complaints."

"Sharp Blade" shrank his body, even in the hot and dry mountainous hinterland, he felt a little chilly, "You are right. However, I don't understand what exactly we are inspecting."

"This is not what we should care about below the number 5."

"That's what it says. But... who doesn't want to be above the number 5. Look, the club 6, the club 7. It's just two ranks higher than us, and the tasks performed are completely different."

"Don't question the organization's arrangements. Those bigwigs know better than you and me who should do what, otherwise, the black revolution will not still be here, and it will become stronger and stronger."

"Is it really getting stronger and stronger? However, the Cube 10 'Master' was not long ago-"

Plum Blossom 5 "Sharp Knife" was silent for a while, "Don't think too much. We'd better still—"

He said, suddenly the whole person froze and stood motionless.

Plum Blossom 4 "Sharp Blade" took two steps forward before realizing the abnormality. He turned around abruptly and saw that "Sharp Blade" was abnormal. He immediately entered a state of alert and asked seriously:

"'Sharp knife', how are you?"

no answer.

Plum Blossom 5 "Sharp Knife"'s tall and lanky body is as if the string tied to the torso by a marionette is broken, losing its vitality~www.readwn.com~ Then, "Sharp Blade" saw a hand and broke the face of "Sharp Knife" , stretched out. Not a drop of blood came out.

"Sharpblade" was breathing more and more rapidly. His whole body trembled, his head bowed, and a rumor swirled in his head.

The Ace of Hearts is in charge of the fate of everyone in the Black Revolution under her.

Ace of Hearts tore open the body of "Sharp Blade" and took one step forward. The wind blew her cheeks and long hair, and her bangs swayed, revealing her red vertical pupils.

She held the knuckle-sized lens in her hand, and threw it to Plum Blossom 4 "sharp blades", saying:

"This collection is the life condensate of Plum Blossom 5. It can be used for resurrection."

"Sharp Blade" caught it tremblingly, and said in a steady voice:

"Yes Yes!"

"Okay, pack up, and then continue your mission."

"Okay, okay!"

The Ace of Hearts turned and left, disappearing into this mountain in the blink of an eye.

From the beginning to the end, Plum Blossom 4 "Sharp Blade" did not dare to raise his head to look at her.

He quickly took out a bottle of potion, wiped the body of Plum Blossom 5 "Sharp Knife", and then, thinking about nothing else, continued to inspect the area in charge.


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