Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 7: Tanuki for Prince, An Uneasy Breath (2 in 1)

In the hotel room, I read the "growth report" compiled by Hitomi Minami Shizuku, then answered some questions, and by the way stated some guidance and suggestions.

Nan Shizuku Hitomi wanted to chat with him, but he blocked him all afternoon.

Then, in the afternoon, Qiao Xun searched for information related to the Akub Khanate on the "Tower Network".

There are three main aspects. The first is the distribution of forces here, no matter how big or small, let’s not talk about it in detail, but at least you need to be able to name it, recognize the packing arrangements of different forces and organizations, as well as the basic teachings and beliefs.

The second is the religious and mythological system of the Akub Khanate. After all, evolution, talent, and totems are mostly related to culture, which is a way for gods to leave their traces, and they are passed down with specific symbols. Although, after many years of evolution, some cultures will change through cultural migration and integration, but the basic "temperament" will not change very much.

Therefore, understanding this is also a kind of understanding of the local evolutionary system.

Because the evolutionists here are all "towers" that are not compiled, and can only be understood in this way. At present, no country can have a thorough understanding of Adventist organizations such as the Free Army or third-party forces.

Third, it is the basic information obtained in the Republic branch center. The relevant mythological system created by the Dayuezhi people in the Hexi Corridor BC after they moved westward to the Akub Khanate region. That can be said to be the origin of the mythical civilization here.

And this battle for miracles is also closely related to it.

In short, study, keep studying.

After dinner time, Qiao Xun did not delay at all. Maintain good eating habits, leave the room, and go to the restaurant with the key card.

The restaurant is on the third floor. As soon as he walked into the elevator, he immediately saw a man-height plaster statue standing inside, supported by four staff wearing gloves.

Qiao Xun stepped aside and watched them carefully remove the plaster statue.

Then, he walked into the elevator.

In the elevator...the smell of plaster is strong. It's the taste of lime powder.

He frowned. No, although the plaster statue does have a faint and unique smell of lime powder, it is not so strong, and it does not remain in the space for a long time. Even freshly painted plaster does not have such a strong smell.

Such a strong taste seems to have deliberately added irritating ingredients.

Qiao Xun took a breath, then rubbed the tip of his nose. It doesn't smell good.

The elevator went down to the third floor. After entering the corridor, he saw several staff members placing plaster statues.

Although it is not the same as the statue I saw just now. But the taste...just as heavy. The manager of the hotel is watching over him.

Qiao Xun was a little curious and walked over.

The supervisor is a professional manager, and his temperament and dress are very standard, with suits and leather shoes.

"Mr. Qiao." Seeing Qiao Xun approaching, he immediately greeted him. After all, this is the distinguished guest who has explained it.

"Manager, is this plaster statue a hotel decoration?" Qiao asked.

The supervisor smiled and said:

"Yeah, after all, the scale of the hotel has grown, and so has the level of decoration. Originally, it was planned to be closed for three days for decoration, but there have been a lot of orders these days, so I plan to slowly decorate. I'm bothering you. ?"

Qiao Xun shook his head, "There are many guests, is it the peak season?"

"It's not the peak season. We don't know the specific situation, but there are indeed many more guests booking rooms, from all over the world."

Qiao Xun nodded, "But I feel that the plaster statue has a strong smell, won't it affect the guests?"

The supervisor smiled,

"This is not a plaster statue, it is made with the unique soil of the eastern mountains of Kabul. It is all pre-determined. The first day the smell is strong and needs to be covered with other spices, but the next day it has no taste."

"It looks like plaster."

"Yes, at first we thought it was a plaster. But after consulting, we found out that it was not."

"That's it, since you're busy, I'll go eat first."

"Okay, I wish you a happy meal."

The hotel is not small, and the dishes in the restaurant are quite rich. Qiao Xun ordered a few dishes at random and sat by the window.

Floor-to-ceiling windows provide a wide view.

Looking outside, there are several trucks parked in the hotel square outside, with many statues standing on them, covered with delicate silk cloth. Just looking at the cloth, you can feel that these statues are expensive.

The staff is carrying it carefully.

As for the style of the statue, in general terms, it is full of strangeness.

There are people, animals, and artistic images. Basically, they are all high.

Judging from this number, it is estimated that the corridors and corridors of each floor will be placed.

After dinner, Li Tangguang called.

"Hello, Mr. Joe."

"Hello, Manager Li."

"On my side, I have found the channel you requested. Then, we have organized the information you requested and sent you an internal link. After clicking the link, you can see the information. For confidentiality For this reason, your 'Tower' certification is required, which will be transmitted to you using 'Tower Net'."

"So fast?" Qiao Xun was a little surprised, only seven or eight hours had passed.

"This kind of thing is really not difficult in the local area, and it can be solved with money. However, all that can be collected are those who have registered information from formal channels, and those who smuggled in will not be able to."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Xun found that there was a link in the text message.

He entered the "Tower Network", entered this link, and after being authenticated, he entered an interface.

Very... shabby.

It is probably the beauty of the txt document.

But it's functional enough.

Through this software, he can directly see the information of anyone who comes to several nearby cities through formal channels. Even saw himself, a businessman from the Republic.

Of course, this is his clear identity.

Moreover, this software updates the data in real time. It can even be said that it also has the functions of information retrieval and keyword sorting.

It can only be said that Li Tangguang attaches great importance to this matter, and his ability is quite outstanding. No wonder the organization made him the linker.

Back in the room, Qiao Xun began to analyze the personal itinerary information.

At present, these days, it should be said that from the 10th of this month, the number of tourists, businessmen and national staff who came to several surrounding cities has begun to increase, and the growth rate is getting bigger and bigger.

Republic, Commonwealth, Gaul, Gran, Japan, India...

At present, many major countries have come to visit.

Especially in the Federation and the Republic, many "businessmen" came.

However, once you analyze the itineraries of these people, you will find that the traces of their business activities are really too "homesteading". Of course, in Qiao Xun's view, these people are not the key. The key people who will really participate in the battle for miracles will never appear in large batches.

Moreover, the main force generally only appears when the situation has surfaced.

Qiao Xun collected these just to facilitate his understanding of the place. Otherwise, participating in a highly dangerous mission in an unfamiliar environment will make him very uneasy, which will affect a person's judgment and combat effectiveness.

Aside from the "regular army" being compiled, Qiao Xun pays more attention to those "savages".

People from Adventist organizations and third-party neutral organizations.

Especially the Black Revolution.

The mountain in his heart. He felt that there was no reason why organizations like the Black Revolution should not get involved in things like this.

In the document that Xin Yu sorted out and sent before, the dictation and reminder, do not easily kill any member of the black revolution, it will lead to the arrival of the girl "red".

This will limit Qiao Xun to a certain extent.

If it is impossible to determine whether the other party is a member of the Black Revolution, and if they conflict with it and kill it, there will be even greater danger.

This is not what he wants to see.

Therefore, he made a decision. Unless it is a last resort, he must not take the initiative to conflict with other evolutionaries and break out into battle.

After conducting a basic analysis of the people who came to nearby cities, Qiao Xun quit the "Tower Network".

His current priority is to wait for the task arrangement given by the organization. Before that, don't act casually.

If he was in a relatively safe country, he would go out for a walk.

But the Akub Khanate, especially under the current situation, does not want to cause trouble, and trouble may even take the initiative to get into trouble.

For now, it is to ensure stability.

When he was resting at night, he followed his habit and added an extra layer of "Zaiyin" monitoring space around the room to ensure basic security.

Then consciousness is immersed in "lazy".

Even though he has reached the fourth level, he is a middle-level evolutionary who has stepped out of the circle of body rune energy. However, "laziness" is still too conceptual. It is by no means an ordinary ability that can be mastered and understood once it is mastered. It needs to be continuously felt and understood.

The air in Kabul is so dry that hotel rooms have to be equipped with humidifiers.

At night, the rustling sound of the humidifier acts as a white noise to aid sleep.

Until a certain moment, there were slightly heavy footsteps in the corridor outside.



The monitoring space of "Zaiyin" is very keen, and this information is passed on to Qiao Xun.

In the dark night, Qiao Xun opened his eyes.

Hold your breath and listen carefully.

There are many small voices. Clock, wind sound, humidifier, frequency...

It is now two in the morning.

The sound of heavy footsteps outside... lingering. Just wandering around the room of Qiao Xun.

He got up carefully, barefooted, and approached the door of the room.



The sound of footsteps kept wandering around the door of the room.

Qiao Xun put his palm on the wall and began to explore the energy trajectory...

The trajectory does have a trajectory, but there is no energy trajectory of the polluting creatures that Qiao Xun expected. The energy trajectory of the tainted creature is different from that of the revivalist, more chaotic and disordered.

And, there is a very obvious sense of oppression.

However, the energy trajectory outside is not, even said, a very ordinary trajectory.

Not polluting organisms?

His consciousness is connected to the monitoring space of "Zaiyin". Then, look out into the hallway.

In the corridor, the lights are bright but quiet.

Qiao Xun held his breath and looked outside his door.

Outside his door, stood a man with a gray body. Is that... the plaster statue from before?

He took a closer look and was quite sure that it was the plaster statue that he saw in the elevator before moving to his own floor. It was a naked young European man.

After pacing outside the door for a while, it finally stopped in front of the door.

Qiao Xun saw that it raised its head, looked at the door frame, and stretched out his hand. The movement is a little stiff, and there is a sense of frustration.

dong dong dong——

Knock on the door.

Qiao Xun frowned.

What's going on with this plaster statue.

He felt it carefully again, it was indeed not a polluting creature. It is even said that the pollution value is the level of normal people, at 42p/m??. Moreover, the energy trajectory surging on the body is not an evolutionary. Aside from being a plaster statue, it's... ordinary.

dong dong dong!

With no response, it knocked on the door again.

Qiao Xun still didn't respond to it.

The corridor outside is very quiet. In a place like the Akub Khanate, even if it is a Chinese hotel, it is best not to go out at night. This is a common perception. Therefore, at this time, basically no one will walk outside.

There was no response, and the plaster did not continue.

It turned around and walked to the next room with a bare bottom. Room 1504.

Then, the same behavior, started knocking on the door.

Qiao Xun continued to observe.

The tenant of room 1504 opened the door when the plaster statue knocked on the door for the second time.

Qiao Xun remembered that the tenant of this room was a blond Russian man.

The sound he expected did not come. The blond Russian man was stunned when he saw the plaster statue, and stood at the door without doing anything else.

what happened?

The next moment, a terrifying scene appeared.

He saw that the plaster statue started from the top of the head, and the color poured out, covering the original gray and white.

At the same time, the dazed tenant poured out gray-white from the top of his head, covering his original appearance.

The whole process took half a minute.

Both the plaster and the tenant have undergone qualitative changes from start to finish.

They completed the exchange of physical appearances.

The plaster statue becomes the tenant, and the tenant becomes the plaster statue.

Then, the "tenant" picked up the "plaster statue" and left here, walked to the place where the plaster statue was placed before, put it down as it was, and placed it.

Not even the slightest change in the angle.

A civet cat for a prince?

Qiao Xun was shocked by this ability. After the plaster statue and the tenant exchanged bodies, there was almost no difference, both the mental trajectory and the energy trajectory were completely consistent.

This is somewhat beyond his understanding.

Because, his current cognition of "pollution and evolution" exists between polluting organisms, evolvers, and pollutants.

However, no trace of pollution was felt on the plaster statue. This puzzled him.

During the exchange of bodies, there is hardly any significant change in the energy trajectory.

This made it almost impossible for Qiao Xun to parse what happened in the process of exchanging their bodies. How to do it, what is the principle and essence?

Then, the corridor went quiet.

The replaced "tenant" returned to the room, while the original tenant was turned into a plaster statue, standing at the entrance of the corridor, posing as "dedicated to art".

Qiao Xun suddenly thought that there are many such plaster statues in this hotel.

A sense of horror arises spontaneously.

Why, these plaster statues appear here, is the hotel manager deceived, or is he also deceived.

Qiao Xun felt uneasy.

Anxiety comes from the unknown.

Because he can't understand how the plaster image can replace others and how his own energy can be expressed.

He returned to the room, frowned and began to think.

If other plaster statues are like this... The hotel has a total of nine floors, with at least two plaster statues on each floor, and at least eighteen plaster statues.

Does this mean that eighteen people have been replaced by that special ability?

Such a situation could not let him continue to sleep peacefully. After thinking about it, he decided to go to other floors to see the situation.

Of course, he didn't walk out of the room directly. Because there are other evolutionaries living in this hotel, if you walk into the bright place ahead of time, it will not be friendly to the situation.

With his palms against the wall, "Zaiyin" extended upwards.

After detecting that the room upstairs was an ordinary person, he used the "sound force field" stolen from the Ace of Hearts to control the sound.

Then use the fourth-order talent "stereoscopic" under the block 10 red reed grass totem to control spatial geometric objects. Pull out the ceiling wall blocks, then spread them out, and pile them up into a ladder.

Shield the sound so as not to disturb the tenants upstairs.

Then, he arrived at room 1605.

The soft sleep light was on. The tenant has fallen asleep.

Qiao Xun's movements were light, not disturbing his good dreams, and continued to use the same method. Constantly changing the structure of the walls of the room, creating a path that can be freely passed.

Avoid the rooms of those who evolved, and only go to the rooms of ordinary people.

Then, he found that the same thing was happening on other floors.

The plaster statues knocked on the door, and those who slept to death escaped. But all the tenants who opened the door and looked directly at the plaster statue, no matter whether they were evolutionaries or not, did not escape the end of being replaced.

Among them, there is even a fourth-order evolutionary.

This made Qiao Xun even more uneasy. He couldn't assess whether his face in a cast would also be replaced.

With the convenience of "solid" to manipulate solid geometry, Qiao roamed different rooms and observed the process of replacing most of the plaster statues with others.

Basically, as soon as they meet, the replacement process begins.

After a visit, it was five o'clock in the morning.

The cleaning of the hotel began to clean up.

Joe went to his room, logged into the "Tower Network", and searched for relevant content.

After entering keywords such as "plaster statue", "civet cat for prince", "seize house", "replacement", etc., many similar pollution incidents were found.

But looking at them one by one, these pollution incidents all have clear polluting creatures and innate abilities. Nothing like what happened in the hotel.

Qiao Xun realized that his understanding of the world was still quite poor, and he limited his thinking between "pollution and evolution".

"Pollution and Evolution" is actually included in "Runes, Totems and Miracles".

The pollution incident is arguably the most common "miracle" incident. But there are always those special. Like the huge palms seen in the underground cracks in Sumatra, and the scavengers encountered in Tateyama City, they are all like this.

They have no pollution value in the conventional sense, and their abilities are far beyond common knowledge.

Qiao Xun still chose to contact Xin Yu when he couldn't find any related information on "Tawang". He originally wanted to report to the organization, but unfortunately, the organization has not yet established a network of contacts. Because in the macro-control of the organization, the individual combatant is often a lone wolf, either changing the situation as soon as it appears, or not appearing from the beginning to the end.

After he compiled this matter, he sent it to Xin Yu.

At six in the morning, Xin Yu returned the news. She had never seen anything like it, but agreed to ask for help.

At seven o'clock, people started walking in the corridor outside. Only then did Qiao Xun leave the room, planning to have breakfast.

He didn't pay attention to those plaster statues deliberately and didn't want to attract attention.

After all, some tenants have already been replaced by real plaster statues, and it's best not to expose yourself until you can't predict the purpose of these replaced tenants.

When passing the corridor, I glanced at the plaster statue. This is the replaced Russian tenant.

There is no breath of life.

There is almost no difference from the previous one. Putting it in "Let's find fault together", they will all be considered the same.

Qiao Xun couldn't distinguish the difference intuitively, and it was not easy to directly explore "numerology following the sky".

After arriving at the restaurant, he soon found that the replaced Russian lodger next to him was also dining in the restaurant.

After Qiao Xun took some breakfast, he observed it vaguely.

The Russian lodger looked the same as before, and even communicated with his companions.

This is... have you mastered memory or something?

Qiao Xun quickly finished the breakfast, and with the help of the staff, found the hotel manager.

Seeing that it was Qiao Xun looking for him, the supervisor was very warm and polite.

"Mr. Qiao, do you need anything?"

Qiao Xun said:

"Manager, is there any activity in your hotel in the early hours of the morning?"

The supervisor shook his head and said, "No, our employees have regulations. Except for the staff on duty, they must complete the work in the guest room area before eleven o'clock, so as not to disturb the rest of the guests. Is Mr. Qiao being disturbed?"

"Last night at two o'clock in the morning, I heard heavy footsteps outside the door. And someone knocked on the door."

When the supervisor heard this, he immediately became nervous~www.readwn.com~ This could be related to the safety of the tenants, so he quickly asked:

"Did you open the door?"

"No. However, I want to ask, what's the matter. I have no company, why would someone knock on the door at two in the morning?"

Qiao Xun actually wanted to let the supervisor check the monitoring from the point of view of an ordinary person and know about it.

The supervisor knew that Qiao Xun was a distinguished guest, so he did not dare to neglect him, and immediately said, "Mr. Qiao, I will immediately notify the security inspection and monitoring, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

Qiao Xun nodded, smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, manager."

"Serving customers is what we should do."

Then, in front of Qiao Xun, the supervisor found the security team and went to the monitoring room in person.

Of course, in order to avoid suspicion, Qiao Xun didn't go.

After all, he is now "a tenant, not an investigator." To be a tenant, you have to look like a tenant. If you go to the surveillance in person just because of the noise in the hallway, that tenant is sure to be suspicious.

After breakfast, Qiao Xun contacted Li Tangguang and asked him to take him to observe other places in Kabul, and then left the hotel.

In a place like Kabul, it is very inconvenient to travel alone. It is definitely better to have someone who is familiar with the place with you.


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