Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 11: Here is where the "Parth Empire" is buried

While the Hindu Kush and Tepemarajan were blizzards, the adjacent Kabul also snowed.

The temperature began to plummet.

Because the weather forecast didn't say it would snow. So this snow came very suddenly to the locals.

The sky was gloomy, and the fine gray-black traces were scattered in the air, crisscrossing each other, one after another. This is not a dark cloud formed under natural weather, and it is low in the air, making people breathless. The temperature dropped, but the air was unusually dull.

The wind blew yellow sand from the sand next to it. After the yellow sand entered the city, the visibility of the entire Kabul decreased rapidly, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street. But at the same time, the Free Army continued to gather in the city.

Some of them just came back from other regions. Because, the order from Kabul headquarters asked them to quickly show a double-team posture and seal off Kabul and the four surrounding cities.

is truly closed.

This is not like the government announcement that was issued before Zhidong City was closed.

The Free Army took control of the traffic fort. Highways, railroad tracks, airports, and even mountain trails that are only for people to walk on are in control.

The yellow sand filled the air, and the cold wind howled.

The bizarre scene of yellow sand and heavy snow appeared in Kabul. That yellow and white intertwined the doomsday scene in the miserable order.

From the light snow, it was almost impossible to stand on the street, but it took only an hour.

Those who could not go home in time had to temporarily find a building to cover the sand and snow. The Free Army was fully armed and cleared the city. Those who conform to their teachings and beliefs will be sent to concentration camps for refuge, and those who do not conform will live or die.

At the same time, above the unseen sky.

Military aircraft from various countries circled, waiting for orders from the headquarters.

For a while, Kabul and the surrounding area, shrouded in snow and yellow sand, stirred up a commotion of disputes.


The Republic, Yandu City, the Headquarters of the R&D Committee.

In the multi-protected underground command post. The heads of the eight departments, the heads of the five bureaus, and the presidents of the fourth academy from the core functional divisions of the committee gathered here.

Lu Yangyi was impressively listed here.

The big leader sat at the front of the conference table. The general in charge of international dispatch was telling everyone about the Akuba Khanate.

Operational plans, general trends, general strategic goals, the situation of various countries and forces...

Brainstorming is ignited here.

Lu Yangyi sat at the front of the conference table. When he came to the conference table, he had already figured out this action.

Personnel arrangement, goals of each column, equipment usage, etc.

After all, as the head of the equipment development department, all equipment applications for this operation need to pass through his side. Moreover, there have been many private meetings. From the beginning of the battle for miracles, there has been discussion and analysis.

Hold this meeting to gather together to advance the R&D committee at all levels and leaders of various functional departments. More importantly, the battle for miracles will affect the subsequent world situation.

Everyone in a key position must understand the whole process to avoid the omission of any key link.

Lu Yangyi knew very well that this was by no means sensational. This year's global official announcement is just a starting point, and the real turning point is the battle for miracles.

The geographical location of the Akub Khanate itself is quite special. The outbreak of the battle for miracles in that kind of place is bound to have a huge impact on the Eurasian continent. It is naturally impossible for the regional countries of the Americas to stand idly by.

It can be said that this miracle battle has swept the world.

As early as in the previous meeting, they targeted Adventist forces such as "Black Revolution", "Freedom Army", "Valan Society", "Bex Life Technology Company", as well as "East Royal Court" and "Ideal Philosophy School". and other third-party neutral forces have made a comprehensive analysis.

The final consensus was that the "Black Revolution" was undoubtedly their first enemy. This force, which is defined as a terrorist organization by almost all countries, is stirring up wind and rain around the world, committing all kinds of evils such as military conflicts, coups, and terrorist attacks.

What they are more concerned about is the "black revolution". Moreover, it is also very clear that in this battle for miracles, the "black revolution" will definitely be there. It's just not clear to what extent they have penetrated the local area. In international understanding, the "Black Revolution" is the organization that is best at infiltrating.

The giant screen display is divided into multiple areas.

General overview of Kabul and surrounding areas, key locations in various places, perspectives of relevant personnel from the Republic, and frontline headquarters.

As soon as Lu Yang looked at the giant screen, he frowned. With the same demeanor as him, there were quite a few present, so no one deliberately questioned him.

He was wondering whether Qiao Xun could survive in such a situation.

Although he advised Qiao Xun not to enter the gene melting pot, he avoided the past by dispatching individual soldiers. But he couldn't really predict Qiao Xun's position in the battle for miracles.

From Lu Yangyi's point of view, Qiao Xun does nothing, and surviving is the best outcome. I don't expect him to have any impact on the situation. After all, the miracles compete for combat power, and his strength is indeed not enough.

The only security maintenance force that our own side dispatched in the past is made up of a few special detachments. The 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 15th Task Forces in total, with five control teams per team, a total of 225 people.

These two hundred and twenty-five people are real elite troops. In the team, except for the "doctor", all of them are third-order evolutionaries and above.

And the high-level evolutionaries who have secretly escaped the "team" restriction have long been in place.

In the air, there are other reserve forces to support anytime and anywhere.

This is just one's own fighting power. Like other major powers, the Federation, Russia, Germany, etc., as well as the Allied Army, will not hide their clumsiness at such a critical time.

For Lu Yangyi. I'm not very worried about the regular troops, because the members of the "Tower" are also controlled by the various countries, and they are also restricted by the "Tower". Even if there is a conflict, there will be no life-and-death situation.

However, the Adventist forces such as the Black Leather and the Free Army... will never show mercy. These non-organized evolutionaries are themselves adversaries.

Although there is a "mutual restriction" relationship of high-level evolutionaries. But no one can guarantee whether there will be a high-level evolutionary above the fifth-order-demigod level in the battle for miracles.

For any organization, the demigod-level evolutionary is not an existence that has to do nothing.

There is no guarantee that this battle for miracles will develop into a "last resort" situation. It can only be said that now this conference is also held for this purpose. This conference will decide what attitude we want to maintain.

Lu Yangyi hoped that Qiao Xun had better not get involved with the Adventist faction and just ensure his own safety.


The huge pulling force of the blizzard tore at Qiao Xun's body. It was pitch black all around, and whistling snow, sand, flying debris and stones were mixed in the sky, completely blocking the sunlight, and everything that could be seen was an invisible and invisible chaos.

In normal times, even with such a huge force, Qiao Xun would still be able to control the balance of his body.

However, one arm was cut, and the head was almost cut off. He had to spend more energy and energy to repair his body. If there is necrosis of the brain nerve, then basically he can only say goodbye to this body.

To lose a body is to indulge in the sea and lose the support of the land. It is unacceptable.

Because of this, he couldn't manipulate other talents well, such as "point-line-hedron", and it was difficult to judge his current spatial coordinates.

It's very painful, the feeling of being unable to do anything is very painful.

It has only been a few minutes since I saw Li Tangguang be beheaded. Everything around him was still within his control, but it was easily changed by others.

The thing that made him feel the most terrifying was that from the time it happened to now, he didn't know who the other party was or what ability he was using.

The effect of talent is mutual.

When you use your innate ability on a person, you can feel the other person along the energy trajectory and spiritual trajectory. Unless the innate ability of the other party is very special, or the energy level of the other party is higher than yours, you cannot trace the source on the basis of your own energy level.

In the eyes of the storm. Qiao Xun's body swayed in a spiral like a runaway boat.

Those hard stone chips hit his body. Each time, it made him feel like he was being shot.

Before stabilizing his body functions, he could only resist hard.

It took about ten minutes, suffered hundreds of "shots" in the storm, and rotated an unknown number of times. He finally repaired the connection between his body and his head, stabilized the function of the body, and did not further expand the injury.

Then, he had the spare energy to deal with the situation he was facing.

Glancing at the empty left shoulder. The cut surface is sealed by delicate ice crystals, and "withered wood meets spring" to regulate the tissue function of the wound.

And his arm was put into Moshuluo's Destroyed Will Sumeru.

He doesn't have time to connect his arms now.

The crisis is not over yet.

It is very uncomfortable to have only one hand. But there was nothing he could do at the moment. In the huge eye of the storm, there were broken objects rotating at high speed everywhere. Many gray-white slates on the "Road to Heaven", as well as the stone tablets and memorial pillars next to them were lifted and uprooted.

Losing an arm makes it difficult to control balance. Qiao Xun got used to it a little before starting to move.

The fourth-order talent "Space Jump" of Yu Dou's route is of course his best displacement talent right now. However, this talent itself consumes a lot of energy, whether it is energy or spirit.

Therefore, Qiao Xun still used the pulling force of the wind eye to adjust the position with the help of the small detonation space of "Zhiyang".

He moved on the broken stone tablets and pillars that were swirling with the wind.

The further down you go, the bigger the object you can rest on.

At the same time, he can also use the fourth-order talent "three-dimensional" of the Red Reed Wrath route to control geometric objects within a certain range.

The scope of this talent is limited. Now Qiao Xun is in a situation of high mental tension, so it is even more limited.

After getting closer to the ground, he manipulated the surrounding geometric objects to piece together a sphere with relatively stable wind resistance. And he himself is hidden inside the sphere.

Controlling hundreds of geometric objects at the same time consumes a lot of mental and physical energy.

Qiao Xun did not delay, and then the shock wave blasted by the "Zhiyang" detonation space pushed the condensed sphere to fall down along the trajectory of the eye of the wind.

"Zaiyin" acts as a radar outside to detect the position.

This large-scale spherical power vehicle, which integrates "three-dimensional" as the limbs, "Zaiyin" as the radar, and "Zhiyang" as the power, is doing a regular downward spiral motion in the eye of the storm.

After gradually stabilizing, Qiao Xun began to repair his left arm.

Thaw, connect, mend, heal, restore.

"Sheng Nandou" and "Withered Tree Harvest Spring" have their own functions to repair wounds quickly.

In order for the nerves to connect more quickly, he gave up the use of "pain immunity" as a bodily auxiliary talent. Instead, he also used "sympathetic nerve virus" to strengthen the stimulation of nerves.

The piercing pain almost ripped through his brain.

It was like someone was cutting his arm bit by bit with a dull saw with a rusted curling blade.

No way, this has to be endured. If this pain is unbearable, there will be more dangers.

Less than a minute after the arm was connected. The tight and hard spherical vehicle that enveloped him hit the ground, and the impact made his brain very clear.

He always remembers one thing, that he is being hunted and killed.

The other side, hiding in the shadow of the wind and snow. I don't know the movement, I don't know the powerful geometry.

"Know yourself and know the enemy", lacks a "know the enemy".

After the spherical vehicle hits the ground, it starts bouncing. From the height of the bounce and the strength of the tremor, Qiao Xun constructed a model in his mind. Through the analysis of the model, he believed that he should now fall from a cliff with a **** greater than 75 degrees to the bottom of the mountain.

Part of the vision provided by "Zaiyin" also proves this.

The blizzard caused by the weather species did not seem to have affected the area where he was now. Looking at it this way, it could only be inside the mountain.

It may have fallen from a crack in the mountain or inside a cave.

The spherical vehicle smashed more than ten times on the hillside before hitting the flat ground heavily, and stopped after rolling for a few laps.

Qiao Xun manipulated the stones to separate, and the spherical vehicle disintegrated immediately.

There is no snow around. It was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. Attempt to enter the "tower net", but there seems to be strong mental interference here. His consciousness is not well connected to the consciousness of the "tower", it is intermittent and not very stable.

"Zaiyin" and "origin", "line segment", "plane" and "three-dimensional" play a role at the same time. The position, orientation, shape and structure of objects are fed back by "Zaiyin" to form specific images and sub-structures in Qiao Xun's mind.

Although there is no light, in fact, the surrounding scene is very clear in his eyes. Clear to even better than the eye.

The injury of the left arm has basically recovered, but there is some soreness and tenderness when exercising. But it doesn't affect the action very much.

Judging from the feedback from "Zaiyin". This is not a natural underground cave.

The surrounding is very flat, the ground and walls are very flat. Due to factors such as mountain movement, groundwater flow, and air circulation, it is impossible for ordinary natural caves to be so flat.

Here, it's more like a specially made one.

Built under the mountain... This made Qiao Xun think of the bomb shelter. I have seen an air-raid shelter in Duanhaishan, Qiushui County, Zhidong City before, and the internal structure is also smooth and regular.

The Akup Khanate has suffered many wars in history, and it is not difficult to understand that there are air-raid shelters.

However, Qiao Xun believes that this is not an air-raid shelter.

Because, no air-raid shelter will meticulously engrave text and murals on the walls, and rewrite patterns on the ground.

Here, it reminded him of "the tomb".

There are many tombs of emperors, messengers or other noble people in the Hindu Kush and Tepemarajan mountains. Perhaps, it was accidentally strayed into a certain one.

Qiao Xun is not an expert, so there is no way to judge the age of this mountain cave just from the engraved traces of the stone.

He looked up. The height of the drop is estimated to be around 4km. This is the place where the mountain sank all of a sudden.

The cold air from outside began to gather here.

Although the blizzard can't get in, the low-temperature air will definitely enter here during the circulation process.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Xun did not choose to go back the same way. After all, don't know if the person who tried to kill him is still there.

In fact, he didn't even know if it was someone who was going to kill him.

When Li Tangguang was killed, he was less than one meter behind him. But there was no sign, and he was always paying attention to the surrounding environment, but he couldn't catch even a trace.

Likewise, when he was attacked, he could not tell how he was attacked or where the attacker was.

He faced each other like a man who had lost all his senses. On the other hand, he could easily get in touch with him.

This situation put a lot of psychological pressure on Qiao Xun. Not being able to know the opponent's location means that they may be attacked anytime, anywhere; not being able to know the opponent's attack method means that there is no countermeasure when attacked.

It can be said that this is the most powerful enemy Qiao Xun has encountered except the girl "Red". Even, the death pressure it gave Qiao Xun was greater than that of the girl "Red". After all, "Red" never really appeared in front of him, and was happy to talk to him.

But now facing him, the only purpose seems to be to kill him.

Let's move forward. Qiao Xun thought about it.

He felt that if he guessed correctly, he should be in a side chamber similar to the "ear chamber" of the tomb. There is nothing here, only some murals and texts are recorded on the walls.

Record all these murals and words in your mind, leaving a monitoring space for "Zaiyin" to see if the other party will catch up.

Then, he walked along the tomb path.

In a closed tomb, a large amount of toxic gas is generally accumulated due to the oxidation of the grave goods. But here it should be because of the migration of the mountain and the appearance of vents, so the air is kept in circulation with the outside.

Air circulation means wind.

If there is wind, there will be vents, and there will be wind directions.

Although it wasn't too strong, with Qiao Xun's keen perception, he was able to capture the direction of the air's circulation.

Proceed along the cemetery.

The tomb passage is not narrow. It is two meters high and one meter five wide. It can probably accommodate three adults at the same time. The ground is relatively flat, even a little dry, and there is no trace of wind erosion and water engraving.

The walls on both sides are neatly and regularly inscribed with some words.

Qiao Xun recognizes these words through "language pass".

These words are in Dali, which is Persian.

According to the records, the people buried here seem to be nobles of the Assasian Dynasty, which is often referred to as the "Parth Empire".

Qiao Xun remembered that he had seen it before when he was looking at the history of the Akup Khanate mythology, civilization, culture, religion, etc. in the hotel. In fact, at the time of the Parthian Empire, it should have been hostile to the "Kuishang Empire", the dynasty of the Akub Khanate at that time.

How did an aristocrat who was hostile to the subjugation of his country be buried in a place that was regarded as a holy mountain?

Qiao Xun began to decipher the words inscribed on the walls.

The text on the wall of the tomb passage is not the main body. It does not record the life of the tomb owner, but some scriptures. In this era, the YSL religion has not yet been formally formed, and God and His angels have not yet created religious culture, totems and spread runes on the mainland.

Therefore, the above scriptures are still some Buddhist scriptures.

Qiao Xun looked at it for a while, and found that a trade route from the Eastern Empire was mentioned above. He thought, that should be the "Silk Road".

However, the Silk Road here is not the same as what he learned from history textbooks.

In general, the Silk Road was opened up during the Han Empire for the purpose of expanding its influence and doing business on the other hand.

However, the Silk Road recorded in these tomb passages seems to have been specially opened for something.

What is the specific matter, it is not written here.

It was at that time that Buddhist culture spread to the Kushan Empire.

Later, in the collision and friction between the Parthian Empire and the Kushan Empire, the owner of the tomb was involved in something.

Qiao Xun's keen combat literacy told him that this matter may not be simple, and it may involve some things in the age of gods.

He desperately wanted to know what kind of thing it was.

At first glance, this incident was linked to the Han Empire, the Kushan Empire, the Parthian Empire, and possibly other surrounding countries at that time.

He felt that the situation seemed to be somewhat similar to the present.

A war species that connects the world~www.readwn.com~ At this time, he remembered what the organization said at the beginning, the battle for miracles was left behind by the people who moved out of the Dayuezhi from the Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang, Qilian and Shanxi. mythological civilization. The Kushuang Empire is inextricably linked with the Da Yuezhi. After the Da Yuezhi people moved west to this place, they conquered the Daxia tribe that was located here at that time, and then began to integrate, such as race, civilization, culture and tradition, etc. After more than two hundred years, the original Daxia Kuishan tribe established the Kushuang Empire.

At this time, the Kushan Empire was already closely connected with the Da Yuezhi people.

A line runs through time and place, connecting something.

Qiao Xun, who was thinking about this seriously, was a little excited.

This kind of excavation of a secret buried in history made him unable to stop.

Although not an archaeologist. But at this moment, he deeply felt the mood of archaeologists when they discovered major relics.

The cemetery is very long.

Along the way, Qiao Xun parsed every paragraph of text inscribed on the wall.

Scriptures, allusions, doctrines, songs, philosophies...

It is complicated, but the content is very rich.

After being promoted to Tier 4, Qiao Xun has a strong ability to supplement his brain. Based on these descriptions and records, he was able to outline the scene nearly two thousand years ago.


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