Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 12: Time is up, you're damned

Joe roamed down the dark and barren tomb path.

Unlike traditional tombs, this place is not full of funerary objects. In other words, the funerary objects are scriptures, murals, ancient picture books, strange stories and some knowledge of the tomb owners inscribed on the walls.

Sections of scriptures entered Qiao Xun's head, and in it, they sketched out the teachings and thoughts that shone with the brilliance of philosophical speculation in the past;

One after another, strange stories were analyzed by Qiao Xun. Through two thousand years of time, he glimpsed the secrets of the past that were hidden under the sky and in the mountains;

Those murals and ancient picture books are also describing one thing... As early as two thousand years ago, there were evolutionaries.

Looking at these, Qiao Xun always has a feeling that "history is changing".

He thought about it carefully and felt that it was wrong. It is not that history is changing, but that the real history is being revealed little by little. Well, there is a long history of God.

In the tomb passage extending in all directions, like a chessboard. Qiao Xun sorted out several key clues, which he carefully translated according to the context, as follows:

Clue 1:

"The embarrassed but arrogant Da Yuezhi people brought a new civilization from the Hexi Corridor. They always believed that they created the Badar Imena civilization. However, that was just a civilization that occupied a grain of sand in history. It is impossible to prove that our worship of the gods is worthwhile. The imperial totems of the Parthian Empire never disdain to see the same sky as the Kushan Empire. Their arrogance and ignorance will eventually bring down the empire. Even the gods they worship have no choice but to In the shadows see the great light of our God."

Clue 2:

"Yes, we won. They should have seen it, the gods above. They, oh no, they. We can't deal with the gods with vile names. So gods, you must have seen it, We shredded the totem of the Kushan Empire, burned it, soaked it in mountains, and let it rot. We have won victory for you. So, gods, can you lower the long steps to the gods to rest the subjects of the empire How about coming here and seeing your great light in person?"

Clue three:

"There is no eternal empire. In history, everything goes back and forth, and there may be a day when we will move forward, but unfortunately, we may not see it anymore. Regime, civilization, culture, tradition, belief, creed, virtue... everything They are all turned into powder in history. We looked at the sun-like totem and fell into contemplation. The long steps of ascending to the gods have never fallen again. The empires of the East came whistling and landslides. They called the 'Silk Road' Call it. Yes. Their silk is astonishing, industry, craftsmanship... They have found a new direction of development. And rest, can only collapse in the tragic fate of longing for the gods to descend the long steps of the gods again and again."

Clue 4:

"No one wants to see an empire that used to be like the sun to fall. Doomsday is mind-bending and maddening. Yes, we're mad, all mad. They? They? They? They fall from the sky, from the ocean. It gushed out and rose from the ground. A lonely shadow fell on the top of Dongshan Mountain, and the huge babel-like fingers stuck straight into Ortrian, and a pair of eyes looked at us, making us tremble, making us... in disgusting Lost in the tide and fog."

Clue 5:

"The war has begun. I mean, war. Everyone should know that this is not a regional conflict, and it is definitely not a regime change. It is man... man! The greatest creature in the world, a war against the gods."

Clue 6:

"If someone asks us, what is 'God'? Then I will say, 'God' is the future man."

Clue seven:

"They really should go back to the sky, back to the earth, back to the ocean. However, none of us can be sure whether they will come back. Until now, we are looking back again to see the Da Yuezhi people moving west to this place. When something happens, some things can be figured out. The land called Shenzhou has nurtured gods in the true sense. Although there are reasons that are difficult for us to explain, we are sure that the arrival of the Da Yuezhi people will make The real totem of the gods was brought here."

Clue 8:

"We don't quite understand what 'world change' means, nor what 'real area' means. However, judging from what they said, the brilliance of the gods may not shine into the future in the form of words and symbols. To be honest, thinking about these has exhausted almost all of our cognition. Perhaps, it is difficult for Socrates to really understand the meaning of God, and it is difficult for Plato to establish an ideal state for God that is not covered by gray fog. image."

Clue 9:

"The gods will eventually leave. They said that the world needs gods, and gods will appear. However, the gods who reappear will never be the same. Gods will not be eternal, people will."

Clue 10:

"Even the masters who came from the Han Empire did not know how to unlock the secret of becoming a god. We will eventually die, dynasties will change, and no one can avoid this law. However, the secret of becoming a **** will always exist. It condenses into a seed, germinates and takes root in the earth, until it becomes a towering tree."

Clue 11:

"But... we never thought that one day, that seed would become the starting point of the war."

When Qiao Xun has collected eleven clues.

A vivid scene appeared in his mind.

At this moment, he realized that, perhaps, this place was never the tomb of the royal nobles of the Parthian Empire. Rather... a tomb of the age of the gods.

To bury an era, you only need to bury the history of that era.

Qiao Xun stood on the covered bridge in the center of the tomb. Looking ahead, there is the main tomb. However, there is no coffin, no container for the body of the tomb owner.

Four or five main tombs the size of a basketball court were empty.

From the surrounding scene, there is no trace of damage. There have been no tomb robbers here, and in the beginning... I never let go of anything.

The words inscribed on the walls are everything in this tomb.

Qiao Xun was filled with emotion.

Indeed, if you hadn't seen these. It is also difficult for him to imagine that there was such a story two thousand years ago.

"Gods" betrayed the Parthian Empire and the Kushan Empire, and the indescribable "they" came, bringing endless wars, and new "gods" appeared.

Qiao Xun realized that he might have to change his understanding of "God".

In the thinking of the people of the Republic, "God" is by no means like the sects of YSL and JD. Step out of the crowd, and then benefit others. This is in line with the "grace and retribution" in the thinking of the people of the Republic.

But now, the stories buried in this tomb seem to show that "God" is not as magnificent as people think.

In Clue 11, a "seed" is mentioned.

That "seed" became the starting point of the war. Qiao Xun thought, does this mean war?

As Zhou Sibai revealed, war species can trigger worldwide confrontation wars.

And in these clues, the war species seems to hide the secret of becoming a god.

Qiao Xun walked into the main tomb. On the walls of the main tomb, there are also densely arranged texts.

The words on the wall are difficult to parse for a while. He plans to copy it into the brain first, and then study it slowly.

But at a certain moment. There was a throbbing in his consciousness.

That is……

The "Zaiyin" monitoring space that was placed in the previous ear room was touched.

He was about to go to perceive and check, but the monitoring space was torn to shreds in an instant. A strange force was even transmitted directly based on his connection with the monitoring space of "Zaiyin", directly hitting his brain consciousness.

He immediately created a mental shielding field with the fourth-order talent of the Siren route, "Swan Song in the Skull", to resist that power.

However, as soon as the mental shielding field appeared, it was immediately penetrated.

Qiao Xun didn't dare to neglect, and used "greed" to once again bless "Sound in the Skull". After receiving the blessing, the "Blessed Song in the Skull" shows a special function, that is, the transfer of consciousness.

He can temporarily transfer his consciousness to other objects.

Don't hesitate. He immediately shifted his consciousness to a certain text on the wall beside him.

Losing the main goal, the strange power disappeared.

Later, Qiao Xun shifted his consciousness back.

Returning to his body, he shook his head, skimming the dizziness of his writhing consciousness.

He is so focused now that he didn't realize that the words that he had entrusted to his consciousness just now began to distort slightly. And this distortion seems to be contagious, contagious to the words next to it, one by one, began to distort.

Qiao Xun looked left and right, and immediately chose to escape.

The main tomb is empty, and there is absolutely no room to hide.

He crossed the covered bridge and got into the corridor directly above the main tomb. Although no one was buried in this tomb, it was of an imperial size, very large, and had many tomb passages. Some tomb passages have cracks due to the migration of the mountain, so there are more cracks in the mountain.


"Conscious placement force field... not bad." After the "Butcher" jumped into the ear chamber of the tomb from the outside, he directly triggered the monitoring space of "Zaiyin".

In the darkness, "The Butcher" looked at the writing on the wall of the ear room.

She knew that these things were important to the Black Revolution.

But unfortunately, it doesn't matter to her. Her mission is to kill people, not to record these words.

Under the wide hood, her face was hidden in the darkness.

Shake off the snow and mud from her body. She walked into the cemetery in front of the ear chamber.

As he walked, he said in his heart:

"Fourth-order evolutionary, four kinds of rune traces... Siren, Yu Dou, Wrath of Red Reed Grass, the same rune traces as 'Master', let's take a look... The talent series is also the same, interesting... There is one more Kind, never seen before."

She stretched out her hand and touched the pitted wall. He wears black restraint gloves on his hands, and the cuffs are wrapped with a ribbon about one centimeter wide, which is wrapped into a... bow.

"The mental fluctuation is 0, and the signs of contamination are extremely low... Good material. It should meet the requirements of the 'scientist'. But unfortunately, 'Mr.' wants him to die."

"'Voice force field'?" She paused for a moment, "Why does he have a 'sound force field'? Isn't that unique to Xiaohong? And... the aura of 'fatalism'. It seems that he is indeed with Xiaohong. Red has an unusual relationship."

Thinking of this, she whispered: "I'm sorry, Xiaohong, I'm going to take away your love. I'll apologize to you well."

She moved on.

"Strange power. What is that?"

An inexplicable feeling emerged in the consciousness of "The Butcher".

too weird. Never seen it so obscure. Seems like... some kind of feature. But...why is this feature so complicated.

It's so strange, and it's so intriguing.

"The Butcher" doesn't quite understand this. She really wanted to see in person, what the characteristics were. Why... so fascinated, kind of, makes people want to eat him. Literally "eat up".

She stopped a little. I thought, "Stop and wait for me."


The sound of electricity suddenly rang in the ears of Qiao Xun who was dodging in the distance.

Then, he watched helplessly as his legs crossed from the roots.

The huge cutting force was completely irresistible to his physical strength.

The dazzling blood color struck Qiao Xun's eyes and brain, almost causing him to faint.

He quickly leaned over and grabbed his legs, and then urged "Withered Trees in Spring" and "Sheng Nandou" for treatment.

One is responsible for repairing, and the other is responsible for maintaining the function of the body.

The sudden "broken leg attack" caused his mobility to plummet, and his activity in the complex, narrow and closed mountain cracks decreased.

Physical attacks are second. Because, that can be patched with talent.

However, the psychological pressure made him almost out of breath.

the enemy, invisible;

attack, invisible;

way, undetectable.

Like death in the shadows.

Fear began to grow in him. What frightened him was not death itself, but the process of seeing death and moving towards it.

Now, the shadow of the enemy covers him, so that he can't see the way to escape, only the way to death.

It seems that the gate of death that accommodates the undead is right in front of him, calling him.

Fine beads of sweat were secreted from the forehead and back.

The palms of his hands kept sweating, making his grasping movements a little slow.

How to do?

How to do?

Qiao Xun asked himself over and over again.

since evolution. Never been so scared as now.

He wasn't panicking. But that kind of psychological oppression really made him uncomfortable.

Even if he knew, it would be stupid to sit still. But what can be done, what can be done to avoid it?

Qiao Xun didn't stop for a moment, and continued to advance deeper into the cracks in the mountain.


"Good... tenacious."

Under the hood, "The Butcher"'s eyes trembled.

"I have a very powerful healing talent. Then... I'll give you a little surprise. Let you have a memory and heal, and sometimes it will speed up death."

She continued to walk forward, the tan women's martin boots kicked on the ground and made a sound.

However, she didn't mind that.

Will the "butcher" be afraid of the lamb to be slaughtered hearing his footsteps?


Although his legs have been repaired, but... the irritating pain did not disappear directly, it still gnawed at his nerves. He didn't dare to use "pain immunity" because he was afraid that a sudden attack would cut off a certain part of his body, and he would not be able to detect it.

Pain is the body's best defense mechanism.


The sound of electricity sounded again.


The sound of bones being cut off sounded.

The right leg was severed from the middle of the calf bone. He hurriedly grabbed the broken leg, leaned against the wall, and took the pain.

"Withered trees meet spring" is ready to maintain the function of the body.

However, when the energy of the body is transported to the middle of the calf bone of the right leg in the form of "withered trees meet spring" to repair the fracture.

Another cutting force came. Yes... Longitudinal cutting force.

This cut follows the mobilization trajectory of "withered trees in spring" to the body's energy, and it is cut vertically.

This part of the energy is stored in the core muscles. As a result, under the entire trajectory of energy transfer, the cutting force cuts through the entire body tissue from the middle of the calf, to the thigh, to the pelvis, to the waist muscle group, to the abdominal muscle group, to the chest muscle group.

The right half of Qiao Xun's body cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The muscle is cut open. Very fine, fine as if from a master swordsman. The bones are perfectly separated from the muscles. The meat has no bones, and the bones have no meat.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Xun smiled bitterly. Seems to understand Paoding Jie Niu.

This time, he didn't dare to mend his body again. Because, he discovered that the opponent's attack was based on the energy trajectory of his body.

Once the talent is used, there will be an energy trajectory, and if there is an energy trajectory, the opponent will be able to attack.

This ability... is too outrageous.

Regarding the influence of physical energy, he only feels the country in the Sea Train Casino. But that just suppresses and doesn't let you use it.

And here. Let you use it, but at the cost of not only energy, but also life.

Qiao Xun took off his clothes, tore them into strips, and restrained the muscles that had been cut out with force to avoid excessive blood loss.

Because the core muscle group is cut. He can't control his waist now, and he can't let his lower body support his upper body.

Now... what should I do?

I couldn't move, and I didn't dare to use my body energy.

Flesh is bitter and weak, flesh is bitter and weak!

At this point, Qiao Xun only sighed, if only human beings were not bound by their bodies, there was no other way.

Are you going to die?

Qiao Xun leaned against the crack in the mountain.

The sound of footsteps spread along the mountain.

Da da--

It's the sound of boots. Clear and rhythmic.

Getting bigger and closer.

It's not like stepping on the ground, but stepping on Qiao Xun's heart.

Qiao Xun took a sharp breath.

let me die? not that simple.

He never gave up on himself. Can make him die, but no one can make him despair. His dignity of "self-existence" is extremely strong.

Leaning on his upper body, he reluctantly moved his body and exited the crack in the mountain.

Even if he died, he would have to see with his own eyes who killed him.

After all, there is a need for revenge. If no one sees it, what else is there to think about.

He jumped down the crack and stood at the end of the tomb passage.

Holding up his head proudly, he faced the "Butcher" at the other end.

"The Butcher" approached him.

Originally, she should have killed Qiao Xun directly. This is her task. However, the secret of Qiao Xun attracted her. The Wrath of Red Reed Grass, the same advanced route as "Master"; "Sound Force Field", and the breath of "Fateism", the grievance between him and Xiaohong; also, the complexity of his body is difficult to understand characteristics. All these attracted her.

Even a butcher, when he sees a new variety of ingredients, will study it carefully before cutting the knife.

The hard soles of women's Martin boots are very loud when stepping on the hard floor. Recalling between the mountains with very complicated space, there are faintly broken gravel falling down due to the vibration of the air.

"You, can you see me?" The Butcher asked.

Qiao Xun couldn't see. Because his gift of seeing everything in the dark requires energy.

"I can't see it." He answered truthfully.

At the same time, he thought to himself, it's a woman... how cruel!

"Butcher" mobilizes energy. The energy collides to excite light.

The light follows the wall and lights up one by one, just like the wall is transparent glass, behind the glass there is a light.

"now what?"

Qiao Xun looked towards the end of the tomb passage.

A woman in a black raincoat stood at the end. She stepped on tan women's Martin boots, wore elegant **** gloves on her hands, and the ribbon bow on the cuffs made her look more gentle. She took off her hood, revealing her delicate face in the light.

Her face is perfect, the ultimate expression of modern aesthetics. The size, shape and position of the facial features are all in line with modern aesthetics.

So much so that the moment he saw her, Qiao Xun felt that it was too illusory, like in a dream.

No... This is definitely not a face that can grow naturally, absolutely not!

The Butcher saw through Qiao Xun's thoughts. She said softly, "My face, I cut it myself. I like beauty."

He cut his face with a knife himself.

This sounds cryptic. But Qiao Xun, who had already experienced her skills, was convinced that what she said was true.

"You are beautiful."

"Pretty is an insult," said The Butcher. "My face doesn't need any compliment. Any compliment is vulgar."

Maybe she even used a knife for her voice. Her voice was very nice, and she couldn't pick out any noise.

"Yes." There was no room for resistance, and Qiao Xun didn't struggle much, "So, why didn't you just cut off my head?"

"The Butcher" said:

"You have the aura of Xiaohong. I am very concerned about her mental health."

"Little Hong? Ace of Hearts."

"Sure enough, you do have some grudges." Butcher's brows lowered slightly.

Qiao Xun was surprised.

He did not expect that this woman was also a member of the Black Revolution.

In this way, the woman who hid in the light before, and the Mr. Norman, may all be people of the Black Revolution.

Qiao Xun said:

"I had three contacts with the Ace of Hearts."

"Tell me."


"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you don't say it." The Butcher didn't care whether Qiao Xun said it or not.

There was no expression on her face. She lifted the cuff of her left hand, looked at the watch on her wrist, and said:

"I have three minutes of free time. After three minutes, I will kill you. You can say something to me, or you can be silent. If you and Xiaohong do have some grudges, I can promise you to bring her some words."

"You care about the Ace of Hearts?"

"Because she is my teacher." Butcher didn't mind saying this. It's not a secret either.

Qiao Xun paused for a moment, "Call Teacher Xiaohong?"

"Because she's always been small. I've grown up and she's still that small."

According to the records of "Tower Network", at the beginning of the 21st century, the Ace of Hearts was a sixteen-year-old body shape. Now, twenty years later, it is still a sixteen-year-old body shape.

"You killed me, aren't you afraid of her blaming?" Qiao Xun asked.

"Butcher" shook his head, "I will apologize to her. If she wants to kill me, I will not resist."

Qiao Xun was silent.

This guy seems to be an emotionless killing machine.

He suddenly became very optimistic and said with a smile:

"I said, maybe you should give yourself a mantra."


Qiao Xun said with a cold expression, "I'm an emotionless killer."

"Butcher" thought for a while, "I will consider your opinion."

This... can't you hear me being sarcastic?

Joe asked:

"Ace of Hearts is your teacher, didn't he teach you about feelings?"

"Emotions don't matter to me. But I do care about her feelings, especially mental health issues. Oh, there are two minutes left."

"Why did you kill me?"

"I don't know. It's just the job of 'Sir'."

Qiao Xun was silent.

indeed. The real mastermind behind the scenes is that Mr. Norman.

just met once...

"One more minute." "The Butcher" is like a ruthless time machine. It is also like the invigilator who announces the countdown in the examination room.

Every time I report the time, some students can't help but get nervous.

Qiao Xun, there is no room for tension. Because his results were written so clearly, like a poor student who knew he was going to get a zero.

Poor student, will you be nervous about the countdown to the exam?

"Did you kill the 'Master'?" The Butcher asked ~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun, "Who is the 'Master'?"

"Block 10."

"Who is Cube 10?"

"Butcher" looked at his face and stopped talking.

Waiting for the final slaughter moment.

Following the light, Qiao Xun looked at the words inscribed on the wall of the tomb. Then, he was surprised to see some words twisting slightly.

"Do you have something to bring to Xiaohong?"

"I wish her good health." Qiao Xun said casually.

"The Butcher" nodded, "Okay, I'll bring it for you."

Qiao Xun: He really is an emotionless killer.

The last time seemed to pass faster than ever.

The one-minute countdown will soon end.

The Butcher looked up, "You deserve to die."

After speaking, she moved the palm of her right hand.

The slender palm draws a beautiful arc in the air.

Qiao Xun's body fell to the ground and was divided into seven standard pieces.

Blood dripped all over the place.


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