Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 13: I shape my body with great will

At the moment when he was finally dismembered, Qiao Xun's "numerology follows the sky" finally broke through the obstacles and realized the exploration of the principle.

He was already prepared.

Get ready to be cut to pieces by the strange power of "The Butcher". But fortunately, he was only broken down into seven pieces, and the late scene like in the film and television drama did not appear.

The cutting force is on his neck, in the center of his torso, and when his limbs slide.

"Numerology follows the sky" has long been on standby.

He knew that in the face of the "Butcher", he could not use any talent that requires physical energy to motivate. Because the energy track in your body will become the way for her to kill you.

"Numerology follows the sky" does not require energy, it only needs a reason. A reason to put yourself to work. Obviously, "Butcher"'s use of energy trajectory is its reason.

There is no delay. The cutting force is the same as "numerology follows the sky".

However, this is only a means to understand the principle of the opponent's attack, not a direct way to avoid the attack.

The moment when the body is dismembered, inactivated, and loses its function. When the container carrying consciousness collapses, where does consciousness go?

When the slender fingers of "The Butcher" draw beautiful and elegant arcs. In a desperate situation, Qiao Xun found an incredible turning point.

That's a one-time, not-to-be-missed turnaround.

He touched the walls of the tomb, on the walls were the words inscribed with the light of an epic past.

His consciousness, with the transfer of the final "Swan in the Skull", entered the Persian word meaning "fire".

Also because he motivated the "Swan in the Skull", the energy trajectory was formed in his brain to take away consciousness.

This mass of energy trails became a direct attack on the brain that destroyed his organism.

Qiao Xun's head rolled in the uneven tomb passage,


Rolled all the way to the feet of "The Butcher". She swiped her fingers to seal the fracture in her head and neck, preventing blood from flowing everywhere.

This scene is really like the execution and beheading scene at Caishikou in the past.

The executioner raised his knife and fell, the prisoner's head hit the ground with a sound, and he rolled out a few meters.

The Butcher picked up Qiao Xun's head. She didn't dislike it either, and wiped the blood off her face with her black restraint gloves.

she says:

"If you really have an unusual relationship with Xiaohong. Then, I'll give her an explanation."

Qiao Xun's head closed his eyes. His face quickly turned pale.

She looked at other parts of Qiao Xun's body on the ground and thought about it.

"I should give Xiaohong a complete you."

So, she took a step forward and stepped forward.

Picking up Qiao Xun's left hand,

right hand,

left leg,

right leg.

Also, the two halves in the middle.

She is a skilled "butcher".

The average butcher only cuts. She is different, she can sew. Therefore, she has been dissatisfied with the title given to her by the organization, and feels that she should be called "doctor". It's a pity that the title of "doctor" was robbed by another person.

"I'm sorry, you are a little ugly now. But don't worry. Although you are dead, you will die beautifully."

"Butcher"'s hands and fingers kept beating in midair. She is like a conductor, a pianist, and a master of marionettes.

Every part of Qiao Xun's body was cut open, every part scattered on the ground. All returned to their original positions under her subtle manipulation.

A complete body, pieced together.

Perhaps, this should not be a patchwork. Because, there are no traces of patchwork, as if his body had never been cut open.

Finally, the "Butcher" put Qiao Xun's head on his body.

With a finger, rub it on the cut of the neck. The scars on the face have also disappeared.

She feels that she is a bit like an undertaker now.

Qiao Xun's body was lying on the ground, while she squatted beside her, constantly repairing the wounds on his body.

From the head, to the chest, to the arms, to the legs. Not a single bit of blood was left.


Even more clean and perfect than before this body lost its owner. Not a single bit of grime remains on it.

The Butcher nodded in satisfaction.

She took off her gloves. He put his hand to his mouth and exhaled. It's cold here, and it's not necessarily hot with gloves on.

Probably a hobby. She untied the black bow on her right cuff and tied it around Qiao Xun's neckline, looking like a bow tie.

"You should be stronger." The Butcher looked at Qiao Xun who was lying on the ground and said, "If you are stronger, I can't kill you. If I can't kill you, the connection between you and Xiaohong It won't be broken. 'Fate', it started from the moment you knew each other. But now, you're dead. Of course...Xiaohong may bring you back to life, but that will come later."

She put on her gloves again, hooked her fingers, and Qiao Xun's body floated.

She walked in front, and Qiao Xun's body floated behind him.

She left along the way she came.

The blizzard caused by the weather species has penetrated into this grave mixed in the mountain. After the whistling wind came in, it was even more unpleasant to hear.

Qiao Xun, Qiao Xun, who was pinned on those Persian words, completely saw the behavior of the "butcher" in his eyes.

He found that he still didn't know the "Butcher" well enough.

What is this woman thinking and what is she pursuing?

Kill him, apologize to him, sew up his corpse carefully, and give him a hope of resurrecting him with the Ace of Hearts.

He thought about it.

She felt that, for her, maybe killing him was a task that had to be done, and saving him was only because she felt the breath of "fatalism" in him, thinking that he had a certain relationship with her teacher, the Ace of Hearts. .

Isn't it superfluous to do so?

Or rather. For her, tasks and personal affairs must be strictly separated.

Qiao Xun is inclined to this kind of speculation.

She will try to save him, but she will never refuse to kill him because of this.

A... terrifying person.

The more this is, the more Qiao Xun thinks she is scary. She separates what she should be doing from her personal feelings too clearly.

A killing machine.

It was hard for Qiao Xun to imagine what would happen if such a person entered the battlefield.

He is an emissary-level evolutionary with dual healing talents and various talents, so he is completely unable to struggle in her hands for a moment. And those, ordinary fourth-order evolutionaries, even those below the fourth-order, how would they face her?

She is really like a ruthless **** of death, reaping life.

For Qiao Xun, the most terrifying thing is the sense of oppression she brings to him that he cannot resist. That kind of feeling that nothing can be done, nothing can help, is really painful, any of your operations, in her eyes, is a means to speed up your death.

"Controlling energy trajectory, spiritual trajectory..."

Qiao Xun really didn't know how to defeat her tricks.

Do you want to use the ability without energy trajectory?

But his talents that don't need energy trajectory now are only "gluttony", "lust", "greed", "lazy" and "numerology".

They have common characteristics, neither requires energy, but neither is confrontational talent.

Even, it can't be said that they are talents, more like some kind of characteristics.

A characteristic is a label of a person. Fight with labels? how is this possible.

The "Butcher" went away and left the tomb.

Qiao Xun's consciousness is now pinned on the Persian text whose consciousness is "fire".

Not everything can be pinned on consciousness. Like the ordinary stone next to it, you can't. In this tomb, only the words inscribed on the walls can hold his consciousness.

These words, twisting and trembling, seemed to show something extraordinary.

When Qiao Xun lost his body, he also lost his energy. He couldn't use "Swan in the Skull" to involve his own consciousness again.

However, he found that he seemed to be able to jump on these words without resorting to the "Skull Song".

He jumped from "fire" to "burn".

The tremor of "burning" intensified significantly.

"These words should be more than just inscribed on the wall." Qiao Xun thought.

Think about it too, who would create such a technically difficult tomb for text. Just to inherit the text, it is enough to build several buildings to be buried in.

Perhaps, this tomb is not as simple as I imagined.

With this idea in mind, Qiao Xun jumped on the words and characters.

Then, he found that every word he skipped changed. The gray-black stone shell outside was falling off, and a rustling sound resounded in the tomb passage. Although, he can't hear it now.

Sure enough, there is a mystery.

Qiao Xun didn't stop, jumping on each word one by one.

In the process of beating, he could also clearly feel the certain will contained in each word when it was engraved.

These wills are intermittent and incomplete.

He couldn't help but start to look forward to what a complete will would look like.

In the "fire", he felt the burning, scorching will;

In the "war", he felt the kind of slaughter and struggle, the violent will of the battlefield meat grinder;

In "light", he feels warmth and hope;

In "God", he glimpsed the supreme will, that kind of unspeakable, powerful existence that only makes people fear;

In "Empire", he also seems to have witnessed the glorious era of an empire and the tragedy of dusk when it finally withered;


Every word inscribed on the wall gave him a different feeling.

Feel it one by one, and "read" one by one.

He slowly felt that maybe, this is what the person who engraved these words wanted to leave to future generations.

An "epic" and "swan song" from two thousand years ago.

"Epic" is that glorious and boundless story. People believe in gods, people fight with gods, people become gods, people hope for the future;

"Swan Song" is a tribute to this story. The reason why it is "absolute" is that the inscriber feels that such a story will never happen again, and people in the future will definitely not repeat the same mistakes, and will definitely open the door to a new world. They hope that this story is a beginning, not an end.

From the beginning, Qiao Xun's mood became calm and peaceful because of the impetuousness of being killed. Until now, he didn't know how to describe his mood and state.

He never witnessed the story of three empires, gods and people, war and glory.

However, he seems to have experienced it himself.

Just because of the words inscribed on the walls. They shivered and wriggled, seeming to cheer for someone who could feel and interpret them.

Qiao Xun was fascinated and immersed in the sea of ​​"words".

For a while, he didn't notice that because of him, the text on the walls on both sides of the entire tomb passage had faded away from the gray-black stone shell, and shone with a light between "red" and "purple".

He started from the last tomb road on the southeast side and followed the main tomb road without missing any branch road;

Reach the ear chambers, side chambers, and main tomb.

Until, all the characters are illuminated.

When Qiao Xun arrived at the main tomb, the last word it represented was:


The whole sentence is:

"We looked to the horizon. We saw the darkness fade, the sun rose, and the long-awaited day."

Qiao Xun's consciousness rests in "daylight".

At this moment, he had the control of the entire tomb and all the words.

He turned back... For him in the current state, it shouldn't be called turning back, it's a feeling of recollection.

He recalled all the previous words. It was found that they glowed with reddish-purple light. The light shone on the entire tomb, and not a single gap was left.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly understood the history of this epic.

Nearly 2,300 years ago, the **** who ascended from the eastern Shenzhou land sent his totem to the Hexi Corridor. He was brought to the current Akub Khanate by the Da Yuezhi people, and he created a totem and the family civilization of several empires.

And about 2,300 years ago, who was the **** of the Eastern Divine State... who would it be?

Such a concept is too far away for the current Qiao Xun.

From what he already knew, he only knew that the totem of the **** gave birth to a new family civilization.

And such a family civilization was destroyed because of those "they" without specific concepts that fell from the sky, gushed from the sea, and rose from the earth.

A war against the gods begins.

During the war, new gods were born.

And such a whole process was condensed by God's will into an existence called "War Species".

The "War Seed" exists in the Akub Khanate, no one knows how it exists, and no one knows how it will appear.

After feeling all this, Qiao Xun had no choice but to face his current situation after sighing and digesting it.

The status quo is that he can only rely on these words.

He couldn't, and he didn't want it to end like this. Must find a way to get out of here.

Feel the words that flash red and purple. With a thought, he closed.

All the words broke away from the wall and began to converge towards him.

The entire tomb contains a total of 329,731 characters.

This is equivalent to a novel.

However, it is not enough to record an epic with more than 300,000 words.

Under the exploration of "numerology follows the sky", Qiao Xun found that these words were not recorded in a conventional sense. But a great will.

This will is broken down into 320,000 copies, each of which bears a character and is engraved on the wall, which brought about this result.

It is difficult for Qiao Xun to guess why this will has to leave such a record in this way.

Is it impossible to stay in the normal way?

In other words, doing so has a different effect.

He doesn't understand. However, he had an idea. Since you can control every word, why not pile up these 320,000 words into a body?

Think, do it.

The process is complicated.

It is necessary to spell 320,000 words into a human body, and then precisely control each word to make corresponding actions.

It's a test of patience.

However, this is no longer a matter of impatience, it is the only way to get out of here, after all, only these words can carry his consciousness.


Like a child building a snowman... If he can use the four talents of "dot-line-hedron", he can use these words to pinch a person's body in one minute. But unfortunately, there is no rune energy, and talent cannot be used.

Just think of it as feeling the will in these words again, maybe you can see more mysteries.

This is a long process.


Snow covered the mountains.

The phantom of the giant weather species hangs high in the sky. It brought blizzards that swept the Hindu Kush, Tepemarajan, Kabul and surrounding cities.

In this area, traffic is completely paralyzed.

Because the wind and snow were too heavy, the support military aircraft of various countries had to be active in the higher sky.


Zhilan Hotel.

The hotel lobby is closed. All other doors and windows were closed.

This sudden snowstorm made supervisor Su Ziwen restless. He didn't understand why. I have been working here for several years and have never seen such heavy snow. Obviously, the weather forecast said that the next fifteen days would be cloudy and sunny, but it turned out to be such a big snowstorm.

High winds and heavy snow damaged electricity facilities in the city. Fortunately, the hotel is big enough and has a complete power system that can support it for a period of time.

But this is not the way to go. Although the hotel has a certain amount of material reserves, it is not enough to be used for "hibernation". Looking at the snow, it was getting bigger and bigger, and there was absolutely no need to stop.

Especially in restaurants, in order to ensure the freshness of ingredients, the proportion of cold storage ingredients is very low. Most of the ingredients are shipped on the same day and eaten on the same day.

Even if the guests are wronged and the cold storage is used to reserve ingredients, it will last for a week at most.

More importantly, the wind and snow caused the temperature to plummet. The heating pressure in the hotel is very high. The heating equipment needs water, but the Kabul water conservancy system is also paralyzed, and the water in the hotel's reservoir needs to be consumed in order to prevent it from being frozen.

If it goes on like this, it will last up to five days.

Now the outdoor temperature has dropped to minus 30 degrees, and it continues to drop. If the heating was cut off, it would be deadly.

Su Ziwen was very anxious and could not contact the headquarters.

It is even more unrealistic to place hope on the free army in the city. He can only pray, blizzard, hurry up.

At this moment, a hotel staff member came over, "Manager Su, I've made it clear."

"How about it?"

"The hotel has opened 270 rooms. As of this morning, 240 rooms have been occupied. According to the current statistics, guests in 221 rooms have returned to the hotel, and the guests in the remaining 19 rooms cannot be contacted at present."

The staff handed the counted list to Su Ziwen.

When Su Ziwen saw Qiao Xun in the queue, he almost lost his footing. He knew that Qiao Xun was a very important guest.

If there is any accident, even if it has nothing to do with the hotel, then I will definitely be questioned by the headquarters.

"Mr. Qiao Xunqiao, haven't you come back?"

"Well, we also found out the movements of each guest who didn't return. According to Mr. Qiao, he hasn't returned since he left at eight in the morning."

Su Ziwen's expression became even more anxious, holding the list and pacing left and right.

He was at the entrance of the hotel lobby. I keep praying in my heart that everything will be safe.

At a certain moment, the hotel suddenly became pitch black.

Lights went out.

Su Ziwen quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"There should be a problem with the circuit somewhere."

"Hurry up and investigate, hurry up and investigate!"

In such a cold day, a sudden power outage is very dangerous.

The technician of the hotel took a flashlight and ran up and down, and began to investigate the problem.

The whole hotel was in chaos all of a sudden.

The guests kept asking what happened.

Su Ziwen was very busy. How could he know what happened, but he still had to explain patiently.

in the dark.

Those plaster statues placed in the corridors, corridors, and halls, no one cares. They were motionless, in their respective positions. No one thinks they are useful for anything other than aesthetics.



With the sound of the stone rubbing, the plaster statues reached an astonishing consensus. Originally, they only waited for the night to come, and knocked on the doors one by one. Instead, they started a full-scale operation in the dark night of the blizzard.

This group of plaster statues, who were endowed with "Embrace Angels", "huddled" the passengers of the hotel in their own way.

"Hug", then "replace".

In the darkness, in the howling wind, in the constant cooling.

They identify those who have not been replaced, approach them, and replace them.

Thirty plaster statues, walking on all floors of the hotel. Because of the noise and darkness, almost no one cared about their actions.

The top floor of the hotel.

In a large luxury suite.

The "musician" is wearing a performance suit and playing the violin. Various ancient and modern famous songs were written between his fingers. Music followed the walls and the air and enveloped the entire hotel. Of course, such music, swallowed up by the howling storm, was not heard by anyone else.

He controls the actions of "Embrace the Angel". This is his task.

In the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of him. The "musician" closed his eyes and focused on playing the violin, and his slightly frowning brows represented his concentration. Enjoying the music and immersed in it is written on his face.

At a certain moment, his music became heated.

"It's coming to a climax."

The rhythm is quicker, faster, faster!


With a bang, the strings of the violin broke.

He didn't stop, and immediately came to the piano, his ten fingers beating like heavy rain.

His music gradually became less aesthetically pleasing, instead full of disturbing and disgusting tearing.

At the last moment, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed ten fingers on the piano keys.

Then, he opened his eyes, looked at himself in the mirror, and said:


At the moment he spit out these words.

Those who had been "replaced" in the hotel froze suddenly. Then, their bodies turned gray.

Little by little, it turned into a plaster statue.

At this time, the call came.

In a slightly dazzling light. There is such a strange and disturbing picture in the hotel.

All were turned into plaster statues. They have different postures, some are walking, running, squatting, sitting, lying down, and some are talking together, arguing, cooperating with carrying supplies, and checking electrical facilities...

They are distributed in different positions and maintain different postures, but without exception, they are all gray-white plaster statues~www.readwn.com~ The entire hotel, a total of 342 plaster statues.

The "musician" left the room and came to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

When he reached the entrance of the hall, he suddenly opened the door.

The wind and snow roared in, penetrating the entire hotel at an astonishing speed.

The hotel, which was noisy not long ago, instantly turned into a lost place buried by the wind and snow.

In the distance, the densely packed Free Army gathered here.


Yandu City, together with the R&D Committee Headquarters.

In a secret meeting room.

The leader asked:

"Has it started?"

The general on the stage nodded,

"here we go."

On the giant screen display, elite control teams approached Kabul from the Hindu Kush and Tepemarajan Mountains.

The support military plane hovering at a high altitude penetrated the thick snow and wind layer and landed at a low altitude.

Huge giant meteorological species hang in the sky, continuing to transport wind, snow and cold.




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