Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 18: What doesn't kill him will only make him stronger

"Evolution from polluting the world (

Qiao Xun, who successfully broke through, rushed to the outside of the Kabul isolation zone at a very fast speed, away from the city center.

After leaving the city center, the surrounding area is suddenly much more spacious. The building division is very wide. Although the road is not as smooth as the city center, it is very wide. In such a place, it is impossible to carry out a second containment.

After running a distance and not feeling the follow-up pursuers, Qiao Xun slowed down.

Looking back, the silver-blue energy barrier is supported high, shining in the gray fog of the blizzard. The fixed speed spreads around, and the further out, the slower the speed.

According to the preliminary calculation by Qiao Xun, the coverage of the beam of light should be about 1.5 kilometers in radius.

"A radius of 1.5 kilometers..."

This is by no means small.

He couldn't help but wonder what such a large range was. What does this beam of light mean? And why is he so attracted to the ancient will in the block of words that currently constitutes his body.

In his understanding, the ancient will of this piece of text may have participated in the war about the gods two thousand years ago.

Although there is no specific statement, it is inseparable from the "war species", the protagonist of this battle.

Would you say...that pale white beam of light is also related to the war species?

Qiao Xun did not continue to stay away. The purpose of his escape was not to stay away from the battle, but to temporarily avoid the containment of the Free Army. As a combat individual soldier, can not be in the encirclement. He must still stay nearby and continue to observe the battle situation.

After the bombing ended, the entire Kabul fell into a certain silence. Of course, it was not that there was no sound, but that the current movement was silent compared to the previous intensive bombing.

Qiao Xun felt that the farther away from the city center, the more attractive the pale white beam of light was to the text blocks.

It's a bit counter-thinking.

This attraction became very strong because he left the city center and went to the outer city, almost to the extent that he could control his consciousness.

Fortunately, "gluttony" is very powerful in swallowing and digesting the ancient will in the text block. He thought, if it was such a strong attraction from the beginning, he might have fallen long ago.

In the outer city, Qiao Xun hid in the piers of a bridge.

The blizzard had already frozen the canal under the bridge, and the ice spit out the cold air like a cold store, which was very pressing.

However, Qiao Xun is not a "person". At least, not now.

Hidden in the bridge pier, devoted to "gluttony", the ancient will that madly swept the text block.

Dormant, waiting for the situation to change.

After this breakthrough, he understood. The Liberty Army is not weak at all. On the contrary, as an independent organization, it is already very strong. Every control team is an elite in any country. After all, the lowest is the third-order evolutionary, and it is also equipped with such excellent new equipment. .

Solo hero mode doesn't work in this situation.

You must follow the situation, observe opportunities, and seize opportunities in order to play the role of a combat individual.

He was doing a simple review of the matter when suddenly his "tower net" rang and someone was contacting him.

Who is the contact at this time?

He thought about Nan Shizuku Hitomi. After all, it was so late, and it was estimated that only she would call to harass him.

But on second thought, I was in Kabul and Hitomi Minami Shizuku was in Tokyo, and the time difference was 4.5 hours. It should be around four in the morning in Tokyo at this time.

To reduce the occupation of spiritual consciousness by "gluttony", Qiao Xun entered the "tower network".

Then he saw that the person contacting him was a string of codes, 055CHNWD.

This is the first time I saw that the caller ID of "Tawang" is a string of standard codes, usually names and community nicknames.


"Hey, hello, this is the Western Military Command Post of the R&D Committee of the Republic."

Hearing the introduction, Qiao Xun immediately regained his spirits, "Hello."

Then, a beep sounded, and the call was transferred.

"Hello, Evolver Qiao Xun. I am the special military dispatcher of the Western War Command Post. I have a task to assign to you. Now I need to determine your situation. Please answer my questions truthfully."

The mission is finally here!

Qiao Xun said in a serious voice, "Excuse me."

"How is your physical condition? Is there any injury, is there any negative state?"

"Good, no other negative status."

"Where is your current location?"

Qiao Xun sent his coordinates.

"What is your current evolutionary level?"

"Fourth order."

"Do you have the ability to pull rune signal markers? That is, can you currently return to Kabul city center to reach one of these four places?"

The other party sent four coordinates. Qiao Xun took a look, and it happened to be the four rune energy barrier tractors.

Qiao Xun is not a real soldier, and he has no sense of unconditional obedience to orders. He habitually asked:

"What do I need to accomplish?"

"You need to pull our rune signal marker to complete the ground guidance process."

Qiao Xun just broke out of Kabul city center.


Another transfer tone sounded. After a while, a mid-air voice sounded,

"Hello, Comrade Qiao Xun. I'm Xu Kai, the deputy commander of the Western War Command Post. We saw the whole process of your breakthrough just now. Several analysts agreed that it is very rune-like guidance conditions we require. Now it's up to you whether you Capable of making a second breakout."

Deputy Commander... Qiao Xun does the math, that's at least Major General.

Also a general.

The general made the call in person, it seems that the above attaches great importance to him.

For a while, Qiao Xun felt a little pressure. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he's worried about **** up, after all, this task sounds important. He paused and asked:

"General, such an important task, I have never done such a thing before. Can it be done?"

Xu Kai laughed and said:

"With your demonstrated combat effectiveness, there is no problem. The key is whether you still have the conditions to act again. As for the result, you don't have to worry about it. In the original plan, there is no such link," he felt that Qiao Xun was not He was born in the military, and should not be a professional evolutionary, otherwise he would not ask such a question. In order to reassure Qiao Xun, he said slightly vaguely: "Don't worry, your success is an unexpected joy. Even if you fail, the situation is still planned."

When Qiao Xun heard this, he felt relieved. This battle is very important to the Republic, and he doesn't want to cause any problems because of himself.

He couldn't bear the consequences.

"Good general, please give instructions."

"Very good, Comrade Qiao Xun, we believe that you will be able to complete the task." Xu Kai transferred the call after boosting his morale.

Subsequently, the dispatcher began to explain the specific plan to Qiao Xun.

After the three-minute specific arrangement was completed, Qiao Xun withdrew from the "Tower Network".

Although there is no specific guidance on what to give. But after all, it is the traction rune signal mark, with a "rune", it must be related to the rune equipment.

He remembered that Zhou Sibai had said that the development of the Republic's rune weapons was at the forefront of the world, but it was rarely put on the battlefield in the past. Therefore, most of the specific power is only simulated data, not real data.

The General Xu Kai said that even if he failed, the situation was in the plan. He thought for a while, and felt that this plan should be added, perhaps because he saw his breakthrough process and added this plan temporarily.

This is not surprising, after all, on the battlefield, it is necessary to adapt to changes, and it is impossible to rigidly follow the planned plan.

The command post must have calculated that this temporary addition plan will have very significant results if it is successful, otherwise it is impossible to add a plan with such a big risk.

In the plan, there will be fighter planes to cover him, including breaking through and retreating.

Qiao Xun felt that the positioning of his mission was a bit like bombing a bunker.

It really looks like a task that a single soldier in combat will take on.

He was very interested in this task and began to study the route. He knew the distribution of Kabul buildings like the back of his hand. In the previous breakout battle, he figured out the tactics and equipment of the Free Army's control team. This time, his plan was more reasonable and detailed, where to do what, and at what speed, What kind of talent to play has been thought out in advance, and a backup plan has been planned.

With the four talents of "point, line and plane", space planning is very easy for him, just like from God's perspective, he can figure out the environmental distribution of each link in all directions without dead ends.

At the same time, "gluttony" did not stop swallowing and digesting the ancient will.

Started at the head, now digested to the chest. Originally planned to follow the order from top to bottom, but after taking this task, he chose to take the lead in digesting his lower body to prevent uncontrolled accidents in the process.


Western War Command Post.

After the deputy commander Xu Kai left the call with Qiao Xun, he looked at a few people in military uniforms beside him.

"Qiao Xun, a combat soldier. Although we don't have the right to view his information, judging from his performance, he is indeed the most suitable for this task. However, judging from the way he speaks, it is obvious that he is not a professional evolutionary or a soldier. The one who joined the 'Tower'. As a combat soldier, it is estimated that he was added later, not his own personnel arrangement."

Although the other people did not nod their heads in affirmation, they did not deny it either. Another deputy commander, Zhou Hangcun, said:

"That could only be someone from the committee headquarters."

"That's true," Xu Kai said. "It's just, it's quite curious. The one who can do this is at least a lieutenant general."

"War is not a child's play." Zhang Yunsheng, the commander in the middle, knocked on the table, "The team doesn't pay attention to these things, but only depends on ability. If his ability is enough, that's fine. The rest is not important, no matter how much, in this matter , he is just a soldier of the Republic."

The three looked at the AI ​​analysis in the electronic map of the battle situation.

In the AI ​​analysis, the probability of Qiao Xun completing this task is 84%. This is a fairly high given probability. After all, the battle is far from the center, and the circumstances are complex. Under such conditions, there is still such a high probability, which is the basis for several generals to make this decision.

The AI ​​analysis here is not really as simple as entering some data. This was developed by a high-level evolutionary in the Republic.


Half an hour later, it was one o'clock in the morning in Kabul time.

With the sound of the plane booming from the air, Qiao Xun was in high spirits, left the bridge pier, and rushed to the large open space in the northwest suburb of Kabu.

When he arrived, a black-gray navigator plane hovered about forty meters above.

At this moment, the Western War Command Post, the meeting room of the Committee Center in Yandu City, and the relevant war map of other countries.

This process is clearly demonstrated. The perspective is the perspective of the aircraft.

On the plane, Wang Shian looked at Qiao Xun in the snow below, and couldn't help thinking that this person seemed to be the one he had seen in the snow on the mountain before.

I've come here, and I've been assigned tasks. Nine times out of ten, it's a single soldier.

Wang Shian spoke to the communicator. After the sound was encrypted by a special frequency band, it was transmitted directly into Qiao Xun's consciousness.

"Hello, I'm navigator Wang Shi'an, and I will provide you with mission items and related equipment. Please be prepared."

Qiao Xun raised his hand and made an OK gesture.

Wang Shian then pressed a button.

Suddenly, Qiao Xun felt that the pollution value around him began to soar, and a beam of light shot from the bottom of the plane, directly penetrating his forehead. However, no harm was done to him. He felt silently with "Zaiyin" and found that it was a rune.

This breath is...

Derivative runes!

And, this is the head sequence rune of the derived rune, similar to the title of an article, the header of a table.

Speaking of derivative runes, Qiao Xun is familiar with it. Because he has dealt with scavengers in Tateyama City, Japan, and now, he still masters the activation method of the derivative rune called "Friend of Soul" under the **** "Eternal Life", but unfortunately there is no way to write it.

Now Qiao Xun is sure that the Republic is going to use derivative rune weapons.

He couldn't help but look forward to it. The power of derivative rune weapons, but few people have seen it. This "technology + rune" weapon is simply addicting.

In addition to this derivative rune, an equipment box was also thrown from the plane.

"I wish you success!" After Wang Shian finished speaking, he drove the plane away quickly.

Qiao Xun opened the equipment box.

There are three pieces of equipment on display. A thing similar to a headset, called a spirit booster, is a one-time equipment used to enhance the spirit, and it is very precious; a special vest similar to a bulletproof vest, the rune energy stimulation vest, which stores pure rune energy, It is also very precious, but this does not greatly improve Qiao Xun, because he himself has pure runes.

The third piece of equipment is the characteristic runic energy shielding membrane that looks like jelly.

Qiao Xun looked at the instructions, this thing can block specific rune energy. As for what kind of energy... that is naturally the energy derived from the rune weapon.

This is to prevent accidental injury.

Basically in place.

Qiao Xun thought that the value of these three pieces of equipment alone would not be affordable for ordinary small countries.

After collecting the equipment, I also put on the rune signal mark.

The next step is to synchronize the time with the command post.

After five minutes, the time is synchronized.

With the command post's "Go", it sounded in my mind.

Qiao Xun began to approach the center of Kabul.

For him, the direct purpose of returning to Kabul city center is to complete the task, but at the same time, he also wants to know why the pale white beam of light is so strongly attracted to the ancient will. What is the relationship between this...

If Qiao Xun came to the Akub Khanate at the beginning, he was just doing what a combat individual should do while avoiding the gene melting pot plan.

However, after learning the story two thousand years ago in the mountain tomb. He was very curious about the times of the gods in the past.

The thirst for knowledge and the desire to explore filled his mind.

The closer you are to God, the easier it is to become God.

And the power to become a **** came from the fact that he fully felt the helplessness of being weak. The Ace of Hearts, the fatal threat given to him by the "Butcher", is all motivation.

Thinking about it this way, the two people who put the most pressure on him are actually the relationship between the teacher and the student.

Come to think of it, it's pretty dramatic.

He didn't think much about other things, he collected his heart and threw himself into the combat mission.


The relationship between teachers and students, in the case of "red" and "butcher", is not the type of preaching and getting rid of doubts.

On the ridge of Tepemarajan Mountain, "The Butcher" walked in front, followed by Qiao Xun's body, which was floating.

The wind and snow could not disturb them in the slightest.

She walked on the ridge, like a Tang monk in Journey to the West, who braved hardships to advance. However, she was alone, without three apprentices, and without a white dragon horse.

Stop and look behind you.

The blizzard couldn't block her vision. She saw the silver-blue energy barrier in the decaying city, and saw the pale white huge beam of light inside the barrier.

It has nothing to do with her. No matter what happens there, as long as it's not her mission, it has nothing to do with her.

Now, she just wants to find the teacher "red".

This idea is very firm and deep. She didn't know where "Red" was, but she knew that as long as she kept thinking, "Fate" would find her first.

This is Xiaohong's strength.

At a certain moment, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"You're thinking of me."

"The Butcher" nodded.

The next moment, a hand ripped open her chest, and a red vertical pupil opened on the back of her head.

Soon, someone emerged from her body. It is exactly the same as the previous Plum Blossom 5 "Sharp Knife", except that she did not die because of this behavior.

The "Butcher" quickly sewed his body, just like sewing Qiao Xun's body. Not a drop of blood damaged the pale snow on the ground.

"Red" is the size of a girl, only as tall as the nose of "The Butcher".

"Nianwei, do you have something to do with me?" "Red" looked at "Butcher" and asked with a smile.

Butcher's expression was not as relaxed as hers, it was heavy, complicated, and a little sad. She paused for a while and said, "Teacher, I think I need to give you an explanation for this matter."

Saying that, The Butcher stepped aside and pulled Qiao Xun's body between the two.

The moment he saw Qiao Xun's body, "Red" was obviously stunned.

This reaction was discovered by "The Butcher". She thought it was strange, why was she stunned? Wasn't it expected? It shouldn't be.

"Teacher. I felt your breath on him, but I killed him." The "Butcher" glanced at Qiao Xun's body and then looked at "Red".

"Red" looked at Qiao Xun's body and did not speak directly.

After a while, she looked away and narrowed her eyes. The strong wind blew her long hair into a tangled mess, and the red vertical pupil was open without any cover.

"This is the third time I've seen him. I just didn't expect it to be this result."

The Butcher felt incredible and asked with difficulty:

"did not expect?"

"Red" no matter what image, when he leaned up, he lay in the snow, pressing out a human-shaped mark.

"I didn't find him dead."

"What's the meaning?"

"He's still alive. It's just an empty shell." "Red" was lying in the snow, looking at the dreary dark sky, with a glint in his normal eye, wondering what he was thinking.

The Butcher was silent for a while, and said:

"Looks like I've failed. However, 'Sir' asked me to kill him. Shall I continue?"

"No. Norman is a lunatic and doesn't understand what's at stake."

"Butcher" did not comment, but nodded in response.

"Red" laughed,

"It's getting more and more curious. When I first saw him, he was just a rookie who had just embarked on the road of evolution, and now, he can escape from your hands. Really, it's so curious! It's been a long time, I haven't touched It's been really exciting."

She narrowed her eyes, looking a little drunk. She stretched out her hands, one hand stroking her neck, the other pressing her left chest. The chest rises and falls greatly. She is very excited.

"The Butcher" said:

"Teacher, please pay attention to controlling your emotions and don't get excited." She spoke without emotion, like a reading robot.

"It's hard to be calm about this kind of thing. Nianwei, I haven't encountered such an interesting thing in a long time!"

"Red" turned over and buried his face in the snow.

"He, is there any difference?"

With his head buried in the snow, Red murmured:

"He can make me grow up."

"Huh?" The "Butcher" was rarely emotional. stunned.

"Let me... grow up!"

"Does it grow taller?" The Butcher said puzzled.

"Nianwei...you are too much."

"What's wrong?"

"I know I'm short, but you don't need to say it specifically." "Red" showed a nasal voice, she felt it was inappropriate, and said in a more mature tone: "I know I'm short, but you don't need to say it specifically."

"But you said it yourself twice."


"Red" suddenly stood up from the snow, looked up at "Butcher" and said loudly, "When I found you, you were like a puppy, puppy! Do you know that puppy! At most Ten kilograms, one slap can catch you, and you are still breastfeeding! I breastfeed you! The best milk powder in the world is used! I will buy you the best toys and decorate the best baby room !"

"The Butcher" nodded. She was used to it, and her teacher would make a strange speech from time to time that sounded incongruous.

"I teach you to speak, I teach you math, physics, chemistry!" "Red" continued.

"But you only taught me to the sophomore level of the Republic."

"That's because I only read the second year of high school!"

After saying "Red", he strode away.

The Butcher asked loudly from behind, "Teacher, what should I do with this corpse?"

"Red" stopped, turned around and walked over again, grabbed the right hand of Qiao Xun's body and said:

"I took it away."

"Do you want to study?"

"No, give it back to him."

"Ah? Why?"

"Let him thank me."

"But why?"

"Nianwei, don't ask children more about adults."

"I just don't understand, I just want to know. Isn't it right for the teacher to answer questions for the students?" The butcher's tone was not calm.

"Red" turned around. She felt that her students were a little different today, more... clingy.

"Nianwei, what's wrong with you?"

"The Butcher" said:

"Teacher, I hope you can be normal."

"Red" has soft eyes and asked with a smile:

"Do you think I'm crazy too?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I just thought, you... used to look a lot like you, but now you don't. Why? What changed you, you used to be... normal."

"Red" whispered:

"The tide will make people... change. Nianwei, give up your worries. I have always been me, but I see more things than others."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

In the snowstorm, "The Butcher" shouted:

"Teacher, I brought him a sentence for you."

"Red" stood still for a moment, but did not turn around.

"The Butcher" said:

"He said, 'I wish you good health~www.readwn.com~red'" his body stiffened, he turned his scalp and said with a smile without laughing:

"Nianwei, you are really heartless."

"Butcher" puzzled, "What?"

"Starting today, you are free! You will no longer be the Jack of Spades for the Black Revolution!"

"What's the meaning?"

"You are fired!"

"Then where should I go?"

"Where do you want to go."

"Can I still find you?"

"Find me if you want!"

The sound of "red" echoed on Tepemarajan until she disappeared into the wind and snow.

"Butcher" stared into the distance blankly.

She stood in the snow for a while before she left. Where to go, she doesn't know. However, she only knew that she should leave.

On the top of the mountain, "Red" looked at the back of "The Butcher" and whispered softly:

"Escape. The farther you can escape, the better. Otherwise, he will kill you. What doesn't kill him will only make him stronger."

Black Revolution Spades J "Butcher" Nian Wei is her only student and her bloodless relative.

She looked at the suspended body of Qiao Xun and said:

"Nianwei is just on a mission, not your real enemy. I am."

Suddenly, the snowstorm became even bigger.

"Red" tilted his head to look:

In the distance of Tepemarajan Mountain, the phantom of the huge giant weather species is solidifying little by little.

At a certain moment, it suddenly moved and flew towards Kabul.

At the same time, the whole of Tepemarajan shook.

The raised red pupil of "Red" penetrated all obstacles, and saw that, under the mountain, a snake-shaped weather species was trying to break out of the mountain.

"Two... oh no, three."

She saw that there was another one to the far west of Kabul, rushing to Kabul.

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