Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 19: Miracle Night: Range is truth, firepower is justice! (nine thousand…

Because of the violent breakout before Qiao Xun, the Free Army strengthened its patrols and set up patrols in the ring area near the city center, from the previous one control team patrolling one subdivision to two control teams patrolling one subdivision, aiming to crack down on people like Qiao Xun is an evolutionary lurking in it.

In fact, the Free Army has not figured out whether Qiao Xun was lurking near the city center before, and whether there was any substantial damage. After some investigation, I traced Qiao Xun's trajectory over and over again, but only found that he was squatting at more than ten points, and did not leave any hidden traces of pollution or spiritual traces.

On the surface, protection and patrolling have been strengthened. But Qiao Xun analyzed it carefully and felt that it should have weakened for him.

Because patrols in the ordinary sense have no effect on him. Because, in ordinary patrols, even they are at least third-order evolutionaries. But the spiritual marks they left can be directly discovered and eliminated by Qiao Xun. Only high-tech technologies like light-signaling that target physical radiation of light are effective.

However, the light signal bomb is a one-time consumable, and it is very precious in itself. It is impossible for the Free Army to fire at will without a clear and substantial enemy.

Therefore, for Qiao Xun, he only needs to be undetected by ordinary patrols.

After entering the outer city, Qiao Xun hid in a building and observed a patrol team, mainly to observe their patrol methods and the distribution positions between the teams.

In order to strengthen the patrol coverage and efficiency, two control teams of eight people in one division adopt a decentralized position, that is, a star-shaped position in the conventional sense. Unnecessary manpower consumption.

Kabul is a big city after all, and if the stations are concentrated, the patrol efficiency will be greatly reduced.

Of course, spread out, doesn't mean their team is spread out. Qiao Xun noticed that every member of each control team has something similar to a signal trigger device, that is, once a player is attacked or finds a special situation, the signal trigger device immediately informs other members of the same division. players to avoid being single-point breakthrough.


The Free Army can definitely be said to be a high-quality evolutionary organization, not an organization similar to a demonstration team formed by a few passionate people.

Sophisticated equipment, high combat literacy. Which country this is placed in is the regular army in the regular army.

This opened up a problem for Qiao Xun.

Judging from the current patrol network, there is no dead angle, and there is no possibility of sneaking into it.

Fly from the sky? Impossible, that is a living target;

Escape? It takes too much time. When you dig through the tunnel, it is estimated that the battle is over.

You can't make a sneak attack yet. A sneak attack will trigger the signal trigger device. At that time, a large number of people will be attracted.

Qiao Xun hid in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city, thinking carefully about decisions.

In the army's plan, there were fighter planes above to cover him. Once he started to move, groups of fighter planes flew over the sky immediately, interfering with the control team and opening the way for him.

Although the support conditions are very complete, you can't take risks. "Reckless" is a word to avoid for Qiao Xun.

In the sea train, those "reckless" guys he thought were all eaten and wiped clean, whether it was beating or gambling.

Directly rushing into it, there must be a certain success rate. But Qiao Xun is not an AI after all, and he is not sure how high his success rate is. Therefore, he will not choose to take risks. And it is impossible for the troops to tell the mission operator what the mission success rate is. This is third-party interference.

He thought about it,

The most direct signal triggering device is of course the direct triggering by the person carrying the device, followed by three aspects: pollution traces, mental trajectory and direct physical momentum replacement. Either way, breaking the threshold will trigger it directly, placing lurks that the carrier doesn't notice.

After thinking about it, he determined the possibility of a solution.

Since the signal triggering device is triggering, then take advantage of this, and simply have a direct trigger!

Qiao Xun rummaged through the abandoned building and found some discarded fabrics, wood, stones, velvet, etc.

Then he started to compile.

With the help of "point line plane", his manual ability is very strong. Five minutes later, five humanoid creations were born.

He then began to forge the five humanoid creations using the bulk talent "Forgery", also stolen from the Block 10 "Master".

Soon, five dolls with different appearances, heights and body types were born.

They all wore the exact same uniforms as the Free Army and were equipped with the same equipment. The only difference is that they are dolls, and all the equipment is fake and does not have related functions.

However, that's enough.

Then, Qiao Xun used the third-order talent "Death Beidou" of the Zhenwu route to manipulate the five dolls to stand up.

Qiao Xun didn't use the talent of "Death Big Dipper" much, because there was no chance. In fact, it can not only manipulate dead creatures, but also manipulate dead things. Because it needs to be implemented in a stable environment, it is not a talent with practical utility, so it is rarely used.

The monitoring space of "Zaiyin" is attached to the five dolls, serving as a field of vision.

Then, Qiao Xun chose a suitable position to ensure that all five puppets were within his control range to the maximum extent.

Be prepared, adjust your breathing, and fully ensure that the doll is in close contact with yourself.

Finally, drive.

"Zaiyin" acts as the field of vision, and Qiao Xun also holds the field of vision from six perspectives, including himself.

The five dolls headed in different directions from different routes. In this partition, their five distribution directions basically cover five-sixths of the partition, leaving one-sixth of the gap. And this one-sixth is where he is.

The first time the five dolls appeared in a daze, they were exposed one after another. Because they were not discovered for the first time, the signal triggering devices of the eight control team members in charge of this division were triggered one by one.

When they found five targets, the first reaction was that a five-man control team was invading Kabul.

The moment the signal was triggered, the two control teams began to confront each other.

From the perspective of the five puppets, Qiao Xun clearly saw the Free Army control team rushing over from all directions.

Then, he steered the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 dolls at high speed towards the control team members. Their warriors put up their shields, and then the Sentinels launched their long-range fire.

The puppet is a living target, with limited attack ability, this Qiao Xun is cleared.

Therefore, he never thought about relying on them to directly cause any damage to the control team.

When driving one, two, three, to attack, the remaining No. 4 and No. 5 choose to bypass the first field of vision and show the behavior of trying to break through the defense line.

"Two more, they're going to break through the line!" a leader shouted.

Qiao Xun, who was hiding in the dark and heard the voice, was clear in his heart. His plan was correct. With the previous incident, for the Free Army, any running behavior around the field of vision at high speed would be regarded as a penetration.

However, they are not to penetrate.

Dolls No. 1, 2 and 3 were quickly controlled, and long-range firepower smashed them into sieves. Afterwards, the sentry in charge of cleaning stepped forward to check the situation.

When a sentry saw that there were nothing but a pair of stones, flannel, rotten wooden sticks, etc. that fell in the snow, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he remembered a certain possibility, reacted, and immediately shouted to the communicator:

"It's a dummy! A dummy! Be careful of trapping—"

"Trap" is not finished yet.

The four team members who were chasing No. 4 and No. 5 suddenly felt a heat wave transpiring in the environment.

Qiao Xun, who was observing in the dark, whispered to himself, "Explode."

The "Zhiyang" blessed by "greed" blasted the space, with the two dolls No. 4 and No. 5 as the center, breaking through the shackles of the space medium, and suddenly opened to the surrounding.

The kinetic energy of the air is squeezed violently, and when viewed with the naked eye, because of the small-scale fusion of air density, it looks like space has been greatly distorted.

Two small suns flickered in the night, dazzling and dazzling light, illuminating all the observers who were observing the situation here in different ways. On the electronic map of the battle situation of the headquarters of various countries, the screen on Qiao Xun's side was occupied by yellow-white scorching light.

The light faded quickly.

The four players who were chasing were attacked most directly, and their bodies were almost crushed by the kinetic energy of the expanding air.

Then, the second group of players who reacted subconsciously ran over to rescue them.

But the "Zhiyang" detonation space blessed by "greed" has a second wave of meltdown.

The two small suns quickly shrank to a point. Absorb all the kinetic energy and thermal energy of the air that was poured out before, causing a second explosion.

The power of the second time is even greater. What's more, in order to be safe, Qiao Xun also used a part of the energy of pure runes. The pure rune stored in the space of Xumi, the destruction of his Mosuluo.

The second meltdown explosion of the "Zhiyang" detonation space created by Qiao Xun spared no effort, sweeping all existences within a radius of 20 meters.

Buildings, roads, street lights, people, and snow.

Blizzards are all in this explosion process, because of the expansion of air, they cannot enter.

When the attention of the Frontline Command of the Free Army's District D was still here with two astonishing explosions, Qiao Xun's infiltration operation had already begun.

The two explosions that suddenly appeared caught the Free Army by surprise. When they reacted and used light signal markers to illuminate it, it was already too late.

The light-signal bomb exploded over the D area.

Qiao Xun was marked at the first moment, and his position was exposed to the view of the Free Army.

However, this made them even more shocked. Because at this moment, Qiao Xun is only three kilometers away from the city center.

He is very fast.

When the tracking signal locked his face, everyone in the command recognized that he was the one who exposed the breakout before.

The front-line commander in District D was shocked and took the lead in reacting. This second time to break out of the encirclement must have come with a mission. He shouted:

"Blocked! Blocked! Fired deportation bombs!"

The front-line base in Area D, the gun mounts were set up, dozens of bombs locked on Qiao Xun at the same time, and fired them all at once.

call out--

A huge and sharp air-breaking sound with flickering flames approached Qiao Xun.

"I need support!" Qiao Xun shouted loudly.


The fighter jets that were already on standby in the sky broke through the storm line, and a large number of interceptor missiles were launched.

The explosions occurred densely in the night sky of Kabul.

The Republic fighter group launched interceptor missiles at no cost, and almost formed a huge missile network. This stance is to absolutely avoid any threat to Qiao Xun by any of the Liberation Army's expulsion bombs.

After this plan was approved by other countries, the commanders of all parties realized the huge benefits brought by the success of the plan, and commanded fighter groups to cover Qiao Xun.

As a result, dozens of aircraft were hovering over Kabul. In the best combat plan calculated by the "tower", one group was responsible for intercepting the expulsion missiles of the Free Army, one group was responsible for electronic interference and rune interference, and one group was responsible for conducting Free Army control squad snowmobiles bombing the ground.

Various explosions exploded in Qiao Xun's head, almost tearing apart his "Zaiyin" monitoring space that simulates hearing.

With such a large-scale support operation, even a pig can see that the coalition forces have a big move.

The control teams in the three districts of ABC have sent additional manpower to support the D district. Various missiles were launched from the other three areas, including expulsion missiles, surface-to-air missiles, and interceptor missiles.

In a short distance of three kilometers, the number of bombs that exploded was almost innumerable.

Inside the silver-blue energy barrier, there is a high-rise building.

The "musician" looked at what was happening outside and said:

"Support, break through... This kind of tactic is mostly to send something in. The 'shooter' needs you to expel those planes again."

The "shooter" was taciturn, and his dark face shone with a smooth luster. He stood in front of him, lightning flowers pouring out of his hands. The lightning flower grew vigorously, growing into a towering tree in a few seconds, and began to spread against the dark night sky, quickly covering all the fighters.

The talent of "silence of the whole system" once again blocked the electronic information, power and other systems of all fighters.

All the fighters lost control at the same time.

The navigators who have experienced a system silence quickly used their talents to remove this negative state and re-establish contact. However, they had to adjust the route trajectory and could not continue to support Qiao Xun.

Republic navigator Wang Shi'an said loudly to the communicator:

"Evolutionary Qiao Xun, the plane is out of control, the route needs to be adjusted, and I can't support you!"

At this time, Qiao Xun was only 1.2 kilometers away from the rune energy barrier tractor in Zone D. In a minute at most, he can reach that place. However, the next 1.2 kilometers will be more and more difficult to walk.


At the Western War Command Post, Commander Zhang Yunsheng frowned slightly as he watched the AI's predicted win rate dropped from the previous 84% ​​to 72%.

For one thing, they estimated wrong.

That is the large-scale talent of the "shooter", "the whole system is silent". In the previously entered intelligence data, after using this talent once, it will cause a great mental load to the evolutionary, and it is impossible to perform a second time in a short time. And this short time, at least one day.

However, now, it has only been fifty minutes since it was used during the last bombing.

Why is it so fast, it can be used again, and the effect does not have to be bad the first time.

This is something that AI cannot predict.

Deputy Commander Xu Kai was silent for a while and said:

"Maybe the Black Revolution has the ability to unload in a short period of time."

Only this result. Because according to the latest survey, no one in the Black Revolution has the talent to relieve the load in a short time.

"They have grown too fast. Unexpected." Deputy Commander Zhou Hangcun said.

Zhang Yunsheng looked at the running figure of Qiao Xun in the electronic map of the battle situation, and lowered his head slightly.

"They are already very strong, but recently, more and more minions have been exposed. The chief's judgment is right, this time either destroys the war species or dampens the black revolution. Once neither of these two things happen If it succeeds, the world will be plunged into irreversible change."

"Can he still succeed?" Zhou Cunhang asked.

In AI's estimated winning rate, Qiao Xun will decrease by 1% for every 50 meters forward.

Zhang Yunsheng said:

"The previous wars taught us that only the range and firepower are the truth. But in the era of the evolutionary, the combat ability of the individual evolutionary has severely tilted the balance of the war situation. The girl 'Red' who single-handedly destroyed an army of the Federation , the two red-clothed leaders of the Yila Church destroyed the entire country... Many things are telling us that the powerful talents are the meat grinders of the war species. We can't see much through just a screen. However, his calm expression and undisturbed pace were the best response to us."

Zhou Hangcun and Xu Kai looked at the running figure of Qiao Xun in the electronic map of the battle situation at the same time.

He was wearing black clothes, and he was like a black lightning bolt under the flashing light signal marker.

Zhang Yunsheng's breathing became slightly heavier. He looked at the commands that had been entered in the computer next to him, and said in a deep voice:

"Please fire."

His voice was transmitted through the radio to the general meeting room of Yandu City.

At that time, Lu Yangyi, who was in the Equipment Development Department of the Gongjin R&D Committee, received an order to fire in the "Tower Network".

He projected this command on the front-most giant screen.

The big leader looked at the running figure of Qiao Xun on the small screen, turned his head to look at Lu Yangyi, and said:


The order was quickly fed back to the Western War Command.

Then, the firing order was passed on.

A Rocket Army base in a mountain in the west.

The soldiers who had already received the combat readiness order were fully prepared, just waiting for an order;

A certain type of intercontinental missile, which has long been raised and ready to launch, is carrying the latest derivative rune bomb "annihilation-06" aimed at distant places.

At a certain moment, the order to fire was issued.

The intercontinental missile carrying the bomb "annihilation-06" was first launched with a ballistic trajectory, entered the atmosphere, and then used the aerodynamic vector control system to level up and rush out of the atmosphere. ballistic" towards the target.

When it re-entered the atmosphere, it reached an astonishing speed of 3..7Wkm/h, or Mach 30.

It only takes six minutes from launch to reach the target.

However, while the missile was still gliding through the air, its exact target had not been determined.

Because, there are a large number of evolutionary and polluting creatures in Kabul at this moment, including giant meteorological species, and the polluted atmosphere greatly interferes with space. All coordinate parameters have lost their true effectiveness, and it is necessary to have a target for one-to-one traction, otherwise the friendly forces will be bombed by mistake, and the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, this traction task rests on Qiao Xun.


The powerful spatial perception ability told Qiao Xun that he was still 800m away from the target.

Without the **** of the bombers, the control squads of the Free Army on the front, back, left and right are constantly gathering.

He must penetrate the defense quickly, or if he is intercepted, everything will be meaningless.



Accelerate non-stop!

"Chaser", the only speed talent, has been pulled to the extreme under various buffs.

Only success, no room for failure!

Seven hundred meters!

Six hundred meters!

Like an ink line drawn by an antique painter, he moved at a high speed to create a trajectory of air pressure difference similar to the flight path of an airplane. The trail swept through everything he passed, snow slag, crumbling streetlights, restless listings, falling and dancing in the blizzard.

At the same time, the Free Army control squad was approaching.

"Stop him!"

"Stop him!"

"Stop him!"

The frontline commander in Area D gave orders loudly.

It was the only thing he could do.

The Free Army did everything possible. Destroy missiles, mind-disrupting bombs, control the formation of the squad...

Qiao Xun's speed was so fast that it was too late for any other operations at this time. Can only bet in front of him with a wall of people.

Countless bullets were poured on him, and a soldier carrying a shield of defense blocked his path.

Qiao Xun will not show mercy, bang!

Relying on the hard body built up with blocks of words, and relying on this body that would be fine as long as the blocks of words didn't fall apart, he slammed into everyone who stood in front of him.

Carry a shield against it, and smash his shoulders carrying the shield to pieces;

If the body is hard against it, then it will smash him to pieces;

Snowmobiles and interception nets, as long as they come, they will all be torn to pieces.

The commander watched Qiao Xun tear apart the defense line again and again, and his face almost turned blue and purple.

"What is this? What is this?"

Is he not afraid of pain? Why is there no damage to the body? Is he even human? When did the flesh and blood become so powerful.

Even those fifth-order evolutionaries who do not specialize in flesh and blood cannot do this!

Qiao Xun not only challenged the cognition of the Free Army, but also challenged the AI ​​analysis of the battle situation in the Western War Command Post.

AI-predicted win rates have been fluctuating between 70% and 80%.

The three commanders maintained a high degree of unanimous silence. Because, in the face of Qiao Xun's situation, they didn't know what to say.

Five hundred meters!

Four hundred meters!

Every step of Qiao Xun seems to be stepping on the apex of those who are concerned about this breakout battle.

Some are pain, others are agitation that triggers shortness of breath.

Can he succeed?

Three hundred meters!

When Qiao Xun was about to take the next 100 meters again.

A sudden storm came against the sky. From the sky, from the sky of three thousand meters, this gust of wind pressed down, forming a huge pressure difference.

The swirling snow was instantly torn open. Qiao Xun felt a strong pulling force, pulling his body aside.

He turned around suddenly, and suddenly saw a huge silhouette slowly emerging in the sky.

That is--

The giant meteorological species that stood in the distance of Tepemarajan Mountain before!

It suddenly came to the city of Kabul.


A rapid voice sounded.

The AI ​​prediction of the battle situation in the Western War Command Post began to rapidly decrease.


It didn't stop until 31%.

The statement given by AI is that "a giant meteorological species is detected, and the distance from the target is less than 3 kilometers, within the first range."

The first range, the second range, the third range, the fourth range.

This is a proprietary concept for meteorological species.

Four ranges indicate the degree of influence of meteorological species.

The fourth range is greater than 100 kilometers, the third range is 20 kilometers to 100 kilometers, the second range is less than 20 kilometers, and the first range is less than 5 kilometers.

The first range can almost be said to be face-to-face with the meteorological species.


At this moment, this question is on everyone's mind. Why the weather species suddenly came to Kabul city.

There was obviously no warning before.

The sudden change was something that no one expected.

The situation turned over in an instant.

The huge body of the giant weather species is similar to the withered uncle whose trunk has been rolled up at the end of his life. The twisted branches are bare, showing a twist like ghost claws, criss-crossing and intertwined, like a pot of cats. Overturned "chow mein". The huge head is abruptly protruding above the body, like an exploding watermelon, and the light beams that are densely distributed around it are the mimicry of the sputtered watermelon juice.

This Ultraman monster-like sense of sight shocked the people on the ground.

The group of fighter planes that had just recovered in the sky was directly blown away by the huge air pressure released from it. Some of the fighter planes that got close to them disintegrated directly, and the pilots who were too late to eject from the tank were smashed by the disintegrated aircraft wreckage.

The navigator Wang Shian shouted loudly:

"Everyone, eject!"

All the pilots of the Republic pressed the eject button and swept into the air in unison.

Afterwards, Wang Shian quickly dragged their bodies away from the weather species with the "clear line".

The huge air pressure destroyed the coalition's fighter fleet and also destroyed the cities on the ground.

A giant tornado, gushing out from under its roots, devoured the earth like a greedy devil.

Qiao Xun felt that his body was being dragged by tens of thousands of people. The pressure difference created by the huge air pressure pushed him towards the tornado that was generated right next to him.

Nearby members of the Free Army fell into it like random trash.

Do not!

Qiao Xun's instinct was to say "no" to him.

Being involved in it is not just a simple task failure.

Whether it was for escape or mission, he had to break free.

At this time, a rune wave enveloped him.

"Evolver Qiao Xun, I am Wang Shi'an, please accept my will immediately! I will take you away!" Wang Shi'an's voice sounded in his mind.

Qiao Xun was shocked.

There is a way to leave.

But, at such a moment. He hesitated.

There are still three hundred meters away. He feels that this may be the only opportunity in this battle to create an advantage for the motherland.

He thought, try it.

In a way he hadn't tried before.

He did not accept Wang Shian's will.

"Qiao Xun!" Wang Shian shouted loudly, "If you don't agree, it's too late!"

"Thanks, but I want to try."

Afterwards, Qiao Xun took a deep breath, stood in the gust of wind, stretched out his hands and broke off his head.


Under everyone's shocked gaze, Qiao Xun grabbed his head with his right hand and threw it out violently.

Like throwing a shot put.

In this shot, Qiao Xun used the greatest strength he could exert.

"Greed" blessed "Zhiyang", the buff was fully stacked, and a part of the rune energy was used as a booster.

In order to get rid of the huge bondage.

The moment the head flew out, the body behind was caught in the tornado.

Qiao Xun's head leaped.

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

The last fifty meters!

At this time, a man stepped out of the rune energy barrier, stood on the trajectory of Qiao Xun's head leaping, and looked at him.

A hint of mockery appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that, after all your hard work, in the end, it's just a farce.

The man's face appeared on the electronic map of the battle situation at each command post.

He is, Black Revolution Square K, "Warrior". All his features are ordinary, including his code name, "Warrior." Ordinary, so ordinary.

So much so that everyone noticed him only when he stopped in front of Qiao Xun's head.

"Warrior" bowed his waist and bent his right leg back.

This action-

Everyone could see that he was going to kick Qiao Xun's head like a ball.

Qiao Xun's AI prediction win rate dropped to 1%, which looks like a friendship prediction success rate no matter what.

fifty meters,

forty meters,

thirty meters,

twenty meters,

Qiao Xun's head arrived in front of the "Warrior".

The "Warrior" leg muscles tightened, exerting force, and kicked over.

However, there was no impact on the instep.

Kick... empty? !

Qiao Xun's voice sounded behind him, "'Pride' is my power."

future power.

Confusion and confusion lingered in the minds of others, including "Warrior".

How did he do it?

"Space Jump". This fourth-order talent of Yu Dou's route is easy to be ignored in many cases, because it consumes a lot, the distance is short, and the cost performance is not high.

It is such a talent that Qiao Xun hid to the end.

Now, use it.

Although the hustle and bustle of Kabul has not stopped. However, for the vast majority of those who followed the breakout battle, there was silence.

In their eyes, only the head of Qiao Xun landed on the rune energy barrier traction machine in the D area.


Qiao Xun's head slammed on it, it was very hard, and it didn't bloom.

The rune signal mark is like ink flowing into clear water, instantly polluting the entire silver-blue rune energy barrier.

A certain type of missile that was already waiting in the atmosphere fell at hypersonic speed.

Carrying the "annihilation-06" derivative rune bomb, it accurately hits the rune barrier.

The mushroom cloud reappeared on this night after nearly a hundred years.

For the first time in human history, the precise use of large rune weapons was accomplished.

The rune energy blazing out washes away all the pollution in Kabul.

For a moment, the pollution value of the entire city returned to 0.

This is an abnormal thinking. The Republic, a derivative rune bomb, does not release the smell of pollution, but can eliminate the smell of pollution.

The silver-blue energy barrier was so vulnerable that the four large tractors were instantly scrapped.

Directly hit by this bomb, all the evolutionaries within the explosion range, all the rune energy, were all destroyed.

This is an absolute "dimensionality reduction" blow.

Knock thousands of evolutionaries back to ordinary people in an instant.

"Evolver Qiao Xun... Evolver Qiao Xun... Evolver Qiao Xun!"

Qiao Xun, whose consciousness fell into chaos, had many, many voices in his consciousness.

"Comrade Qiao Xun... Comrade Qiao Xun!"

"Mr. Qiao...Mr. Qiao..."

"Doctor Joe... Doctor Joe..."

"Qiao Xun... Qiao Xun..."

"Mr. Joe..."

At a certain moment, the great will stared at him, and the sound of the audio flash suddenly sounded. He opened his eyes suddenly,

"Ah, the revolving light of life, almost... almost..."

He struggled to stand...

Only a head, no legs, can't stand up.

so tired.

I feel so tired.

The body is exhausted.

Qiao Xun had never felt so tired before, as if he had fallen asleep.

But, can't sleep.

He drove his head and rolled around, trying to retrieve the scattered text blocks. Find them and rebuild the body.

But, so tired. too tired.

The pale white light beckoned to him, as if to merge with him.

That deceitful warmth.

Qiao Xun knew that it was not possible. This is the ancient will remaining in the text block, affecting him.

Can not be dominated, be dominated, after the integration with the white light, everything is over. His consciousness will no longer be his self-consciousness.

Must find other blocks of text as soon as possible.

His head rolled on the ground.

"What are you looking for?" The girl's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Red" stood in the ruins, looking at Qiao Xun on the ground, then she squatted down and asked with a smile:

"meet again."

It's over... a calf!

Seeing this face, Qiao Xun could only think so.

"Red" said:

"I said, we will meet again. From the day we met, some things can't be shaken off."

"What do you want to do?"

"You can't die. At least, not here."


"Because... I love you." "Red" said with a smile.

"Do not make jokes."

"Red" looked at him seriously, like a student who listened carefully in class:

"No one is qualified to kill you except me."

"You can kill me now."

"I won't. Because, our 'fate'... has just begun. Until the day it ends, I won't kill you. You'd better not die in the hands of others."

"Red" said with a smile, "Of course, I believe you."

Joe Tour said:

"Don't speak to me in such a disgustingly innocent tone."

"I... will!"

"Red" stood up and said, "I'll give you a gift, don't worry, I haven't touched it before. Thank me very much. Be sure to thank me!"

After speaking, she turned around and disappeared into the chaos.

What remains ~www.readwn.com~ is...a body.

familiar body.

It was Joe's own.

"Numerology follows the sky" swept through, and there is no problem.

There is nothing to do if there is a problem. Qiao Xun urgently needs a body that accommodates consciousness.

Consciousness exits the text block and enters the body of the deity.

Then, the text blocks on the ground collapsed instantly, and were then absorbed by the pale white light beam.

Your body is really the best.

Qiao Xun just happened to check his body inside and out to see if he had been manipulated. Suddenly, a group of people rushed in from the noisy snowstorm. He immediately tense his nerves.

The first one rushed forward, stunned for a moment, and then said loudly:

"Hello, Evolution Qiao Xun, I am Li Zhirui, the leader of the third detachment of the Second Special Dispatch of the Republic, and I have been ordered to rescue you!"

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