Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 23: The scavengers appear, the battle begins

The explosion of the "annihilation-06" lighted up the entire Kabul battlefield and the whole world. Of course, as the headquarters of the Free Army in the center, it undoubtedly saw the most beautiful scenery.

The original Kabul government building, now the headquarters of the Free Army, is in a mottled building.

Gundar Yimai Taonsaris, the war leader of the Free Army, almost collapsed on the seat when he saw the explosion of the derivative rune bomb.

Looking at the evolutionary heat map, the hot spots in the city marked by the branch marked in blue, all disappeared at that moment... He seemed to be many years older all of a sudden, the bitterness in his heart opened, and the corners of his mouth formed A wrinkle that can't be wiped away.

The Free Army, which had been established for many years, and the evolutionary warriors who had been cultivated hard, in just a few seconds, all returned to ordinary people from Tier 4 and Tier 3.

He couldn't accept this fact.

When he saw Qiao Xun's move of "throwing his head", he had a feeling that maybe everything was about to change. But unexpectedly, the result of the Free Army in Kabul was even more tragic.

He was saddened by the ending, and terrified of the power of the derived rune weapon.

Such a powerful weapon, such a swarming attack, such a powerful warrior... Why should the Free Army face such an enemy?

He, who had never doubted the teachings, couldn't help but think: Why did the leaders of the teachings agree to this war? Why not leave the Akub Khanate early and go to develop elsewhere? Even guerrilla warfare is fine. In the face of a big country, isn't the tactic of defending a fort very weak?


He asked countless whys in his heart, but he never dared to speak these questions to the doctrinal leaders.

He knew that if he did that, the doctrinal beliefs would collapse. The Free Army is really screwed.

However, the sadness, anger, entanglement and agitation in his heart need a window to vent.

Not the coalition army, not the fighter who violently broke through the encirclement and completed the guidance, but... the "Mr." of the black revolution.

The Black Revolution used the Free Army as cannon fodder and bunkers. Before, because of the doctrinal leader, he had such an idea but was not sure. Now, he is sure. The Black Revolution took advantage of the Free Army.

He took a long breath and spit it out, the look of his eyes gradually changed from cruel to calm.

An "explosion" is brewing in the calm.

Use the communicator to contact "Mr."

The Black Revolution, the famous K of Hearts.

"Hello." Gondar's tone was calm, but disturbing.


the other side.

The K of Hearts "Mr.", the 9 of Spades "Light" and the J of Hearts "Poet" are standing outside the disintegrated Zhilan Hotel.

The Q of Hearts "Pastor" is in it, completing the penultimate step "Embrace" of prayer, singing, sacrifice, hugging and guidance.

Just now, in the past minute.

The three looked at the sky and saw with their own eyes that the ICBM carrying the "annihilation-06" derivative rune bomb fell;

I saw with my own eyes that the dazzling white light covered every corner of the sky and underground;

I personally felt the violent bite that devoured all rune energy.

The rune energy barrier that was pulled by four large rune energy barrier tractors on the top of the head did not hold up and was destroyed. They all believed that as long as there was one less tractor, the aftermath of the explosion would hit the inside of the barrier, causing even greater losses.

The three didn't say anything and remained silent for a full minute.

Until "Mr." Norman spoke. Like a gentleman who had just finished his afternoon tea, he said with a smile:

"Even the blizzard has stopped quite a few... Two, please express your opinion. The black revolution supports freedom of speech."

Delia, "Light". This beautiful woman who came to Granville has delicate eyelashes. Her eyelashes trembled slightly.

"That kind of light... so strong. Is this the power of derivative rune weapons?"

Norman said:

"Deconstructed the rune weapon derived from the Republic Sequence 3 talent 'annihilation', what do you think?"

"Sequence 3. It should be a demigod."

"Yes." Norman finished and smiled, "Delia, are you afraid again?"

"No. I was just thinking, if Oblivion joins the battlefield..."

"Don't worry, that won't happen. They don't dare to send a demigod. They would rather watch the world in chaos than the risk of losing demigods and the erosion of their own totems."

"Republic, will it do the same?"

"It's all the same. Delia. You should think of a country as a whole, not a collection of individual wills. Those demigods know better than anyone what an angel means, and no one dares to risk being eroded. Participate in it. The country behind them will not allow them to come, and once the demigods are eroded, the country behind them is very dangerous."

"Light" Delia was silent for a while, then asked again:

"What about us? Where are our demigods?"

Norman didn't answer directly, narrowing his eyes slightly, "No one can guess the actions of a madman."

Both "Light" and the serious "Poet" on the side knew who Norman was referring to as "madman".

"But, she's not stupid enough to tell the situation. Maybe... she's just... come and play."

Delia did not speak. In her eyes, "Mr." has always been confident and seems to have everything under control, but whenever he talks about girls, he doesn't seem to have the feeling of being casual, natural and confident. There is no such situation, even when it comes to the king of spades or even the ace of spades.

Maybe, she thought, as he said. The behavior of the madman, I have guessed, so I am not sure. And the king of spades and the ace of spades are not crazy.

The "Poet" touched his glasses and said:

"'Sir', although the bomb did not cause direct damage to us, it was, in my opinion, a great deterrent. The Republic can complete the first precision guidance, why can't it complete the second? ?"

Norman smiled and replied:

"'Poet', will you stand there like those four tractors, waiting for the bomb to explode?"

"No, but it's still a deterrent. 'Sir', can you be sure that after the battle begins, we will not be pinned down, will we not be hit by a second missile? 'Sir', you, very, sure?"

The Poet stared straight at Norman, almost inserting his eyes into his brain to find out.

Norman glanced at him and said with a smile: "'Poet', you don't have to use your talent on me, save some energy, it's not necessary."

The question of "poet" cannot be answered casually. This is the consensus of the Black Revolution.

Norman continued:

"Such a battle without battle damage is impossible, as you all know. 'Poet', I'll say it again, if that bomb can hurt you, then you really should quit the Black Revolution. From it At the moment of the explosion, you should know that it is not a point-to-point precision strike, but a strategic weapon, which is used to open up the situation and gain an advantage."

"But now, the coalition forces have gained... an advantage. What about us?"

"We're not going to lose. Don't forget, scavengers are the real adversaries. That's true for us, and that's true for the coalition. Scavengers, weather species, and other threats that may arise."

The "Poet" groped for the corners of his yellowed old clothes. The color has long since faded, and it has even become thinner, which is obviously caused by long-term exploration, just like underwear that will gradually become transparent after being rubbed for a long time.

"I hope you're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't just unleash talent on you."

Norman smiled and said:

"It's okay to be a 'poet', it's a reasonable question. Reasonable questioning can make people progress."

Speaking of this, his mind moved. Then he knew that the war leader of the Free Army had come to question him.

Get in touch.


A low and hoarse voice sounded on the other end of the communication.

Norman's tone remained unchanged, light and calm, "My good friend, leader Ivey, what's wrong?"

"Mr. of the Black Revolution, your first sentence makes me sad. You can ask 'what's wrong' at a time like this."

"However, this is a necessary etiquette for communication. Ask questions and answer."

"..." There was a muffled inhalation sound from the opposite side, and then a repressed tone burst out, "Do you know how many good soldiers I have lost!"

"Sorry, I feel sorry for them," Norman said. "You and I know the power of derivative rune weapons. It's unavoidable, Scourge."

"No, no, you are wrong. As long as the Free Army does not intervene from beginning to end, it will be avoided. No, absolutely not, the Free Army should not sacrifice for you!" Gundar's calm but angry tone sounded like It felt like he was trying to suppress himself, "You are assholes! Vampires of human society! The free army who believe in the teachings of freedom should not be your victims. Those poor warriors, from beginning to end, thought they were fighting for God. , fighting for Muhammad. I deceived them, and you, deceived us. You will be cursed by the angels."

Norman reassured:

"Leader Ivey, I can fully understand your feelings, because, like you, I lost friends who fought side by side. However, as a former general, you should understand that when things have developed to this point, it is not us. It is completely controllable. How is it possible to fight without dying? Don’t you think that the fighter who broke through the siege of the coalition army is an unexpected existence? This is not a trajectory that we can grasp. The headquarters of the Free Army is in the center of Kabul, You should be clear that now you are shouldering the crucial issue of the existence of the Free Army. You are very angry, I understand that after the end, I will bear all the losses of the Free Army, but now, we should fight together even more. After all , the loss has already occurred, and the loss has reached this point, there is no such option as a stop loss.”

"Light" Delia was listening. She thought, "Sir" is indeed a qualified leader. Whether it is internal or external, he controls it with the core interests of "serving the mission".

Indeed, the Free Army now needs to be appeased.

Gundar said angrily:

"You **** bastard! You should go to Hellfire and feel the pain."

"Leader Ivey, if I can get back the soldiers of the Free Army, I will definitely do that. It's a real pity. It happened so suddenly, if I knew in advance that there would be a derivative rune bomb, I would definitely try my best to do it. To block, we will also provide more powerful equipment to protect the soldiers of the Free Army. I know you are angry, but now, it is indeed not the time to be angry."

Gondar knew this too. Anger is necessary, but anger will not solve the problem.

He asked coldly:

"I hope you will give us a good explanation next. If you dare to sacrifice the soldiers of the Free Army again, then I will behead you at all costs."

"Don't worry, if something like that happens, I'll let my team members personally deliver my head for you."

"I don't need your commitment, I just need to see your performance. 'Sir', you'd better tell me directly about your next arrangement. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to continue to believe you." Gundar said solemnly.

Norman paused and said:

"When the beam of light covers the entire range of the previous rune energy barrier, everything will begin. For the Free Army, the original mission was to protect the rune tractor from being blocked. Now, the energy barrier has been broken, I hope you can send more powerful warriors to stop the coalition from destroying the beam of light."

"What about you? I want to know, what will you do?"

"We are the same as you, on the front line, protecting the beam of light. Rest assured, except for those who perform special tasks, all the other members of the black leather participating in the battle are here."


"Do you want to ask that too?"

"Of course!" Gundar said. "You know everything about the Free Army, and I, know nothing about the Black Revolution. It's not fair."

"Okay, I'll send you the list. Think again."

Then, Norman pressed his finger under his ear, and after about ten seconds, he said, "Okay, Leader Ivey, please check."

After a minute.

Gondar whispered:

"I trust you for the last time."

"No, you don't believe in me, you believe in the Black Revolution."


Gondar cut off contact.

Norman smiled. very smooth.

"Poet" asked:

"Will he believe it?"

"He can only believe."

After Norman finished speaking, he looked at the disintegrated Zhilan Hotel in front of him.

After the disintegration, the Zhilan Hotel has completely lost its appearance as a residential building. It looks like a lot of inexplicable statues hovering, crisscrossing, and intertwining in the light... In those statues, white light seems to overflow. Demonstrate a sacred atmosphere.

Angels... "Azra'i came".

A different color refracts in Norman's pupils. "Light" Delia glanced at him, and after following him for many years, she understood that "Mr." was also looking forward to it.


After leaving the rest area, Lu Zeyuan quickly returned to the top command room of the base car. The modular distribution allowed all work in the command room to proceed in an orderly manner. Even if the situation was relatively tense, there was no panic.

As soon as he came here, an observer walked over with a portable light screen and said:

"Captain, the signal of the weather species is detected. Not the one in Kabul city that has already begun to decay."


"There are two, one is 200 kilometers west of Kabul, traveling very fast and is expected to arrive at Kabul within an hour, and the other is on Mount Tepemarajan and is expected to arrive within half an hour."

"Size? Threat estimate? Type of disaster?"

"It's about the same size as the previous blizzard, with light rays in the west and earthquakes in the mountains."

Lu Zeyuan frowned, "Are you sure it's light radiation?"

"Okay. Commander, look." The observer operated on the light screen.

Lu Zeyuan looked at it, although the picture was blurry, but under the monitoring of special equipment, it was shown that this artiodactyl-like weather species was radiating very strong light from the whole body. Of course, this kind of light cannot be received by the naked eye, and the picture on the light screen is specially expressed.

"Can you trace the cause?"

"No way. They all appeared suddenly and were not under our surveillance before."

"Is the base vehicle within the sphere of influence?"

"The material of the base car can resist light radiation to a large extent. If the grip mode is turned on, it can also cope with earthquakes. However, it is currently impossible to assess whether the earthquake will cause large-scale plate fractures, thereby creating large cracks in the surface."

"What about their mental trajectory tendencies?"

"It's confusing. No specific inclination."

Lu Zeyuan held his chin and thought for a while. Most of the time it's someone else's control.

Being able to control the weather... He felt that in the current battle, there should only be scavengers.

As early as last year, scavengers were observed in the Akub Khanate area. But since that observation, there has been no concrete intelligence.

Now, it's finally coming.

Lu Zeyuan didn't expect it. Because he has personally experienced the power of scavengers.

It really was a... very powerless feeling.

Although this time the coalition army was very well prepared, it was not a sudden encounter, but... the feeling of powerlessness always lingered in his mind, lingering like a nightmare.

Lu Zeyuan inhaled a little to calm himself down.

Then he said:

"Quickly synchronize the intelligence with the western wartime command post. At the same time, turn on the advanced security of the base vehicle, notify the front-line control team, quickly complete the installation of the derivative rune suppression device, and then bring the Free Army prisoners back to the base vehicle to avoid any disputes. Ensuring the safety of the team is the first priority."


The observers took Lu Zeyuan's command and quickly went to work.

Pilot Wang Shian walked into the command room and asked:

"what's the situation?"

"The scavengers are here." Lu Zeyuan said with a frown.

Wang Shian's face stiffened.

Lu Zeyuan asked:

"Do you also remember the past?"

"That can't be forgotten."

Lu Zeyuan smiled bitterly,

"It now seems that the reason why our team was disbanded may be because we have encountered scavengers head-on, and it is not suitable to fight together again."

"That is force majeure." Wang Shian's eyes were firm.

"Since you joined the army, a lot has changed."

Wang Shi'an paused, "Maybe, I haven't changed much. It's just... Forget it."

Lu Zeyuan said for him:

"There's just a reason to be strong."

Wang Shian didn't hide it. His serious expression was a little loose, but he stopped.

"Yes, I am a soldier, and defending my home and country is the meaning of my life."

Lu Zeyuan said with a smile:

"I envy you very much. It means persevering and working hard for it. I always feel like I'm just messing around."

Wang Shian shook his head and said nothing. Of course he didn't believe that Lu Zeyuan was just messing around.

Lu Zeyuan patted his shoulder,

"We're going to fight side by side again, I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too."

The serious Wang Shian also showed a little smile.


Qiao Xun, who had withdrawn from the deep consciousness, stared blankly at the design-filled ceiling of the rest area of ​​the base car.

A soft light fell in his eyes.

For a long time, he couldn't recover from the information revealed by "the demigod-level will of the lonely army god".

"A war from the past to the future..." Qiao Xun changed from lying down to sitting, leaned down, and put his hands on his knees.

He thought that Xin Yu's guess that "the gods are recovering in some way" was already exaggerated and unbelievable. This kind of conjecture still retains the conjecture of "good and bad". After all, the resurrection of gods is not necessarily a bad thing in general knowledge.

But now, the truth seems more brutal.

Those gods who have completed their historical mission are unwilling to usher in the fate of the end, and thus wage a war against the future.

How can war be a good thing?

The fate of the world is even more pessimistic.

Qiao Xun could suddenly understand the reason why the sea train wanted to hunt the gods. Yes, in the face of this possibility, how can we honestly watch the gods recover? He couldn't find a valid reason.

But... what is the purpose of the black revolution as an Adventist?

Are they supporting the recovery of the gods?

There is no set number.

Qiao Xun habitually looked out the window and looked around, only to realize that the base car had no windows.

He looked at his palm, slightly sweating.

Thinking about it, if it were a body composed of 320,000 words, there should be no physiological reaction such as sweating.

But unfortunately, the 320,000 pieces of text made of the bones of the lonely military **** were all absorbed by the pale white beam of light.

Thinking of this, he wanted to see how far the beam of light had expanded, so he got up and walked out.

But before taking a few steps, he stopped immediately.

Because, that high-frequency low-amplitude tremor appeared again. Accompanied by the sound of sizzling electric current.

To be honest, the sound of the electric current frightened him a bit. Because, it reminded him of the "Butcher" attack. When the "Butcher" launches an attack, this current sound will also appear.



Qiao Xun adjusted his mentality~www.readwn.com~ and took steps.

But he didn't take a few steps before he stopped again.

This time, it was not the tremor that stopped him, but the glowing traces that appeared on the diamond-shaped module at the exit of the rest area.

Very familiar.

He took a closer look, and thunder immediately aroused in his mind.

It's a derivative rune!

The moment the word "Derivative Rune" appeared in his mind, a foot grew out of the glowing Derivative Rune trace and stepped on the floor of the rest area.

After a while, a slender woman wearing sacrificial clothes with a cold temperament appeared, standing in front of him, looking down at him with no emotion in her eyes.


(Chapter 020 has been unsealed)

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