Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 24: Be a scavenger, or be a sacrifice

"It disappeared again..." Ling glanced at Qiao Xun, felt the surrounding environment again, and said such a sentence to himself.

"Who are you!"

Qiao Xun's whole body was tense, highly nervous, his heart rate was controlled to the lowest level, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

This guy, who looks similar to the scavenger who appeared in Guanshan City before, is probably also a scavenger.

But her image...a bit subverts Qiao Xun's understanding of scavengers. At first, when he saw the scavenger in Tateyama City who was always talking about some obscure words, he thought it was a different race.

But, this one in front of me.

There is clearly no separation from human characteristics, whether it is body shape or face, irrelevant distribution, etc. She doesn't look that scary or weird. The body proportions are only much longer than ordinary people in terms of body length. The head-to-body proportions, the proportions of hands and feet, etc., are the same as people.

There was a feeling that she was just being stretched.

It is even said that under certain conditions, her appearance is very artistic. It belongs to the kind of feeling that makes people look at it, and it doesn't feel scary, but it just feels very far away, and it can be seen from a distance but not in close contact.

She has decent facial features and long black hair draped over her back. This is a distinct East Asian face, or to put it more closely, it is the face of the three East Asian countries.

Ling looked at Qiao Xun, a string of runes was written in her pupils, and then Qiao Xun felt a top-down pressure that almost pushed him to the ground.

"You're the one who beat Er Riqing," Ling said.

The clear and cold voice made Qiao Xun feel a little breathless.

sunny day?

He didn't know the name, but when it came to beating up someone, or someone he knew in front of him, Qiao Xun could only think of the scavenger in Guanshan City.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Ling said:

"It doesn't matter if you admit it or not. I didn't come to vent his anger. I even said, I'm very happy that you beat him hard."

"What do you mean?" Qiao Xun said with difficulty.

Ling did not explain. She stepped forward, her extremely slender body approaching Qiao Xun.

A smell of winter spread into Qiao Xun's nostrils.

The smell of winter...the kind of walking outside, taking a breath, cold and dry.

"Human, I'll give you two choices. First, become a scavenger; second, become a sacrifice." Ling said coldly, with a tone that did not allow doubt.

Qiao Xun's head didn't turn around a bit.

What does this guy mean? Join them as soon as you see them? This isn't the norm.

"The sacrifice... what is it?"

"You are born to be a sacrifice. Rebellious souls, restless blood, and twisted consciousness. It's all for a sacrifice to a great will."

"What is great will?"

"Become a scavenger and you'll understand."

"What is a scavenger?"

Ling looked at Qiao Xun, his long, dark eyes filled with ice caves.

She repeated, "Be a scavenger and you'll see."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"Do you think the interviewer will believe the interviewer's sentence 'Join our company and you will know how good our company is'?"

"First, you are not the interviewer, second, I am not the interviewer. Third, you only have the above two options. Join, or become a sacrifice. Please choose." Ling looked down at Qiao Xun. She didn't even lower her head, just her eyes were down.

Of course, it is impossible for Qiao Xun to make such a forced choice.

Whether it is to become a scavenger or a so-called sacrifice, it is an inexplicable choice.

"If you have this attitude, then I refuse to choose."

"Okay, your choice is to become a sacrifice." Ling didn't care about Qiao Xun's choice. She only cares about the answer she hears.

After speaking, she volleyed down a series of derivative runes.

high speed. And, at the moment when the derivative rune was completed, she pointed a long finger, and suddenly, the space in front of Qiao Xun turned into a vortex. It looked like a big clump of transparent paste, twisted in a blender.

Just looking at it makes me feel dizzy.

Qiao Xun quickly pulled away. But that distorted space locked him, and appeared in front of him the next moment, with an obvious purpose, to stir him into the vortex of this space.

"Do you know where you are!" Qiao Xun exclaimed.

Ling didn't care, so she didn't speak. Any unnecessary answer, in her opinion, is a waste of words and a blasphemy to her own soul.

She observed the traces of Qiao Xun dodging the attack. Although she didn't care what Qiao Xun said, she valued any battle.

Never taste the consequences of arrogance - that's what she's always stuck to.

This man doesn't speak! Qiao Xun frowned.

People who don't talk are hard to deal with.

He could see at a glance that the attack launched by Ling was a derivative rune attack, and there was no way to counter it in a normal way.

Ling's attack completely targeted Qiao Xun, and did not cause any damage to the bricks and tiles in the rest area.

Joe Tour said:

"I know that your purpose is war, not me. Instead of wasting time with me, you might as well go there earlier."

Ling still felt that Qiao Xun had said something nonsense, so she kept silent. This is not a waste of time. The reason why she came here is because she felt the will of the demigod, but she disappeared after coming here. Therefore, she could not be sure why the demigod-level will appeared here.

However, Qiao Xun was an accidental discovery.

The "rebellious soul, restless blood, and twisted consciousness" she said earlier was not some sort of nonsense prologue. That's a certain quality, a characteristic.

As it happens, scavengers need these characteristics. Therefore, she had the idea of ​​making Qiao Xun a scavenger.

If he refuses, he will be destroyed. Because any restless seed has the potential to grow into a towering tree. The best way is to uproot it when it sprouts.

Seeing that Ling was not moved at all. Qiao Xun frowned even more.

He felt that this guy had some imagination with the "butcher" to a certain extent, set a goal, and then discarded any other possibilities, did not do meaningless communication, and did not give people a chance to breathe.

There is absolutely no plot of "the villain dies of too much talk" in the film and television drama.

Therefore, Qiao Xun's eloquence as a psychological counselor could not be brought into play.


Feeling the more and more distorted space around him, Qiao Xun knew that sooner or later he would be swallowed up.

He really did not expect that this scavenger would easily enter the interior of the Republic base car, and the strict defense means of the base car were nothing in front of her. So he didn't have much precautions at all. When he encountered a sudden encounter, he didn't even have a way to deal with it, so he had to hide.

The point is, this guy doesn't give him the slightest chance to breathe. Let Qiao Xun play less space.

Gotta get out of here quickly. Although the base car is not small, it is not spacious, which greatly affects his performance. He also didn't want to cause undue damage to the base car internally.

As a result, he quickly fled to the wall of the rest area, and then launched a "space jump" to step out of the rest area.

He then fell into a base vehicle air duct constructed of electronic components, wires, and source metal extracts.

In order to ensure that the base vehicle is pollution-free, a pure manufacturing process is adopted, that is, the environmental impact is completely excluded, and an independent circulation system is formed.

Qiao Xun began to run in the pipeline.

dong dong dong-

The loud sound immediately attracted the attention of the monitoring system mounted on the base vehicle, and then the command room received an abnormal signal.

"Captain, the base car has called the police!" The staff immediately shouted loudly when they saw the vibrating red light from the monitoring terminal in front of them.

Lu Zeyuan, who was analyzing the possible impact of the two weather species on the situation, suddenly felt his head tighten. What was the problem?

"what happened?"

"There is a foreign body inside the No. 3 air duct."

"Call out immediately!" Lu Zeyuan said loudly, running to the monitoring terminal computer in three or two steps.

After a brief operation, the staff pulled out the monitoring of specific nodes.

Then, a group of people saw Qiao Xun, who had just returned triumphantly, running frantically in the pipeline. speedy.

what happened?

Lu Zeyuan was stunned, what is this Qiao Xun doing?

Before he could open his mind, suddenly, a string of pale golden derivative runes appeared in the pipe, and then the space of the pipe was deformed and distorted. A clear gelatinous swirl forms.

Lu Zeyuan has a lot of knowledge, and he recognized it as a derivative rune at a glance. After all, he was involved in the creation of derivative rune weapons.

Seeing this string of derivative runes, his expression suddenly changed.

The only people who can attack with derivative runes at will are the scavengers.

"The highest level of vigilance!" Lu Zeyuan said loudly without hesitation.

Highest alert. This has never happened since this land base vehicle was launched, so that others have not yet reacted.

"Hurry up!" Lu Zeyuan shouted loudly!

This roar made the dazed staff come back to their senses and immediately activated the highest alert.

The highest alert is activated, and the module of the base vehicle begins to search.

So people gathered in the middle at the same time, and soon, the modules of the command room gathered to about one-third of the original space, and at the same time it became more compact, so that the divided command terminals were combined together.

On the outside of the base car, pieces of protective mecha made of source metal extracts emerged, locking the entire base car.

It looks like the turtle has indented its shell.

Lu Zeyuan turned around and said to Wang Shian:

"It's a scavenger."

Wang Shi'an's complexion changed greatly, and his pupils were visibly enlarged, "How to deal with it?"

Lu Zeyuan was very nervous, and his palms began to sweat. He says:

"The derivative rune weapons equipped with the base car are only defensive, not offensive. At most, the core functions of the base car are guaranteed not to be destroyed immediately, but there is no way to expel them. Now we must first find out why the scavengers are there. Chase Joe."

Wang Shian nodded, "I'll help you get in touch."

As he said that, he closed his eyes, packed his mental trajectory with the "Qinglang Line", got into the inner wall of the command room, and walked straight towards Qiao.

Before, when Qiao Xun broke through, he also contacted Qiao Xun like this.

With a sizzling sound, the connection was successful. Connect directly with Qiao Xun's consciousness.

"Qiao Xun, what's the situation on your side?" Wang Shian asked while turning on the "hands-free", that is, rewriting Qiao Xun's conscious feedback into audio and expressing it in the form of air vibrations.

"It's a scavenger! I'm trying to escape."

Lu Zeyuan said loudly:

"Qiao Xun, you-"


The rapid and harsh electric sound suddenly exploded in the command room, and everyone could not bear to cover their ears. Some people with poor tolerance even fell directly to the ground.

Wang Shi'an suffered the most direct space, and his face instantly turned pale.

For a moment, his mind went blank, on the verge of cerebral shock.

"what happened?"

Wang Shi'an took a breath, "I was attacked. The opponent is very strong, and it is a derivative rune attack."

Obviously, scavengers.

When Lu Zeyuan heard this, he became even more anxious. The scavengers broke into the headquarters without being aware of it, and it is possible to wipe out the base vehicles.

He couldn't accept that something like that happened.

Can't wait. He said in a low voice:

"I gonna go see."

"Be careful." Wang Shi'an did not dissuade him.

Lu Zeyuan quickly left the command room and kept jumping between the diamond-shaped modules.


Qiao Xun, who suddenly disconnected, realized that it was Ling who launched the attack.

The air duct of the base car is very narrow and cannot accommodate Ling's height of more than three meters. So, she didn't chase after her at all. However, her derivative rune attack came in.

Qiao Xun glanced back and saw that the originally straight pipe became twisted after passing through the twisted space.

He realized that he could no longer stay in the base car, otherwise it would cause great damage to the base car.

"Zaiyin" drilled out of the base car's pipeline and began to check the structure and determine the location.

He then made a quick left and right turn in the pipe to get to the closest point to the outside wall of the base vehicle.

He couldn't care less, and he accelerated with all his strength. Running at high speed in the closed pipeline soon caused the pipeline to shake violently, and cracks began to appear at the joint of the pipeline.

Half a minute later, he arrived at the closest place to the outer wall of the base car, and then "greedy" blessed "space jump".

Qiao Xun carried the huge load of continuous use of the space system talent, stepped out of the base car's pipeline, stepped out of the base car, and fell into the snowdrift outside.

He was extremely hot all over.

Space jump, itself has to bear a huge space load. Continuous use of "Space Jump" caused the energy in his body to riot, pouring out in the form of heat energy.

The heat scorches the snow. A human-shaped depression immediately melted in the snow.

The next moment, a string of pale golden derivative runes appeared, and then Ling walked out.

She looked at Qiao Xun, whose body was deformed due to the huge load on the ground, and asked:

"Why leave? Pipeline combat is better for you."

Qiao Xun followed her example, sulking without answering, standing up and running.

Ling watched Qiao Xun running in the snow, and was about to chase again, when suddenly, a bright white light flashed in his eyes.

She looked back and saw that the huge white beam of light in the center of Kabul had stopped expanding, and the brightness was constantly increasing.

At the same time, a scorching breath came out from the top.


Then, the voice of another scavenger, Harvey, sounded in her head:

"Ling, where are you? 'Azilai Lai' is about to show up."

"Wait a minute. I'll be right over."

After speaking, Ling quickly volleyed into the air to draw a series of derivative runes, and then pushed towards Qiao Xun.

A huge white crane suddenly appeared in the air, flapping its wings, and in an instant it came behind Qiao Xun, and its long claws grabbed towards Qiao Xun, about to catch him.

Feeling a huge sense of oppression, Qiao Xun was ready to launch the third space jump at the risk of his body collapsing.

However, the appearance of Lu Zeyuan freed him from the risk.

Lu Zeyuan, who arrived in time, set up a high wall made of rune energy to keep the white crane out.

The white crane hit the high wall and was instantly annihilated. At the same time, Lu Zeyuan's high wall collapsed instantly. He himself took a few steps back and had to kneel on the ground halfway, grabbing the ground with both hands to avoid falling.

When Ling saw Lu Zeyuan and felt his energy level, he frowned slightly. The fifth-order evolutionary has a higher energy level.

Although this would not pose any threat to her, she didn't want to waste any more time and had to witness the coming of "Azrael" with her own eyes.

Without saying a word, he turned around and drew a derivative rune, the same way he appeared, he got in and left.

Lu Zeyuan was half-kneeling on the ground, fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

His body trembled a little.

After a lapse of five years, once again confronted the scavengers.

The feeling that made his heart palpitate and made him tremble with fear is still there.

After a short confrontation, he realized that he and this female scavenger were not at the same level of combat. She is stronger than the scavenger she met last time.

After so many years...is the gap still that big?

He took a shaky breath and stood up, his knees and palms covered in snow.

Qiao Xun ran over from a distance. "Born Nandou" and "Withered Trees Meet Spring" have begun to repair his body.

"Captain Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Zeyuan smiled hard, "It's okay."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the base car.

The tall and thick back looks a little lonely at the moment.

This...where is it okay?

It feels like a different person.

Although we have not known each other for a long time, Qiao Xun feels that Lu Zeyuan is a confident and optimistic person. But, why, suddenly became so lonely, like a middle-aged man who suffered a mid-life crisis, he didn't seem to be struggling.

why is that?

After Lu Zeyuan walked more than ten meters, he turned around and said:

"Follow up, why are you standing still?"

Qiao Xun apologized, "Although I don't know why the scavengers came to me, I feel... I will cause trouble for the base car."

"So, are you using space talent continuously just to leave the base car?"


"Stupid!" Lu Zeyuan yelled loudly, frowning.

Qiao Xun paused.

"As a single soldier, your tactical goal is to protect your combat effectiveness! You should find the best solution to protect yourself in any battle!" Lu Zeyuan said in a loud voice, "not the so-called sacrificing yourself to protect others! No need, even if the base vehicle is destroyed, it's none of your business. You don't need to sacrifice yourself to protect it! Qiao Xun, remember, you are a combat soldier! When there is no specific task, you Any tactical goal is to protect yourself!"

Lu Zeyuan's criticism was merciless.

Since becoming an evolutionary, this is the first time that Qiao Xun has been criticized so directly.

He did not refute, because what Lu Zeyuan said was right.

After a criticism, Lu Zeyuan apologized in a low voice:

"Sorry, I'm a little excited."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, "No, I would also like to thank you for your correction."


Lu Zeyuan sighed~www.readwn.com~ turned around and said:

"Keep up, the scavengers have already gone to the heartland and won't be coming back any time soon."

"You don't look very well, are you injured?" Qiao Xun asked after him.

Lu Zeyuan took a deep breath and said with a smile:

"It's fine, it's fine."

Is it really okay?

Qiao Xun didn't think so.

However, he refused to speak, and there was no reason to ask.

A control team arrived quickly and began to investigate the surrounding environment.

On the way back, Lu Zeyuan, who was a talkative person, didn't say a word. Qiao Xun also thought about the scavenger and kept silent. At the same time, he needed to appreciate Lu Zeyuan's criticism.

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