Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 25: God-given label

A complete overhaul of the base car has begun.

Most of the control teams that entered the Kabul urban area to place derivative rune suppression devices and cleared the Liberation Army that was hit by "annihilation-06" have returned.

On the holographic display screen in the command room, electronic models of the two weather species are displayed. They are fast approaching Kabul.

One comes from the west, excites high-energy light radiation;

One came from Mount Tepemarajan and sent high-intensity seismic waves that shook the land.

Over time, tremors that were originally high-frequency and low-amplitude gradually become high-frequency and high-amplitude. A locking device is protruded from the bottom of the base vehicle, which is firmly connected to the land to avoid being thrown off due to large vibrations.

Inside the base vehicle, the control team members and other staff members hand over work and tasks in an orderly manner.

Despite the dire situation, nothing has turned out to be a mess.

On the command room side, a doctor from the control team said that after checking Qiao Xun's whole body, he would take a rest.

For Qiao Xun, an ordinary "doctor" is no stronger than his own healing talent. However, this is what Lu Zeyuan asked, saying that it is to prevent his body from leaving some hidden hidden dangers.

The doctor left after confirming that Qiao Xun was all right.

Qiao Xun moved his shoulders and looked at Lu Zeyuan in the center of the command room. He is coordinating and directing the related matters on the base vehicle.

This land base vehicle is nominally a front-line command room, but in fact, its role is more like a transfer station. The real command is at the Republic Western War Command Post.

After all, according to Lu Zeyuan himself, he is not a member of the Gongjin R&D Committee, but a member of the "Tower".

It is impossible for the Republic to hand over real command to a non-committee. Lu Zeyuan is just the captain of this base car. Likewise, he needs to obey the arrangements of the commander-in-chief.

At the moment, he is reporting the situation to several commanders of the Western War Command Post, and at the same time understands the arrangements for the next stage.

Wang Shian walked over from one side and looked straight at Qiao Xun.

Joe asked:

"Major, what's the matter?"

Wang Shian is a major of the Republic Air Force. This is what Qiao Xun learned by temporarily checking the "Tower Network" in the lounge before.

Wang Shian asked:

"Why are the scavengers looking for you?"

Qiao Xun shook his head. It's not that he doesn't say it, he's really not sure why. "Sorry, I don't know either. She just appeared out of nowhere."

"So, what did she tell you?"

Qiao Xun thought about whether he should tell the scavenger that he had joined them.

After a while, he chose to hide it. Because, he feels, this is not a good thing, and it is likely to bring himself a lot of trouble.

"She didn't say anything and seemed to be taking me away."

"take away?"


Wang Shian looked at Qiao Xun and said, "The scavengers have a very strong purpose. Generally speaking, they will not do meaningless things. To take you away... At this stage, there is only one possibility."


"Sacrifice you."

Qiao Xun was stunned. He didn't expect Wang Shi'an to know the "sacrifice" in the scavenger's mouth.

"What is sacrifice?"

Wang Shi'an stood upright, his arms bent and hugged his chest, his strong muscles propped up his clothes. He leaned back slightly, leaning against the wall, looking relaxed.

This is very rare...Qiao Xun thought, he thought that Wang Shian would always maintain his image as a soldier.

"It may sound like a terrible word, reminiscent of the evil rituals of the Middle Ages, or voodoo XIE, etc. But in reality, it is a religious word, 'the purest gift, sacrifice to God we worship The scavengers are the most devout believers of the gods, although they have never known what gods they believe in. However, in human observation, every activity of the scavengers will specially prepare 'sacrifices', which may be Dead things, living things, pollutants...it could be anything. We don't know what conditions they chose for sacrifices, but they certainly won't let this part of sacrifice be missing. They are the most devout believers."

Joe nodded.

The scavenger he had met in Tateyama City made him well aware of this. They were all so devout that they couldn't fight back on the steps of the temple, and they couldn't fight back when they scolded them, for fear that the gods would be blasphemed by the slightest coveting.

Wang Shian looked at him, "Why did you become a sacrifice?"

Qiao Xun spread his hands,

"I do not know either."

Wang Shian turned his head and looked down, as if he was looking at his toes, or he was in a trance.

"I thought of a possibility."


"Your characteristics." Wang Shi'an stood up straight, tensing his shoulders, "Qiao Xun, do you remember what I said to you before?"

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"You said, I'd better stay free."

"Yeah, that's because of your unease. That unease may get worse when you're oppressed."

Qiao Xun rarely showed a confused look. He looked at Wang Shi'an's serious and serious face and asked softly:

"In the end, what is... a trait?"

Wang Shian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Something like a 'label'."

"Labels... vegan, eco-friendly, TXL?"

"No, that's the label that humans give to themselves. The 'label' I'm talking about is the feedback from the talent totem. To exaggerate, it's the feedback from the gods."

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Shian looked at Qiao Xun and asked the previous question again: "Do you have any friends?"

"Yes, not much."

"Then, did they say what kind of person you are?"

Qiao Xun thought about it, probably only Xin Yu had said it directly to himself. He replied with a smile:

"A friend who has the same ability as you, that is, identification of traits, said that I am a very distant person and will not establish close relationships with people."

When Wang Shian heard his answer, he suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Xun felt strange.

"Qiao Xun, I don't want to lie to you." Wang Shian put away his smile, did not become serious, but became a little depressed, "I think... your characteristics are not human characteristics."

"This...why do you say that?"

"I really want to convince myself that I think too much. But every time I see you, I feel a strong sense of unease in you. That sense of unease almost forced into my brain. It's not something that humans can bring. I don't know, maybe it has something to do with your talent."

Qiao Xun was silent.

He felt that Wang Shian was probably talking about the qualities of "gluttony" and "lust".

These qualities, indeed, make others uncomfortable no matter how you look at them.

"Evolution will magnify people's traits. I can't predict whether your traits will become more unimaginable as you advance to the fifth-order, or even the possible sixth-order." Wang Shi'an had no reservations.

Qiao Xun thought for a while and asked:

"Major, why are you telling me this?"

Wang Shian turned his head to look at Qiao Xun, his eyes that were originally firm and not shiny suddenly became gentle and kind. He said softly:

"Because, the moment I saw you break through, I remembered when Zeyuan and I were young. We..." He lowered his head, "I used to be like you, with a wild imagination, unparalleled creativity, and Look at the vitality of everything. Now, those things are gone. It may be very disrespectful to you, but it is true that you remind me of the old days."

Qiao Xun took a breath and smiled casually.

"It's nothing, it's my honor to remind the fifth-order evolutionary people of the past."

"You are very young and have infinite possibilities. My selfish thoughts condone me saying so much to you, but I just hope that you can always be like this, full of vitality."

"But, no one stays young forever."

"Youth is not a limitation of age. Sometimes, it may just be... a thought, a look, a flash of inspiration..."

"Thank you, Major."

Wang Shian shook his head, "So, Qiao Xun, I hope you can understand yourself better. Although I said that your characteristics are disturbing, you don't have to be afraid of anything, you don't have to worry about anything, you don't need to change yourself deliberately, it's just that you You have to recognize yourself at all times.”

"So, you let me be free all the time, are you saying that I can keep my heart?"

"I don't have so many thoughts on life. Neither of us are discussing the philosophy of life and soul. I just want to say that knowing ourselves and our enemies will help us stay together."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"Exactly, I've always thought so."

Wang Shi'an paused, feeling inexplicably a little sore in his nose, and a rush of blood clogged his throat, stuffing his brain. He avoided his eyes, his voice trembled, and whispered:

"that's great."

Qiao Xun was a little moved.

He didn't know what Wang Shian and Lu Zeyuan had experienced before. Although the two personalities are very different, they can find commonalities in many places.

Even, abnormal is the same.

He looked at Lu Zeyuan, who was communicating with the commander-in-chief, and asked:

"Major, Captain Lu, is he okay? He rescued me outside the base car before, but he was very angry."

"I guessed it." Wang Shi'an said, "Your idea is good, leave the base vehicle to avoid damage to the base vehicle by the scavengers. But in fact, this deviated from the essence of your combat individual soldier. The first point is to protect your own safety, even more than performing tasks. If there is a fatal threat to the task, then you can’t risk it. Although I don’t know you in depth, but from your previous breakout battle, pipeline operations are more suitable for you. , you admit it too."

Joe nodded.

Wang Shi'an said: "But you choose to transfer all the risks to yourself. In the previous war years, we would call you a hero. However, it is different now. In the highly systemized present, there is no need for anyone to sacrifice themselves to complete certain tasks. What everyone should do is the obligations and responsibilities within the scope of their own duties, and what they should abide by is the principle of their own position or identity.”

"Indeed, I take it for granted." Qiao Xun said, "But why is Captain Lu so angry?"

Wang Shian looked at Lu Zeyuan, who was busy in the distance, leaning against the wall. He didn't have the serious and disciplined image of a soldier, but looked like an ordinary person chatting.

"As I said before, Lu Zeyuan and I were in a team five years ago. There were three people in the team at that time, me, him, and a soldier. That soldier was called Ye Ling, who was my good friend and Lu Zeyuan's wife. In the last battle we fought side by side, Ye Ling, like you, violated the principle and transferred all the risks to herself in order to protect us. However, she was not as lucky as you. In that battle, she died, and her bones were not left. Exist. And our enemy is also a scavenger."

After listening to Qiao Xun, he didn't know what to say.

The story is straightforward and short, without any twists and turns. Wang Shian's line-of-sight statement didn't make this story sound so evocative.

He finished in a calm and ordinary tone, as if he was just talking about "the price of pork in the vegetable market has risen today".

But just like that, made Qiao Xun think about it, and felt an indescribable discomfort.

On the surface, Wang Shian was able to talk about such a thing in a normal way. But in fact, that's because for him, that incident has become a trace that will never go away.

in previous counseling sessions. Qiao Xun often encounters people who think they have let go of something. Most of them use "Look, I can talk about this very commonly" as an excuse to show that they don't care anymore. However, a person's psychological performance will not be transferred by verbal expression. Time will only dilute the unimportant things, and at the same time it will repeatedly trace some things, more and more clearly.

This is a psychological manifestation that most people have. Even in the past years, when I think about it, it will be as clear as it happened yesterday.

"I'm sorry." Qiao Xun said.

Wang Shian shook his head. He smiled and asked:

"Have you ever had such an experience?"

Qiao Xun shook his head. He has not experienced separation between life and death, and he has never seen someone who is very important to him leave him.

"It's not good, best, never have."

After Wang Shian finished speaking, he took a long breath and stood up straight. After he finished speaking, he turned into a serious and disciplined soldier again.

"Thank you, Colonel. I feel so much better talking to you."

"You're welcome. Helping you... is equivalent to helping us in the past."

After the two of them finished talking, it just so happened that the communication between Lu Zeyuan and the western wartime command post also ended.

He walked towards the two with a serious look on his face.

"You two, the ultimate goal of the coalition has been decided."

"What is it?" Wang Shi'an frowned.

Lu Zeyuan moved his nose and said:

"Destroy. We do not fight for the war seed, nor do we prevent others from fighting for the war seed, our goal is to destroy the war seed. From now on, our strategic positioning in this battle for miracles has changed, the Black Revolution, the Free Army, Scavengers and other organizational forces are no longer our direct enemies. Our enemies are war species. The premise of any action has been changed from 'destroy the Black Leather and Free Army defense lines' to 'destruction of war species~www.readwn.com~' The order will be issued to all intelligent derivative rune equipment."

He looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"Qiao Xun, the information you provided before is very important. The plaster statue you mentioned has been studied and determined to be the 'Embrace Angel', which is the servant of the angel Azrael in the YSL mythology system. The angel Azrael can only know Descended surrounded by angelic servants, our current task is to prevent Azrael from coming, that is, to destroy the 'Angel Embrace' in the Chilan Hotel."

"You guys, do you understand?" Lu Zeyuan asked seriously.

Wang Shian and Qiao Xun said in unison,


"Then, as the commander-in-chief of the 004 land base car, I invite two people to join the 004 land base car formation temporarily, and join us in the crusade against the angel Azrael."


"Okay, I announce the crusade, start."

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