Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 26: They need a world in which ritual collapses

Although the task of this "crusade" is set, this kind of thing is by no means something that can be made clear in a few words.

First, what is the main goal of the crusade?

What about the process?

What about the specific arrangement?

It's not that you team up to fight monsters in the game. This battle itself involves a game of multiple forces. Whether it is the remaining core layer of the Free Army, the Black Revolution, or the scavengers who are the focus, and other forces that may exist in the dark, their participation in this battle is different.

How to define, how to balance, how to achieve the best results among them, this is a problem.

Of course, Qiao Xun wouldn't take it for granted because Lu Zeyuan's few words sounded very enthusiastic, and if his morale was boosted, he would really take it for granted that this was something straight-forward.

he asks:

"The angel Azrai came, if I guessed correctly, it should refer to the archangel in the YSL mythology system. According to legend, he is in charge of death, punishment and order."

Lu Zeyuan nodded,

"It's not too bad. Religious myths like this are born out of the totem culture left by the gods, and the identity of the founders of great religions in the past is worth studying. Although the information on the surface looks very ordinary, in fact, The authenticity of apparent history is based on purpose. Of course, the Azrael we mentioned here is not as exaggerated as the description in the Qur'an. After all, there is no way to really define whether there is a heaven and a hell. Those legends and tales adopt an attitude towards religious tenets and beliefs."

Qiao Xun nodded, he understood this,

"However, you should know about his abilities."

Lu Zeyuan shook his head,

"It's impossible to say for sure. Because the surviving data doesn't give a systematic description of its capabilities."

"Then I'm curious. Azrael himself is a god, but is he who came in this way still a god?"

The digestion of the demigod-level will of the lonely military **** before, let Qiao Xun know one thing, that is, each **** has a unique historical mission. After the mission is over, it means that this God no longer exists. Just like what happened in Yandu Night Watch Street before, Bingchen Taisui Xinya Zhenjun no longer exists, even if he comes, it is only his remaining will in the totem.

Qiao Xun added:

"If it is really God, then there should be no one to deal with at present."

"Of course it won't be God. Although I don't know much about it, some cutting-edge academic research tends towards the view that there is no real God in the current world."

"But, why do I hear the argument that God is recovering?"

Lu Zeyuan was surprised, "Is this kind of rumor spreading? I thought it was a secret that only a few people knew."

"It doesn't count." Qiao Xun said with a smile, "Maybe, I'm one of the few."

Lu Zeyuan said:

"The resurrected **** is not the real god. After all, it stands to reason that a **** needs certain conditions."

"Specific conditions?"

"Yeah. But I don't know, after all, I'm not even a demigod, so how can I experience the things of gods across levels. So, there is such a rumor in non-mainstream channels, actually, in addition to the existence of war species to control polluting creatures In addition to the method, there is also the secret of ascending to the gods."

Qiao Xun understood that this was a fact. There is indeed a secret to ascending the gods in the war species, but the demigod-level will of the lonely army **** did not tell him.

"Will this be a point of contention?"

"No. The secret of Ascension sounds great, but in fact, the real point of contention is the method of controlling polluting creatures. This is actually very understandable, and high-level evolutionaries actually understand that Ascension is at this stage, and it is not It's not the first demand. The current evolutionary world is changing very fast, and it is more important to guide the world in a direction that is beneficial to them. Just like, the black revolution... In terms of, they need a disordered and broken earth. . The legal system society of a state is not suitable for them, what they want is a social situation similar to the previous tribal system, where the strong eat the weak."

"What about the scavengers?"

Lu Zeyuan shook his head, "The scavenger is too mysterious, and there is too little research to define it."

Qiao Xun nodded. He looked left and right and said:

"Captain Lu, it's impossible for the three of us to fight this crusade. What about the team arrangement and the planned itinerary?"

Lu Zeyuan said:

"Of course not. Don't ignore one thing. The Union Army is not only the Republic, and the Republic is not just you alone. A considerable number of people have not been exposed yet, lurking in the dark, waiting for the task arrangement." He said with a smile:

"Never underestimate our ability to hide tricks."

Qiao Xun paused and smiled,

"Let's talk about it, why is it called a crusade?"

"Of course it's for the justice of the action!" Lu Zeyuan said, "This matter needs to be promoted in the mainstream media. It's impossible not to have a legitimate reason to do things in other countries."

"Oh, I see. It's a crusade, but in fact, it's a battle."

"That doesn't count. It should be said that this is a battle between the black revolution and the scavengers. For the Allied Forces, as long as the war species is prevented from appearing, or the war species is destroyed, it will be a success."

"For them, it should be a defensive battle. Will this lead them to join forces against us?"

Lu Zeyuan said, "In terms of current mainstream academic research on waste scavengers, it is impossible. Waste scavengers are naturally exclusive."

"Understood. Captain Lu, tell us about our action plan."

Lu Zeyuan nodded, glanced at Wang Shian, then looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"First of all, our positioning is not the core of the battle. Those who rush to the front are the high-level evolutionaries of the coalition forces, and they are also the highest-level evolutionaries that countries can dispatch at will. There are three positions for the No. 004 land base vehicle. First, combat readiness support; second, front-line intelligence coordination; third, standby personnel."

"I can understand the first two, what do you mean by standby?"

"That's what free men mean. There may or may not be situations that require us to be on the front lines."

Qiao Xun nodded.

Lu Zeyuan said to Wang Shian:

"Shigan. You are the only fifth-order evolutionary on the base car with the ability to connect spiritually. Therefore, the job I have arranged for you is front-line intelligence coordinator. You are responsible for receiving spiritual information from the front line of the battle at any time, and at the same time. Liaise with base vehicles in other countries. Is there anything you don't understand?"

Wang Shian shook his head, "I have done this job many times on an aircraft carrier."

"That's good, you and I can rest assured." Lu Zeyuan said with a smile.

Lu Zeyuan added:

"My job here is to command. Because I have to face the interference of two weather species, I have to stay in the base car. And the combat readiness support must be handed over to the other fifth-order evolutionaries on the base car."

"Is it from those contingents?" Joe asked.

"Well. The only resident fifth-order evolutionists on the base car are me and the deputy commander. After the deputy commander came here, he left temporarily. As for those contingents, they are not my direct subordinates, they are only temporarily dependent on Base car. There are some fifth-order evolutionaries among them, of course, there are other arrangements for communication with them, you can rest assured."

"Then what do I do?"

Lu Zeyuan looked at Qiao Xun up and down and said:

"Free man."

Qiao Xun spread his hands, "That is, I have nothing to do."

Lu Zeyuan smiled, "It may be more useful not to give you a task than to give you a task."


"A bad assignment will limit your whimsy. Qiao Xun, it's good to be a free man."


"That is, you will not receive tasks from the general command so far. That is to say, you are currently completely free of movement. You can do what you want."

Qiao Xun paused, looked at Lu Zeyuan's mysterious eyes and asked:

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Who knows." Lu Zeyuan patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Qiao Xun, that's it, later, you can play by yourself."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Qiao Xun was a little surprised. This... just now I invited myself to join the base car temporarily, and I said it so solemnly, but I ended up being a free man.

He glanced at Wang Shian next to him.

"Major, is this also the uniqueness of Captain Lu?"

Wang Shian thought about it and said:

"I also think you are suitable for being a freelancer." He didn't give Qiao Xun a chance to ask any more questions, and said, "Okay, Qiao Xun, let's get started. I'm also going to hand over the task."

After saying that, he walked away quickly.

"Start moving..." Qiao Xun muttered, "What am I doing..."

If you think about it, it is also true that in the core battle, it is estimated that the beginnings are all fifth-order evolutionaries, and there are scavengers who cannot define the existence of the order. He is a small fourth-order, and of course the organization will not arrange him into the core battle.

He didn't think much of it either. After all, it's not his habit to be confused and tangled.

Since he said he is a free man, he doesn't care about that much and just follows his own ideas.

At present, because of the cognitive information of the demigod-level will of the lonely military god, what he most wants to know is what that war species represents. There is also why the scavenger thinks that his characteristics are suitable for being a scavenger, or offering sacrifices to the gods.

The previous chat with Wang Shi'an made him more curious about his own characteristics and wanted to find out about it.

After all, the phrase "Know yourself and know the enemy is the best way to stay forever" is never a general truth, and has withstood the test of history.

Thinking about it like this, the road ahead is very clear.

Only by going deep into the core battle can we understand these.

He wasn't arrogant enough to get involved. Fighting with the "butcher", no, it can't be considered a fight, it is unilateral abuse. Let him feel the power of the fifth-order evolutionary.

The core battles are all fifth-order evolutionaries, why is he a fourth-order.

Then, be a bystander.

Qiao Xun is not a hesitant person, making decisions quickly. Less than two minutes after Lu Zeyuan and Wang Shi'an left one after another, he figured it out, turned around and walked outside.

He passed freely all the way, and no one checked his identity. He thought, this should be the reason why Lu Zeyuan gave him the identity of a free man.

He didn't leave the base car directly, but first asked Lu Zeyuan in the "Tower Network", to see if there was any equipment on the base car, and bring some.

Lu Zeyuan agreed at once, saying that he can take it with confidence, and he has covered the approval process.

Regarding Lu Zeyuan's positive and enthusiastic attitude, Qiao Xun felt that he should be quite optimistic about himself. There is severe criticism before, and unconditional belief after.

Qiao Xun didn't know whether this situation was good or bad.

Especially when I think of Lu Zeyuan's statement that China is likely to use him as a propaganda model. Although the identity will be hidden, but it is difficult to protect.

The security level of the equipment warehouse is very high, and the diamond-shaped modules leading to it are also encrypted layer by layer, with a chaotic system.

Relevant staff took Qiao Xun into the gate of the equipment warehouse.

All kinds of equipment are stored in different ways. Common combat equipment is listed in the maintenance compartment by category, and some special equipment is used by special means.

The scene is sci-fi.

This made Qiao Xun wonder if he was on the set of a sci-fi film. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be really hard for him to imagine that the current level of technology in the world has reached this point.

His understanding of the world's scientific and technological level is still at the level of "nuclear fusion technology has achieved breakthroughs again and again" and "another member of omnic and neural interaction functions".

Thinking about it now, such a rapid technological breakthrough should be attributed to source metals, runes, and special talents.

After all, breakthroughs in source metal research have achieved comprehensive development across fields.

However, at present these technologies should only be applied to the security maintenance and combat level of "pollution and evolution". After all, these equipments all come from the Qisan Arsenal. He has never seen the application of these sophisticated technologies in his daily life.

Such as "abnormal nerve signal filtering patch", "bioelectric signal recognition instrument", "rune energy resistance suit", "small space compression bomb", etc., the technical content of which is not accessible to ordinary people.

Of course, Qiao Xun is not a researcher, but a soldier. He only needs to use these equipments well. As for the principles, it is enough to understand the basics.

In the selection of equipment, Qiao Xun fully combines his actual situation.

He doesn't plan to participate in a direct battle. If he really wants to participate, the equipment here is not enough. The combat power of the fifth-order evolutionary is not something that the fourth-order can deal with with some equipment.

Therefore, he fully chooses equipment with auxiliary functions.

"Second Brain", the temporary carrying container of consciousness. This is an insurance method. In the event of an unavoidable fatal danger, it can store consciousness in the second brain and launch it, which is equivalent to something like a "conscious escape cabin";

"Optical Radiation Suppressor", this is used to deal with the upcoming optical radiation weather species;

"Seismic shielding device", this is used to deal with earthquake weather species. Although the name carries "shield", it does not really shield the earthquake, but only relieves the body balance problem caused by the brainstem disorder caused by the shaking of the earth;

The "lurking clothes" can hide the traces of mental traces and pollution to the greatest extent. Although Qiao Xun himself can use "Zaiyin" to achieve, but after all, it is to occupy the distribution of consciousness, and it is enough to save a little consciousness;

The "signal booster" is mainly to strengthen the external signal of the "tower network". I have suffered the loss of not being able to log in to the "Tower Network" in the mountain tomb before, and now I have to beware;

There is also the same precious derivative rune equipment, "Derivative Rune Interference Audio".

This is a piece of audio equipment.

There are a variety of carriers for derived runes, the most common being text. But it is not that there are no carriers such as audio, pictures, electromagnetic waves, mechanical waves, etc. ~www.readwn.com~ The science of derivative rune development is itself a sophisticated science. Using this unconventional energy in a conventional way is the most basic way.

This "derived rune interference audio" is stored in a player the size of a fingernail.

Can interfere with derivative rune attacks while playing.

It's a consumable item, it's useless once.

Most derivative rune gear are consumables, so they are extremely valuable.

So much so that when Qiao Xun wanted to take this piece of equipment, Lu Zeyuan, who had let him take it casually, hesitated for a moment.

After collecting a few pieces of equipment, Qiao Xun did not stay for a moment, left the base car, and entered Kabul city again.

For him, bigger challenges lie ahead.

About his own characteristics, the cognitive information about the will of the lonely military god, he must find out.

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